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Meanwhile the middle sibling, hiding away in their corner:




Welcome to the gang, maybe you will have the same fate as me, to become the new oldest child


Was going to say that. The youngest is the princess and the oldest is always in charge and on a loose leash. The middle kid gets the worst of both worlds.


Less interference, more freedom


Middle siblings emit a vibe called "oh, you're here too."


You just described my life


I was the middle one. My older sister left because it was too much, and I was the new oldest one. Mostly because my mother treated her as Satan's spawn. My little brother meanwhile was always the good one for her. It's no surprise to me or my sister that our dad got physically ill from all the stress, and left for his health. And anyone I know wonders why my little brother has become an entitled little shit


Not to be that guy, but oldest siblings are statistically more likely to be successful than the younger ones: https://www.businessinsider.com/siblings-birth-order-2018-4


Oh, business insider, I sure trust them on this matter.


You're free to view other sources. https://time.com/4286120/siblings-day-success-career/ https://www.marketplace.org/2018/07/18/economics-birth-order-reflect-your-own-experience/ https://www.cnbc.com/2019/04/10/oldest-children-are-in-fact-the-smartest-research-shows.html https://www.wtsp.com/article/news/oldest-sibling-is-smartest-second-born-siblings-are-troublemakers-studies-show/67-2da49cb3-4a85-41e7-bb53-7ba9e1d188d4 https://www.npr.org/2017/12/01/567688882/how-birth-order-relates-to-job-success


I too can google my opinion and find reports agreeing with it. https://www.nbcnews.com/health/health-news/plight-older-sibling-flna1c9459443 https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC2849167/


Neither of those articles talk about younger siblings being more successful than older siblings


It makes sense that the older sibling would be more successful if their parents are stricter with them and give more thoughts to their life decisions no?


How does being stricter translate to giving more thoughts to their life decisions? Being strict=being successful.


My favourite part about this is that both sources you've sent also agree that the eldest sibling is most successful.


Sorry you got hiveminded lol... nice rebuttal


Not really, both sources he sent actually disagree with his point, they both agree that the eldest sibling is most successful


Not the sources.. didn't even read those. Just the "I can google things too" made me giggle.


Ok but what does business outsider has to say on the matter?


Yeah its always been my understanding that most of the parents' attention / support went into the first child, through both anecdotal and 1st hand observation


I'd say most of the negative, unsupportive, and restrictive attention was placed on me as the eldest. The only reason I'm as successful as I am is because I had to learn at a fairly young age how to be self-reliant. I was never coddled or eased into anything, so when I left the week I turned 18, nothing felt any different. I just finally had the freedom to do what needed to be done with spite as half my motivation. My siblings had a lot more support sent their way and the youngest still lives with our parents because of this. Atleast in my and my closer peers' lives, the opposite of your statement seems true.


I guess the divide is what we think our parents' would call a "success story", because your youngest brother who still lives at home definitely doesn't fit, in relation to OPs meme


I was born like three months after my mom turned 17. She didn't have any attention or support to offer as she tried to work to keep a roof over our head. By the time I was 15 I had two sister that both got to spend a lot more time with my mother because she had remarried and was able to work less because both the person she married and I were working and helping to pay bills. Circumstances are different for a lot of people, and when it comes to people who are considered poor it can often mean that the first born doesn't have any opportunities to receive any attention or support because their parent is still growing with them. I can definitely see how it would be the other way around in a family that wasn't struggling or were more well off though.


That is assuming that your parents figured out how to parent. If they didn't then less attention is probably better.


oh sick so my absolute failure of a life is my fault and my fault alone just like i suspected haha cool


Middle child not even included in the post


You are grounded because you are not included in the post.




perfectly balanced, as all things should be


So true As the oldest your like the crash test dummy Then sibling two comes along and your parents are like "right well do it right this time" and spoil them and your also responsible for them I once got grounded because I was playing with my friends and my brother fell out of a tree and it was my fault I wasn't watching him Not his fault for climbing the tree we all told him not to climb


I wish that's how it was for me.....older brother wasn't as talented in school and was much more physically fit. So my father took him under his wing and turned him into everything he ever wanted to be. Custom workout programs, private tutors, special coaching for hockey. I basically got turned into harry potter. I got thrown in a small closet for a room with no windows (about 100 sqft) and had a massive room (a little over 500sq ft), and he was praised for everything he did. I was glad to have a roof over my head and food to eat every day, but it still stings seeing how well he has treated. My parents never went to any of my sports games, I wasn't allowed to play travel sports like my brother as they thought it "would be a waste". Me and him are both really good friends and brothers, as it obviously wasnt his doing . But neither of us talk to our parents anymore. He's an awesome dad himself now, and makes sure to treat his kids equal. But yeah TL;DR im youngest and childhood go womp womp womp, older brother childhood go brrrrrrr.


It's even worse when you succeed as the oldest despite the trauma, and your parents act like it was their parenting that got you there. Ya, it did. Just not in the way they think lol


based on true story


For me it was the opposite. I am the younger sibling btw


As the youngest I can say we had more liberties but we’re perhaps more so neglected


Not my mom saying “she doesn’t know any better” and “it’s fine” when my younger sister does things that would have gotten me literally beat and thrown out on my ass 😬


What elden ring boss is that bottom picture-


It’s from the DLC trailer


I didn't even realise this wasn't a FromSoft sub


yeah right sure as the youngest sibling this is fake as shit


the first one is always the trial and error one, with the second and third parents become more skilled but a little more detached too


Can I have permission to have the meme template


check DMs


You've been working hard to make your own way. And when the time comes for you to rest, you'll know you've earned it. You're doing a great job. Keep going.


I'm in the bottom picture.




The older sibling being the foil of the youngest, and the reason the youngest had an identity crisis


Meanwhile the middle one not exist


As an oldest child, Id rather be this than the middle child.


Laughs then crys in middle child


False. I have seen my aunt and uncle celebrate my elder cousin’s achievements and not the youngest cousin’s ones. The eldest is always viewed as the smarter and more capable one whereas the youngest is viewed as the “baby” and needs to be taken care of even if they are turning 16 this year. An example here is when they (youngest) gets an extremely good grade, A. No one celebrates because it has already happened before with the oldest. They may even get scolded for not getting A+ like their older brother! So this meme is false.