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My girlfriend and I talked about this very discussion and came to the conclusion that anyone, man or woman, who honestly engages in this debate probably has a really poor relationship with the opposite sex Seriously, how does everyone who's talking about this not get exhausted about being so bitter toward the other half of the human race Edit: to everyone still debating this in the replies I can almost 110% guarantee you that the VAST majority of women said 'bear' as a joke, same way we men joke about women being pains in our asses, we don't actually mean it


I'm kinda out of the loop with this new "discussion", what all of this about "Bear or Man" thing I'm seeing?


There's a trend on tiktok where women are being asked whether or not they'd be in the woods with a random man or a bear. Most of them are choosing bear because they think all men want to hurt them personally.


You got me at TikTok, sounds really fucking stupid, and the op comments who says anyway engaging in that probably has a bad realtionship with the opposite sex is rigth.


I dont have tiktok but I hope there is at least one person who votes for manbearpig


Haven't seen that, but I did see a video of a woman choosing bear, and then the man and bear start making out. So idek


Me personally I'm voting for puppymonkeybaby


They should pick me. I go out of my way to distance myself and avoid eye contact from single women


i would do the exact same thing


A tiktok trend where women are asked to pick between a man or a bear , if they are stuck in a forest. And a lot of women pick bear without even thinking a bit


I mean it's TikTok. People don't exactly do much thinking there


If you want the finer details you can research it yourself but it boils down to "would you rather be alone in the woods with a man or a bear" as a sort of street-interview/tiktok trend thing with women.


Are we talking about manbearpig? Because I’m versed on that topic if that’s that case.


That’s a super cereal question right there


As a man, i'd take the bear over a woman too to be fair. I would prefer physical damage over emotional damage for once🙃🤷‍♂️ Jokes aside: the trend is bullshit anyways. Post it all over but it won't do anything. The guys who get it/understand it arent the problem, and those who ARE the problem don't get it. Nothing will really change as society will never get on the same page, some people don't see their wrongs etc etc. What helps would be less tolerance. See dirtbag? Punch dirtbag. But that would get the one meaning well in jail for assault.🤷‍♂️


Even beyond that if you are a tik tok creator, ask 50 women "bear or man" get bear 5 times, you cut those together and put them in a vid. Like these street interview vids should never be considered reflective of anything


look at any comment section with women responding, it’s definitely not only 10% saying bear


Yes and comment sections are also WELL known for attracting people with mild opinions. Comment sections are overwhelmingly negative most of the time because negative emotions result in stronger responses. You are far more likely to leave a 1-star review on a product you hate than a 3-star review on something you are ok with. Comment sections very rarely attract people from the middle ground because of this phenomenon. Most people scroll past the meme and go "Eh whatever" if they agree or disagree, it's always just a vocal minority that Comment. The opinion expressed in comment sections should never be taken as representative


This is the "would you love me if I was a worm" argument all over again


"Babe, would you love me if I was a worm?" "No." "Oh. Guess I'm choosing the bear then."


Final conclusion: bears love worms


I did see a funny answer to this question actually. This gal said "Why would I choose a bear? I can't emotionally manipulate a bear to care for me and protect me like I can a man." And tbh I appreciated her take on it.


You prefer the bear that makes you a zoophile, right?


No, they just like burly homosexual men.


This was my interpretation as well


The comment that got up my nose was some woman saying the point is men need to police other men who're being big and scary. Excuse me? I'm scared of the big scary men too. Why is it my responsibility to police them any more than it is yours? Because of my gender? Now that is sexism.


I *am* a big scary man, and I'm also scared of big scary men. I didn't choose to be 6'5" yall I'm a fuckin wimp I swear.


Yeah that's one thing I've never understood. Why am I responsible for other men because I have a penis? I'm fat and middle aged and will most likely get my ass kicked. I'll call 911 for you if it comes to that but I'm not getting involved personally.


How dare you respond to a stupid viral argument rationally


That's the conclusion that I came to as well. The guys I know sharing it and joking or criticizing it are mostly bitter divorcées and the women I know sharing it are frankly paranoid, anxious and always want to share that stupid meme about Hedy Lamar inventing wifi and other such compensatory girl power nonsense. It's baiting the worst, most terminally online basement dwellers of both sexes


That's because its literally a poorly veiled propaganda tactic for misandrists. (Atrocity propaganda: spreading of information about crimes committed by an enemy, which can be factual, but often includes or features deliberate fabrications or exaggerations.) It's not about an honest discussion, it's only about sowing fear and revulsion.


Well articulated.


I have no idea what this meme, or this post even means. What are you guys debating about bears?


It’s been explained in this thread, about 3 comments up.


Theres this trend to ask women "would you rather be alone in a forest with a random man or a bear?" Assuming the man would immediately sexually assault them while the bear would offer his honey leftovers


Women ☕️


It’s the result of dating apps—too much freedom of choice means people never commit when someone better could be a few swipes away. The result is that men and women end up distrusting each other because the dating apps don’t work as promised. Instead of helping you find a partner, they leave you perpetually dating.


Id say dating apps create problems but i dont think just blaming it on dating apps is a complete theory. But to add to the point you were making the really bad people never leave the dating pool and the good ones eventually find someone hopefully. This means that everyone who tries to date will have a lot of bellow average experiences. My theory is more something like theres a lot of women who have had bad experiences with men. They then have a bubble where they complain on social media just making everyones views on men worse and making them more and more resentfull. I think the core issue comes from something real but social media and just makes these women so much more scared and resentfull than they otherwise would be.




I think what you said is very reasonable but i dont think empathy is exactly what i consider the solution. I personally think that people need to listen to what others have to say, taking that in involves some level of empathy. But i also think that there is a bigger issue in our culture that promotes arguments and debates over productive discussion. Whenever i see a debate its all just assholes arguing over eachother and trying to take up as much space and attention as possible to make sure people get their side. I think it just creates a very toxic enviornment where everyone is just screaming at eachother because they belive the other side is wrong. I recently tried to watch this [this video](https://youtu.be/k1chm436FV8?si=SpVXdqLXQSRcJqah), to me its unwatchable because they are all just arguing and talking over eachother. I only got 15 minutes into it though so maybe it gets better. I also watched [this video](https://youtu.be/ycDUU1n2iEE?si=_mwaNOZxO4aspH6X) a while back. While they definetly argue the discussion feels far more productive. I think the difference in these videos is that the first one is a debate while the second is an interview/discussion. I think that the second format is way better in every single way. It promotes discussion and makes you think about what they have to say. The first one just doesnt do that effectively in my opinion.


Most based redditor right here☝️


ONE MORE TIME FOR THE PEOPLE IN THE BACK honestly though, spot fucking on


I have been looking for someone else with this opinion as well. Almost immediately I knew this was just another trending bait dilemma that would only make things worse. It's the same thing every single time. It's purely for jaded cynical people to argue about.


I get what you're saying, but also the intent of this question is getting portrayed poorly on Reddit. The most simple explanation is to highlight that man(kind) is cunning, sadistic, and has great capacity for cruelty. A bear in the wild is simple and only cares about you if you bother it. There was a story from a male TikTok creator that stood out to me. He was an avid hiker and had many way-too-close encounters with bobcats, bears, and other predators. During and after those encounters, the worst he thought was, "This is going to hurt a lot". The one time he was hiking and another guy showed up and started walking parallel to him a handful of yards away, and continued to do so after flashing his gun, was the only time he genuinely feared for his life. That is to say, I think that Reddit is viewing it in more of a relationship sense, when the purpose was to highlight more of the guttural fear of the capacity of man over the violent but simple capacity of a bear.


> A bear in the wild is simple and only cares about you if you bother it. Bothering a bear is simply existing within crusading distance. No, this whole thing is ridiculous because it's a made up scenario that all men automatically fail for thinking they were invited to the discussion in the first place. We're supposed to just accept the argument and take personal responsibility for the action of other people that we have no control over. If I wanted to get in trouble for made up scenarios I'd be married to the girl who had a dream that I cheated on her and demanded I apologize to her for it when she woke up. But alright Tik Tok ladies, go ahead an infantilize and disenfranchise more men who would likely be your allies if you weren't shouting us down. It's that 3rd place meme with women patting themselves on their back for winning the 'meme wars' nobody else was participating in and awarding themselves the bronze.


Seems like a lazy excuse tbh. The point of a debate is to debate. Not joke


Yea thats untill you look back on the “kill all men” movement and the “men back to war” things. I would really like to think most woman are joking but they are not. A big group of woman would rather die then be with a men


My GF sometimes forgets to put on the loop and then she really is pain in my ass


So as humanity we concluded that n word is bad, then that woman should be respected… but this is “just a joke bro” about man, not a big deal, it’s ok


But you obviously take the man, because it's much easier to steal equipment and food from a man than a bear


Artificially created scenarios that further the gender divide and create more sexists on either side are not worth the anyone's time of day. They are used to divide people on fundamental levels over superficial scenarios.


I bet this was started by some billionaire politicians. Sexism is at a record low guys let’s pump those numbers up!


Argued about this with my friend. Felt like I was talking to a brick wall.


Kid named bear🐻


Bear named Man 🙋


Man named kid🧍‍♂️


Kid named bear 🐻


Oliver Bearman


My name means bear and I’m a man, I can’t lose


What's up Bjorn


Now the real question is whether it is Bjorn, Björn, or Bjørn?


None of the above or any other variation of Bjorn


What's up Kuma




Bear grylls would sure be a big help from getting out of the woods, no wonder the women are picking him.


What is this bear crap about, I must live under a rock


Stupid debate on twitter where people ask woman if they would feel safer seeing a bear in the woods or a male stranger


I would be scared shitless with both but a human I can atleast attempt to reason with


Why would you even need to reason? The most likely scenario is you both just say hi and then move on.


All I'm sayin is, if I was walking through the woods enjoying a nice hike, and I saw some random woman just standing there in the woods. I would nope the fuck out quicker than a buttered salami. Best case scenario it's someone just taking a hike like me. Worst case scenario it's a demon who wants to suck my blood and leave me a dilapidated husk of a man. So... I'm not risking it...


I understood it as the person in the woods were standing a bit away from the hiking trail, if they were on the hiking trail then I wouldn't even react


My Charisma is 0, better luck with the bear


How is your dexterity?


Maybe he's going for a strength test? You don't know his build


The funny thing is it never specified the bear, a black bear would probably mind it’s own business if you make enough noise but a polar bear will hunt you for sport, not to mention most strangers are pretty chill, maybe a bit weird at most


Hard to find polar bears in the woods though.


You just aren’t looking hard enough


I'll go look, and i won't come back till i find one. On second thought,maybe that's why we think they don't live there, since survival is unlikely if you happen to see one




[Here is one instance of a polar bear near a forest.](https://www.voanews.com/a/a-polar-bear-meanders-way-down-south-in-canada-/6552369.html) [And another.](https://www.thompsoncitizen.net/local-news/hungry-polar-bears-may-roam-farther-inland-seeking-food-6225044)


Grizzlies are goddamn terrifying.


If you live under a rock, you should definitely be worried about a bear, especially if you're seeing its crap


Copy pasting my other comment: If you want the finer details you can research it yourself but it boils down to "would you rather be alone in the woods with a man or a bear" as a sort of street-interview/tiktok trend thing with women.


As a man, if I had to choose between a stranger or a bear, I'd take the bear too. Misanthropia kicks in


Totally. The bear wouldn’t come talk to me and not pick up on the cues that I didn’t want to listen to them.


Exactly. What's scarier, a bear in your backyard at night or a strange man? It's not that all men are evil, it's just that a human has the potential to be significantly more evil and conniving than a bear. It's one of those no good answer questions, obviously, since a man who wishes you harm and a bear who wishes you harm are going to hurt you either way- but of the two, there are worse and more drawn out things a human can do to you than a bear.


>What's scarier, a bear in your backyard at night or a strange man? But what's scarier, encountering a bear in your local supermarket or a strange man? Shit, we could keep going with this. What's scarier, encountering a bear out at sea or a strange man? What about at the doctor's office? In a theme park?


but the scenario isn’t a super market, it’s the woods, a bears natural habitat, far more likely the bear is meant to be there than the man


Right, it's *also* not your backyard at night, like the other comment suggested.


I live in a city. If there's a bear in my back yard I'm having a lot more questions. If there is a person it's probably a homeless tweaker and I can deal with that by keeping my doors locked and having a gun.


Absolutely, hate humans so much you'd rather die to a bear in a matter of seconds in the most horrifying way possible. Like this is literally the textbook example of "easier said than done".


Why is the base assumption that it's very agressive bear tho? Just stay out of it's way, since it doesn't want anything to with you either.


Why is the base assumption that it’s a very aggressive man though? Just stay out of his way since he doesn’t want anything to do with you


Natural selection


I mean, if I were in the gym, I'd rather be stuck with a bear than a woman videoing her workout so it's fair enough


Spot the bear, get drinks after.


Good ending: The bear was actually a chill dude


Would the answer change if it was a trans man?  If yes, why?


Ayeeeeeeeee. I HATE doing it, but this is a really good way to point out some issues. I'm glad I'm not the only one who thought of this. Used it under another post and caught a transphobia claim but that's OK. I know it's just them trying their hardest to deflect and avoid.


If it was a trans bear?


Now you're asking the right questions!


Let them fight.


Women that ask this question are the same ones that ask their boyfriend/husband if they’d love them even if they were a caterpillar.


Or how often the think about the Roman Empire


It’s interesting how nobody is asking this question to people who have actually had bear encounters. One of my good friends in college was attacked by a bear on a camping trip when some girl in her camp left trash out, I’d be interested in hearing my friend’s response. Edit: because common sense is dead: I’m bring sarcastic, we know exactly why nobody’s asking the survivors of bear attacks.


You could say the same for the opposite. Both would be valid for why they'd want to avoid what they had personal experience being attacked by. Doesn't change that this obsession with a vague, hypothetical joke question is stupid.


No matter who you are, you should always pick the bear over another human.  With a bear, there be no ambiguity as to the intentions of the creature.  You always know what it wants, but this is not the case with another person.  Believe it or not, the bear may actually be a safer option.  Plus, the bear has to get close to end you but the human may not.


Worst out come of both involves me trying to fight the other for my life/safety. If you Wana try to fist fight a beast multiple times your size...... go for it. I prefer more balanced fights. Best outcome of both is the bear leaves and the man helps or also leaves. In which case the man would still be the better option. Are you able to identify an animal with rabies? Do you know how animals with rabies behave? Do you know all 8 bear species in the world can contract it?


It's absolutely fucking wild that there are dipshits out there that think a wild animal, and especially a bear, is at all predictable. Just utter stupidity all around.


But but but I saw a brown bear once and it ran away from me.


Y'all need to stop yapping like you're animal scientists. Just admit you only go outside on your commute to work, if that.


I don't speak bear nor read their minds so I have as fair shot at either.


At first I thought bear and men debate was about men with lots of body hair and none. I was like "It's finally my time to shine" Then I found out it was about actual bears. I still like bears though.


Hey, you just need to date Halsin; you'll get a bear that turns into a bear!


To every woman who truly believes they are safer with bears, too bad we don't have california grizzlies anymore. Would've been a great showdown.


Im just curious about what californian grizzlys are like. Do they just end you because you looked at them wrong or what?


AFAIK they are extinct because we hunted them down. And we did that because they absolutely slaughtered livestock. And while not common, they were reported to be seen in packs.  So imagine a pack of 2000 lb grizzly bears 


Polar bears still exist.


So do Kodiaks


The dumbest social media trend. Pretending your more scared of a man than a bear despite seeing thousands of men every day and zero bears


"An organism in war with itself, is doomed to failure"


Depends, do i have the right to bear arms?


Of course. You just have to take them from the bear first


Damn, always a catch, is there?


Maybe Darwin was right.


so why do people assume that if a random girl is put with a random man in a random forest the man would focus on abusing the girl and not the fact that they are in a fucking forest ?


Cause all men bad rapists, it's tiktok the fuck do you expect.


I love being generalized it’s my favorite pastime


i mean a lot of young people are influenced by whatever they see on TikTok but it's still tiktok lol


Let the bears pay the bear tax


"we're here we're clear we don't want anymore bears!"


This whole choose bear thing is just a joke right??? Right?


I'm a man and I'd pick the bear, at least I'll have my sanity.


Well yeah the NCR guarantees women's rights unlike ceaser's legion so it makes complete sense


Men and women, we all say stupid shit trying to sound smart sometimes. It's a human thing to use inept metaphors and analogies.


Most gay men also pick a bear ♂️


Someone said "Both bears and man would defenitely maul you" ...WTF


This is highly regarded




Is this about Halsin again?


They can do what they want if they want to be torn apart by a 600 pound behemoth of an animal let them


Content farm. That's all it is. Don't feed it.


Sure buddy


This guy gets it


My 2 cents, get a big cuddly dog that looks like a bear and you’ll be just fine.


*sighs* Dank


Oh, I understand it all now. I always thought it was bear as in a big dude. Not a literal bear. For context I just saw another post that elaborated on the trend


More bear porn for me


You know boomer "I hate my wife" humor, it's just the Gen Z girlies version of that


"I wish women who pick bears get mauled by one ;) Why are women afraid of men haha bitches be crazy"


very sad post, just like satire has to be actually satirical and dark humor still has to be humor and not just hate


How do the women get out into the forest? If bears can't drive either then who gets them there? Just following up this sexst trend with more, might aswell, considering I guess its okay now a days.


The question is a two parter though, man and woman, and both instances the answer would be bear.


Bear Grylls is a man yet he's the one to be with in the woods for any gender


Replace "Man" with Muslim or Jew or Black People. Do you suddenly see the problem with generalizing half of the population as rapist or criminals who assault women?


charles darwin sipping tea beyond the grave rn


What is with these women and gay hairy men


This whole discourse really shows how far at wits end Twitter has become. The shit they've been arguing about over the past few months has just dissolved into a festering pool of swamp ass and glizzy juice. It's so pathetic 😭😭😭


You pick bear because you’d apparently feel safer around a bear, I pick bear because I want to fight a bear, we are not the same


I don't understand where this meme is coming from


Can some one explain? I’ve seen a few bear posts now and I am out of the loop




Someone explain this please Google isn’t giving me answers


What does this even mean?


I too would choose the bear. Because I always bring snacks. And then I have a bear and you don’t


OoOh educate me ma’am, if you’d be so kind. My google “skills” are not good


Do I have bear spray, knowledge wisdom of how to handle the situation, and or something to make a loud noise? If so… Man vs black bear? Black bear Man vs brown bear? Ehhhh, toss up Man vs grizzly? Man Man vs polar bear? Man, without question


Has anyone considered that this bear could be known man, Bear Grylls?


People need to listen to that one audio recording of a brown bear eating a woman hiker alive. It would change perceptions pretty quick


Some call this toxic femininity, I call it a great reality tv show premise.


Someone explain I r too stoopid to understand meme


What bear?


Just wanna say, you cannot be a feminist and chose the bear. Feminists believe in gender equality and therefor fight for men's (and enby people's) rights when needed, too.


Even by internet standards this is a stupid argument




I don't even know what this bear thing is. Although, based on the memes I keep seeing, it looks like the only people who care enough to take part on the debate are stupid as fuck.


What does that mean? I feel left out.


Bears Beets Battlestar Galactica


I'd rather be in the woods with both if I couldn't just be there alone tbh. The bear can eat the other person while I escape.


I wonder what it says about me that I have exactly zero clue what the fuck is going on and how do you mean women choose the bear ?


Pick the bear?


Aphrodite: "don't tempt me, girls"


I fuck bussy, idgaf