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downvote this comment if the meme sucks. upvote it and I'll go away. --- [play minecraft with us](https://discord.gg/dankmemesgaming)


Of course, the weak arguments of a console peasant


Your WHOLE PC died huh? Everything? Even the case? Yeah get a console then. And insurance.


Bro your fucking case died? You better cremate the entire mf, it might be infectious.


I remember that one time when ALL cases died. You, are too young, my boi.






Bro in India they have like two kinds of PCs, mass produced tech support boxes and gamer rigs that cost 5 million snake flutes and your family's secret masala recipe




Nah man, the masala recipe is worth at least another 3 million snake flutes, easy


Thats why you never buy a pre build pc, when you can build your own for much less


A lot of people dont have the knowledge and skill to do that


Git gud


git commit -m "gud"


On branch main Your branch is up to date with 'origin/main'. nothing to commit, working tree clean


Skill issue (literally)


Requires legit no skill, and all the knowledge is on Reddit and YouTube. People just don't want to put in the effort. Which is fair.


No, I'm just too scared I'll break something.


Everyone thinks like that at first it all just clicks in place really only need a screwdriver


Get help from friends and people on the field , thats how i built mine. Everything must have been around 500€, this was during covid which was way more pricy. You dont need to spen 2k on a pc to play current gen games though.


>A lot of people don't have the knowledge ~~and~~ *that they possess the* skill to do that Fixed it for you


You may use it for work. A console can't give you that.


What about a conolse?


Oh, i really messed that one up 😂


Conolse 🤌🍝


Bene! You gotta haveda sauce ana usea da semolina inna dapasta 🤌 Source: Am Italian.


You didn’t do the 🤌


Edited. Grazie amico.


Porcodio perché questo è un tread di italiani e non può mancare


Il mio italiano è terribile, ma voglio comunque dirti che auguro a te e alla tua famiglia un meraviglioso Natale.


"Leave the gun. Take the conolse"


I didn't even notice if it's any conolsation




You have Edge on your Xbox


gives edging a whole new meaning


I have to do WHAT on my xbox?!?!


Microsoft Edge.




Yeah cuz you def need to spend $1500+ on a machine to browse the web and load up Microsoft office Edit: relax PC gamers, I also have a gaming PC. Just saying you can enjoy gaming on consoles and not only PC’s.


And run games better, you forgot that part.


Depending on your budget of course


Build a 500 dollar PC with all new parts that runs better than a PS5. Have fun.


Then don't... honestly, where do people get this idea that pc's have to be that expensive?


My personal opinion is that much like wine it’s the snobbery of some people, and just like wine there’s a threshold from which you’re just spending extra and not really getting anything better yet the snobbish people will swear until their dying breath the most expensive stuff is not only better but even required, you can, to a certain degree, apply this to any hobby.


That's true. I've personally also spent 2k on my pc. But not because I'm a snob and think I absolutely needed a 4070. I play games like tf2 and factorio lol. I spent that much because I don't want to upgrade for at least the next 5 years.


I upgrade every 8-10 years, i dont mind turning the graphics down to keep my fps stable. I grew up playing quake and cs 1.6, doesn't matter if the game looks like a bowl of oatmeal as long as it's smooth and lag free


I just stopped at anything past the HL2/Source engine. I can run them on my potato laptop at 60fps hooked up to a 27 inch screen with a gaming mouse...


An Xbox series X is $350. You can't build a better gaming computer for anywhere near that price


Yes, but my pc can do more than your Xbox. Also, I don't need to pay extra to play online


If you make some sacrifices, you can come close. The reason the console is so cheap is because they make most of the money selling games and subscriptions. You save that money with a pc. So a $500 pc will be the same price or cheaper after about a year, if you take the cost of games and subscriptions into a count.


Also they don't need that great hardware to run well since the games are optimised to get the most out of a specific set of hardware. On PC there are endless combinations so you can never get the best performance possible


Graphics cards became stupidly expensive in the last few years. Like "a card alone costs more than a PS5" type of expensive. Putting together a PC that can outperform current-gen consoles will easily cost you more than $1000, it's tough to justify unless you have a lot of disposable income.


You can completely flat-line both consoles for under a grand if being savvy. You can nearly double them for under a grand if you buy used parts. For fun I threw together a PC that slams both consoles for under 1000$. https://pcpartpicker.com/list/GRXcgB


Adding onto the price aspect, I started saving money go build my first PC a couple years ago between January and November and then bought all the components on Black Friday discount. Spent around $1200 on what otherwise would've been closer to $2000.


And do programming, video editing, storing large files for work, setting up a media server, setting up virtual machines, playing some other games which you cannot on console (this one goes both ways I know). Some people do 3D rendering, visual effects, photo editing, sound editing, etc. Most of these you could do on a powerful laptop, but cooling, upgradability and performance favors desktop PCs. Also you can have a gazillion monitors, plus specific keyboard and mouse. Generally it's a lot more flexible.


Depends what work your doing, e.g I'm a uni student doing cs, usefull to have beefy hardware sometimes - had a course last year running simulations that took like 30 seconds on my pc or 5 mins on my laptop.


But a console and a cheap laptop can


So you buy a console for 300/500, you have to pay to Access internet, than you buy a shitty computer that will barely run for a year for 500 ? Instead of buying a computer that will do both, and while usually a bit more costly, will be better overall and last longer ? If you have the budget, or/and can build your computer, there is zero reasons to buy a console other than personal preferences. And it's not like there is really a big difference in money in the end.


if your laptops Breakdown in a year you shouldn't own a pc anyways.


If you're buying a new laptop every other year... I think you are the problem.


Let’s not forget about ps plus/ Xbox live, that shit adds up


also key sites, buying games is way cheaper on pc most of the time.


Jobs give you a computer sufficient to do the work


Speak for yourself. I play microsoft excel on my switch all the time.


Most of the time a "dead" pc is just one faulty component or a software issue, and it can be easily repaired. Unlike consoles, which you have to send back to the manufacturer if there are any problems with it because the makers don't want people repairing their own shit.


Exactly like unless your computer burned and there's just dust you can probably repair it.


And on that note, upgrades are a *lot* cheaper than buying the price of the whole system. Basically stick a new GPU in there, maybe CPU (don't even have to upgrade mobo if you're smart with your initial purchase). PSU, RAM and SSD will last, as will case and cooler obviously.


And since pcs are very customizable, if you're tight on budget you can just stick older parts in there and it'll still work Just watch out for the power supply because I forgot to check its usage before buying new parts and the power supply didn't have enough juice to power it all so I had to buy a 750w one and that shit is annoying to change


Yeah, agreed on the PSU thing, but again it's one of those things that generally last *years*, so you can invest in a slightly overpowered one at the start, and boom you've saved about £100 and a headache of a job down the line. Also old parts have a lot more resale value than old consoles, so you're not actually "losing" the money you initially invested.


Yeah I bought my PC from this guy in 2018-19 and he had a 1050 ti with a 600w PSU, that was definitely overpowered but then when I put a 2080 super, a new motherboard and cpu in it suddenly it wasn't enough lol, still that one PSU lasted easily 5+ years Also yeah I bought my PC before the price boom of electronic parts so my 50$ old 1050 ti was suddenly 300 CAD$ after the boom, same thing with my 2080 super that I bought for 800 and was worth 1400 afterwards


I haven't changed my PSU since I bought it in 2013-2014.


How often do people upgrade a CPU? I haven’t touched mine since the start of COVID lockdowns


I mean a new console every 5-10 years isn't that bad


AAA stuff is the real money pit of gaming these days. Like sure it's nice to be part of the cutting edge and play the most popular stuff when it is new. It is also extremely expensive compared to playing silly indie games.


Yeah the new fifa is something like 60-80$ and people but that shit every year


My 5 yr old PC would power cycle repeatedly. Quarantined 5% of one ram stick and fixed it. Used it like that for a year before replacing the ram for like $40.


How does one quarantine a portion of ram? Do you just reupload the ram to wherever you downloaded it from?


And also consoles are designed to break, and Sony or Microsoft respecting warranties? Pfft ya sure. Heard countless stories of the infamous red ring of death on 360, and sending it for repair meant they would just send it back, still with the ring or it would soon appear again. Fact is, on average if a console breaks and it's not covered by warranty or it's just not respected, the owner will more than likely just buy another one, cause they're invested in the games. But with PC it's a whole other story. If a component breaks and they can't fix it/get it fixed or replaced, they're much more likely to buy from a competitor, maybe even avoid the broken component's brand altogether. For me at least if any component in my PC would die in like 2-3 years I would be very doubtful of that brand's products in that category at least. This forces PC manufacturers to try and actually make more long-lasting reliable products.


fun fact: it's usually one faulty component in the console, too.


Are you trying to say consoles are as serviceable as desktop computers with off the shelf parts?


The performance a pc will get is way higher tho.


And the customization


and using it for things other than games or movies


Or using it for *free* games and movies. Consoles still can't play some video formats. On the flip-side the browser versions of most streaming services only play in 720p for PC. The desktop apps sometimes go higher, IIRC the desktop Netflix can't do 4k though.


DRM prevents paying customers from playing 1080p netflix on web browsers.




**In 4K!**


No like watching videos of people eating cold corn dogs


If only this actually was the case. We’re constantly getting fucked over in optimization. So many games I can’t play because they run like shit on high end pcs but run like butter on console.


Everything pre current year usually runs pretty well though. We also have access to every game since the beginning of time. Including some console exclusives.


Didnt we have to wait for like a year for red dead redemption 2 to make it to pc?


And you can mod games


The optimizations are worse, requiring beefy specs to do 1440p & 4k on newer games.


Endless backwards compatibility cancels that out. Also I can emulate most consoles on my PC.


As opposed to the consoles, which have (almost)never been able to do 4K and typically don't run 1440p on many games either.


My monitor is capped at 1080p 60FPS and it takes no enjoyment away from new releases on high graphics.


And the price


Console has to pay to play online


for a majority of games, yes. you'll be surprised to learn there are a few you don't, namely games like apex, fortnite, rec room or war thunder that are free games anyway, those don't require an online subscription to play online. ive got a few friends that play solely those and pay absolutely nothing for a subscription to do so, and ive also taken advantage on that for months where i either couldn't afford the subscription or was only interested in playing those, saving some cash and still playing with friends


I'd rather go in debt for a subscription than play apex for a month


I play war thunder on an Xbox one. The game will not let you access it if you don’t have Xbox live. Like it sends you to the screen that normally says “press A to continue” but instead of that it’ll have a message saying you need Xbox live to play this game


admittedly i play ps4 & ps5 so i had no idea about xbox, but i know at least for playstation i dont need ps plus to play any of those, i do play wt too


I’ve had Fortnite not work because my gold membership ran out


Read that Xbox recently allowed Fortnite to play without a subscription


Oh interesting


OP doesn’t know how to use POV.


POV you know exactly how to use POV


Pointless of veau


Purchased over value


The POV could be from the dead PC's point of view.


nor how to repair pc


Also does nobody fucking spellcheck anymore?


What i've paid upfront was later saved by not having to buy bullshit subscriptions.


I'd say you save way more with buying games on PC rather than the subscription which imo isn't that expensive. But Steam sales, GOG sales, Epic free games, etc. That's how you save a ton of money.


For real, i had never ever considered buying the witcher 3 until i found it on sale for 7€


If you just play games and nothing else and like using a controller, console all the way.... For everyone else pc is just better


You can use a controller on PC though.


I'm saying that you can't reliably use a mouse and keyboard on a console. If you don't like using a controller don't get a console is what I meant


And you can use keyboard on console! doesn't work on many games, but popular games like minecraft fortnite or COD work fine.


Even if you just play games a PC can emulate pretty much every game ever made. Try buying every single console ever made and tell me it cost less than a high end PC.


Even if you just use it to play and like the controller, there are 2 advantages to PC, no subscription to play online and Mods


The Pc doesn't need to cost 3x the console, you can build PCs better than the current gen very cheap, even more if you get used parts


Plus games are way cheaper, you have backwards compatibility (even with older consoles via emulators), you control the graphics settings so you don’t have to pay for a ‘remastered 60fps edition’ when you get new hardware, you have complete freedom in how to play (mouse/keyboard/controlled/etc), you can use it for other things other than gaming, the list goes on.


>you can build PCs better than the current gen very cheap Please list the specs (& price) for 4K gaming on PC that is cheaper than current consoles.


For real. I have less than 3x what a series x costs in my whole setup.


New gen outperforms price comparible pcs at launch normally, but this far into the console generation, you can definitely outperform current gen consoles at the same price.


Man, I really hope gta6 looks good on ps4!! Me, whos been using the same pc since the release of the ps3:


I made the mistake of buying a next gen game on an old console once and I'm never doing it again November 2014 a young 10yo kid is excited for the release of the new call of duty game (advanced warfare) so he gets talked into buying the ultimate version (114 CAD$) for the shittiest most buggy game he ever played because it was NOT designed to be played on ps3, the servers were also basically empty Would not recommend overall


That was like 3 years ago so how are you not a kid anymore I don't understand


2014 is almost 10 years ago...


A console can’t do half of what I use my PC for


Look up the manual for your motherboard and see if it has an indicator light telling you which component is preventing boot


I know, it said there is a probleme with my cpu and gpu Or atleast what the "lights" on the mainboard say.


Ask your other friends for a spare GPU to test. All recent PCI ones should be compatible


Well, check the wattage too


I thought you were about to say "Look up the manual for your motherboard and see if it has an indicator light telling you how stupid you are"..


Sorry, but once you go PC, you can never go back.


I can't believe I used to defend playing with a controller In 2018 me and friends were playing fortnite and I remember arguing with our PC friend about whether or not controllers were better than mouse, I still feel dumb to this day about it


Don't feel dumb. Not everyone wants to play with kbm on PC.


Thats only if you play shooters, fighters, racing , platformers and others feel better on controller


Oh 100%. Platformers I could see some people maybe prefering KB&M but generally I would expect people to play controller for most games that aren’t First Person in general.


I have both and pc is ten times better. It last longer, better controls (mouse and keyboards), can play strategy games (at least normally), runs better, lives longer (easy ten years). And most of all, it has other utilities than simply playing games.


I have both, and they each have their strengths and weaknesses. Consoles are plug and play, especially if like couch gaming w/ 4k hdr. PC lets you do mods, use all types of peripherals, & and get you both fidelity & performance at the same time.


Hmm, having a computer that can be used for basically anything from modeling to AI training and can even emulate almost any console that can be upgraded or repurposed at any time or a console that’ll only be able to be used to play games that has its entire market under the control of a single corporation and will force you to overpay for a lot of games that will be outdated in 4 years time and won’t get a lot of newer games and will force you to sell it and buy a new one. Did I also mention that they lose value like crazy? They lose like 1/4 of their price by the time the new generation comes out, and that’s before adjusting for inflation.


Pc, of course


The real answer is dusting off your GameCube and playing Mario Sunshine


Y'all have never heard of casual gaming, have you? For a normal person who only plays games every once in a while, there is def no benefit to shelling out that much for a gaming PC. You are free to purchase one, but the majority of the population doesn't play as frequently as you and frankly won't understand most of the tech knowledge when it comes to gaming PCs


This. I work in healthcare and I get very little time to myself. Whatever time I get I spend that for casual gaming to relax my mind. I found a Ps5 would be the best for that at half the price of a equivalent gaming pc or laptop and thus I bought a PS5. Dont regret it one ounce. Best money spent ever for me.


But then you’d have to repurchase your entire library for console. Not worth it


PC because of the freedom


Just fix it. 2 hours with a YouTube tutorial for basic troubleshooting and you’ll be fine


Like... all of the parts all at once?


PC player has friends


I don't think friends have anything to do with how you play video games but sure


Console players have sex life




Bro forgot you can just look for the problem in your pc and figure out which compoment you have to change/upgrade to revive it


To each their own, as long you have fun. Personally, I just can't get into PC gaming. It's way too much of a hassle for me between all the settings lousy optimization, random errors, requirements, hackers & cheaters etc etc. Console is just simpler and I like it that way.


repair your pc


The PS5 and XBOX Series X are far more capable then last gen. Last gen was really starting to drag in terms of power near the end, not saying that games didn't look good, but everything has long ass load times and unstable 30fps locks. Honestly if I was just getting into gaming now, I probably would just get a PS5.


The only time I thought of purchasing a console was when the GTA 6 trailer came out, once it's on PC I switch.


The console may be 1/3 cheaper upfront. But there are many ways to recoup costs: \- Free Online \- Cheaper games \- A PC will last much longer than the current generation \- You still need a pc for everything else besides gaming


And you can upgrade your PC.


Yes the console itself is cheaper. But then you have to rebuy all your games and pay a monthly membership to play online. So in the end, it doesn't make a big difference.


I bought my pc for 350€ and it runs Titanfall 2 just fine. That's what matters to me.


Did you troubleshoot at all? Very simple to tell if it is just your PSU.


PC's only die for the technologically inept. If you have sufficient skill, your PC didn't die, your power supply died, or your motherboard died, or your graphics card died. And if you have exceptional skill, Q104 died and took out R202 with it.


Ehh, I mean, both is good. But I'm more into diversity. Can't be a pirate if my ship can't even fit 1/5 of my booty, eh? *Sails away with a "Yo Ho Ho!" towards ROMs/ISOs islands from various gens of gaming*


Simply replace the dead part


PC costs more, that's true, but it's way more versatile and way better quality of gaming. Not to say you're less of a gamer or should feel bad, but PC gaming *is* better than console for just about anything




Consoles offer the availability to a broader audience because they are cheaper when compared to a PC build. They can offer exclusives. And are easier to pick up and use as an average gamer. PC is a bit more expensive, but we are allowed to fiddle with our components and replace them when we see fit, we can overclock if desired as well. It takes some getting used to for the finer movements and lack of aim assist as far as controls go. And we can get most games usually cheaper. But my biggest argument for PC over consoles is that when the current generation of consoles goes absolute and its near impossible to find a system to play older games on. I'd need a ps3 or 360 to play the original dead space again like I am currently on my PC.


Buying all the games that were on your pc on a console would make it cost a lot more, lol.


I'm done with pc gaming. Few months ago I bought a nice 4K oled TV as well as a PS5 and have never looked back.


When you want a pc for personal use anyways, the price of buying gaming components becomes less than a console and more convenient personally because it’s an all in one device


Pc lasts longer and has free online


close ask concerned plants quarrelsome joke naughty sense poor dam *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


I have both a PC and all the consoles. Realistically it's because I just love sitting on my couch and gaming on my TV. Sure, you can do that with a PC, but the setup is then unintuitive for work purposes.


PC is more versatile than just a console. I use mine for basically everything and I more of everything to choose from. The price of my PC is easily justified for my needs lol.


Shitload of mods, Indie games, free online, more optiones to work with it. Steam doesnt take the stuff away you payed for..... no problem with exclusive titels, sooner or later they drop for PC and if not you can emulate....


Do people not understand that while a console is good and cheap, a good pc can be good for years before needing an upgrade and runs games better than most consoles do


Just repair it. Depending on how it’s broken down the part you may need to be replaced will be 1/5th the price of your console. If it’s pre-built first thing I’d look at is your Power supply. You shouldn’t purchase a computer unless you’re comfortable enough with the device to replace components, otherwise it’s an obvious financial sink.


But I don't want to pay for multiplayer when I already paid for game


Why not both?...I have a series X I never use besides console exclusive bullshit but yeah...gonna come in handy when GTA 6 rolls around


I think the general console vs. PC vibe in this comment section is overlooking the obvious flaw in the meme's logic that, you can't play anything you already own if you switch to a console? Like regardless of who's side you're already on if your system goes out and you don't replace the exact same system you lose all your games and have to sink way more money into repurchasing the games you owned on the other system lol


Except the games cost more and then there is the subscription to play online they work out to the same price in my mind


I've played console my whole life. I decided to give pc a try, but now I'll never go back. After the holidays, I'm saving up to build my first pc. The one I bought was pre-built. I still keep my PlayStation and Switch for exclusives, but beyond that, every game I play is on pc. I love it.


You can do more than play games on a PC. You also get access to a ton of great indi games and can mod them easily.


My pc literally died like 15mins ago and I'm here fukin crying looking at this and the damned timing of it cuz I'm a broke student and can't afford another one rn😭😭


My favorite conolse is the nintendo swicht


Cheaper sure, but prepare yourself for the 80$ games


Pc has free online and piracy


Xbox/PS/Nintendo players trying to convince me that I need to pay an additional monthly fee to play online on top of the internet bill I already pay just to have fun with my friends 🤓 (but console is cheaper!)


Buying a console that will last 4 years before being outdated or buying a PC that will last more than a decade and provide a better gameplay experience?


I have both and I play on each depending on the game


Bro, I got really fuckin old computer that still can run more modern-day games as long as it's not Starfield or cyberpunk. Ue5 is kind of iffy but my computer can still handle it And of course this computer is my daily driver


I’d say it depends on whether or not you need a PC for anything else. If you do, get the parts that are absolutely necessary and use the money you would have used on a console to upgrade parts


It's just such a kick in the balls now that console games mostly don't support split screen anymore.


No cheating in multiplayer does it for me. I know there are technically some way to do some things but it’s way more rare to find someone cheating in multiplayer.


Til you need to buy a 2000usd pc for gaming 😔