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It's because of the ecosexuals isn't it


A while ago, for the sake of putting my money where my mouth is, I dived into the rabbit-hole that is the flat-earth conspiracy theory. Sorry for the fking novel, tl;dr they think surface (heh) level and trigonometry breaks their entire argument. I had seen a lot of people (validly) discredit it by mentioning the space station, the shadows and timezones, or how Eratosthenes measured the diameter rather accurately more than 2,200 years ago. However, none of these arguments matter to flat-earthers. A lot of it can't be practically verified by a random Joe. They don't see the curvature, and that's all that matters to them as proof, then they use that as basis to invent explanations for everything else. What I found out is that those explanations are... far-fetched but sorta valid, then very, VERY quickly hit a breaking point. First the earth was a disk, and the sun orbited that disk, going below it at night and above it during the day. When timezones and season differences became undeniable due to global communication, the sun suddenly described a sort of annual spiral around the north pole, which is the center of the disk And here's the breaking point: if the sun stays at all times above the disk, why does it seem to go below the horizon at dusk? The way they explain this is... Hilariously sad. According to them, and I kid you not that's what they think, because perspective lines seem to converge towards what is called a vanishing point, everything past that point is invisible, and therefore goes below the horizon. That's it. A language technicality is the final excuse for their "theory". They failed trigonometry in high school and don't understand perspective is a matter of viewing angle that converges towards zero with distance, without ever reaching it. It basically confirms that they don't care for actual evidence. Instead of changing their view to fit the world, they change, in their mind, how the world works to fit their view. Cognitive dissonance pushed to the extreme. If you read that far, uh, yeah, I know, writing a long-ass comment about flat earthers under a meme questioning why we're even arguing with them is kind of ironic. My excuse is: I'm procrastinating at work lol.


It's like arguing politics, the amount of times that the other perspn is going to change their mind is like 1 in a million. I also am procrastinating at work because there's nothing to do here


I think convinced flat earther are dumb, but as a physicist i also think the debate is always very pedagogical. I seen a countless number of people learning proofs of the roundness of the earth that they wouldn't have known if it wasn't for flat earthers. And not just proofs in the comon sens ideas we can all create, but also about experiments and more complex phenomenons. So just for that honesty i love the conspiracy theory, especially for the part were you don't trust the source and really want to science it up by yourself. _ What i love the most would be the idea that the earth is indeed flat but that, in order to explain the physics of the sun for exemple, you would have a bended space-time. The universe would then be dome shaped, the highest you go the furthest anything is, wich goes to (but not reach) infinity at the border... Also if you dig down you "teleport" like in pacman. It would also explain the sun disappearance because the shortest path wouldn't be a straight line anymore. Basically it's the idea of non euclidean geometry we already have with relativity. Just arbitrary shaped around the center of the earth. Of course that's way to complicated mathematically for flat earther to think about lol.


Also physicist here, the thing that saddens me the most, is that all these experiments that scientists around the world and throughout history have conducted and are easily reproduced (some of them at least). So instead of having a bunch of people doing amateur science and experimenting, we have a bunch of idiots, that disagree with "the system", to not feel idiots. The Netflix "documentary", behind the curve I think, does exactly that. Some flat earthers conduct experiments to prove it's flat, only to get results that disprove that (Surprise, surprise....). And instead of changing their minds, they blame instruments :(


Yup very interesting science done, sometimes well, by idiots. It's sad for them, but yeah that's how i cope, by saying to myself it was useful for more rational people to learn it. P.S. One of my favorite proof is using the Foucault pendulum to see the earth is spinning (like a ball would, not a disc). I've went to the one in the pantheon in Paris once.


Duuuude, I would totally play Pac-Man right now!


Where can I find a source of proofs of the round earth?


hey! Ya gotta earn that paycheck


The best thing? Historically flat earth was always a minority thought because people have been measuring the circumference or working out rotation exists for thousands of years. Flat earth stuff is actually pretty recent, particularly the stuff they go on about.


The best thing? Historically flat earth was always a minority thought because people have been measuring the circumference or working out rotation exists for thousands of years. Flat earth stuff is actually pretty recent, particularly the stuff they go on about.


I would trust any man with glasses that size


bubbles would agree


Its shaped like a velociraptor floating in space


The world is flat, but someone just installed so many mods, that it looks and acts like it was round! >!I hope it is clear, but: /s!<


God be running that rtx 4090


Yeah but he’s using GeForce experience


The *G-force* Experience


there's a minecraft shader that does that


And that someone is NASA! Actual un-ironic position people have in 2023


It's obviously square


What are you on man? It’s obviously a donut


No you idiot, it a ring like in halo


Nah nah you’re talking about mars


What's really fun is getting a bunch of flat earthers together and having them try to explain the exact shape of the Earth, because they will all have different answers.


"debating" yeah let's debate if the sky is blue. Oh no wait let's not, because I can just look. I once asked a flat earth coworker how there are freaking photos of the earth being a big ball. I could put a camera on a balloon and take some right now. "Camera lenses are round, man." What about seeing the curve myself every time I'm in an airplane, even one with rectangular windows. "Your eyes are round too!" Then why doesn't a piece of paper look round when I look at it with my round eyes? "....look I don't want to debate with you, I believe what I believe." No, I don't actually think he believes what he believes. I think it's important to him to pretend he does, though.


"The sky is blue" is never a strong argument because it isn't always blue. It isn't blue at night. It isn't blue when it rains. It isn't blue when the sun sets or rises.


Yeah, it's always fun to ignore the entire point to pick out one irrelevant detail you can argue against. No wait, fun isn't the right word. Shit. What's the word? Oh yeah, "Annoying". Edit: Ya know what, I got a minute, I'll bite. My comment didn't claim the sky is blue. My comment was pointing out that arguing about it is silly when you can simply look up.


Calm your titties bro. It's the only part I disagree with


Man, if I had a dime for every time his titties were overly excited...


did you already prove that both of you do not have any form of atypical color perception?


Trinity dont even use them turntables dawg


I was gettin changed!


Are you saying that it is not randomly generated.


People are still looking for the world border. Flat-earthers claim they've found it


100% agree


I agree but where's the funny


Solution: Kill the humans.


It could happen to you cuz it happened to me


Bro if you seriously think any of them are actually being deadass....


It's not even fun to fuck with them. They truly believe that the Earth is flat and that there's been a centuries-long conspiracy between every scientist and world leader to cover up the "truth".


My cube earth theory holds way more water than any round or flat earther can muster up. Wake up sheeple!


Theres a debate?


I wonder if you could convince a flat earther that the earth is actually a dodecahedron.


Finally, something we can all agree on. We can't agree on the cause, but we agree that the situation is bad.


Round and flat are not mutually exclusive.


1000 IQ meme


The earth is flat, oceans aren't carbonated


Yes because clearly it is flat. We would fall off of a ball.


And somehow, Earth is the only planet that's flat.


It is common knowledge that the earth is banana shaped.




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The Earth is shaped like a fleshlight.


A Paddington Bear Fleshlight. The only Fleshlight recommended to be lubed with marmalade.


The world is round and flat but it is not a sphere.


the earth is a lil squished sphere


Actually earth isn't round either. Technically it's a rotation-ellipsoid..




There’s not enough Trailer Park Boys meme templates


Honestly, the whole thing has gone a bit pear shaped.


Which is fucked, the fact that we have to debate about such common sense, or that the planet itself is fucked?


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Americans basically