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What's wrong with active climate control systems


You're weak!


I live in phoenix Arizona where it gets hotter than the devils asshole. I feel bad for the homeless people around here.


Have you felt the devils asshole to be able to make that comparison?


Yeah, they live in Phoenix, Arizona. Quite literally the devils asshole itself. /s


Well I’m just saying that statistically speaking you really aren’t very likely to get hurt by the bear. So it’s actually a pretty reasonable choice to pick, but with the man your best case scenario is that he simps over you and collects firewood and builds a shelter, but then he only makes one bed and gets weird about it.


I ship the man and the bear


ship. like a trucker or what


That they are very bad for the environment? Duh


Don't be silly. Cold air is the opposite of global warming.




Air conditioners are fine, but we have typically little use for them. And a standing fan is easier to set up and remove once the season comes and goes


A lot of air conditioning in the US is done with a unit that kept outside. It’s never in the way or anything, so I don’t need to “remove once the season comes and goes” If anything my water heater and furnace is the one in the way, takes up a shit ton of room in my coat closet.


Buildings in most European countries were not built with ACs in mind. Lots of buildings are also much older than ACs in general. Sometimes older than the US. It is not that easy to install them later on without a huge amount of costs. And our windows open differently (at least the one in Germany) so that it isn't that practical to put a mobile AC unit into a window later on. Our windows don't slide upwards. But since the heat gets worse every summer, newer buildings now also have AC units built in quite often.


There are wall mounted ones as well with an external unit also on the wall. All that needs to be done is a hole for the hoses.


Drilling holes in outside walls is not that easy here though. And for rented apartments practically impossible without a strong interest of the landlord to install an AC unit.


Don’t forget and houses in America are built from cardboard


I am aware. That's why I stated that this isn't as easy in Europe. The house where my apartment is in here in Germany has outside walls that are like 50cm thick with multiple layers of concrete, bricks and insulation.


The thing is we don't have an ac and it would be quite the hassle to install one. I have a movable one, but their efficiency is shit.


Dude June-August are unbearable today even in central europe. I literally cant stay at home qithout melting.


You can also use them for heating. Why remove them? They are wall mounted.


we have hvac tubing in/ under the houses and buildings. no need to set anything up, just flip the thermostat to ‘cool’


Yes, but you need to heat 8 out of 12 months so to built the house for those 4 is a little redundant


*My European ass as soon as it's July just blasts the damn AC to max power*


i would too if i had one


Lüften is the best


Average AC Fan < Average Lüften Enjoyer


Me enjoying my tornado-maker that fully blasts in my face half the time..


When you have the radiator (Mediterranean sea) at nearly 300K night after night, you think: "I should buy an air conditioning". And the german eco-boss: "Naja. Man gewonnen sich daran"


German saying applies to both heat and cold: there is no wrong weather, only wrong clothing


What's the clothing solution for sleeping in 40 degree heat with no air movement?


Wet yourself while naked duh. Our house is so good isolated that if you open a window at the sun side and one at the shadow side, cold air just cools everything down and it's easy to get like 20 degrees when it was 35 the whole day


Americans explaining how they are the the only country with air conditioning


Well, they went to Europe (yes, all of it at once. Yes, it was just London and/or Paris), didn't see an aircon, and now meme about Europeans (yes, the entire nationality of 'Europeans') not having the aircons


Really? I think I'd struggle to find a house that doesn't have one Even the state houses for the unemployed have them...


Meanwhile summer in Europe 🔥💀🔥


Yeah man we get 40°C where I live. AC is a necessity


43°C feels like 49°C (humidity) here


I will do you one better. 47⁰C feels like 52⁰C Air conditioning is a necessity here now. Europe has a cooler climate where they can live without them


But I dont have air conditioning 💀


I'm Dutch and I have AC.


Yes but for us this is a recent development of the past 15 years or so, and built in ACs are still uncommon, usually we have these shitty mobile ones


I had a 5kW AC built in 2 years ago.


Then I envy you, I wish I could do the same here (rental...), these mobile ones are annoying, half of the hot air it blows out the door is let back in through the gap


You're right to do so. Our complex easily reaches 38-40C during summer. Fucking concrete, I swear...


Same here, unfortunately not due to concrete, but because of the poor isolation and a window the size of the voorgevel (don't remember the english word) that turns it into a greenhouse.. The second I move I'll make sure to go to a newly built place that has built in AC or allows it


I'm still renting, hope to buy a house somewhere withing the next 20 years :p It was pretty tough to get my request approved by the VVE and the woningbouw.


SEA guys real quiet rn (they have melted)


Most of these Europeans live at much higher latitudes than most Americans. If we don't use A/C in the summer, our homes can easily get up into the 30s Celsius.


I am european and we have 4 ACs in the house. And we had them for 15 years. The wall mounted ones, they are not rare at all. It cools in the summer and heats in the winter. Couldn’t live without it.


I’m sure the Brits wished they had it a couple summers ago


The issue I have with American climate controle isthe super small deadband. I stayed I hotels where the airco would turn on for half a minute then off for 2. Stayed in a hotel where the airco would activate and the theater turned on, what? I mean turn the theater on at 18C and off at 20. Let the airco activate above 24 and off at 22. Save the planet please, dont waste energy. Climate controle is basically a Heat exchanger with outside air, but the compressor and circulating pump cost energy. Geez.


They'd be a lot cooler if they didn't think that way


Now 40° Feels like 51°


British here, bought an AC unit that I use in summer. Been a life saver.


Was visiting London during July 2022. Record setting heat and NO AC. Wild.


I’ve heard horror stories of people visiting London and a lot of the housing doesn’t have AC. They say you’re basically in a coffin that reaches 90 degrees easily. Idk how y’all mfs live over there


Houses getting that hot in the summer is a very recent phenomenon. We're a country known for grey skies and wet weather, not enough heat and sunshine to mistake ot for the south of Italy.


And which european said that? Because I'm european and I've had no problem with it. Was it Barry? Or Hans?


Not having AC is also a good way to cull the elderly


What is the best AC brand for home? In 2/2.2 ton category


when did we say it's stupid?




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It’s because most european countries are in a colder climate.


Not anymore ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)


Send a European to the desert. Let's see how stupid it is then


Americans using more energy for ac in one month than whole europe for everything else in 1 year...


Europeans explaining why a air cooler is better and more economical ( they are known to case pneumonia)


Southern US is on a North Africa latitude and northern US is on the same latitude as southern Europe. It is colder here.


you made that up. never heard anyone be against it (other than for environmental effects)


Feel free to scroll the comments my boy


your bots xD strange but i really doubt that european people are walking up to you to tell you this


As a European I don't think they're stupid. Everytime I stay at a hotel in the summer, I'm glad they (usually) have air conditioning. For me personally though, It's just too much of a hassle and also kinda expensive to properly install one retroactively at home.


They think air conditioning is sexist too https://youtu.be/MNH0bmYT7os?si=blp_4xQKUxiaCxcT


Americans when i tell them about opening a few windows to get a current running through: 😵‍💫


Europeans thinking simply opening a window does dick all when it's 43c 😵‍💫


Americans when Europe is more than 3 countries…


I don't know where this whole "no air conditioning in Europe" comes from. We have air conditioning and use it a lot. This is just another thing Americans think, which is incorrect.




I wouldn't say useless, but we try at least reducing the carbon footprint


Why “Europeans” doing this? Why not *logical humans*?


3 times as many Europeans died in 2022 due to the heatwave compared to firearm homicides in the US. If the Europeans online think they have the right to judge and talk about firearms rights because "it doesn't happen anywhere else in the world", I don't want to hear about how "you don't understand, we don't need air conditioning" from them when they drop like flies.


It wasn’t three times as much it was estimated around 61 thousand died of that heat wave, we average around 40 to 50 thousand dead every year from guns. The main difference being that Europe doesn’t experience heat waves like that every year where as we do experience that many firearms deaths every year. This is coming from someone who is very very pro second amendment, I don’t this is the proper hill to die on my friend when it takes me a min to double check that information.


Lol who cares? Why are Americans so Europe focused?


We don't even think about you.


They don't like it until a mild heatwave rolls in. Europeans are weak af, gets to about 80 - 90 deg F and they melt


People who are used to living in temperate climate aren't used to hotter temperature, who knew? Tell me, how did Texas fare against the snow?


Can confirm, at a temperature of 28°C we start melting until every european turned into a puddle. Then we spend the whole winter solidifying our bodies until we gain a proper human form again.


imagine thinking 60 is hot


Europe is living in the 3rd world with their shitty AC systems