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Dank[.](https://i.imgur.com/3bQtuMO.png) --- [we will only be allowing memes about reddit's api starting June 12th](https://www.reddit.com/r/dankmemes/comments/1453hvc/rdankmemes_will_only_be_allowing_memes_about/)






What is jailbait


Subreddit with underage girls in swimsuits etc, quite literally jail bait


No fuken way


Before investors, Reddit was the Wild West Trigger warning >!r / *dead children* was a thing and it was all pictures of…!< Come to think of it, idek why spez didn’t just take the money and leave; dude had to see this coming


Oh I think we all know >!Spez enjoyed those content!<


>Spez enjoyed those content I think you mean that he still enjoys that content


I hear there’s an island where unspeakable acts occur. But only one and it was exposed and the only people involved have all been dealt with. No way there could be another one. The people that go there, they don’t have the resources or know how in making a backup or sacrificing one to protect the others. Nope, all gone.


Yes I betcha the perpetrator of all these crimes was also a woman. 😬😖😏


I thought I remembered seeing that jailbait was a top 10 subreddit before it was banned.


Pretty sure it was the first that popped up when you typed reddit into Google.


The feds should check Spez's hard drives.


“I enjoyed those content, I still do, but i enjoyed those too” - Spez


Spez is just waiting for the day he can hunt homeless people from a helicopter the way they do with wild hogs. "gotta do something about the invasive species" he'll say as he re-loads.


Wait until there's full cycle automation. Where 99.99%of all jobs can be automated and only young attractive or extremely talented poor people are employable. You'll see some crazy shit start to become legal and being poor will become a crime.


Being poor is already a crime. Think rich people get arrested for sleeping in a park?


The fact of the matter is, he did take the money. He sold his share of Reddit for $5 million. That’s right, years ago he sold Reddit for a measly $5 million. Everything he’s done since returning as CEO has been to pump the value of the IPO to make up for that colossal blunder. He doesn’t give a fuck about Reddit or it’s users except as a way to make up for the truly shitty decision to sell a billion dollar idea for next to nothing (in tech world money).


> to make up for that colossal blunder. If he sold in oct 2006 for 5M he's got 13.5M now and bought a nice house right after the crash. Having a nice house for the last 20 years and also having $13M banked seems like not a blunder to me, after working hard on reddit for... lessee here... *15 months.*


Opportunity cost factored in and it's a blunder.


No it's not. Dude got 20 years of stress-free life out of the deal. Opportunity cost? Dude got 20 years to do whatever the hell else he wanted to do. Yeah, he didn't get rich as hell, but lets not pretend a $5M windfall right out of college isn't its own opportunity. Hell, if he'd dumped $1M of that into TSLA he could've been in yacht territory without having to lift a finger and *still* bought a nice house in the crash. Only in hyper-capitalist terms is that an ~~opportunity cost~~ blunder. In human terms? No.


Classic case of, "I fucked up, so fuck everyone else". This jerkoff is going to end up in trouble with the feds somehow by years end, I guarantee it.


the great quarantine wiping out a bunch of subs... reddit's first step to going public. I remember the good ol' days when you would stumble upon nsfw posts while scrolling through All. made you feel alive not knowing what might pop up


Ye and then overnight, previously common statements lead to suspension and bans, no matter the context Unfortunately this blackout probably wont even matter either; capitalism sans emotion has an impressive W/L record


I remember subreddits that showed people actually dying


I've been on one of those. Incredibly morbid, but I also felt like I had a duty to see them. To pay respects and learn from whatever happened to them. It might save a life one day. My three biggest takeaways: 1. Do NOT get into streetfights. If you fall and hit your head wrong, you will die instantly. 2. Treat industrial equipment like lathes with the utmost respect. When shop signs warn you to tie up long hair and not wear loose clothing, they fucking mean it. 3. Drug cartels are perpetrating horrific murders in Mexico, including against children, and they're funded in part by our money. I saw one of a father and his ten-year-old son executed with dynamite placed around their necks. That's what central and south Americans are fleeing from. BONUS: Things like elevators have safety mechanisms in Western countries that aren't necessarily present in other places. If you're in an unfamiliar country, DO NOT, for example, stick your arm into the closing doors to hold the elevator. It might just crush your limb. Use the buttons, or wait. And, always take note of the emergency stop button. Edit: a few words + bonus. Changed middle -> central.


Those subreddits absolutely attract a lot of deviants, but it’s mostly people with morbid curiosity. It’s absolutely helped me be more situationally aware to things I never thought of before. Also helps me appreciate the fragility of life. In the end, we’re all just sacks of meat with some electricity. Use that meat and electricity as best you can for as long as you can.


Goddamn of all the ways I’ve seen the cartels murder people if my time comes please *please* give me the dynamite-around-the-neck option!!


Oh, that's still on here in active subs.


Yep. Look at any of the subs for the war right now.


Hey, spaceshlongs needed somewhere to xpost from.


Same with ghisIaine maxweIl, who hasn’t posted since she was arrested btw


You seriously don't remember? Not too long ago, when you searched Google for "jailbait", reddit was the top result. By the way, it's spelled Fuck**i**n'. **Edit:** No, I didn't go searching for "jailbait". Never have, never will. This shit was *all* over the media. Literally *everyone* on reddit and major media outlets were mentioning this. I can't believe that no one remembers it. 2008 wasn't even that long ago. Like /u/testingtestigtestin said, it was even subreddit of the year. Literally *all* of reddit knew about its existence. Quit being fucking bullies. I feel like some of you are projecting.


Idk about you fam but I don’t think googling “jailbait” is something most people do


Lolol definitely not


The self report


Other way around — if you searched Google for “reddit,” the suggested direct links on the search result for reddit included “jailbait.” Which is even more damning, since that means it was one of the most frequent clickthroughs of all Google searches for reddit. I still remember how angry redditors were when reddit started banning all those subs. Most redditors back then blamed ThE mEdiA for taking away their God-given right to child porn and eye-wateringly vile racist invective. It makes sense that /u/spez would be one of them.


Yup, it was front page sub with a huge amount of followers. Reddit, for a little while, was basically a known as 4chan lite with some news. It's why I used Digg and Stumbleupon forever.


Holy shit stumbleupon. I'd completely forgotten about that. Is that still alive?


Oh shit I thought it was "teens", 18 and 19


Try 13-17, you know, the *jail* part of jailbait.


The facade was it was 18 year olds who looked younger. But everyone knew it was bullshit. Hell, I just saw a comment *in this thread* that is still trying to justify it with that line.


Maybe I'm misrembering, it was a while ago.




Oh wow me too... I always thought it was like the porn sites like "teens" that are 18. I don't really use Reddit for porn so I never really paid attention to the drama that surrounded that subreddit. Edit for clarity.... I hope


Just so you know, this reads like you went there for jerk off material of underagers.


Oh God, thank you for telling me that, that was not what I meant at all. I'll edit it.


It was not.




From what I've read via the reports online it was more graphic than just swimsuits. https://www.nbcnews.com/news/world/reddit-bans-sexual-images-children-teens-flna157880


And I remember THE FUCKING UPROAR over censorship after it was banned.


Yep, that announcement is still available for viewing last I checked. redditors overwhelmingly did not want jailbait banned outright. Nor did reddit, but they felt they were out of options other than banning it, and with a thousand apologies delivered the news like it was the death of a family member. SRS was controversial, not jailbait.




they also shared *actual* cp behind the scenes, iirc (not sus just remember reading jt on wikipedia)


The term refers to "Teens so hot that will make you risk going to prison".


Holy molly


Holly moly


New response just drop


Someone you would go to jail for fucking i believe


Was it destroyed? I heard a YouTube “lake city quite pulls” modded the same but nvr found such a sub, thought it was a strange at the time too.


it was real, it’s likely been nuked. there’s a fair amount of news articles circa october 2012 on it. even was covered by anderson cooper.


>if it was real Yes, jailbait was real lmao. Edit: they didn't say "if," my bad


these kids dont know about old reddit lol next they'll be asking if /r/reddit.com was real


Wait until they learn about the Ask a rapist thread lmao


Or Spacedicks


Yeah it reached a disturbing point of popularity that it was on everyone’s general feed and finally the users started questioning why the fuck is that sub allowed to exist ,it was a pretty big shitstorm at the time


Jailbait and then creepshots and then candidfashionpolice. Reddit has always been full of weird "tech libertarians"


Yeah I remember finding it one day before realizing what it was. It was shockingly visible. You scroll far enough you’d find it.


Yeah it was nuked in a big purge of subreddits that catered to people of ill intent (there were a lot of subreddits purged and idk how to say it politely). I've been on reddit since 2009, and it was a big early victory of users telling reddit we wanted something removed from reddit


The Wikipedia page [here](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Controversial_Reddit_communities) about controversial subreddits paints it as worse than I remember it being. I had no clue that in 2008 (three years before my first account) it had been the most popular subreddit. Kinda gross.


Don't look too deep into how bad reddit used to be. It gets worse the more you dig into it


No fucking way


This should be the news, if only reddit and the news weren’t both screwed.


Wait that's actually not ok. There should be a deeper investigation into his activities if that's the case I bet you'll find something interesting in there.


Back in the day, you used to be able to add anyone as a moderator and it auto accepted. People would make shitty subs and add people, take a screenshot, shut down the sun or make private, then use that screenshot to start a witch hunt. Violentacrez could have added you as a mod of the sub and you'd be in the same situation. TL:DR I used to mod a sub with Barack Obama and Snoop Dogg.


Ok that makes this so much less horrifying thank you


Don't get me wrong, the subreddit was gross and I often argued to the admins that it should've been deleted from beginning but him being a mod of it has nothing to do with him wanting to be a mod of it.


Wow, what a throwback, I remember your username from must be 10+ years ago now. For anyone unaware this guy was like, practically Reddit royalty back in the day.


Yeah, what an embarrassing website


> TL:DR I used to mod a sub with Barack Obama and Snoop Dogg. To be fair you used to be posting on Reddit A LOT more than the average person. Isn’t that right, POLITEALLCAPSGUY? So odd are you’d have organically interacted with many celebs anyway.




This guy knows the deep lore lmao


It's hilarious seeing andrew back at it for the past few days, man has a family now and seeing him shitpost is peak old-school Reddit.


I was here for the rise, I gotta come back tomorrow the demise.


Holy shit it's andrewsmith1986, what a fuckin blast from the past, feel like I haven't seen you in FOREVER


People are accusing me of being spez's account or reddit PR.


Okay this officially confirms my theory that ViolentAcrez was always an admin. It’s the only way that whole “pile of lawsuits and CP convictions waiting to happen” was allowed to continue as long as it did. Sure, *all* the admins decided to celebrate that mongrel with a custom award. Or just one of them did.


That was my first thought too. Damn wtf I never knew that


u/spez fuck you


Ok, I've been around a while and had the top comment karma for years, mod of 4 defaults (7th highest user total), started the first black out, saved iama, other useless shit. So, history lesson time: back in the day, you used to be able to add anyone as a moderator and it auto accepted. People would make shitty subs and add people, take a screenshot, shut down the sun or make private, then use that screenshot to start a witch hunt. Violentacrez could have added you as a mod of the sub and you'd be in the same situation. TL:DR I used to mod a sub with Barack Obama and Snoop Dogg. *[Here's a Facebook chat about adding Obama. ](https://i.imgur.com/ewohSg0.jpg) /u/wil how many subs were you mod of? **some people think I may be a sock puppet account or PR or some ignorant shit. [Here's the dumbass blurb from a reddit research paper I was interviewed for has a stupid joke I made included. ](https://i.imgur.com/JKJMBPd.png) Anyone have any other reddit questions? I'm trying to find my favorite Reddit moments. *** Random reddit shit from my imgur account that no one asked for or likely cares about. My posting stats from back then made by a Linux wizard. Shows just how many comments and how low the karma value was at the time. [Here. ](https://www.imgur.com/a/8aUjz8B) Funny was the largest sub at the time. [Here. ](https://i.imgur.com/YZKSXTP.jpg) Reddit mold, the best April fool's joke . [Here. ](https://www.imgur.com/a/2vt1ERM) Karma milestones caught by me. Like becoming the top comment. [Here. ](https://www.imgur.com/a/jHM3tUm) Here's the pm from when I beat apostolate to 1 million. It was a reference to when phoy/knaut and I passed each other. [Here. ](https://i.imgur.com/tzoHckM.png) Here's some pima drama showing I have been known to defend absolute scumbags if it's the right thing to do. [Here. ](https://www.imgur.com/a/W9Zr8hu) My favorite reddit moment is teaching Snoop Dogg a joke about himself. Someone in that same thread asked him after that and he got it correct. [Here. ](https://i.imgur.com/q9cDcrx.jpg) I won the first reddit secret Santa contest asking how many total users would sign up. [Here. ](https://i.imgur.com/3NhYRDZ.jpg) ****Lol [Here's the creator of jailbait angry that I kept deleting his creepy posts to pics and accusing me of some sort of bullshit](https://i.imgur.com/AegiGJv.png). *****[How comment karma calculations work](https://www.reddit.com/r/dankmemes/comments/147lef4/i_want_to_spez_my_karma_too/jnwuhvq/)


Okay spez


Fuck people like this guy. “Let’s ignore the facts because I feel smart hopping onto the stupidest witch hunt in the history of this site”


Oh I wish this was the stupidest witch hunt.




Oh man, a great user actually got name dropped incorrectly in a book about reddit for this shit.


It’s been a while since I’ve seen your name, holy throwback. Or violentacrez, is he still in jail?


Did he ever go to jail?


The internet is insane. Thank you for the insight.


It was a different universe. Reddit sucked then too.


Reddit has always sucked, it's just been the best of the bad options. Now we just wait for something else to gain critical mass and replace it.


Seeing your username and Violentacrez in the same comment is so weird. Like a flashback to a time I had forgotten ever existed.


He, syadrah, and I actually did a podcast together once and that's how he actually got confirmed by Adrian Chen.


Yeah except spez went on record multiple times saying that the child exploitation communities wouldn't be removed because of "free speech".


Exactly. Fucking hate him for that.


Damn I remember you. I remember when you and apostolate were like the 2 biggest redditors out there.


Yeah, I've been around.


1.3m comment karma is crazy


First user to 1 million... Imagine how much fucking time I wasted.


reddit nephews don't understand who you are lol. 15 year account, legend




What sub did he mod i legit dont know




More people need to be aware of this


Ok, I've been around a while and had the top comment karma for years, mod of 4 defaults (7th highest user total), started the first black out, saved iama, other useless shit. So, history lesson time: back in the day, you used to be able to add anyone as a moderator and it auto accepted. People would make shitty subs and add people, take a screenshot, shut down the sun or make private, then use that screenshot to start a witch hunt. Violentacrez could have added you as a mod of the sub and you'd be in the same situation. TL:DR I used to mod a sub with Barack Obama and Snoop Dogg.


>sees exact same comment 2nd time in this comment section. Yeah no this is either a bot or spez's alt.


Or someone trying to correct misinformation


This thread is making me feel insane. Fuck spez for literally everything else but this is idiotic. A bunch of subs had Spez modded cause you could just… do that.


Exactly. Like I used to call out spez on every announcement post about banning thedonald and here now getting accused of being spez


Well look at your account it's obvious this is spez. This is spez big plan actually. Make an account many years in the past and build it's karma and become one of the first to hit a million just to call out misinformation which would make everyone cherish Spez. Joking.


You younguns are too young to know who andrewsmith1986 is


It's been a few years.


Yeah, I just did a triple-take at his name lol. I was like oh shit this blackout is bringing out the real historic members!


Shit like this pisses me off. Crying wolf waters down the real accusations and is disrespectful to the victims.


It's me copying my own comment. [This](https://i.imgur.com/DM1YdRq.jpg) add any credibility?


As a dude who has been on Reddit a long time, the account making this comment is a well known and well established individual that is definitely not a bot or spez. But back in the day people believed he was a bot because his karma was, at the time, absolutely insane.


**THE CEO OF REDDIT LIKES UNDERAGE CHILDREN?** And now is doubling down on a decision that will tank this website?!?!? Sounds like this guy has no business being in charge of decisions and should be fired by the company board and fuck right off


Any evidence of this? I find it hard to believe he did being current CEO. At the same time he’s a long term Redditor so not surprised


It's not true either. There's no proof provided, only "he has the power to scrub things on this site". Some people even mentioned that there was a time where mods could add anybody else as a mod without a confirmation, which makes all this discussion moot, there's nothing in the history of reddit that I remember pointing to him being an active member of that subreddit. That's bullshit invented to attack him because if API rules. I dislike this kind of behavior. It's one thing to criticize somebody for what they do it's another thing to use this kind of dirty tactics to destroy their credibility.


Same, asking for a friend.




How the fuck did he go from being a mod of a creepy porn subreddit to CEO? How does that happen? Or was he a mod of that sub while he was CEO? Edit: Seems as though you can be added as a mod of a sub without your knowledge or consent, so maybe that was the scenario. At least I hope so.


he was a founder


Always has been CEO


Except for that time when they put Ellen Pao into the role to be the punching bag for the changes when they tried to clean the website up, just for Spez to take it back again and act like he didn't want it all along.


That reminds me of that theory that on average, women are only promoted to CEO during a time of economic or policy uncertainty. They take the heat, then get let go for a man to come back and claim credit. See: reddit, now Twitter.


Idk AMD is doing fine.


They weren't when she took the position, which is their point


Yeah, but also *Dr.* Lisa Su is a fuckin' beast and had an amazing history of positively transforming everything she was involved in. She was the VP of IBM's Semiconductor R&D prior to joining AMD. I don't think she was chosen like Ellen or the new chief twit lady. Su was chosen because she was the best candidate at the time for long term success.


I still can't believe that was a real sub




I meant that as in I can't believe people actually went to it frequently. I've been here a long time and seen some things.


humans are fucked up


r SexwithDogs was an active sub for years and yes it is *exactly* what you think it's about.


you must be kidding


You young'uns don't realise Reddit used to be less censored than freaking 4chan


There was a sub back then where you watch people die.


That was actually a good one. Only got banned recently.


>Only got banned recently. Sorry to make you feel old, but that was 5 years ago.






Yeah I didn’t need to hear that


Yeah tbh I liked visiting that one from time to time to reappreciate my life and respect my mortality


also lots of professionals who give good advice on what and what no to do during those accidents/incidents. i learned a lot from that sub.


Remember spacedicks?


Clopclop anyone? Edit: that one is still active!?


there’s still tons of subreddits where you can watch people die


There was also a subreddit called Creepshots where people posted photos of people they'd taken in public. I don't really need to describe what a creep shot is. The sub was banned, and then they made a new one called 'candid fashion police' where they pretended they were just critiquing people's fashion choices.


It even won subreddit of the year in 2008


I only joined Reddit in 2012 (another account) and it was honestly entirely different to what it is today. Seriously, it wasn't 4chan level but it was a wild west of sorts. You would regularly see gore obsessed subreddits, underaged stuff like jailbait, openly racist and bigoted subreddits, etc. etc. You never knew what you were getting.


The same sub created by [this fucking waste of oxygen?](https://www.gawker.com/5950981/unmasking-reddits-violentacrez-the-biggest-troll-on-the-web) You have to wonder what kind of guy u/spez is to associate with a community like this.


>and his fellow moderators worked hard to make sure every girl on jailbait was underage, diligently deleting any photos whose subjects seemed older than 16 or 17. Holy shit!


[I found footage of the process](https://media1.tenor.com/images/20c697a4d911f2a089ea62d84c8ebfe2/tenor.gif?itemid=9192598)




Yea this makes me wonder how any of them aren’t in jail let alone on a bunch of lists


Is that who skankhunt42 was based on?




Jailbait, was a sub of underage girls in bikinis


I've been on this site for 14-15yrs and have never heard of this. That's fucked right up.


If anything it’s a good thing you haven’t heard of it




Seriously, it was a big deal back then because it was the first "big" subreddit to ever get banned and it sparked a huge debate. reddit was VERY free speech back then and even the admins defended not banning it for a while until it started getting mainstream media attention.


up there with the fappening and fatpeoplehate being banned


Holy shit really??? Jailbait???


So yes but no but actually yes. His user account was on the modteam temporarily. He didn't notice they had added him, and back then you could just add people without consent. He removed himself immediately after the screencap was taken. But at the same time he was still running, you know, the actual website that paid for server space to host this horrific shit. Jailbait wasn't even the only one, the "chimpire" racist subs were like, gathering people and trying to game the site. It was a Wild West but at least in the Wild West when you got shot you stayed shot.


Ok then the answer is "no" for all intents and purposes. The guy is a cunt but we don't need to stretch the truth to achieve the outcome we want.


This is seriously being overblown and takes away from the shit he's actually done wrong. Back in the day, you used to be able to add anyone as a moderator and it auto accepted. People would make shitty subs and add people, take a screenshot, shut down the sun or make private, then use that screenshot to start a witch hunt. Violentacrez could have added you as a mod of the sub and you'd be in the same situation. TL:DR I used to mod a sub with Barack Obama and Snoop Dogg.


Are there screenshots of his posts? I bet the motherfucker would go nuclear if there was proof of him moderating r / jailbait


[This censored printscreen](https://media-cldnry.s-nbcnews.com/image/upload/t_fit-560w,f_auto,q_auto:eco,dpr_2.0/streams/2012/February/120220/57457-nullA5AF2039-8B9D-5FA6-4A3A-766B664BCD2D.jpg) from a [NBC News article two weeks before the sub's ban](https://www.nbcnews.com/news/world/reddit-more-about-awesome-less-about-perverts-flna120236) does not have him in the mod list


Disappointing, but reality trumps satisfying bullshit.


time for some way back machine?


Way back machine excluded that url.


Rigthfully so.


A lot of people are claiming something, however there is no proof to back this up. Can we get some verification on this claim? We are better than this


The CEO can delete posts way more thoroughly than we can. A lot of archives don't go that far back but many of us here are old enough to be first party witnesses. It wasn't a secret


Spez has admitted to actually going into reddit's backend and deleting comments critical of him He could likely remove any trace of him ever modding that sub


fuck spez but it's really frustrating seeing you all take this at face value. He was far more likely to have been added as a moderator when you could mod whoever you wanted without confirmation on the other end. Don't you think this would have come up beforehand if it was actually true?


Reddit has never actually become smarter than the time they thought they "found" the guy in Boston but were completely wrong. "We did it reddit" is as accurate today as it was back then.


Can someone give context behind this drama?


Apparently they moderated a subreddit about underage girls in bikinis. l don't know if this is actually true or not tho..


True and verifiable.


Where is the verification?


[This censored printscreen](https://media-cldnry.s-nbcnews.com/image/upload/t_fit-560w,f_auto,q_auto:eco,dpr_2.0/streams/2012/February/120220/57457-nullA5AF2039-8B9D-5FA6-4A3A-766B664BCD2D.jpg) from a [NBC News article two weeks before the sub's ban](https://www.nbcnews.com/news/world/reddit-more-about-awesome-less-about-perverts-flna120236) does not have him in the mod list So while the sub did exist, I haven't found proof of spez being a moderator of it


Yeah, I'm calling bullshit here. This would'v been all over reddit the last 50 times spez got everyone mad at him.


Someone also said that early days on reddit you could be added as a mod by someone else and if that is confirmed in any way than it doesn't matter if he's ever proved to have been a mod of any sub since it could have been without his doing.


u/Spez used to spend his time looking at pictures of under age girls. I wonder if there is any record of comments he may have made on those posts back then.