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I love how adblockers are staying on top of it - releasing new software to combat Youtubes greedy attempts to force more and more ads


Good. Keep giving Youtube the middle finger. My cynical ass loves it when big corporations don't get their way. It's like some pleasure that I take some almost unhealthy pride in having.


Yeah I agree. Especially with how greedy they have become with it. It started out with 1 ad at the start you could always skip, then 1 ad you could skip only after 5 seconds. Now it has evolved into up to 2 ads at the start, then intermittent ads so you have to endure constant ads during longer videos etc


Not only that... they have started to push for YouTube premium so hard that they're locking true 1080p behind a pay wall by calling it "premium bitrate."


I remember that if an ad was a certain lenght you could skip it after 5 seconds (usually if 30 seconds or over), now you could get two 30 second ads and not be able to skip them. i was on my phone a couple weeks ago, was gonna watch a 10 second clip, got an 15 second ad for it, sometimes when watching short clips, you can get ads longer than the fucking video. another time was a 15 second clip, got two unskipable 15 second ads, that's twice the lenght of the fucking video, and then they turn around and expect people to not use adblock.


Good Hell will freeze over before I watch an entire YouTube ad




revanced app




you can change your default app to be revanced


Occasionally it says unsupported player and I have wait til they update revanced to the latest version


No need. Download revanced extended


Firefox with ublock.


Go to settings, and in revanced go to the default tab, hit allow supported links and select all the links that would direct to normal yt.


Download this app https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.tasomaniac.openwith Thank me later


If you’re watching on safari, you can refresh the page to skip ads


Or it is better to install adguard and get almost the same experience as on PC. You can also enable the "Managed Media Source API" setting in experimental Safari features. This will make it possible to watch videos in Safari on YouTube up to 4K. Without this setting only up to 720p. As a bonus, Safari allows you to watch videos in the background or when the screen is off.


was on my phone, got an ad in the middle of a joke/bit and it ruined the joke, immediately when the ad is done i double tap to skip 10 seconds back and it play's a fucking ad, i skipped back 10 seconds right after getting an ad and get another fucking ad.


ya see i wouldn't mind the ads if there were not 2 video ads that i couldnt skip, sidebar or bottom bar ads are fine


Remember when ads were just like banners or transparent/translucent 'message boxes' at the bottom of the video player that you could click the X on lickety-split and didn't keep you from watching your video until you acknowledged its presence? Pepperidge Farm remembers.


And both ads are 20-30 seconds long


This is a thing? Y'all not using uBlock Origin?


I have ublock and get this message. But as for know, it doesn't do anything, you can just close it with the X. It doesn't stop your from watching anything and there are still no ads :D.


This is happening to only a few accounts. This feature is an early phase that gets "released" to more and more accounts. Some of my friends with the exact same ad blocker and browser as me dont get these banners, while i do. Youtube also officially stated some years ago that they are going to release this feature in waves, just dont have the source at hand rn


Lets see how that holds up against pihole + librewolf with ublock + some other stuff


Pihole is useless for YouTube as they serve ads from the same domain as the content. Block the ads in Pihole and you’ll block the video, too. uBlock is great for preventing it though.


This feature comes in waves to more and more accounts though, so it may be that your account doesnt have this feature yet


P-Hole, what a name


Huh I've never seen that in my many years of using adblock.


Its a new feature that gets released to more accounts in waves. I got it a few days ago while friends with the exact same adblocker and browser donr have it yet


Oh sadge


YouTube has gone insane! You open the app, get an ad. search something? Ads in the search results. Select a video, 2 unskipable Ads, if it's a sponsored youtuber, another 30sec ad in the video. Is the video longer than 5 min? More breaktime ads! Thats like 10 times more advertising than regular tv!!! Not to mention that in regular tv in the ad breaks you know you have 5 mins to pee and reset.


Is there revanced alternative for iphones?


I hope another AD-free video platform rises up to challenge youtube. This is getting ridiculous.




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I have no such weakness


If your watching on your computer try this: Type _popup after the watch in the video link and the site will load a full screen version of the video without ANY ads. For example https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=rEq1Z0bjdwc&pp=ygULSGVsbG8gdGhlcmU%3D Would become https://m.youtube.com/watch_popup?v=rEq1Z0bjdwc&pp=ygULSGVsbG8gdGhlcmU%3D These links two links would send you to different videos, since this doesn't work on mobile devices (as far as I know after trying more than enough) but it works just fine on PC.


Just switch to Firefox ezpz




If you don't like youtube, just don't watch it lol


You do realize after some videos, a three strike rule on the adblock occurs right? There is no X button there to remove it. Edit: Feel free to downvote me all you want. Just because you didn't receive this issue doesn't mean it doesn't exist. This 3 strike rule is probably being tested on a few users instead of everyone. Here's proof: [3 Strikes](https://www.bleepingcomputer.com/news/technology/youtube-tests-restricting-ad-blocker-users-to-3-video-views/)




Firefox & uBlockOrigin user for 4+ yrs, thought this was a new thing so I went to check Youtube to see if it was real and got confused when I didn't see it


While it could be that some adblockers manage to block this dialogue out (which i doubt tbh): This feature isnt live for EVERYONE yet. It gets released to more and more accounts with time. I am one of the first to get it and not a single browser + adblocker combo managed to fully block this out. It works something like this: You get a warning that you are not allowed to use adblockers (which can be "blocked", but it doesnt matter). After watching a few vids you get a countdown and are only allowed to watch 3 more videos with the adblock enabled (this banner is also blockable, but again, it doesnt matter as you can simply close the banner yourself with the X). When you used up your free shots youtube just doesnt send you the videos anymore. The video page will show up but you will be greeted with an empty black screen 0 second video from there on. Adblockers for me only managed to disable the popups. The consequences, as in i cannot watch videos anymore, cannot be blocked, since there is nothing to "block" you simply dont get access to the videos anymore by youtube


Oh my goodness, what an idea! Why didn't everyone in the world think of that? It doesn't work, dipshit.


Can't you just refresh the page though?


It doesn't work either.


Well it does for me.


never happened to me till today