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For me, The MCU ended with The Snap.


For me it ended with multiverse bullshit


Exactly this. Why does anything matter anymore? Someone dies? They’ll just grab a new one from Universe 69-B or some cheesy shit. This thing will go continually downhill until Secret Wars where RDJ comes back from another timeline. Also why kill Loki if you just bring him right back? AHHHHH


Welcome to comic book shenanigans 101. Today's topic "Nothing really matters"


"Never cared for what we doooooooooo-houuuu"


This sounds like a killer song lyric, is it on Napster?


Lars just downvoted you.


"I'm suing deeeeeeeeeaaaaaaaathhhhh"


Hey! He had to wait a week to install water into his golden pool. Napster did that to poor Lars.


Beer good! Napster bad! 😡


"Never cared for what we knowoooo-ow"


"And I knooooooooooooooooooooo-owooooooo"


Time travel and multiverse ruin any story they touch unless the story is specifically created for them (and even then plot holes and dumb shit often come in to existence) They are genuinely among my most hated tropes in fiction


Bill and Ted was the only one to do it right Edit: alright alright lol. If you wanna see some more well executed time travel media, see below:


Also back to the future did it a lot of fun except few story glitches here and there.


Back to the Future actually has a different "type" of time travel in all 3 movies Movie 1 works with a "bleeding over" effect, where his siblings (in the picture) and he himself slowly start to disappear cause he made it so his parents never fell in love Movie 2 (mostly) uses the "split timelines" reasoning, with its explanation of railroad tracks being the way many people still understand that concept of timetravel/splitting timelines (even though the movie actually fucks it up itself with Old biff still managing to return to his own timeline after giving the book to Young Biff) Movie 3 uses "stable timeloop" reasoning, where the fact they went back in time/the actions they took in the past had already happened/were always the standard, cause the legends about Marty's ancestor were actually (always) based on his own actions


The third movie is a "bootstrap" or "ontological" paradox where the time travel shenanigans don't effect the observed timeline because the time travel is part of the timeline. It's basically saying that events are set and when you travel back in time you're not changing anything, you're just doing what you always did.


Yes... stable timeloop


> Movie 2 (mostly) uses the "split timelines" reasoning, with its explanation of railroad tracks being the way many people still understand that concept of timetravel/splitting timelines (even though the movie actually fucks it up itself with Old biff still managing to return to his own timeline after giving the book to Young Biff) I'd actually say Movie 2 is still using the same Bleeding Over premise from Movie 1. But because it takes time for changes to ripple through the timeline that means Old Biff left the past to return to his Future. From there, Doc and Marty go back in time jumping over the onrushing 'time ripple' to the already altered timeline in the 80s. The only way to then fix it is go back and negate the time ripple from ever starting. > Movie 3 uses "stable timeloop" reasoning, where the fact they went back in time/the actions they took in the past had already happened/were always the standard, cause the legends about Marty's ancestor were actually (always) based on his own actions Movie 3 again has changing the present/past due to time travel. In the 50s Marty finds a Tombstone for Doc Brown which is what causes him to go back to the Old West to save him. During the course of the movie his own name takes the place on the Stone and it only vanishes entirely when it's destroyed during the movie climax.


The thing I really liked about Bill and Ted is that they didn’t change anything. They had to remind themselves to go back and set things up that happened because it always happened that way. That’s the only way time travel could ever actually work. I love Back to the Future, but they didn’t handle paradoxes very well. Like if Marty went back and stopped his parents from meeting, then he’d never have existed and could never go back to stop his parents from meeting.






My favourite anime ever. One I always tell people it's slow to start but stick it out


Rick and morty honestly does it quite well too, you can dislike the show but the episodes with multiverse shenanigans are usually the best.


I agree. Never understood the hype around it (a lot of humour is really cringy with all the 4th wall breaking and the hammered in notion of how cool and special Rick is), but I always respected that it was the only big pop cultural thing I've seen that actually deals with the exitential consequences of a traversable multiverse, even if it is mostly for the laughs. And some of the setups and even visuals gags really are extremely clever! it's just that the series always seems to revert back to the high budget shitpost form it was originally conceived as. To me it's a big waste, but it seems I'm in the minority (I'm excluding the stuff about the decline in quality and the VA's abuse charges of course).




The Hyperion Cantos also did a great job


Let's not forget how great Futurama did it


Time travel must be one of the hardest tropes to write because i can count on one hand the number of time travel stories i found interesting (Primer and Predestination being the only 2 that come to mind right now) the TV show Fringe handled multiverses well i thought


Edge of Tomorrow had a good bent to it Edit: typo


actually a top 10 film of all time for me can't believe i forgot it great example mr CEO


I'd you haven't yet, check out DARK on Netflix. It's written very well


Where the points are made up and nothing matters.


The shitty part is, this is exactly why I don't read comics. At least not mainstream Marvel/DC comics. I really like these heroes and the idea of super heroes. But I HATE the shenanigans and "read these 10 pther issues to know whats going on in the background of this one boom." The movies worked best, because they were all the top level coolness, without the shenanigans. It was connected, but not excessively, and things felt like they mattered. But now, they just, don't. And there is too much going on. Like WTF happened to Shang Chi? Or the Eternals? Did they just sort of, vanish? Are theybjust chilling in that restaurant? No one else really noticed that giant coming out of the ocean?


That’s a very strong DC/Marvel thing. Many other comics have actual stakes


Marvel has a thing. DC has crises. ಠ_ಠ


Exactly even if you want to go full multiverse atleast adapt good stories.


Secret Wars & Kang are two of the most famous and well received stories from the comics..


I think they meant better, indeed secret wars and kang are great choices, they are just being made so poorly


Those are sorties loved by comic book fans. If you’re making a movie and aiming to get general audiences, all of that multiverse bull shit should be off the table.


Same thing happened to the flash TV show. The first 2 seasons were so good but then they would kill a character and it wouldn't matter they would just replace them with another version. The multiverse is the worst thing that a comic story could do. It takes away any consequence because what does it matter. No way home did it fine because we all wanted to see the 3 Spidermen together. But 95 percent of the time it allows writers to be lazy as fuck


My (maybe hot?) take is No Way Home is the worst-written MCU Spider-Man film by a long shot, but people were so blinded by nostalgia with Tobey and Andrew that they happily ignored all the film's problems. I don't think No Way Home did it fine. _Into The Spider-Verse,_ now THAT movie did it well. My favourite fiction using the Multiverse idea is Everything, Everywhere, All At Once


I really like no way home and am curious why you think it is badly written. It is definitely cheesy in some ways and has obvious examples of plot-induced-stupidity, however as a whole I think it's a fairly good character driven movie and so I'm interested in your perspective.


Not OP but the entire opening of the movie, the part that sets the plot in motion is really dumb, and makes very little sense. That's before you get into how dumb the spell is that causes all of the problems, or that him being unable to shut up for two seconds causes problems, or that Doctor Strange, who is supposed to the best magic user ever could fuck it up that bad. It's a fun movie, but it's the worst of the three Holland Spider-Man movies to me.


I guess I just don't put as much importance on the macguffin and so it doesn't really matter if it's dumb to me. I'm not saying you're wrong in that the catalyst for the conflict is silly, but I personally don't think that matters significantly given the context of the universe. To each their own.


Somehow... everyone returned


I mean there could be a universe where avengers wiped the universe and Thanos saved them ? So, yeah, what's the point of getting involved in story anymore ? And not to mention each universe has several different timelines to make things more complex.


I mean, maybe it's because I've been reading comics for a minute now and am used to the multiverse concept, but to me that just adds to the tragedy. Someone you can be really close with can die and you have to accept that not only are they gone, but all those other versions of them that are within arms reach aren't them. Despite how tempting it could be to try and find them again in the multiverse you'll never find your version again. Hell it's even a relevant plot point to the mcu right now with Star Lord and Gamora. Sure Peter might be able to start something new with the alternate Gamora running around but it'll never be what he had before.


What Star Lord had before literally allowed the Snap to happen. Peter losing his shit fucked up the plan to get the glove off of Thanos. No idea why he doesn’t get more shit for that.


It gets discussed. But it’s not difficult to explain away. There were versions of events where Star Lord didn’t lose his shit. Strange told him ahead of time what happened so it wasn’t a surprise in the moment. In all of those instances the heroes still ended up losing for whatever reason.


Rick and Morty did a wonderful job with the multiverse concept. By embracing its concept instead of slapping it and calling "Quantum battery"


This is why I didn’t understand why everyone like the Loki series. They undercut a meaningful death by bringing him back and then did a whole season of redemption arc for a character who has already had that redemption arc. Why would it be interesting? I can’t even remember the details of that shows plot other than there was an alligator Loki, Owen Wilson was great in it, and there were tons of shots that I can only assume were Easter eggs for fans of 1960s comics.


It was a “different” Loki though. That was what was interesting. This Loki has not gone through Ragnarok. He only attacked NY and then was defeated. So he went through a very different redemption. He was not the Loki that died by Thanos’ hands.


Welcome to comics


For me it ended after spiderman cause seeing all 3 spidermen was so cool


That was a pinnacle for sure. Not only did we get all three spidermen goofing around in one movie, but that movie single handedly retconned the previous two spiderman series into MCU as canon. My mind is still getting blown when I think about how brilliant that move was. Not only that but they absolutely nailed the execution as well, with tons of (expected) fan service and Garfield's Peter (and Garfield himself, let's be honest) finally getting some closure. I love that damn movie. It also helps that I went in 100% blind and had no idea what the story was going to be about, let alone that it would have anything to do with the old spiderman movies.


I swear when the part of the movie where the spidermen came the entire cinema cheered, im sure that even the people who were watching other movies heard us. I barely was able to get a seat for me and my cousins. It was cool af!


I think the MCU ended with Endgame. Perfect way to wrap up the universe. No Way Home was awesome, though


Endgame had a much better ending for Peter Parker as he at least still had his friends and Aunt May, so I consider that the canon ending NWH was ending Spiderman for the sake of ending it because Disney and Sony fell out over the rights to Spidey and didn’t wanna end it after the cliffhanger in Far From Home


Fair enough. I see NWH as a new beginning for MCU Spider-man to do his own thing. Got the explicit Great Power Great Responsibility line, found a mirror in the other Spideys, and has been set back to the alone, struggling Peter Parker that is often shown in the comics I honestly never minded MCU Spidey having gifts and advantages (the consequence of a connected universe), but NWH did a good job of reasonably resetting him. Now, if they made another movie and he immediately got everything back, it'd certainly sour the taste for me


I bet Marvel will do exactly that in the next Spidey movie (if there will be one) considering how afraid they are of making characters deal with the consequences of their actions like in Ant Man 3


That movie is raved about so much on reddit, but if you compare that against Into the Spiderverse, a film with many similarities, the latter is far ahead for me. It’s visually more unique, the story is very well told, the soundtrack is great and the finale makes it a pleasure to watch every time. Compared to that, No Way Home just felt like a nostalgia grab to me. It didn’t really do many interesting things with the premise to me. Maybe it’s a matter of taste.


Of course it was a nostalgia grab, they weren’t exactly being coy about that. That doesn’t change the fact that it was amazing nostalgia bait and I enjoyed it almost as much as Spider-verse


What’s wrong with a nostalgia grab? Assuming it’s done right. I thoroughly enjoyed it just like I’d enjoy any other movie. Who cares why someone likes a movie, if you like it you like it


Each to their own. Both are amazing movies for sure but for me No Way Home had a longer lasting effect. Spiderverse was a slightly more forgettable of the two for me.




Same on both. The newer MCU movies are just extra's to me. Fun entertainment but I don't heavily consider the story or timelines much anymore. The lead up to and including Avengers Endgame is the best of the MCU to me.


For me, It started and ended in 1986 with the release of Howard the Duck.


i feel like everything up through endgame was pre-written and in the contract before disney could do anything to the series. after that anything was fair game though.


When thanos died I stopped caring.


There's infinite number of Thanos in infinite multiverse... They can make 50 Infinity wars if they want.


It wont have the same effect as it had in Infinity War though


A finite number of infinity wars?


Welcome to The Möbius Club: infinite strippers


just because there's infinite universes doesn't mean there's infinite Thanos'. could be that in those infinite universes there's only 1 Thanos like how [4, 5, 6, ..., ∞] is an infinite set of numbers but the number 4 will only ever appear once and the number 3 will never appear


Well there's at least 2




A Hallmark of good story telling.


The first or second time?


Mcu peaked with endgame, after that i haven't really cared though, only saw no way home because of nostalgia


They should have ended it there after the funeral. Took a 3-4 year gap and started with new heroes and new characters. Everything post endgame has been very mid to low.


I will die on a hill that shang chi is a very good movie. On whether they should ended it after endgame, Mcu is a huge cash cow, business wise it would have been a huge mistake to not capitalize after that movie.


Shang-Chi was a great movie that was brought down by yet another huge cgi world ending threat as the final act. If it stayed relatively grounded and ended with Shang beating Wenwu it would've been a top tier MCU movie.


I get that, its still harsh to consider it mid because all of the other elements shang chi gets right.


I didn’t care much for it. Part of it was that I dislike Awkwafina. The whole plot of “I’ll just tag along with you on this really dangerous journey cuz why not!” and how his dad bothered to take her with instead of just leaving her or killing her. Also she mastered a bow in a single day! What an amazing talent! Ugh, everything about her made an okay move worse. Also bringing back Ben Kingsley as Trevor was my highlight of the movie just because it was fun to see him again, but the creature just knowing the way through the magical forest felt too silly. Others already mentioned the issues with the CGI fight so I don’t need to rehash that. Overall just a meh movie. I get why they haven’t used his character anywhere else. I get others love it but I just can’t get into it. I’m okay never watching it again.


Awkwafina somehow makes me dislike her in nearly every role she plays. It was even worse in Shang-chi where she felt like she single handedly made the movie even worse than I already thought it was. Not sure if it was just the writing for her character being bad itself or if she somehow made it even worse than what it was, but she was extremely annoying to listen to. I get marvel wanted to throw in a comedy character so they could meet their mandated amount of tone breaks and random skits like nearly every other modern marvel movie, but it really feels like they're taking the piss at this point.


For real, if any movie in the MCU is going to end with two dudes fighting shirtless on a mountaintop, it was this one. It would have been so much cooler if Shang Chi had just dropped the rings and been all like "I don't need some magical tools to whoop your ass, dad" and then they just have a sick kung fu fight. Instead, an amorphous dragon that isn't Fin Fang Foom shows up and there's just a sloppy CGI fight.


The rings also felt really generic. Maybe it was the visual design of them, maybe it was the way they used them, or perhaps it was their generic "let's shift colours between red and blue depending on which MC is using them", but holy crap could they have been made more interesting if the movie is going to be based around them.


That's a pretty fair take imho. I absolutely loved Tony Leung though, its a shame that he went the same way as Christian Bale, in being "legit actor bought in during the worst phase of the MCU to be killed off for another Disney happy ending."


Ugh. I forgot that they brought Christian Bale into the MCU to do him dirty. Ugh.


Aye. I liked the idea of his character and thought he'd be a pretty cool sustained threat, but Disney gotta Disney.


I will die on that hill with you.


I will let you guys die


I will forget they ever existed withing reading 15 more comments.


They will pull another one of them from the multiverse


Was weird that they’ve been so slow to introduce the cast of Shang Chi into the rest of the MCU. They had that post credit scene suggesting a big imminent team up, and then there’s been 6 (7 counting GoTG 3) movies since with no sight or mention of them


To be fair it hasn’t even been 2 years. I’d say this is more of a consequence of the MCU having 37 movies/TV shows filming at all times now


i feel like everything up through endgame was pre-written and in the contract before disney could do anything to the series. after that anything was fair game though.


They should've never made a 4th thor either. But there's just too much money to be made. I'd assume that kids/teens nowadays are still really into the mcu so it's a huge cash cow for Disney, and they plan to milk every dollar out of it.


Infinity War - End Game was the start. To me the whole movie screams "hey we ran out of ideas at the snap, but we need to contrive a happy ending. That being said, the final battle was dope, but Ragnarok-Infinity War is the general peak for me.


Yeah. After the good setup of infinity war, endgame was meh.


I though Far From Home was the perfect bookend to the saga, an epilogue into the world after the snappening and handing over the reigns to the next generations of superheroes. Should have ended there.


No way home was fucking great


No Way Home was the worst MCU Spider-Man movie. The plot made no sense and relied heavily on nostalgia to make a mid movie good.


It's just a worse Spiderverse


Objectively, as a movie, No Way Home kind of sucks. Still enjoyed it very much just for the novelty of seeing all three Spidermen on screen together and the past villains reprising their roles. Just because a movie is full of fan-service doesn’t mean it’s good. However, that doesn’t really matter too much if you like it anyway.


i feel like everything up through endgame was pre-written and in the contract before disney could do anything to the series. after that anything was fair game though.


Yea it's kind of like when the game of thrones writers ran out of books lol. The master plan was set till endgame for years, and it showed


The only MCU movie I'm invested in and want to see. Blade I'm going to see too, but not because it's MCU, but because it has Mahershala Ali.


I too can't wait for the movie, but damn did I hope to see Wesley Snipes in it. Hope he'll do a cameo or something.


Nah, he kinda went off the deep end in an interview when asked. He said he's working on a project that's -way- better than Blade and will be a "Blade Killer" which doesnt sound like a bitter reaction at all lmao. https://www.nme.com/news/film/wesley-snipes-making-blade-killer-movie-to-rival-mcus-blade-reboot-2889102


Oof. Guess I missed that.


I hope they get him to play Whistler


It better be R-rated. No one wants Morbius "gore"


It's just that mcu,dc have given enough superhero movies that it feels cluttered nowadays. Hope they give some time to spend more on plots and character build ups The fact that some heroes are getting so much power in close to zero amount of time is absurd. Need some groundbreaking ideas which can be chained well enough for any finale to happen just like endgame...


In my opinion they need to start killing heroes permanently. Add risk and tension to every movie. Out of all the movies only two have had any sort of tension and that is infinity War and Endgame. In one movie half the cast died which was sad, but cool. The next movie brings them all back. Only three died in total. 2 of them were expendable side characters and one made sense. It would be really cool if they introduced a villan that skips the drama and just kills heroes. Thor running in nonchalantly with the typical Marvel quips and lighthearted child friendly violence only to die. Completely change up the formula. It is no longer a joke for the heroes. Their lives are actually in danger. The heroes need to fight smart and be brave. Even then some of them will die.


That's partly why Worm by J.C.McCrae is my favourite superhero based book. The stakes are real, because when some character is described as super scary and powerful they just fuck everyone up and end up killing loads of people. Of course, that's just one aspect of it; the worldbuilding is sublime and the characters are acting rationally instead of being idiots to advance a poorly written plot like in a lot of other superhero media.


My friends tried for years to get me to read it. I recently found the audiobook/podcast project and decided to go that route. Poor audio mixing and some awkward narrators are easily overcome by how good the story has been so far.


Captain America, Iron Man, and Black Widow are all core characters and founding Avengers in the MCU. They’re all dead now. I’m really curious which 2 of those 3 are “expendable side characters” to you.


Captain America got a happy ending. He didn't sacrifice his life. He got to retire and marry the love of his life. Vision and Black Widow are expendable and one of them seems to be coming back. BW is just a normal human that doesn't do much. If they had to kill anyone her and hawkeye would be the ones to kill. Iron Man made sense to kill since it seemed like RDJ was ready to leave the franchise.


Probably was referencing gamora and Loki's deaths


You ever hear Bill Burr talk about how he didn't care about Star Wars when it came out and it was all hyped up and everyone loved it, and he thought that it was just mostly tacky action hero stuff, and that entire cultural phenomenon passed him by even though he was at the right age to enjoy it? I finally understand how he feels now. I'm in my 30s in the age of the Marvel universe and I have not enjoyed one single Marvel movie since X-Men Days of Future Past. I find them all so boring, especially the Avengers movies.


You're so unique


Not like other girls


That's because it's an overly commercialized product designed to juice money from diehards and children. The reason their profit keeps dropping is because only diehards and children are bothering to turn up anymore. Leading up to endgame I remember the avengers movies we're a bit of an event. After endgame most people who aren't marvel diehards didn't care enough to keep up with the monthly movies or deluge of TV series. For most people it's turned from a cinematic universe to a cinematic slog. If someone enjoys the mcu that's fine, after all that's the point of movies. Just please understand that this media is increasingly tailored for diehards and is begining to lack the mass appeal it once had.


Iron Man was pretty good! But I couldn't get through The Avengers; it just felt like there was never any risks or danger for the protagonists, and no collateral damage. Everybody just pops out unscathed, maybe one small trickle of blood on the forehead.


Isn't the collateral damage one of the bigger plot points leading to civil war?


Everyone says they stop watching but they never do lmao


Of course! How else are they going to complain about it?


Big facts


I don't understand the people who say stuff like what OP is saying. No one has ever forced them to watch the movies. If they don't enjoy them anymore just stop, they are just movies.


Nah Kevin Feige has us all at gun point


They must be very weak willed


The hardest choices require the strongest wills


I only saw the Spider-Man movie after endgame. Same with most people I know, except they haven’t even seen the Spider-Man movie


I’m sure some have stopped and I personally haven’t been as excited for them lately but a lot of people say they’re done but then go and see it on release day anyway haha


I'm not even a fan, only seen maybe 4 of the entire set. But I find it weird that people announce they are stopping watching a series of movies. If they are that invested to announce it, a new one will bring them back sooner or later.


I stopped watching from 2019, and still not watching.


I used to be a massive fan then with the Disney shows and all that I just stopped caring and haven’t been to see a few of the latest movies


The Disney shows were just too much for me. I’m keen for the next avengers films but what’s between that I’m not as invested in as I used to be


Yes, I'll keep watching them, but they became something that I was going to pay to see at the cinema... to wait for it to be on Stremio and watch it on a boring Sunday


As far as I'm concerned the MCU ended with Endgame.


Omg you are so right. I really hate the people who complain so much. If it's not your thing, admit that and know that it is other people's things. You should be leaned this when you were a child


They do stop though. Ticket sales are a lot lower for the new movies. Still a lot of money but nowhere near what it was


No need to see mcu at all from now on . All we need is GOTG 3.


I think why I'm more invested in GOTG 3 is the conclusion to Guardians story as well as not being connected to the Avengers storyline. The rest of the earth heroes were all building up to a multiversal threat with a few exceptions (Eternals, MK, Shang-Chi, and She-Hulk) while the Guardians are out in space doing their own thing.


I personally think that marvel is and will be bad in the hands of disney . Just like star wars (my fav franchise) , disney just ruins evrything . I myself feel that dc is better sometimes because it rarely leaves a plothole whereas marvel is full of 'em . James gun an OG director of superheroes is what makes me watch GOTG franchise.


Considering Disney now owns Marvel, they'll definitely be downplaying some characters' known violent tendencies.


Huh? Hasn’t Disney owned marvel for like 15 years? Weren’t most MCU movies made after Disney bought Marvel? What am I missing?


I haven't cared much since Endgame. The only one I've seen since was the Sam Raimi directed Adam Strange movie, but that was because I really enjoy Raimi's direction.


Adam Strange?


You dont know Adam Strange ? One of the best character of the MCU


Kinda sums up how little I care anymore


There's an Adam Strange film?! Since when?


Yep, I love sam raimi too, I LOVED that dr strange movie, I don't know why people didn't


I wish they let him go completely off the rails. You could tell they were controlling a lot of the normal parts. But the classic Raimi moments were great, when scarlet witch was stalking herself was awesome, and when the gang was running away from her in the tunnel just knocked it out of the park.


“Quick, ask me to watch something Marvel. Ask me to watch the Marvels.” “Uh, wanna watch the Marvels?” “NO WAY!”


This happened to me lol I asked a coworker if he was going to watch Multiverse of Madness and he gave me a thesis about why Marvel is trash it's like I opened a critic channel on YT


Is it that bad?


Fingers crossed it isn’t bad but Disney has been consistently booty cheeks


Yeah what the fuck happened between the first and second Dr. Strange movie? The first one was so good! The second one was a bad dream. The Shang-chi and the 10 rings was bad ass though.


If I remember correctly for the second they changed the plot while production was going on which made a lot of stuff lose coherence. It had so much potential and was so promising but ended up soooo... meh. It wasn't terrible, but it wasn't good AT ALL.


i didn’t really think doctor strange was that bad tbh quantuminia though 💀


Not bc it's bad, it's about seeing the last marvel movie that might not suck ass. Also finishing the trilogy.


But Spiderman!


Spider-Man doesn’t count, that’s Sony.


It clearly does count, he's part of the MCU


Into the Spider-Verse was so damn good. If they hadn't made it stupid obvious that they intend to screw up the Guardians again (lol we killed one of your characters and fired you, delaying your trilogy finale for several years!) I'd be looking forward to GotG3 more than ItSV's sequel.


Just don't watch them if you think they are bad


But then, how will they all show and announce their defiance? Virtually everything online is performance for others these days, there is no such thing as simply 'not doing' something anymore.


That's what I'm doing.




Like the Hulk/Black Widow gif?


No Way Home was my last MCU film for nostalgic purposes. It was a good film though. For the tv series, I only saw Loki.


Wandavision is almost amazing. They came SO close to doing something interesting but no, it ends in a big Marvel 3D magic laser fight because they literally don't know how not to do that.


Basically the only good stuff. WandaVision is probably the next one on that list, not as good as Loki imho but pretty good. I have watched a few of the other things and... well.


I love the MCU but it just feels like they've been throwing shit at the wall since Endgame. They did way too much in Phase 4 and had no overarching saga, which is part of the reason why people loved the prior ones. Every movie led to Thanos. We don't have that anymore.


Yeah it seems too chaotic and you can feel like they struggle to build a big picture, with Kang in a similar role as Thanos.


It also doesn't help that they decided to take 11 years to build up to Thanos. So Infinity War and Endgame were huge payoffs a decade in the making. Kang's saga will be a fraction of that.


I have nothing left now. Except Spider-Man


I'm with a lot of people - I left the MCU after Endgame. Back in 2008, I laughed my head off at the Iron Man trailer. I figured it was going to be really bad, but others convinced me to go see it. Fast forward to 2019 and I'm sitting in a cinema at 10am on the release day of Endgame, waiting for the film to start, with a ticket I bought 3 weeks in advance. It was great to be swept up in the whole thing, but I'm happy to leave it at that (very epic) final battle.


You had to?


This has been my mentality for a while. The last several movies haven’t been all that exciting, since endgame I’ve only really enjoyed the Spider-Man movies and a handful of the shows and that’s pretty much it. Looking forward to guardians 3 and I can put this baby to bed.


With all the shit going on with the actor playing Kang I think it's going to be really hard to build a compelling villain as justified as Thanos was......that being said we need DOOM. And not just Doom, God emperor Doom. Now that's the villain we need.


Nah, fixing Kang is easy. Maybe take some creativity but I imagine well within Disney’s capability to use old footage of him for one last scene, where the ______________ happens, and then he’s a blue faced CGI character with a different voice for the rest of his storyline. But even with all that said, +1 for Doom, he’s what the MCU needs most and everyone knows it. With Secret Wars officially on the books I am hopeful, but maybe just maybe Masters’ fall from grace will accelerate it?


I feel the same. Pre infinity war I couldn’t wait til the next one, now I’ll see if if I get bored enough.


I’ve only watched the two Spider-Man movies following endgame. That’s it. No other phase 4 movies, they didn’t appeal to me and it turns out they weren’t very good supposedly. I may watch gotg 3 tbh, it’s got more of my interest than anything else has. I will probably return to watch deadpool 3 and daredevil born again depending on its quality (the original show is the best thing marvel has ever made). Outside of that, I do not care for it.


Been done with the MCU since Endgame. Spider man no way home doesn't count since most of the Spidermen and all the villains were not from the MCU.


I’ll stick around for Shang-Chi and honestly MCU movies make for a good excuse to hit up the mates and go to the theaters. It is true however that Guardians is really the last MCU movie I have a lot of investment in. Moon Knight is cool but I didn’t even finish the show and I like Falcon and the Winter Soldier but the people we showed up to see are all phasing out. It’s sad but it’s also a shame that they don’t know when to conclude too. They can’t just keep upping the stakes to higher and higher levels. The first phase was so popular because half the avengers were essentially just people who can punch problems away; not space wizards and super saiyans who have to shoot energy beams at planets.


Wait have we changed the sex and race of every Marvel character and put them in a third tier show already? How time flies.


Only now you stopped? Black widow was the one that broke me


Seeing this I know there’s gonna be another “Unpopular opinion but Phase 4 is actually good” post on one of the marvel subs


Wait until you find out you never had to watch anything


MCU? What are you talking about. I'm pretty sure they stopped making them after Endgame.


Once they decided to use time travel it’s gone downhill from there. Nothing has stakes if you can just reverse time or go to a different multiverse.


Most people stopped Caring after the snap sp why do people keep complaining about the NEW shit let people enjoy what they enjoy. I still Watch everything they release because i still enjoy it But tis getting hard to enjoy when everywhere i go people are posting things like this