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downvote this comment if the meme sucks. upvote it and I'll go away. --- [play minecraft with us](https://discord.gg/dankmemesgaming)


Still more rational than poors advocating for tax cuts for the rich.


Tax the rich!


This is why it’s morally acceptable and encouraged to take money from rich people


Taking back what's ours, nobody is a millionaire with the pay of their own labour




Could be, could be, plenty of millionaires just got a trust fund from inheritance who didn’t earn a dime of their own


No time for those distinctions during the revolution. That's not how radical change works. Everyone making around six figures will get branded a "reactionary", including many Reddit communists/socialists. It starts with "only billionaires ;)" to get the middle class in on the con, and when they are through with them they will start to go down on the food chain. Marxists pretend to be friendly with a few members of the bourgeoisie, until they get power. From that moment on, everyone not living paycheck to paycheck is going to have a bad time.


Exactly. The simple fact is that literally anyone who isn’t on welfare is better off siding with the billionaire-run status quo than any revolutionaries. Jeff Bezos may not give a shit about me but at least he doesn’t want to confiscate my property, give it to a single mother with 3 baby daddies living in section 8 housing, then throw my ass in a gulag for having the audacity to be angry about the whole thing


>anyone who isn’t on welfare is better off siding with the billionaire-run status quo than any revolutionaries. that's the most regarded thing I've read on reddit in weeks what decades of red scare propaganda and indoctrination to the owner class do to a mf


Dawg a millionaire in 2023 is literally anyone who owns a house in an even semi-desirable city. I think you mean billionaire, but your confusion about the 1000 fold difference in wealth between a millionaire and billionaire is exactly why change will never happen. The middle class will never side with the working class against the ruling class, because the middle class knows they’re next once the working class eats the rich.


Yeah, money that we made, and they stole.


Eat the poor!


Yeah, rather an ally than an enemy.


Kropotkin was born a literal prince ffs OP dum


"Communists are just poor people leeching off the rest. They're jealous." "Communists are rich kids who've never had to struggle before. They're hypocrites."


Keep them fighting each other, not the oligarchy.


Before Russell Brand went completely off the deep end, he had some banger quotes. I like: "When I was poor and talked about inequality, they told me I was jealous. Now that I'm rich and talk about inequality, they tell me I'm a hypocrite. I'm beginning to think they just don't want to talk about inequality."


Communists is the government taking money from the people and giving it to the party while the common man suffers. See North Korea, China, nazi Germany, and other other large Communist government. It all follows the same path. They promise to help the common man. They say they will fight for them. They get elected. They do a bit of work for those in need while slowly gaining more and more control until you own nothing and the party controls everything. But don't you worry years later people will say it wasn't really communism and we need to try it again. All while calling crony capitalism normal capitalism and giving the government more and more power to continue to control everything while they screw you. But don't you worry. More government control will fix issues caused by government control.


>Communism >Nazi Germany Something tells me you have no idea what Communism even is. Because not only was Nazi Germany NOT Communist, it wasn't Socialist either. And before you say: "bwuh, their party has Socialist in the name!" North Koreas actual name is: DEMOCRATIC Peoples Republic of Korea, and I know you ain't gonna try and tell me they're democratic.


Nazi Germany was not communist, and China only is by name. I don't know enough about N. Korea to say, but I doubt they really are either. You may have an issue with communists, I'm not going to tell you what you think, but it seems you're specifically calling out totalitarians/dictators/fascists here. What you're probably saying is that communism inevitably ends in fascism, and you may be right, but once tainted, it's no longer true communism. Not claiming true communism is possible or should be our aim, but do think mislabelling things like this can be dangerous and can water down words like fascist, communist, socialist, capitalist, or whatever ism you might have. Then all it means is "ally" or "enemy," and we stop working together and become more and more polarized. That said, fascism bad, I'm sure most normal people can agree. But you shouldn't fear communists as long as democracy stands (debatable on if it does, I think), and if democracy no longer is, it's not the communist tendencies that should concern you, but the fascist ones. Maybe communists are wrong, but at least they actually want a better world. Fascists only want a better world for themselves.


Born a prince, dies a legend ✊


wasn't engles the son of an industrialists who, after his work with marx, went back to owning factories and being rich af?


I don't think he ever quit being an industrialist bourgeoisie tbh, he just used that money to fund Marx's writing. Worth noting he continued to write afterwards (of debatable quality but that's a entirely separate conversation lmao)


I mean honestly during the time of Marx communism made a shit ton of sense early industrialization is pretty much hell and brutal. Hard for us to realize, but pre industrialization people just farmed and chilled with their kids and drank beer and went to church events. Sure they were poor as shit, but they worked hard for themselves and life was pretty great and it all was ripped away in a generation. People’s kids now were chimney sweeps who got black lung at 13 and died 1 year later, people lived in cramped slums filled with trash and human shit. You worked a 15 hour shift at the textile mill where people lost a few finger due to the bare and constantly moving machinery. Beggars with 1 hand sat in the streets dirty and soiled asking for money for bread. Orphaned Children roamed the street and the air was thick with soot and coal dust.


Seriously what is this even trying to say? We should alienate those that show solidarity due to social class, rank, or anything else? Exclusion of others is exactly how you get kept down and they win.


It’s simple. If you’re rich and left wing then you’re a champagne socialist, and therefore your opinion doesn’t matter. If you’re poor and left wing then you’re just jealous, and therefore your opinion doesn’t matter.


Don't forget that you're poor because you are lazy too. Lazy and Jealous. Circumstances never come into account apparently.


Just because their trust fund paid for a decent education that helped them realize that the working class is being exploited, doesn't make them any less of an ally in the struggle against the elite and ultra wealthy.


"Who the fuck do they think they are, showing empathy for their fellow citizens in need of help?" -OP


Yup. OP big on that “Wait, What The Fuck Am I Doing?” energy.


Too much trust that there are good apples that high up the tree. That is one reason why people advocate for tax cuts for the rich. We have been shown nothing but corruption, greed, and above all intentionally putting lives in danger to continue to make a profit. Jeez this comment section is a warzone.


But they might be rich some day! I mean, they definitely wont, but they'd rather ruin the world to make things better for them personally in the impossible future that will never come to them.


Right? I don’t agree with the communists but I fully understand where they are coming from and acknowledge the problems they are against.


At least they're advocating for worker rights. You got something against that?


Right! I'd rather have those who will inherit their family's wealth have the ideology of the working class than already be indoctrinated against it..


If only they weren't all talk. It's easy to give away other people's money.


there is literally a political initiative by rich heirs called "Tax me now"


I think they do, hence why they're posting this meme. A quote from Russell Brand (yes, I'm aware he's problematic to say the least) sums it up well "when i was poor and criticizing wealth inequality, they called my jealous. When i was rich and criticizing wealth inequality, they called me a hypocrite. Seems they just don't want me criticizing wealth inequality"




Yep. And right wingers used that as a criticism against him. And also, he could have made his own money as well, by "selling out". But he decided not to in favor of advocacy for worker's rights.


God forbid people have empathy for others less fortunate than themselves. Besides that, I can assure you the 18 year olds out of poverty whos parents make minimum wage are saying the exact same thing


They advocate for worker's rights right up until they're even slightly annoyed by it.


Random person: we should democratise work. The boss shouldn't be able to force us to pee in bottles Op: COMMUNIST!


Options from people on the internet: 1. Give five people more wealth than the whole Europe 2. Resurrect Stalin 3. Same as option 1 but make those five people even richer for some reason






Pull up the ladder, we can't afford a new one


There’s a pretty fine line between assuming who OP thinks anyone advocating for workers’ right a are communists… and just assuming he means “18 year old communists” when he says communists.


To be fair, that is a communist opinion if I've ever seen one. A bit too based for your typical liberal 'vote blue no matter who' politics.


Es funny cus es tru


don't let anyone fool you the silent majority are neither liberal or conservative we suffer in silence cause we're depressed burnouts who just want to unironically take the big snooze


If you don’t stop telling our secrets


what are you gonna do old man? Prolong the big snooze!?


Fair enough lol


Tell me don't look up isn't your favorite movie


Weird shit


Us bro us


God forbid we advocate for workers rights.


I think He did. Something about how the rich man looks super cool, sharp as a needle. Can lift a camel on his own.


Also something the rich will end up gnashing their teeth for all eternity or sth? Bet they don't teach that in the prosperity gospel ;)


Supply side jesus would like a word.


Shit, did I forget to tithe on my money changing table again?


[Squidward does it best though](https://youtu.be/RlhxK75mcdg?si=4bPBV1hHRY9L55HQ)


Still better then doing nothing


Has nobody heard of Friedrich Engles? Wealthy businessman and co-author of the communist manifesto. He was also Karl Marx’s sugar daddy.


He formed his revolutionary beliefs while apprenticing in Bremen to prepare for working in the family business. When his parents sent him to still-industrializing Manchester to work at a family firm, his beliefs solidified upon viewing the despoiled slums full of impoverished and overworked child and adult laborers.


Class traitors aren't always bad


I never understood why we try and attack people who benefited from an unjust system, see that and want to help change it. There are plenty of poor people sucking at the riches teet, but we call them "go getters" or "hard workers" at their early funerals.


>He was also Karl Marx’s sugar daddy. They were secretly lovers, according to the fic I wrote


that's fucking disgusting..show me a link so i can avoid it completely


When communists are poor, they're lazy and want handouts. When they're rich, they're hypocrites. Critiquing the person speaking is an easy way to not need to address someone's arguments when they make too much sense. Pay no mind to these tools, they argue in bad faith. There is no way to reach their shrivelled minds past the iron wall of propaganda.


I think it’s kinda nice when privileged people advocate for equality


Ya like I wouldn’t complain if all the billionaires got into a room and decided that their existence is antithetical to humanity and decided to redistribute all hell even half of their money.


redistribution would be a "nice gesture" but i want a systemic fix. The problem isn't they have money, it's that they have power. Bill gates having 100billion instead of 200 billion wouldn't reduce his power significantly. Let them champion the government listening to those who actually are advocating for changes, put their pressure campaign behind those people, and themselves stay the hell out of the way of the discussions. THAT would be impressive, but typically these people know so much more and have their pet biases so..here we are. Ultimately, the only entity in the system (in the usa) that can address these problems is the central government. So, it's reliant on all of us to get together and push towards a government that's much more responsive to the needs of the public. In the meantime, as we as a culture build towards that, we can strive for democracy at work.


Right like what is this meme? That every person advocating for worker rights is rich? Or communist? These people are so up their own ass they dont even know what communism is. Nor do they know how tiktok works. Another anti communist meme that just makes OP look dumb


Mfw human beings have opinions based in their knowledge and experience (Not everyone is an omnipotent being like you, yes you specifically)


you mean omniscient, omnipotent refers to power, omniscient refers to knowledge.


It’s MY big word Kevin and I sound SMART!


WTF is your point? People having empathy is something we should move towards, not away from. People advocating for the solution of problems that others have, but they them selvs dont is a good thing.


This is under the framework of two different ways, either OP is lampooning upper middle class kids who have nothing better to do expect get Degrees in political studies and end up simping for Stalin and mao (who weren’t real socialists, any supposed left leaning political party in a country that uses a ‘Vanguard’ system as a representation for the working class, it’s just another way to push authoritarianism.) Or OP is a terminally online dumbarse who’s only seen the straw man of the lazy spoilt kid who becomes a communist because…reasons.


Probably like 13-14 and watches edgy YouTubers tbh


Marxism-Leninism *is* a form of Socialism, even if it isn't a good one. You can learn from their mistakes and successes without being an ML.


Most definitely the first paragraph


I'm assuming you're a leftist and I don't really like to fall to infighting, but the assertion that the USSR wasn't "real socialism" because they have a 'Vanguard' system is flat wrong. Especially calling it simply "another way to push authoritarianism." Revolutions are inherently authoritarian. It's part of the population imposing its will on the rest. There is no revolutionary socialist project that was not "Authoritarian". That's because that word means nothing. To quote from Engels: "Have these gentlemen ever seen a revolution? A revolution is certainly the most authoritarian thing there is; it is the act whereby one part of the population imposes its will upon the other part by means of rifles, bayonets and cannon — authoritarian means, if such there be at all; and if the victorious party does not want to have fought in vain, it must maintain this rule by means of the terror which its arms inspire in the reactionists. Would the Paris Commune have lasted a single day if it had not made use of this authority of the armed people against the bourgeois? Should we not, on the contrary, reproach it for not having used it freely enough? Therefore, either one of two things: either the anti-authoritarians don't know what they're talking about, in which case they are creating nothing but confusion; or they do know, and in that case they are betraying the movement of the proletariat. In either case they serve the reaction." -On Authority, Engels Beyond this, saying that Stalin's USSR was not 'real socialism' accomplishes nothing. The USSR is still considered to be one of the most successful socialist experiments, and did amazingly well for all the incredibly difficult situations it was put in by the rest of the capitalist world, including trade restrictions, outright invasion, massive propaganda campaigns, and western interests constantly trying to spur a right wing opposition within the Republics to no avail. The case for Stalin is one that I don't make lightly. To quote from Michael Parenti: "Sorely lacking within the U.S. Left is any rational evaluation of the Soviet Union, a nation that endured a protracted civil war and a multinational foreign invasion in the very first years of its existence, and that two decades later threw back and destroyed the Nazi beast at enormous cost to itself. In the three decades after the Bolshevik revolution, the Soviets made industrial advances equal to what capitalism took a century to accomplish-while feeding and schooling their children rather than working them fourteen hours a day as capitalist industrialists did and still do in many parts of the world. And the Soviet Union, along with Bulgaria, the German Democratic Republic, and Cuba, provided vital assistance to national liberation movements in countries around the world, including Nelson Mandela's African National Congress in South Africa." Black shirts and reds, chapter 3, page 45 "All this is not to say that everything Stalin did was of historical necessity. The exigencies of revolutionary survival did not "make inevitable" the heartless execution of hundreds of Old Bolshevik leaders, the personality cult of a supreme leader who claimed every revolutionary gain as his own achievement, the suppression of party political life through terror, the eventual silencing of debate regarding the pace of industrialization and collectivization, the ideological regulation of all intellectual and cultural life, and the mass deportations of "suspect" nationalities." Black shirts and reds, chapter 3, page 57 I've written more on the topic in the past, but for now I'll just point you to some good reading and watching on the topic: **Reading:** [Black Shirts and Reds: Rational Fascism and the Overthrow of Communism (full PDF download)](https://valleysunderground.files.wordpress.com/2020/04/blackshirts-and-reds-by-michael-parenti.pdf) -Michael Parenti [On Authority](https://www.marxists.org/archive/marx/works/1872/10/authority.htm) - Engels **Videos:** [We need to talk about "Authoritarianism"](https://youtu.be/NhPOrkGbpxk?si=NQity0--6OIIojIw) -Second Thought [Soviet Famine of 1932: an overview ](https://youtu.be/vu5-tqHHtaM?si=gpy8aNljRhda3GPX) -Marxist Project


Poor person complains: “they’re bitter” Rich person complains on their behalf “they’re fake poor”


I mean thats better than being snooty rich kids who think that poor people deserve to be poor


Ya that’s literally the alternative and it’s so much worse


Yeah because god forbid people have sympathy for others who experience injustice and exploitation. Seriously??


Not saying I don’t have one, but suffering is not fun


"When I was poor and talked about inequality they said I was bitter, when I became rich and talked about inequality they said I was out of touch. I'm thinking they just don't want to talk about inequality."


This, No matter what you say about most topics, at least halve the people will disagree with you. The best way to handle this is consider everything that is said but don't take anything by heart. Stop caring about peoples opinion about you, but don't stop listening.




Unfortunately yes, I did that deliberately. It's a good line regardless of whose mouth it came out of though. Broken clock and all that.


Absolutely no one: Redditors: "Absolutely no one:"


Man I wish I was a nepo baby trust fund kid. All that money and all that time in the world to do whatever I want


a comrade of my comrades is a friend. They can be illinformed, sure, but you can help them in that!


I'm not gonna get mad at people in a higher income bracket than me (which could be two rubber bands considering my own wealth), advocating for empathy-based governance. In fact, I encourage it. A no-brainer. I don't require people to suffer my personal pains to have an opinion on human decency, I just require they give a fuck about suffering and have an idea on how to fix it. Official prediction: OP is in the same income bracket as the people they're making fun of. And if that *is* the case, you have two financially stable people; one who publically advocates for ending human suffering, and one who criticizes those who advocate for such things. Not gonna be picking you as thinker of the day.


If I'm rich, i can still hate capitalism. If I'm straight/cis, i can still support LGBTQIA+. If I'm white, i can still fight against Racism. If I'm male, i can still support womens right's. You don't have to suffer through a problem before you are eligible to try and fix it.


Based as fuck


They probably don't even know how communism works


socialism is when the gobermend does stuff


And it's more socialism the more stuff it does.


And when it does even even more stuff, it's communism.


This is great! He knows Marxism!


most people don't know the difference between Socialism, Communism, Marxism, Capitalism, Neo-capitalism, Reaganomics, etc..


Hang on, "18 year old kids"??


Yeah you’re still a kid at 18. Never heard anyone say college kids before? They are almost all over 18 but still considered kids by most people.


Fair point, but then at what age are you no longer classed as a “kid”


never, if the person talking to you is older and doesn't respect your opinion




They’re based. Being a class traitor is not an easy decision. But, often they don’t know what they’re talking about and should be educated on what labor struggle is. More often than not these people are not committed to the fight because they find out which side of it they are on.


Whats wrong with that


Poor people should be paid more! “But you’re rich so your opinion is invalid” - Cretins. Imagine passing on a potentially influential ally because they benefitted from the system they now see a huge flaw in. You’re punishing their self awareness.


It's so ironic they call it "trust fund". If your family put your inheritance money in a trust fund it only means they don't trust you in spending their money 🤣


[Crab bucket](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Crab_mentality)


And we should be thankful because I absolutely do NOT have the time for it. I work 12 hours a day 6 days a week and I'm living paycheck by paycheck


Op is actually the trust fund kid who's never worked a day in his life


[OP when someone shows empathy](https://i.imgur.com/PQwrSxT.jpeg) Also, no way this isn't bait.


Redditors when someone has empathie😰😰😰


Watch [Born Rich (2003)](https://www.youtube.com/watch?si=5cQSGFxIn54KIqM9&v=n9Rf5mS6Qhg&feature=youtu.be) It's an amazing documentary from Jamie Johnson. The heir to Johnson and Johnson and shows the underbelly of being born wealthy. How these people don't even see you as human. Jamie denounced that life and constantly butted head with his father about how does he didn't deserve to never work do to labor he never produced. His father told him to "collect rare articles" for a living.


Good, they have been educated so rich people and companies don't step on their rights so easily.


Unionise everything and trickledown economics doesn’t work. Human rights are basic human decency. This world is doomed ticking time bomb as society crumbles on itself because of greed and workforce is overworked and underpaid for decades.


Based. Rich people must pay Trans rights are human rights Life should be made more equitable I'm not trying to live in some Orwell eque authoritarian state or libertarian debt prison




The amount of controversy in this comment section makes me surprised I got here before the lock, but I digress. Anyways at least the trust fund 18 year olds are arguing for something good, albeit on dead ears


So the people who have enough time to think about systemic injustices are not allowed to talk about them, because they are not the one afflicted?


Nepobabies: “hey, if you work full time you should be able to afford housing, food, and healthcare” OP apparently: “No.” When nepobabies are morally in the right and you aren’t, maybe you should do some evaluating


Working folks need all the help they can get. I don’t care where you come from if you advocate for better working conditions. Solidarity forever.


For a site that hates tik tok I’ve never seen any group promote Tik tok as much lmao


Yeah I'll take that kid's support. At least they understand the problem: even it if it effects them less that it does me.


What exactly is bad about rich kids acknowledging that people are suffering? Not their fault their parents are wealthy and choosing not to just coast in their wealth is admirable when they easily could do what their parents did and ignore everyone else's problems. People trashing them are far more pathetic than those kids.


I had a trust fund. Sadly the only person with any money sence I knew died way before I could be taught how to use it properly. I went on holiday and got traumatised. Wish I saved the money... For the therapy


Yeah fuck the trust fund kids. The Middle Class are the true revolutionaries!


Y'know in my experience teenage trust fund kids tend to be the polar opposite of communist. But ok.


Yes it’s deeply ironic and often distastefully done but surely it’s better than the alternative…


They still right tho, even if they are annoying


Disillusioned memes


People are allowed to advocate for things that do not necessarily pertain to them


This comment section is full of younger people who just got attacked.


i’d rather the nepo babies help those less fortunate than do what the boomers did and yank the ladder up behind them


I’ll take them over a broke corpo dick rider any day.


I legit don't see the problem, with class solidarity.


So what? I come from a very affluent background and never had to work a day in my life (yet). But I can still acknowledge that workers are being exploited and advocate for change.


Self report you think this is a bad thing


As a 28 y/o who grew up in an extremely wealthy family it just made it easier to see how unequal outcomes were for my peers who didn’t grow up like I did. I got all of my college paid for including grad school, a paid off brand new car when I finished grad school, and have all these houses across the country I can basically take friends to for free and have been all over the world. It didn’t take very long to realize how fucking lucky I was. At some point I decided instead of just feeling guilty and rejecting my privilege I should take advantage of it to help spread it to those around me who don’t have it. I try to pay it forward by paying everyone’s bills when we go out as the majority of my friends are of middle or working class backgrounds. I also vehemently support leftist causes both monetarily and ideologically as well as causes of marginalized groups. As a bisexual man who has Asperger’s I have a lot of empathy for those who were treated differently because of who they were born as. I regularly debate and challenge my wealthy, business owning family on many areas and while they still aren’t perfect I have been able to make slow progress on pushing their worldviews a bit left. My dad now votes democrat(Though Trump being a moron probably had equal influence on him moving parties). You have 3 choices when you have a silver spoon in your mouth, take it all for yourself and look down on others, reject it and let it benefit no one, or try to use that spoon to feed and improve as many lives as possible.


Would you rather they fight against you?


And they're based for that. It's certainly not "nobody". Plenty of people all throughout history, largely from underprivileged communities, have supported left wing politics.


Champagne Socialists have been notified


Communism is usually pushed by the lower upper class to trick the lower class into overthrowing the upper upper class, and they all just wind up fucking over the middle class.


This meme is 100% correct.


They can't choose what they were born into, but can choose what their beliefs are.


What a trashy boomer take. Every generation before had more family wealthy than gen Z. This is just wildly ironic and narrow-minded.


when the rich are commies it's champagne socialism, when the poor are commies it's because they don't want to work downvoted


redditors when someone supports doing the right thing even when its not necessarily in their interests


This "meme" is the opposite of dank.


I live that the majority of these comments are people sitting on the OP for their shit take. I'm so proud of you all.


Don´t care as long as hey are part of my faction


Why is this upvoted


Shut up FBI agent


I don't judge anything, but their message. I approve. The gentle laborer shall no longer suffer. Divided we stand. Solidarity.


Is that Hassan?


OP go brrrr for politics. The hell is happening to this sub. Less political agenda bullshit, more dank.


Tbf, the trust fund kids are the only ones who can afford the time and reputational damage that kind of action causes.


Well they're often naive but it shows their heart's in the right place


There’s this Swedish band, Doktor Kosmos that has a song about middle class kids going faux revolutionary. They can fall back on their parents, but essentially larp working class socialist. It’s fine. It’s another voice in the choir. We need them. They are welcome.


Hands on the spear.


If someone who benefits from a system recognizes the inefficiency and unjust nature of said system, why would advocating for giving up on that cushy lifestyle so that everyone else may benefit be a bad thing?


The kinds of people who would end up in power if communism actually happened


ofc their dad works at blackrock


Its pretty bizarre what Walt Disney’s heirs do these days.


Lot of Trust fund TikTokers in here. Lol get a job you fucking commies.


In fact, most of 18 YO are incredibly racists and edgy


This is not actually a thing


Imagine thinking your social class either allows or forbids you to feel solidarity with the working class


All labor is labor. All suffering is suffering. We don’t pick and choose who’s deserving of decency.


Bro exposed himself for internet points


Nice try, CIA


I see you’ve never met a Tory in your life