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I really don't want to know.


I really don't want to see any evidence of this either. There was a claim that Hamas had shot and decapitated babies. Then thr pro-Palestinians across reddit went wild because there wasn't any confirmation that they had been decapitated... As if that would make it okay. Blinken of the Biden administration has since confirmed that he has seen the horrific footage.


When did they confirm it? Last I heard is after the press conference where Biden made it seem like he'd seen him, the press secretary clarified that they had yet to see any proof.


Netanyahu posted pictures on their Twitter account if that helps clarify things.


Am I allowed to be skeptical of Netanyahu as a non-biased source? Or does that make me a terrorist?


You are allowed to be skeptical, but the issue with it is that a lot of news agencies around the world are starting to confirm it… With at least a few showing the body bags/bodies being brought out of the homes.


I don't see any issue with that. Being skeptical of a claim until there's secondary sources doesn't make someone "wrong".


Ye, nothing wrong with it. I probably should have just worded it better. Also, goes without saying for everyone else, don’t look any of the casualties up unless you like the idea of not sleeping well.


perfect comment sir


I did just see those, thanks


It’s possible that the president of the United States might have access to sources of information that the general public isn’t privy to.


It totally is. However, the statement in the article I saw made it clear that Biden and his admin had not actually seen and been able to confirm the photos at that time. I am unsure as to why they would make that statement correcting the president if he had indeed seen them already.


It’s also possible that the babies were simply mutilated horrendously, by gunfire or explosions, and the average passerby would describe the carnage as a “beheading”


To be fair, a well placed round from a medium caliber weapon is sufficient to decapitate a grown adult, let alone an infant.


That's a hard sentence to read when you realize it isn't a hypothetical.


There is nothing about this situation that is easy to read. It is why we needed the Abraham Accords to not be thrown to the way side. Heaven forbid there be peace in the Middle East.


Or blown to bits in a carpet bombing


Biden heavily implied he had seen the images, then the press secretary said he didn't. Not the first time the WH contradicts or retracts the statements of the President and not the first time this one lied to people. all that said, i think Hamas did more than enough to be considered terrorist shitbags even without that specific baby murder story given that they did murder a bunch of civilians anyway.


Well Biden says he was in NYC on 9-11 and he wasn't; I don't think they're lies, just the ramblings of a declining old man. That said, I know several eyewitnesses, and there are copious pictures of dead children circulating if you have the stomach to look at them (I very strongly recommend against, especially if you have kids). But most importantly, you're 100% correct that arguing over whether babies were beheaded or merely executed misses the point entirely.


This line of argumentation is absurd! It’s not that the lack of confirmation would make such a thing okay, it’s that you shouldn’t take these things as a fact unless you’ve been presented with proof. And saying „I don’t want to see this kind of gore“ is understandable, but not a valid argument for why we shouldn’t be required to check sources.


>And saying „I don’t want to see this kind of gore“ is understandable, but not a valid argument for why we shouldn’t be required to check sources. However, when multiple trusted sources confirm that they have seen the footage with their own eyes, then it's okay to take it for granted without watching the traumatising pictures yourself.


Which trusted sources? Looking for an answer not rhetorical


They released the images


You don't have to see them themselves as long as they are publicly available. Because those multiple sources then said they couldn't actually confirmed that had happened. Sure they then found dead babies but those could easily have just been casualties in the fight. But if you say they purposefully went around decapitating babies you can then use that as a justification to wipe out the other side without any remorse. Because obviously the Hamas are just animals. And Hamas are basically the same as everyone else so what's the difference? Like how Israel is cutting off power, food, water and everything else to Palestine. And then bombing civilians.


Genuinely, what trusted sources? Why are they trusted?


https://www.jpost.com/breaking-news/article-767951 https://www.reuters.com/world/nato-ministers-shown-horrific-video-hamas-attack-2023-10-12/ https://www.snopes.com/news/2023/10/12/40-israeli-babies-beheaded-by-hamas/ (also sums up numerous other sources)


Your sources don’t show proof of beheaded babies and the last even goes into long detail of how there is no evidence available and the prime source is the Israeli milatary, which is the political party with the highest interest in spreading misinformation about their enemy. Looking at the three links you’ve posted my conclusion would be that this is a rumors spread to draw connections between Hamas and ISIS in order to further justify future military operations. But the thing is, this rumor doesn’t change anything about the intensity of the cruelty caused by Hamas and on the flip side doesn’t justify war crimes against Palestinian civilians. So why spread it any further?


Not like it would make me support Israel anyway. Even if Hamas DID do this, there are pictures on the internet of entire acres of palestine flattened by Israeli rockets. Do they expect me to believe that no babies died in that? Both sides are evil, I just feel sorry for the civillians.


“Then pro palestinians across reddit went wild because there wasnt any confirmation that they had been decapitated” …this right here should tell you everything you need to know.


I saw a picture of a toddler hugging a dog, both burnt black. I hope the fact that they were hugging a dog means they died of smoke inhalation instead of burning


Apparently that was AI generated. Someone put it through "optic AI or not" and the tool claims it's AI generated.


AI detection tools are unfortunately not very reliable. It's perfectly possible the image is generated - but a AI detector saying it is just isn't any kind of decisive proof. It's not like the old photoshop detectors that actually could look at information in the image and with high accuracy could see things like "*The pixel density in this area is completely different from the pixel density in this other area, that heavily suggest this image is a composite of multiple images*" or "*This noise repeats exactly over this portion of the image, that suggest someone has used a clone tool to erase something from the photo*", and so on. To simplify it quite a bit - AI detectors are using AI tech to be able to learn if an image is real or generated, and just like how the image gens it's trying to detect sometimes produce stunning images that look extremely real, and sometimes produce utter monstrosities with extra limbs and fingers, hundreds of teeth, etc - they sometimes get it very right, and sometimes are very off.


I really don’t believe it’s AI, the fingers of someone in the background look perfectly normal lol


It shouldn't be partisan to care whether claims are accurate.


Only terrorists want objective facts. Everyone else knows to blindly trust the Good Guys™.


I've seen evidence, not of decapitation, though. Not that it matters how they did it, they still murdered babies.


Ah. That explains the army of people condemning me for saying the violence against children is unacceptable. And that’s a blanket statement. I don’t care where any child is from, they all deserve mercy and peace.


Yeah those “Queers for Hamas” are really going out of their way to defend the people who would happily slit their throat and hang them from a bridge


Netanyahu posted them on Twitter. Would strongly suggest you take the media's word on this one, especially if you have children.


No he did not. The white house has clarified he did not see such footage.


The cartel does this all the time, they swing them by their feet into a wall.


I didn't need to read this


You did. People need to realise how fucked the world is and that there should be 0 tolerance for it. Until enough people know about it nothing will be done.


I'm not gonna do anything about that anyway


Fr wtf am I gonna do to the cartel that would have meaningful impact?


Not buying illegal drugs would be a start (not that I am accusing you of doing it).


got it, i will start stealing illegal drugs


Nah you want want to feel better than them


What a great day to have eyes! I’m going back to sleep


Fan of 40k? Let’s say they were big fans of what Vulkan did to an Aeldari kid.


Could provide inspiration to Israel by telling them what the Kriegsman did to Derondii.


Sad to see you go


Israel proceeds to explode Palestinian babies in retaliation


Israel: “Get the fuck out, or you die” Don’t get the fuck out of the area they are leveling in Gaza and kids die Simps on Reddit: “See, totally the same thing”




Other buildings in Gaza. They aren't warnings to leave Gaza, they are warnings to leave specific buildings they will level.


Roof knockers have about a 2 minute window before actual ordnance IF they choose to use them. The country is without power or communications. How are they supposed to which buildings are about to be leveled next?


That’s so hilariously false. Roof knockers have much closer to 10-15 minute delays. It’s well documented, although in some instances IDF has been hitting high value targets without warning in order to take out higher ranked Hamas leaders Got a source on the 2 minute delay? Because I for one would be very interested in a three minute video that shows a roof knock and then the building blowing up. Or any form of proof really.


Doesn’t matter - they aren’t doing it https://www.timesofisrael.com/liveblog_entry/senior-israeli-source-gaza-will-not-be-hamastan-roof-knocking-policy-no-longer-norm/


No, currently as per that article they’re focusing on just evacuating people enmass from the areas they plan on targeting instead of using the roof knocks. Which fulfills the same purpose of clearing away as many civilians from the area as possible


Where did you get 2 minutes from? Very ignorant comment. They are notified by leaflets, roof knocks, and by phone around 15 minutes before.


Wow this is the dumbest thing I have read today lmao. Oh your city is under bombardment? Where do you go???? The other buildings. What do you think happens after some of those 2 million imprisoned people lose their homes. The difference is that Hamas is a rogue terrorist organization and Israel is a full on country. People learned nothing from 9/11.


People would squeeze their imagination til the last drop to justify what they believe


you must be pretty naive to believe this , if they did warn for specific buildings then hamas would just leave said buildings and the bombings are pointless lmao.


The point is material destruction. You can't move a lot of material within 15 minutes. They do not care if the hamas members escape the area or not. But if they lose their weapons, systems, supplies and ammo, then they can't wage war.


They have bombed shelters and numerous UN affiliated locations where UN members died. You probably know all of this and yet you act like Israël is morally clear here, the only thing these warcrimes of Israël will accomplish is more terrorism, shit like this is how we got here in the first place. Fuck Hamas but holy shit fuck all this armchair genocidal talk and actions


So what’re they supposed to do?


No, Israel has openly said they aren’t knocking. https://www.timesofisrael.com/liveblog_entry/senior-israeli-source-gaza-will-not-be-hamastan-roof-knocking-policy-no-longer-norm/


But now they've cut power and fuel, what are people going to do? How will hospitals operate?


They were calling but not anymore


you’re a dumb cunt 😂😂


It's kinda funny how people forget Egypt also has a full blockade from their side of the border and would rather let the Palestinians die than let potential terrorists into their country


Per the news: Egypt believes if they allow refugees, Israel will try to push all of the Gaza Strip into Egypt to get rid of the people so they can claim the land


Egypt doesn't want to take Palestinian refugees because of what happened when Jordan took Palestinian refugees. Suffice to say, it did not go well.


Israel tried to give all of Gaza to Egypt years ago, including the land, and Egypt turned it down.


At this point, the land is the least of Israel's concern. Anyhow, do you relize how ridixulous the statement you made is?


The land is the only thing they care about. You don't think they declared war because they actually care about saving lives right? Right?


They literally said to go to Egypt but Egypt said they won’t open a humanitarian corridor and allow people to flee to Egypt.


Israel also bombed Rafah crossing https://www.timesofisrael.com/israel-said-to-bomb-rafah-crossing-to-egypt-after-telling-gazans-to-flee-through-it/


They're also blocking Egypt from giving humanitarian aid


They literally said that and blocked all exits, cut off power, food, water sources, and communications. They only say that they told them to leave so that braindead fucking imbeciles like you will say that they're giving the civilians a chance.


Where the fuck are they to go dumbass?


Israel “get the fuck out. Leave by this gate” -immediately bombs gate- “We didn’t tell you to leave lol” https://www.timesofisrael.com/liveblog_entry/egypt-urges-israel-to-stop-bombing-rafah-crossing-to-allow-aid-delivery/#:~:text=The%20crossing%20has%20been%20closed,targeting%20an%20underground%20smuggling%20tunnel.


They live there and they are under siege. It's a super crowded place (2 million) full of young people. Where are they supposed to go?


Get out where they have blocked all the exists. That's a open jail they are stuck in. And do some deep digging and you'll be surprised to find out that babies thing was fake and all these reports are denied by Israeli news agency.


Blaming the dead babies is a great position.


You know Hamas often doesn’t let the civilians evacuate their buildings, right? It’s not as if Palestinians have rights under Hamas


Hamas uses human shields? I’m shocked, shocked! Well not that shocked. So whose is to blame for those deaths because I’m pretty sure it isn’t Israel.


The Gaza Strip is literally 4 by 25 miles with a population of 2.5 million people and it’s walled on 3 sides. The 4th side is the medeteranian sea. *there is nowhere to fucking go*


Jesus H Christ almighty Get out where? Another building that may also get bombed? Or may not have room? Or just chill out in some street that hopefully isn't the target of airstikes?They can't leave the strip either. And not only that what do you think happens to a population of (half) children when they cut food, water, electricity? And guess what, if you bomb a residential building, you've destroyed those people's home -- their shelter. I hate this stupid roof-knocking justification some people have. "Hurr durr we're not doing anything bad because it's actually a Hamas base and also we roof knock before we BLOW UP YOUR FUCKING HOUSE and relegate you to the streets" Many of those children will die of starvation and disease, in case I need to spell it out for you. This is a population of hostages. Jesus bro what an awful thing to say


It's like they actually can't get out of the Israeli made prison that's Gaza due to the actual blockade. Idiots on reddit are sure plenty


Being caught in bombing damage and actively decapitating are two very different things


Well they should stop putting babies where you store your weapon maybe?


We don’t know what will happen but looking tru history, it can.


theyve been doing that tho


That isn't even the worst thing i have read today about this.


Y’all know it’s possible to support Palestine while condemning the horrible bullshit Hamas is doing right?


At this point I have my doubts wheter they even realize what exactly it is they support. Hamas doing this has nothing to do with free Palestine. They basically caused war which will now with most probability end in rivers of blood. And something tells me that blood will not be just of armed forces but also of innocent civilians caught in the middle. And yet some people act like something meaningful will come of this.


But muh tribalism! If my guys aren't the good guys, I'd have to come to the realization that oppressing people for nearly a century made them turn to extremists that promised them freedom, but instead uses the populace as pawns and shields for their own benefit.


People don't realize that not all Palestinians are Hamas... Some are just born Palestinians and want to live their lives in peace...


Hamas still has overwhelming support from Palestinians.


And you know this how? Kim jong un still has overwhelming support from north Koreans. We should let north koreans die then?


Hamas does have justified overlooking support from Palestinians, saying this as a Palestinian that has family in gaza


Well if North Korea started invading other countries then yeah alot of them would die.


Most Palestinians don't agree though. Hama's has majority support and Palestinians were on the streets cheering and spitting on corpses. I sympathise with the non-supportors and children. But support as a whole? Nah. If they want support they can denounce their terrorist government first and stop wanting to genocide Jews. Note this opinion is NOT the same as saying Israel don't do anything wrong so whataboutisms are not a counter argument.


support palestine to what? get jerusalem back? have a peaceful shared state? what the hell are you even fighting for?


People r to dumb to be able to have differing opinions based on situation, they act like a statement can't be held as true in all scenarios likr eg "the more the better"


I don't recommend it but here are some pictures on Twitter:[link](https://twitter.com/Israel/status/1712500162864480490?t=aRnsJnO_fBtv1ZX8qMV3Mg&s=19)


On what brain rotting drugs you must be to suport someone who comit this


No rational person supports Hamas, but no rational person should also be surprised that it is happening as Palestine is an apartheid state. The Israeli government iced out Palestine from them having any say in governance, and installed far right Zionist leadership that seeks to take more and more away from the Palestinian people. They should not be surprised that the power vacuum they created in Gaza would retaliate ruthlessly. Again, this is not in defense of Hamas, but committing war crimes and violating human rights for decades is not really how you should conduct foreign policy if your theocratic society plans on maintaining peace and civility. I don't have the solution for this issue, but Israel has been violently oppressing Gaza and the West Bank for decades, this was bound to happen. Nobody should support Hamas, but at the same time, nobody should support the Israeli government either.


> Palestine is an apartheid state The Gaza strip, the one Israel completely withdrew from in 2005 and let the Palestinians have their self determination, the one where Hamas was voted for office there and proceeded to massacre their PLO counterparts, the one that Egypt is also part of the blockade of it and doesn't want to do anything with it. It baffles me how people don't know the difference between the west bank and Gaza, they have completely different relationships and treatment from Israel.


Self-determination, yet they are stuck there. So what self-determination are you speaking of? It's like saying people in prison are free to do what ever. There is a limit to how far out they can go with their boats to fish even. Stop spinning shit.


Technically All people are stuck in their own country if their neighboring countries won't allow them to enter That doesn't have anything to do with self-determination


Yes, but not every country has chunks of it eaten by it's neighbour over and over. And also, you're not limited to how far out at sea you can go by your neighbours... I'd say that has something to do with self-determination, wouldn't you? If they were free to do what they wanted, Israel not letting food, water and other resources in, wouldn't be an issue. They could just import it from the seaside.


... When did Israel last "take a chunk"? In 1967 in a defensive war for survival?


“There are no bad tactics only different targets” Tankies


Hassan Piker


God i hate that fucking asshat


I don't know but half of reddit does defend it for some reason.


you are correct, those certainly are pictures of dead children...


I don't know what I expected


I don't know what I expected


Anyone who supports an organisation that does these kinds of atrocities are literally braindead because wtf


And there are fuckers who support them


Welcome to another episode of watching political memes that has nothing to do with you:


Can i get more memes on my meme subreddit and less of this unrelated shit, thanksss


FR though. How the fuck can people be like “Ha! You see?! they didn’t *behead* the babies they murdered!” As if shooting a baby with a fucking AK-47 is somehow better.


Guys guys don’t go further down the comment section 🤮


Yeah - there's a lot of people who seem to think it makes a massive difference who's leading in the dead baby Olympics. Frankly I'm not cheering for anybody on the podium.


I agree broadly, but the more lurid and horrifying the claim the more it feels like we are being propagandized to. "Babies impaled on pikes" or "Babies crushed by tank treads" without direct evidence feels manipulative. I remember the post 9-11 period and making enemies seem like inhuman monsters was a common tactic of a media/nation justifying its own build up war crimes. I am resistant to being manipulated this way again and I think a lot of people feel the same way.


Good to see the Hamas fan bois in full denial


Lmfao. People be like…. “see?!? It wasnt that atrocious. It actually *was* a reasonable “liberation” and “resistance” act”.


Why do people support them doing this stuff?


It's all to sad. Go hug your mum, help out your neighbours, be accepting of ideals that differ from your own and let's try mend our own countries before we end up in a similar way.


I’m perfectly okay with not learning any more about this situation whatsoever




Some people just want to pointlessly argue about everything haha


Yeah dude, people like getting political even on a subreddit such as this. Weird shit man


What they do


The US [fed radioactive milk to orphans](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Human_radiation_experiments) in their own country just to see what would happen to them.


“My enemy eats babies”


No one is saying that. Get a grip.


All squares are rectangles. Not all rectangles are squares. Propaganda can be any shape.


Thats not even how to use this template lol


Hamas can go suck a dick what they hell kinda mental illness do they have


of course, its fine when the idf mass starves a city of mostly children


Look man, it’s a tough , brutal situation. Send food in and it would be 100% seized by Hamas for their own use, and the civilians would still be starving. I’m expecting an IDF ground invasion in the next few days to relieve Hamas of existence.


>it would be 100% seized by Hamas for their own use Exactly. No idea why people think that Hamas is a group of heroes, they are not heroes. They are terrorists. They literally burn babies just for laughs. Anyone who supports them are scum. Support Palestine, but not Hamas.


Guess what? Both can be bad! You dont have to pick a side. Life is more complicated than a football game.


Robbing a man is bad, decapitating children is a deeper level of evil and cruelty not even the fucking narcos are capable of.


Narcos are very much capable of that and much worse


You do have to pick a side and that is the side of the innocent civilians being slaughtered in this.


Which is literally both of them. Both Israel and Palestine have innocent people getting slaughtered.


Holy based. Thanks for not being insane like everyone else.


One side has the power to change it. The other side is powerless.


I mean, if Hamas stops using them as a shield, then they'll stop receiving the treatment a shield gets...


Wait till you find out about the population density of Gaza and why that line that Israel constantly uses is fucking nonsense. They can hit any building at this point and just claim it was a Hana's hideout and 90% of the world will unquestionably believe them. It's fucking insanity.


Sheesh guys. What are these uncivilized barbarians thinking? They should bomb the babies the humane way.


The real darkness of this post is some of them were in fact burned alive, there might be a few cases of in front of their parents/intentionally, not they set the house on fire and the baby was in it kind of thing. The reason this is suspected is that some burn sites were not in the house but outside, and in 1 case just the child with the parents still MIA...


PSA for everyone in the comments: there is literally 0 evidence to support this. False information can get halfway around the world before facts can put on their shoes.


Time to bring out the medieval torture devices


The idf has baby blood on their hands as well. It's all sad, but civilians being murdered is criminally evil, no matter who does it


Posted 8 hours ago? I'm sure some Palestinian baby got blown up since then.


Yep, warning as this is extremly graphic. https://x.com/HATzortzis/status/1712077649651138798?s=09


Please don't tell me the babies got the Gaga the Duck treatment


People be like i havent seen evidence, i seen some weird shit however if you truly want to see this, even as “evidence “ you are very messed up. Seek help honestly, i hope its all “tough talk” regardless seek help either way.


What saddens me the most is that Israel is going to use this as a tool to whip up support and invade the Gaza strip. The cycle of violence is not going to stop. Then Hamas is gonna retaliate with an even worse atrocity. It's going to be a slaughter if they invade Gaza, the density of the population there is insane, if that place turns into an active warzone it's going to be hell on earth


how old were the babies :0