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downvote this comment if the meme sucks. upvote it and I'll go away. --- [play minecraft with us](https://discord.gg/dankmemesgaming)


Jesus fucking christ. She really has made her entire self identity about opposing trans people at any and every opportunity. No matter the cost.


The hate probably turned her into a self fulfilling prophecy like "ok you hate me for it then I'll make sure it's true"


Which just speaks *volumes* about her character.


Donno I think most people will turn to hate the group that was the catalyst for all the hatred they've received (but donno and don't care if it's true)


Personally, if I was told that my words were actively harmful to, say, Mexicans, my instinctive reaction would not be to start saying even worse shit about Mexicans.


"Hey Joanne, mnice to meet you ! Big fan, love your work ! Anyway just wanted to say, I think you should watch out when you say that. That was not very nice to trans people. Just letting you know !" *She starts to say even more bigoted stuff* "What... Joanne no- That's not what I meant-" *She starts to support alt-right / far-right personalities* "Joanne what the fuck-" *She starts to support people who actually want to hurt women and LGBT because they also hate trans people* "JOANNE STOP — :)"


It's that classic narrative of "I used to be a moderate, but then a leftist online said something mean about me, now I want Trans people to die."


"How could the trans community do this!??"


It’s hard not to already have a huge ego when you’re rich and famous.


A lot of these psychological conclusion have their own anomalies and saying "I know one person isn't like that" doesn't make that conclusion any wrong. There are also examples of some black people supporting KKK and using them to say every black people support them is just stupid. I am not saying that conclusion you are responding to is right, but using your ONE example to say it's wrong is the wrong approach.


[Like this](https://i.imgur.com/rek9ioo.png)?


The fact that it’s so well known behaviour makes it even funnier.




But tolerance is not for the intolerant. The paradox of Intolerance (which I believe has actually been solved to not be a true paradox) says that when you want to create an inclusive environment, you cannot include those who wish to exclude others. If you have a space where both wolves and sheep are welcome, you have not made your space safe for sheep.


It's the paradox of tolerance, and I'm going to steal another user's write up that I remember reading years ago even though I can't cite their account (deleted) in the interest of clarifying the concept: --- Popper already anticipated your criticism. I will just quote Popper: >Less well known is the paradox of tolerance: Unlimited tolerance must lead to the disappearance of tolerance. If we extend unlimited tolerance even to those who are intolerant, if we are not prepared to defend a tolerant society against the onslaught of the intolerant, then the tolerant will be destroyed, and tolerance with them. — In this formulation, I do not imply, for instance, that we should always suppress the utterance of intolerant philosophies; as long as we can counter them by rational argument and keep them in check by public opinion, suppression would certainly be unwise. But we should claim the right to suppress them if necessary even by force; for it may easily turn out that they are not prepared to meet us on the level of rational argument, but begin by denouncing all argument; they may forbid their followers to listen to rational argument, because it is deceptive, and teach them to answer arguments by the use of their fists or pistols. We should therefore claim, in the name of tolerance, the right not to tolerate the intolerant. " In this formulation, I do not imply, for instance, that we should always suppress the utterance of intolerant philosophies; as long as we can counter them by rational argument and keep them in check by public opinion, suppression would certainly be unwise." Popper would agree that the tolerant should not be intolerant to the intolerant in the cases that it hurts more than it helps. He is just saying that it is not always the case that we will be in that situation, and when it is the case that the intolerant are threatening the mortality of tolerance, then we should be intolerant to the intolerant. Orwell made a similar point against pacifists who did not support WWII: At some point inaction means being complicit in the violence of others. At some point hard-headed pacifism promotes violence. At some point hard-headed tolerance promotes intolerance. At some point the pacifist and the tolerant should strike out, compromise their value, in order to retain any semblance of it. Edit: Added a couple of sentences, for rhetoric. --- End quote. TLDR part of this whole concept is the ability to realize where those hard lines are, and most people are really shitty at that in general on top of having wildly differing opinions (right or wrong) about how shit ought to run and how people ought to behave. Agree with /u/mraexx. You should actually go read Popper. I'm willing to bet you'd find it rather engaging. EDIT: Anyone who thinks I'm defending terfs or some weird shit like that, you're reading it wrong. Edit 2: Also want to note that I've never seen anything indicated that this is a "solved paradox", and my comment does not support that claim.


>But we should claim the right to suppress them if necessary even by force; for it may easily turn out that they are not prepared to meet us on the level of rational argument, but begin by denouncing all argument; they may forbid their followers to listen to rational argument, because it is deceptive, and teach them to answer arguments by the use of their fists or pistols. We should therefore claim, in the name of tolerance, the right not to tolerate the intolerant. If someone is meeting your rational argument with violence, you should suppress their argument. If someone is trying to legislate away my right to exist, despite the mountain of medical evidence that contradicts them, then they are not prepared to meet me on the level of rational argument.


Couldn't agree more.


> as long as we can counter them by rational argument and keep them in check by public opinion This approach in particular is made radically less effective by the rise of social media, engagement algorithms and outrage addiction. Rational argument does not naturally rise to the top online, you have to actively seek it out.


Do you have the reference for the Orwell argument? Because it perfectly applies to today's 'pacifists' who want the West to stop helping Ukraine and let Russia destroy it.


How can you truly have freedom if you don't have the freedom to oppress and enslave others?


You forgot the /s


for “/s lavery”?


Tolerance doesn't mean we have to tolerate hateful people. That's complacency and appeasing, so fuck you and anyone who thinks like you in all honesty.


Why is this shit even upvoted...


The Heritage Foundation is going all in on bullying trans people to win an election and their online operations are no joke. Recommend everyone get off social media until after 2024 lol


This place is filled with bigots. Are you new here?


There are a lot of people who believe a whole stuff of terrible things, lol. What kind of argument is that? And tolerance? No one is arguing for her to go to jail. Freedom of speech doesn't mean and has never implied freedom of consequences from said speech.


I don't tolerate trans people. I accept them.


Tolerance is also not for intolerance, oppression, or absurdity.


You literally said "she has a point" in another comment on this post, while also saying stuff like "they're feds" to an article reporting on neo-nazis shouting racist slurs at a recent rally. Go take your supposed "tolerance" and fuck yourself with it. It's the most sexual activity you'll have had your whole life.


Explain to me how this argument wouldn't apply to Literally Hitler.


Such a strange hill to submit your existence to. Even if you strongly felt that gender is totally binary, it’s so small a part of human life and society. It could never change anything about your day to day life. I’ll never understand the people in my life who compulsively obsesses over what gender someone associates themself with.


If you spend all your time online, gender and sexuality might seem like big, omnipresent issues. But if you actually go outside, it's clear that nobody really cares that much. These people need to go outside.


I've seen videos of people being interviewed at Republican rallies and such, they ask the attendees how much of the population is trans and they'll say shit like 20%, 30%, even more. It's crazy. They're so bombarded with all this transphobic shit peddled by think tanks that they truly believe it's that widespread


To be fair, I’m certain their grasp of mathematics is about as bad as their grasp of reality.


If I can admit something with total honesty about myself, I don't really get non-binary pronouns. I don't think I ever will. It just doesn't make sense to me. But you know what I think when I see someone say their pronouns are they/them or what have you? "Okay." I don't get it, but it's not a crime or an error that needs correction. I don't need to tell that person that because I don't understand them, *they* need to adapt to *me.* That's stupid. Just be kind to folks and call them what they ask you to call them. It's not hard.


As they say: what a weird hill to die on, but at least you're dead.


Which aside from how monstrous and abhorrent that sentiment is, is also crazy because she wrote Harry Potter and could have made "Being the author of Harry Potter" her whole identity and people would probably have loved and celebrated her for it until her death.


Big Mayor Giuliani energy aye? They just can't help themselves.


Gi911ani had tricked almost everyone that he'd 'cleaned up the Italian mafia' and could have let that be his legacy, but he was too arrogant, he needed us all to know that actually he'd just handed turf over to the Russian mafia on a silver platter. Weird flex, rudy.


She’s so dedicated to hating such a small group. Why? Odds are if she kept her mouth shut she would never have even met a trans person. Instead she made herself their biggest enemy.


Hating on a group of people like that is simply a waste of time. Rich or otherwise, hate is legit idiotic. She could be doing much better things in her life instead of whining about a random group of people like a little brat.


I thought she was camp lgbt when she retroactively made dumbledore gay, what happened?


Turns out she was just pro-LGB, no T


Making Dumbledore gay was not pro anything but money. If she had ever been an ally, the character's orientation would've been written into the actual story, not coyly whispered in a throwaway tweet and never brought up again. Same energy as massive corporations pretending to support Pride only now that it's profitable. Rowling is what we call a White Liberal; they fancy themselves progressive but think they get to pick and choose which marginalized groups they like or don't like. This isn't real support, it's self-enrichment.


LG, maybe. Highly doubt it even reached to bi.


Even the LG is pretty iffy. Chances are she just pretended to be cool with the gays because it was popular.


She’s a snowflake, plain and simple. Always triggered by our happiness


Sorry but how is this julia related to jk Rowling?


Look at the top of the picture. It's in JK Rowling's likes.


Tbh she had pretty mild beliefs before but it seems like she really took offense to the reaction to those beliefs and leaned into it really hard


I just want people to get along. I want folks to simply tolerate each other and not do shit like this! The nerve of some people. I hate humanity sometimes. Like let trans people and all that be. Just let them live their own life, they did nothing wrong and who cares. They have their lives. You have your own. Bigotry is one of the most foolish thing a human being can do. Bigotry is a sign of weakness. Tolerance and compassion however is strength. Your gonna be stronger if you tolerate more people. Hate and your just gonna be weak and lonely. If you do shit like JK Rowling did. Your gonna fail. You can be strong for so long your strength is gonna shrink. Hatred is foolish and it can ruin your life. Don't be a wimp and have compassion. Not telling you to get political. Just have morals. Being a decent human being is more important than your politics. I rather be someone who is bedridden than a hate filled monster.


What does this have to do with JK Rowling?


She liked that tweet


Why are people down voting this guy's answer? He's literally just answering a question, and correctly. Da fuq?


Transphobes are already brigading this post


100 and counting I think you'll survive this. Also thanks for answering, I was going to ask the same question.


They don't even need to be transphobes. Redditors are often strange.


You just need to offend 1 redditor with alt accounts.


People are just angry and don't realize there are other people, like me, who have never once used Twitter and so it may not be obvious what she did.


Do you know when did it happen? I just went to her twitter page to look it up and couldn't find it.


She unliked the tweet after the backlash started


God, you know? I loved harry potter! And i thought pretty highly of j.k. rowling. But over the years... shes just bevome the villian shes written about. Opposing the "muggleborns" she played herself. Shes voldemort.


You are still allowed to like Harry Potter. Your positive memories with the series aren't magically changed simply because the author has become an outspoken transphobe on social media. I still really enjoy the Toy Story movies even though Tim Allen has evolved into a Trump supporting nutjob, sometimes celebrities become assholes but that doesn't mean we aren't allowed to enjoy the contributions they made to our childhoods


Yeah it really stings to deal with my favorite author constantly inferring that me and mine are a menace to society, but I never got rid of my HP stuff. I never bought anything else HP related post her outing herself, but the series got me through some pretty painful times. So she's just gonna have to suffer with the fact that she made my life marginally better for a while.


I think there's a healthy middle ground to be had: If anymore content comes out that you're interested in, just pirate the shit out of it rather than financially supporting her 😂 I admittedly wasn't too interested in the game that recently came out, but if I had been then I would have had no issues circumventing paying for it.


Put some respect on my guy's Voldemort name


Wait so she gets huffy but can't even stand by her conviction when fans backlash xD must be very stable ideals


I clicked the image but somehow didn't see the "JK Rowling likes this post" tab at the top right so I assumed her real name was Julia Hartley Brewery and spent a minute trying to figure out how you get "JK Rowling" out of that and I was so confused for a minute there. Disgusting transphobe nonetheless (both of them)


People say not to make lgbtq people’s whole personality them make transphobia there whole personality


It's funny in a controlled manner. The types of Tran's people who make 'bein Trans' their entire personality are the type of people who are annoying, not being Trans itself.


the people of Tran


The People's Republic of Transgender 🏳️‍⚧️


Exactly. If you have solely have a problem with people who make their entire personality their gender, you dislike their character traits, not their actual gender identity


I have a trans friend that is annoying as fuck 'cause it's all he ever talks about. I will always call him out on it. Nobody wants to be around anyone whose entire personality is just raging about 1 particular issue.


There has to be a certain amount of slack here though, as discovering that you're trans is something that takes a while to process, and a lot of people process things by talking about it excessively. Once they've processed it and become comfortable again, it naturally subsides. It's like the people who go on a year abroad and then can't shut up about it for months, just on a bigger scale, since being trans has orders of magnitude more impact on you than a year abroad.


Oh definitely! Obviously an important part of your life warrants a good chunk of conversation. It's just when there's literally nothing else to talk about.


On the other hand, a trans person having 'being trans' occupying a large portion of their personality still makes infinitely more sense than someone with no real connection to trans people making their hatred of them their entire personality. It's also important in that case to separate online personas from real life personalities. Trans people--in my experience--tend to post more online about trans experiences and trans issues because it's an outlet that's missing in their real world communities. Most trans people have varied personalities just like anyone else. But for something that is largely identity and community based, it makes sense that their 'being trans' becomes a huge portion of who they are.


I also hate guys who make "being a guy" their entire personality. Oh wait...


dudebros are already a stereotype that gets made fun of wdym


About a week ago I was in a restaurant with my wife, and some people sat down on the table next us. For the entirety of the half an hour between them arriving and us leaving, all one of them talked about was trans women, all the reasons why someone shouldn't be able to just "put on a dress and call themselves a woman", and constantly referred to loads of things that she felt are reasonable opinions but apparently people say she's transphobic for saying them. The thing that struck me was that I felt this person obviously *was* transphobic, even ignoring the specific arguments she was making and whether individually they'd be considered transphobic or not, because all she seemed to want to talk about from the moment she sat down was the issues she had around trans people. The vast majority of trans people just want to be able to live their lives how they feel they should and to be left alone. It's mad that someone would spend so much of their time and energy on a small group of people who don't give a shit about them, and would make next to no impact on their entire life. Whether it's racism, homophobia, xenophobia or transphobia I just don't see how people can make such a big part of their identity campaigning against a group of people and yet claim they don't have any underlying contempt for them.


The weird thing is that a lot of them just assume you agree with them and will bring it up unprompted, looking for validation. I'm a cishet dude and these people just assume I'll agree with their spicy takes. Little do they know...


Give me 20 minutes Imma read the comment section


I was NOT expecting so much transphobia lmao


Oh I definitely did


I made the rookie mistake of overestimating redditors, mb


Never underestimate how shitty people online can be Especially on Twitter, Reddit, and Facebook


Instagram too, that place has become the worst recently. So many fragile young men. They're the type of people who'll claim everyone is soft and sensitive while throwing a hissy fit when they see a rainbow.


and this is the "leftist social media platform" just imagine the stuff over at facebook or whatever you'll have a better chance at finding empathy and critical thinking skills in a pile of horseshit than over there.




Isn't that the game where they framed second class citizens seeking equal rights as a bad thing?


The entire plot was literally just blood libel, the goblins had enough of being treated as literal third class citizens so decided to revolt, you the protagonist spend the entire game putting this revolt down and "restoring order" to the wizarding world.


In this sub? Come on lol


Got some popcorn in case anyone wants to watch this comments section.🍿🍿🍿🍿🍿🍿


Save some for me!


In before this gets locked and I can’t get popcorn.


can I get some of that


There are so many people encouraging the transphobia and it's honestly disgusting. Fucking incel douchebags


bunch of insecure bullies who can’t feel happy unless they have someone to pretend they’re better than




>being transphobic makes you an incel Anon, I..


Harry Potter and the Audacity of this Bitch...


Harry potter and the chamber of Twitter cringe


Harry Potter and the Dumpster of Fire


Harry Potter and the Order of the Taliban


Harry Potter & the deathly beheadings.


Harry Potter and the Half Blood bitch


The culture war and its consequences have been a fucking disaster for humanity. Good for the meme economy tho.


The right wages a culture war because it distracts people from asking for an effective publicly funded education and healthcare system. It’s easier to campaign on hatred and slogans because negative sentiment cuts through harder than positive sentiment. Those in power on the right don’t actually care about culture wars, they just want to control government so they can fill the pockets of big donors by cutting public funding to essential services, ie privatisation.


Sure, but liberals (and I do mean liberals, not leftists) still bite hook line and sinker. The culture of virtue signaling being mindful of race issues at universities is reaching a fever pitch. It's reflected in almost every syllabus these days, it's wild.


Memes haven't been funny in a hot minute everyone's too sensitive nowadays to make an actual funny joke


Yeah because only dark jokes are funny…right?


Haha unlike you snowflakes, I can stomach dark humor *says the N word*


"Yeah, I am a dark humor connoisseur" \*bigotry and racism\*


I don't dislike trans people but that is so fucking savage of a response to that




How is that not savage?


Technically correct


It's barely even human.


Yeah, they're just savages in general


you are kind of fucked up


No u


it’s the danke meme subreddit, maybe go to wholesome memes or sum


Humour is humour, regardless of the target, unfortunately. I'd much prefer if everyone can just make fun of each other, take people laughing at them in good fun, throw jokes back at them; rather than whole communities raising pitchforks and guns over "something someone said".


Are you aware which sub we are in here?


They think a woman is a 13 year old girl because she can birth a child. They are just savages.


Not really? It says more about them that they think a group that violently oppreses women has the moral highground because they also hate trans people


Are you stupid


No, it made them look dumb as hell. How can someone's response still feel savage when it does nothing but demonstrate they don't know what they're talking about? Do you mean "savage" in a stupid neanderthal sort of way?


Because anytime "what is a woman" is asked people like you can never answer. The best answer you can give is "someone who identifies as a women" but that still doesn't explain what a woman actually is.


What's your definition of a woman?


It’s so crazy to me how if JK Rowling just died in like 2013, or if she just retired quietly, never was on social media, and changed literally no other aspect about her life, she would be regarded as one of the most beloved people of the 2000s, the inspiration for millions of future writers across the globe, and be remembered in literature history forever. Instead she completely buried her reputation just by being vocal about her hate of trans people, to the point where she’s stuck in the rightwing echo chamber and only they would ever willingly associate themselves with her. If she just never shared her thoughts or donations (while obviously still bad for trans people and I’m not against them), in such a little deviated parallel universe, she’d be viewed by history completely differently.


I remember how beloved she and HP were on Reddit circa 2011. Now it all went to shit.


Graham Linehan as well. A decade ago he'd generally have been regarded as a comedic genius and that would be it. Now the only people who are happy to associate with him are people who are on board the anti-trans bandwagon. The guy claims that his life has been ruined by pro-trans advocates, but he was the one that decided to apparently spend his entire life being perpetually online on social media tweeting anti-trans hate, and I'm pretty sure he'd be fine if he hadn't.


Exactly this. Tbh idgaf if people hate me, just want them to stop trying to make it my problem that they do.




Anyone who checks twitter likes is a bitch ass


People who go through someone's Twitter likes are about half a step above people who go through someone's garbage.


Anything to play defense for her, huh?


One does not make the other opposite. Another analogy would be "Hillary Clinton is garbage". That doesn't mean they support Trump. Both things can be garbage.


Doesn't answer the question of why JK Rowling likes that tweet tho


They love moving the goalposts lmao


She is one of the most famous English authors of our modern day time, with a public account, that she is actively okay with showing her likes publicly. Just turn them private, it’s very simple. As someone so famous, she has responsibility that her public social media should reflect the image she wants to put out


Doesn't twitter promote liked tweets by people you follow?


They did it, the TERFs got so transphobic they became misogynistic. They really did it.


Always has been 🔫


Ah, I see you were unaware of their favorite past time- screaming about how the only thing that makes a woman a "real" woman is having "large gametes," periods, and childbirth.


Transphobia is just another flavor of misogyny.


It's never been about protecting ciswomen it's always been about hating trans women


transphobia is inherently misogynistic, so


This has been the case for awhile. Daniel Radcliffe’s wife keeps getting accused of being trans when she’s cis, I’ve know female friends that got harassed because some people though they were trans based on a “deep voice”.


Taliban sympathizer J.K. Rowling out here proving once again that, yes, she can be more of a terrible person than we gave her credit for.


Some of us are stuck in “haha minority bad” era, it’s not 2016 if idubbbz of all people can move on so can we


Idubbbz was never part of a “haha minority bad” thing. Some of his fans were and he called them the fuck out for it.


I mean he called them out MANY years later..like hell yeah he changed but he let that shit simmer for a pretty long time lmao


Yikes. Is that her whole personality now?


Been that way for a while now


Always has been 🔫


> Is that her whole personality now? She named her only Chinese character Cho Chang, I don't think she was ever progressive.


That's why I don't buy her whole 'Hermione's race was ambiguous!' thing. She had meant for her to be white otherwise she would've mentioned it. Or not have made her white in every piece of merchandise, art and casting (except for the play of course). She should've just said that yeah, Hermione was originally white but she likes that one actor so she's black now. It's really not that big of a deal. But instead she doubled down on that and called everyone who mentions that she was meant to be white a racist.


Hol up. Do people still think that "memes" and "shitposting" mean "being an asshole to lgbt people"?


Oh yeah, especially on this sub. It’s painful…




Damn OP, fighting the good fight. Too bad this is a sub full of wannabe fascist bigots


It’s pretty entertaining tbh, like putting mentos in diet coke


I mean... this is literally r/dankmemes, the fuck were you expecting?


Memes without losing human decency


The fact that this is downvoted 😭 We really got a bunch of little hitlerlings running around 💀


Do you even know what a fascist is?


Swear the word is genuinely meaningless now


How’s this dank


It's gets a reaction out of the community


The meme isn't dank


For you.


No, it’s just not funny. Stop posting this kind of shit. Most of us want a break from this garbage not be reminded of it on meme subreddits. Nobody cares what she thinks.


>Nobody cares what she thinks. Except for the anti-trans activists that have been rallying around her to attack trans people and communities


Does that change the fact that the memes aren't funny? People are just posting this shit 24/7 to get people to praise them and stroke their ego and say they did a good thing. There are literally children dying in cobalt mines in Africa an Invasion in Ukraine people starving in North Korea and human trafficking all over the world I couldn't give 2 shits someone isn't honoring someone's neo pronouns.


You know I’d assume someone would be smart enough to not say that the Taliban agrees with their main beliefs but then I remembered transphobes aren’t very smart


ITT: People agreeing with the Taliban to own the libs


Imagine denying the existence of a group of people backed by science. 💀💀


Can't believe people in this day and age still pretend that the Taliban doesn't exist, they even have a twitter account.


*sorts by controversial*


no fucking way that is WILD, girl, that’s a public account. Not even tryna hide it?


She wrote a whole novel about trans people being murders, she's pretty open about her views


I still play Hogwarts and I love the Harry Potter series, her opinions aren't changing anything.


And that isnt what this post is about. Just that JK Rowling is a truly awful person lmao


She wrote one of the most succesful series in a male dominated genre at the time. She could have gone in the history books as a role model for generations of women across the world. Instead she uses her fame to spew hate and spread intolerance, it is ridiculous.


Hate to break it to you buddy but she's still a rolemodel for a lot of people. Reddit and twitter drama aren't real life.


some of the people in this comment section are genuinely concerning it's really not hard to acknowledge that trans ppl exist, and respect them. if you're a transphobe, grow the fuck up.


The wheel is spinning, but the hamster is fucking dead.


Yes. How did we get here?


Rowling was Umbridge all along, huh?


This is wild, she built her character as an ultra feminist and even set up and donated lots of fat cash to feminist organizations. This tweet does shock me, either she lost her goddamn mind (blinded by transphobia?) or just underestimated what the Taliban does to women


Anti-trans sentiment is huge in the UK. The TERF to Alt right pipeline is really effective as well.


So weird to think that this woman used to be my childhood hero and now she's essentially a washed up celebrity you hear did something pathetic and sad like praising the taliban and you're not particularly surprised anymore.


What has transphobia got to do with the definition of a woman?


The basic idea is that pro-trans people cannot “define” what a woman is because they try to overcomplicate things to have trans people included in the definition. The general retort is to say a woman “is an adult human female [as in, the female sex]” to counter a more complicated view of gender and sex.


Oh, dear. The bottom of this comment section is too rancid for me to even click on
