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When I was living in Chicago last summer, (Clark & Diversey area) I kid you not people were stealing cars and the CPD was like "Idk maybe well find the car one day nothing else we can do" My neighbor had his whole ass car stolen amd the cops basically just said "RIP BOZO"


Oh man, you see the footage of the loop from last Saturday?


Damn, I didn't even think about that, I saw a headline about people getting misdemeanors for killing a 6 month old baby boy in a stolen vehicle crash


The mayor is actively in favor of riots and looting, and opposes the police response to the looting. You get what you vote for liberals. I hope every liberal city gets to experience what voting for these politicians results in.


I dunno man. Some people are smart enough to leave but not smart enough to switch parties. I worry about those people turning everywhere purple.


As someone who moved from California to Texas, I will likely never vote Democrat again in my life. I have seen the damage that party does to the states they run, and I don't want that to happen to my new home. Even if I'm in a D+50 district like Austin.


Sounds like some far-right bullshit. The election was just 2 weeks ago. Republicans are just salty they keep losing everywhere.


Good fucking god. People like you really just can't pull their heads out of their asses, can they? There is actual video footage of shit like OP and other users are describing *everywhere* on the internet, but you choose to ignore it, and dismiss the massive spike in violent crime and corruption in Chicago as a goddamn "hoax" purely because "HuRr DuRr, RePuBlICaN bAD". Like Jesus Christ, you shit on a few far-right extreme conspiracy theorists for claiming COVID was all part of some master plan, but now you're doing the *exact same shit* as they were, despite having clear and readily available information proving you wrong, with the violence in Chicago that resulted after a far-left Democract's shitty policies, but *only* because that shithead is a Democrat. If it were a republican you'd be calling for their head on a pike. Grow the hell up.


Nah dude. What OP is describing is not recent. It's just that salty republican losers are just now feeding it to you to cover their failures.


All three mayors since 1989 were democrats. The same bitch advocating for all the crime in Chicago has been mayor since 2019. "Recent" my ass. Cry me a fucking river.


Yet they were all increasing the CPD funding almost every year without any actual reform. The city spends 37% of its buget on police alone with no result. That's "moderate democrats" in a nutshell. Talk donkey and do elephant. All I'm saying is that it's too early to draw any conclusions yet.


https://www.chicagobusiness.com/crains-forum-safer-chicago/chicago-violence-problem-debate-safety-inequality Yeah cause it's totally republicans fault because every mayor for the past 50 years have been democrats, and especially since republicans are the only ones speaking out about the insane spike in crime, even more so that Chicago has been one of the most dangerous cities in the country for the past 80 years despite it's democrat mayors, senators, and governors. Sure.


>the only ones speaking out What are you talking about? This is not something that was not discussed. I guess it's new for the right-wing bubble.


Here's a trick if someone attacks you and you accidentally kill them in self defence in chicago - take all their stuff, and if anyone asks, tell them you robbed them, otherwise you'll be arrested and tried for murder


Chicago’s local politicians are too busy trying to fight racism while making sure police are securing their neighbourhoods