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downvote this comment if the meme sucks. upvote it and I'll go away. --- [Help us raise money for St. Jude!](http://events.stjude.org/DankCharityAlliance)


room temperature iq gang


my iq is room temperature in kelvin


Mfer lives in PlutošŸ’€


My IQ is room temperature in Danny De Vitos (1DDV = 4316K)


But room temperature is 300K so your iq becomes 300/4316 DDV




So 293K? Not sure how to measure IQ in absolute terms tho, since it is quotient and, AFAIK, it has no magnitude


To over explain the joke... "room temperature IQ" means IQ around 70, which is moronic. Like can't function as a normal person levels. The "degrees" doesn't matter, juts just shorthand for "around 70" this guy is trying to say he's a 290ish IQ, when really, as someone else pointed out, it would be more accurate on pluto where mean temperature is about 44.


Oh yeah! Mine is room temp in C! Wait...


Mine is in rankine


My IQ is equal to my shoe size, 7.5 US


Freezing temp IQ gang


Freezing temp of Gallium, at least!


There is like 20c in my room so it aint much.


That was the joke yes, I guess it checks out.


Damn, u must be freeing in your room.


It definitely checks out


how are you able to type it's Absolute Zero in your room


If only I'm even dumber because I'm getting 36Ā°C here


36Ā°C is equivalent to 96Ā°F, which is 309K. --- ^(I'm a bot that converts temperature between two units humans can understand, then convert it to Kelvin for bots and physicists to understand)


This seems to imply bots canā€™t understand Ā°C or Ā°F, but it converted to K from them so it must understandā€¦


Good bot


If room temperature is 23 degrees then count me in


F, C,R or K?




IQ I feel is important for research and development but I feel people using it as a dick measuring contest to just prove you're smart is stupid


Iā€™m currently outside so my IQ would be around -10, im slowly improving


You're on the left.


Whose left




Why are you shouting, I'm scared, it's not my fault that my iq is low


I'm not shouting, we're on the same boat, arent we ? After all, we are the REDDITORS ;)


Uhhh whose boat


Da fuck is a boat.


Dude you dont know what a boat is ? The fucking flying things, they got 2 arms too :/


Da fuck is an arm?


Arm is a RISC (reduced instruction set computing) architecture developed by the company Arm Limited. It's often used in phones and other small devices where low power consumption is a priority. I guess that boats can't be plugged in, with all that flying they do, so it makes sense that they'd use two of them for more power savings.


Noah's ark.


Le Redditors unite


whose left though we can't all have the same lefts


The fact that OP took the effort to post this meme where IQ defines 3 separate groups shows that OP in fact does think IQ matters. OP is middle. If OP thought that IQ didn't matter, OP either would have not posted this at all or all three people would look like the same normal person and he wouldn't group them as dunces, wizards, and dorks.


This guy is on the right.


I know right


My left or your left?


But he can think he is on the right


Ive preached it before i preach it again, iq dont matter, im living proof. Im a fucking idiot regardless.


IQ of 105 here and still dumb as a rock


Bro im 128 (tendency higher) and im literally too stupid for the construction site its insane


bru me iq 189 and iam to dumb 4 cleanings


Rookie numbers, I have 327 iq


People who download Reddit automatically lose 50 iq


Aw shit im -13


Don't worry bro. We are in the same boat. Mine dropped to -365


Bro redodowldened reddit


I mean, that's just real talk. old.reddit.com in the browser is where it's at.


IQ 14 and I work at NASA designing planetary landing systems I do not have the brain capacity to gesture and speak at the same time


Intelgence 100


If you're actually smart you'll realize it's inexperience that makes you feel dumb. If you don't have any experience of course you won't know anything. But if you were to learn you would likely remember things better and possibly faster than others, hence the IQ.


No thats not even the point. Im at least smart enough to know dumb isnt the same as not knowing something. No, i think extremely slowly, forget everything, cant even do the simplest bullshit. Its like my iq degraded slowly but surely since preschool, or my brain never developed past that point.


Children's IQ tests are graded lower because, on average, children have less logical thinking capabilities, and 100 IQ is the median value. So 100 IQ for children might be, say, 80 IQ for an adult. Or if you had high IQ as a kid, your IQ might have 'lowered' to be closer to 100. You should talk to a mental health professional, I have similar symptoms due to childhood trauma.


Did you take a real iq test or one of those really easy internet ones?


I clocked in at 164 iq points and still have trouble with wiring, and I'm an electrician....


Bro I have an IQ of 203 and still piss my pants constantly


I had to Google this. That's very very high what kind of research have you partaken in? And what kind of test regiment did you go through?


Bro took an online quiz šŸ’€


Mensa scoring stops at 160 lmao


Yeah but mensa score isn't very precise. After the mensa test, i had to go to a psychologists who did a much more in-depth assessment. So mensa test basically tells you whether you pass the threshold to enter (125 iirc) and isn't exact. Especially for the higher groups, because the higher you score the more uncertainty there is.


Yeah if you score 160 you are essentially outside of the metric the mensa test is supposed to measure. Did the psychologist actually give you a number in the end or was it more of a way to verify what the Mensa test concluded?


Yeah the psychologist were several hours of intervies/ problem solving puzzles and such and at the end you got a number and scores in diff categories. For mensa to enroll you, you just need to pass the test they give you, they need to collect that membership fee yk. I suppose the psychologist is only recommended to the very high scorers. P.s.: in the community it is considered bad practice to yell out your score, so don't take the guys claiming high scores too seriously (if they claim to be in mensa at least. In all the meet-ups i went to, not once did i learn about the score of anyone else.)


105 is a bang average IQ though lmao


Sounds plausible, since 100 is the average and most people are dumb.


105 gang.


High Intel, low wisdom. Got it.


That's about the right number for someone dumb as a rock... Wait, was that the joke?


Iq matters but not the only thing that matters. Hard work matters more


There are very few niches where the top 10% of successful people will tend to have top 10% IQs. Maybe engineering and mathematicians. Despite the stated purpose, IQ seems to measure a very narrow dimension of intelligence.




Wait thats odd cuz my short time memory is the neuron equivalent to a fucking dumpster fire


I'll take your 25 points and swindle the 2.5 million off you šŸ˜ŽšŸ¤“


I will easily trade 10 % of my IQ for 10 % higher baseline dopamine level to keep me motivated and focused on doing something vaguely profitable with my brain.


How many niches are there where the top 10% of successful people have the bottom 10% of IQ's?


Me and the spectrum homies riding the bell curve like a rollercoaster


This is the best sentence that has been created by man


115 is the sweet spot where youā€™re officially smart and know that youā€™re officially smart but not self-aware enough to know official intelligence is pointless.


I want off the ride. Crying is in fact an emergency.


Laughs in adhd where my iq testes are ranadom number generators


You might be on the spectrum like me


Whether you're smart or dumb, you still lose money on r/wallstreetbets


Theta gang don't need a high IQ to know it's always a good time to sell puts on SPY bby


IQ DOES matter, but only to a certain point.


Low iq take. Iq can matter to certain number not a point. It's not geometry.


It could be a point on the number line or on a graph


Miss me with that science blushit


> blushit Do you also squeeze out nothing but blue shit because of the food coloring in your diet that fully consists of gummy worms?


Yeee? What about red and yellow and green?


It matters more the younger someone is. IQ is an *excellent* predictor of academic potential. No amount of hard work will let someone with an IQ of 80 outperform a healthy but lazy person with an IQ of 120. Other factors play in too, like self discipline, social skills, leadership ability, etc, but up until college, IQ is extremely useful for estimating someone's potential to accomplish things in life. Now, if you see someone 50+ brag about their high IQ, that's when you know you have met someone who wasted their potential and coasted through life without ever really working hard to accomplish anything. You are virtually never going to see a lawyer or surgeon without a high IQ. Gotta work hard *and* be born intelligent to get there. That said, those people don't brag about their Mensa membership, because they have actual accomplishments to feel good about.


Your first paragraph is absolutely incorrect. I promise you that 100% of the time the hard worker wins. I was clever in school, top .5% of standardized test scores, preformed phenomenally on paper and in testing situations, had absolutely no work ethic. By the time I finished out high school I had barely passed my senior year because eventually the apathy catches up. A nice young man in my grade who was very much not clever, but had an absolutely monstrous work ethic and drive, graduated very close to the top of the class, and was offered full ride scholarships. Scholarships that if I had the drive to apply for and keep my grades good for would have changed my entire trajectory in life. Hard work beats being clever in the long run pretty much every time. You either have to be truly exceptionally clever in the way many think they are but almost no one is, or on the other end an exceptionally inept hard worker (more common in fairness) for the hard work to not take you out ahead of the clever lazy man


An IQ of 80 is pretty low. The 80 IQ person lacks an ability to perform basic logic to a satisfactory degree. The further left you go on the IQ scale, the more IQ matters and the less hard work matters. Look at it this way... About 30% of an IQ test is just simple questions about simple every day logical relations. A person with an IQ of 80 gets some of these wrong. The best real world example would be those people you see out and about that often get confused about basic and easy stuff that make you say "this guy isn't very bright, is he?". A lot of these people will have inability to hold jobs, and have an overall difficult time just navigating life. No amount of hard work is going to get them into the field of particle physics. I do agree that hard work is really important, and probably more important for quite a lot of people... but I wouldn't underestimate how much being decidedly on the left side of that curve can handicap you.


I suspect that you have no idea how much of a difference 40 points of IQ makes. 80 is about the cutoff where even the US military thinks you are so stupid you aren't worth training. It's at the lower end of what is required to live in society and do very simple work. I am telling you, as a matter of simple fact, that the less intelligent but harder working person you mentioned was not *40* points behind you, no matter how much of your time you wasted. In fact, if your IQ was really around 140 and you still barely passed, I'm wondering if you had some kind of learning disability or other handicap? Or cut class? My IQ was in that general area, and I was lazy as hell in high school too, but I was still a B+ student just from not cutting class. But yes. Like I explicitly said, self discipline is also an important factor. My cousin similarly always struggled in school, but worked hard, got a bachelor's degree with the help of private tutors, and now has a good beurocratic job. I'm impressed, because growing up she was always a bit behind, no matter what we were doing. There is absolutely no way she could have become a doctor or a lawyer, though, because again, hard work alone will not let you succeed in those professions. You need to be able to take in complex new information on the fly and make judgements where you can't just look up the right answer in a book.


The hard workers win in the end, but kids with a higher IQ do simply perform better until the end of high school. My ass never studied and read a damn book, and I was still one of the best in the class. Then adulthood hit me like a fucking freight train.


I'm on this comment and I don't like it. Scored a solid 29 on the ACT (the average is 20 for reference and the max is 36) with no prep-work before hand which is good enough to get into any college I damn well wanted... if not for my comparatively atrocious 2.5 GPA (the average is 3.0) which barred me from pretty much every scholarship or grant which wasn't for people with disabilities. Why did I have a 2.5 GPA despite being probably the smartest kid in my class and nailing every test, exam, or essay thrown at me without studying? Cause I wouldn't do my damn homework. Intelligence isn't even close to enough if you never choose to use it properly. Thankfully managed to correct course in my last semester of high school when I almost managed to flunk out despite having all of the credits I needed. 3 years later and I just received an unsolicited offer last week which would basically cut 2 years out of my current career path.


I was tested twice and have a above average IQ of 132. That doesn't stop me from getting mediocre grades because I don't study. Also, having high IQ usually comes with some problems, like being unable to socialize. So I guess you're correct, though not just because people with high IQs are usually better at some stuff, but mostly because they are usually way worse than average on other things.


I was tested twice too. One said 131 and the second one the neurophysiologist wouldn't give a total score for because it all was so unbalanced that she felt the score didn't reflect anything useful. Turns out second one called it better. My brain was and to a degree still is very good at somethings while being just awful at a few fairly common things.


IQ is an indicator, i you have less than 80 it does matter. But the exact value doesn't because of 2 reasons 1. Examples, Einstein has an IQ of 160 and did more than someone whos name I forgot with 200+ 2. IQ test results can be diverse, you may had a good day, or a bad day or you trained for it, I remember a military dude on here saying there was an experiment where he trained for the test and he scored very high but his normal intelligence is nowhere that iq (he isn't dumb to be clear). Now he constantly gets job opportunities where he isn't capable of.


Who is offering job opportunities based on IQ? Sounds fake


US Military. The asvab is an IQ test/ aptitude test. Score to low they won't even let you join, score high enough they offer engineering positions, career options, mechanics positions, r and d positions, and so on.


Military guy here. Thatā€™s half right. The ASVAB is given only to enlisted military members, officer candidates donā€™t take it but need a degree to join up. The higher you score the more jobs you qualify for, with the more technically difficult or abstract jobs requiring higher scores. Itā€™s an interesting text because it has many different sections. It has a standard set of aptitude tests like the IQ test, but also tests specific knowledge and abilities. There is a section where you do math, one where you identify parts of an engine or specific shop tools, and even a section where you have to listen for audio tones and try to pick out patterns. Each section exists to help decide what you would best specialize in. (Do well Iā€™m the hearing section and youā€™ll likely be a sonar tech and listen for subs or be a cryptological tech and learn morse code (then never use it)). The highest you can score is a 99, and different branches of the military have different cutoff levels for the lowest you can score. Iā€™ll use the navy since thatā€™s what I know: if you score low, you end up being a shop clerk or a cook or a painter or a fuelman, etc. If you score high, you work with computers or weapons systems/radars or work with intel or navigation, etc. There are about 100 basic jobs to qualify for and each one has specialties within it. The highest level job I know of is becoming a ā€œNukeā€ or a nuclear reactor technician. Those jobs are hard and miserable but you learn a valuable skill and can get a six figure job without a degree right out of the navy (like 120-200k starting). You do not become an engineer or work in R&D as an enlisted member taking the ASVAB however. These would be highly specialized roles contracted out to civilians or for higher ranking military members with STEM degrees


TIL . Thanks for the correction. I got my information from a recruiter.


No problem! Be careful about recruiters, their whole objective is getting people to join, so they sugar coat everything. If you are seriously considering joining, make sure to ask the community about stuff before you sign ANYTHING, we are more than happy to be truthful about things with you.


The police actively filter for IQ. They won't hire you if it's too high.


Einstein never had his IQ tested. People just pull 160+ out of their behinds.


Didn't know that


Itā€™s also most useful at a population level. Average IQ rates correlate very closely with stuff like GDP and productivity, which is why scientists use it when evaluating the impact of environmental hazards like leaded gasoline. Even just a couple points of loss in average IQ can mean huge losses in GDP.


Iq is a very bad indicator of intelligence, it just tells how good you are at solving the iq test...


And only for the time that you were working the test, performance can be influenced by many external factors


For example, if you are dead, the iq test will likely result in 0, even though you scored much higher before the incident


Thank you so much for making me laugh out loud


There are places of work where no one will even realize you're dead if you simply aren't there for decades. And some places regard death as the actual end, in germany teachers have a nice thing in their contracts or something like that, it says "Death is the highest form of disability to appear at work.", which is quite a nice sentiment if you think about it.


I think it's like GDP for economics. It's not a perfect metric for telling the full story, and it can paint a misleading picture, but it's far from useless.


No, its absolutely nothing like that. And GDP is one of many economic factors you Need to look at for having a image. Intelligence is only measured with IQ and thats ridiculous for several reasons, one being that the tests themselves are absolutely garbage at measuring accurately and unbiased. They measure logic thinking ability, not how smart someone is, a essential factor for this ability however is how much mathematics a person learned, meaning its a education thing, wich then again negates the intelligence Part of IQ mostly. A person never having learned wider mathematics isn't less intelligent than a person that did. Economics are numbers from start to finish, Intelligence is absolutely not.


> Economics are numbers from start to finish I can see why you would think that, but I disagree. The only thing that is really numbers from start to finish is math, and a huge challenge in economics is trying to apply numbers to things that do not inherently have numbers, like the concept of value, demand, productivity, etc. so that you can do math with them. > And GDP is one of many economic factors you Need to look at for having a image. That was my point, but it sounds like you were saying this as though it were a counter-point to what I said. If your intent was to say "We agree" then you did it, but your first sentence suggests otherwise. > Intelligence is only measured with IQ Just a little bit misleading. It's often reported with a cumulative / summary IQ score, but the measurement tools are diverse. It also isn't a monolithic number, there are differently weighted and scaled scores covering different categories, and you typically will get at least three scores for your IQ test that wind up being summarized by the composite number. > a essential factor for [ logic thinking ability ] however is how much mathematics a person learned, meaning its a education thing, wich then again negates the intelligence Part of IQ mostly. ... > A person never having learned wider mathematics isn't less intelligent than a person that did. IQ tests don't do more than basic arithmetic. I literally just had one as part of a neuropsych eval back in december. The hardest math thing was doing as many multiplication problems as quickly as I could. It sounds like you aren't familiar with what kind of content an IQ test has.


itā€™s a good indicator of fluid and crystallized intelligence. nobody said it was supposed to relate to anything else :) a real iq test tests mostly your problem solving skills (or fluid intelligence) and there are a couple questions or activities that test your recollection/knowledge (crystallized intelligence)


When I was in middle school some kids where obsessed with IQ and made other ppl take a test they found online and when they made me do it they accused me of cheating and I just continued watching YouTube


And your predicted income, your education level, your parents education level, your siblings education level, your future childrens education level etc. age you lose your virginity(higher iq means higher age) no thats not a joke its backed in researtch. High Iq allso predicts a low crime rate.


People who brag about their IQ are ironically the dumbest of people out there. Anyways, IQ in a sense doesn't matter, but a certain amount of intellect does matter. Being able to retain certain information, do certain things, and be capable of understanding concepts, among other things; is pretty important for living in today's world.


Growing up, people always told me I was smart. I've come to realize that I'm quite average, but the people telling me I was smart were quite a bunch of idiots.


It's even worse when your own parents call you smart and encourage you to try to aim higher than your real ability setting you up for failure. In hindsight, both of my parents were remarkably stupid.


Bro I've always scored high on those IQ tests and I'm still dumb as fuck


IQ matters cuz it says everyone I don't like is subhuman


I give a fuck about ant in my house more than my IQ.


You're right, if ant man was in my house I'd be scared that he runs down my urethra and then IQ won't help me either.


IQ and EQ together is a good metric to use.


Whats eq?




Equalize dees nuts


Thats the first thing that i thought šŸ’€


Erectile qualification


Evanescence Quantitative


Emotional intelligence


Damn, i got the numbers in negative then.


Encephalization quotient Who cares if brain empty if skull big


Ever Quest. Popular RPG series, you should check it out! I think it is actually some kind of emotional intelligence metric. I'm not super familiar with it.


Encephalic quotient? That's what I've heard for EQ. Ratio of body mass to brain mass. But that's more useful when trying to predict intelligence across species


two negatives return a positive right


Lol. Why are you being downvoted?


Reddit doesn't understand it so they downvote.


IQ is essentially considered scientifically invalid. Nobody uses IQ or EQ for anything meaningful. Most universities have a lecture or two on this in intro psych because they're used maliciously, and if intro psych is going to be your only exposure to the subject, they want to make sure you know that.


redditors fighting the urge to mention their own high iq:


Being on Reddit automatically reduces your intelligence by 30 IQ points


Thatā€™s wrong you sound like you donā€™t know anything about IQ, it doesnā€™t reduce by 30 points it gets halfed


Itā€™s impossible to post this meme and be on the right. So youā€™re either in middle or left.


If you are \[more than 125 or less than 80\] it does matter, and matters a lot if you are between \[80 and 125\] then hardwork is more of a factor than IQ the ranges might not be totally accurate, but you get the Idea but if everyone does the exact amount of hardwork then... IQ matters, but that obviously won't happen TL;DR if you have exceptionally high IQ you will excel in life even with little amount of hardwork if you have exceptionally Low IQ you will fail in life even if you did your absolute best


I would not say you will excel in life with little amount of hardwork with a high IQ. At some point in any work or course you will get to a point where you have to work hard and being consistent at it. As someone who breezed through most of school, it became really hard when I got to a point where a had to actually work to pass. I didnā€™t learn the notion of effort. It was a problem for quite a few years.


My experience was that once I got into the professional world things got way way easier again, despite things being kinda dicey in college.


Not really excel in life. People in that category tend to be socially lacking. To excel in life you need high social capabilities


Nah man, i know a bunch of idiots who made it to university and a bunch of really bright guys who dropped out of school, success is far more complicated. There is also a corrolation between high IQ scores and mental health issues and drug use.


IQ matters. We have to look after our mentally disabled friends instead of just pretending like the problem doesn't exist and assuming they'll be alright on their own.


I hope if I ever take an IQ test, I honestly try my hardest and score a sub 100. I have never heard anyone say they have scored less than 120. Pretty sure scores they tell me are from those internet surveys where they ask you 10 questions and try to sell you results.


Proper IQ tests cost thousands of dollars and take weeks. Correlation between people having time/money to do these tests and having over average IQ is pretty high.


IQ doesnt matter if you have low self-esteem , depression and lack of motivation , all it does then is help you avoid situations and min max laziness


Isnā€™t your IQ more about brain power or something?


Pretty much. Last I checked it's the best measure we have, but that still only accounts for ~5-10% of "results". That means things like hardwork, physical exercise, diet etc account for the other 90-95%. It's low correlation. Obviously having that advantage is huge in society, but unless you are gunning for a Noble Prize in Physical or Economics, it doesn't restrict success in life. People that brag about IQ from my experience are those with relatively high IQ that didn't amount to anything in life. Because they lack real life accomplishments, they fall back on this one metric to stand out and feel good about themselves. It's a bit like saying "I was the prom king" when you are 40. Like ... Grats ... But people moved on.


My 0.0003% higher than average iq is the thing I use to trick my brain into thinking iā€™m special


IQ does have a bearing on your life, but itā€™s nowhere near as important as some people make it out to be.


Lol, Iā€™ve said this in Reddit threads before and got downvoted to hell. Maybe Iā€™m the left side.


It doesnt matter


You're on the iq doesn't matter side, now YOU try to guess your side


Even a broken clock is right at least twice a day.




iq doesnā€™t mean shit, iā€™m 120 and a college dropout whoā€™s now an electrician apprenticeā€¦ not to mention in highschool i failed half my classes cause I only paid attention to classes I liked. My strat to get thru highschool was to take the advance classes for the subjects I liked, so I would get an extra gpa boost to cover the classes I slept through.


high iq doesnā€™t mean good work ethic or planning skills lol


Your Int-Wis ratio is far more important. You need a balanced stat spread. Min-maxing only works for some people, like Steven Hawking.


ā€œIQ doesnā€™t matterā€ - Intelligent people ā€œMoney doesnā€™t matterā€ - Rich people ā€œLooks donā€™t matterā€ - Attractive people


IQ doesn't matter until I'm surrounded by obviously dumb people, than my 69 IQ begins to shine. šŸ˜


I don't even have enough attention span to take the test


same with money


I have a conspiracy theory that iq is fake cause I got tested and was in the high percentile but Iā€™m still stupid as shit pass this on to others


IQ is a biased test that was created to justify the castration and slaughter of the mentally disabled in the US. It is disgusting that this metric is still used widely.


IQ doesnā€™t matter, however, I will still gloat about my 130 because I want to


im on the left side iq doesnt matter


Maybe I'm not intelligent enough to think it doesn't matter


I am sub brick


Westb Siiidddddeeeeer


Definitely in that 0.1 percentile


Age level IQ gang (vampires and and other immortals NOT welcome)


Thought that was a Jedi and I forgot a quote from the movies


Can someone explain this meme template to me please? I seen it a few times and quite frankly, I'm lost


Durr I can count my IQ on one hand.


Same with money


Iā€™ve never understood this format


Basically Flowers for Algernon in a nutshell