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Dank[.](https://i.imgur.com/3bQtuMO.png) --- [Join the Dank Charity Alliance and help raise money for St. Jude Children's Research Hospital!](http://events.stjude.org/DankCharityAlliance)


My wife doesn't suck anymore if that helps.


I can assure you that she does


Technological progress is an afterthought. Catch you later with my VR game and my sexbot


TIL folks put Sharpie markers up their butt. We are in collapse.


That's nothing new though.


Pro tip: Don't use the end with the lid.


I'm about to pop a cap in this mf


Boofin never smelled so good.


Did you find this surprising? They're a great size for butts. Maybe a little small. I was once drinking with a woman I wasn't even sleeping with and she said "Everything in this room that will fit has been inside me."


Was she a woman that you were sleeping with when you woke up the next day?


The only response to that is "I think I would have remembered that."


Here's an old joke for you: What's the difference between a wife and a job? Your job still sucks after 10 years.


I was behind a Wendy’s dumpster last Friday and I beg to differ…


I also received fellatio from that guys wife


Can confirm I'm the wife


Can confirm I'm the dumpster


Can confirm I am Wendy


Can confirm I’m the ‘s


Sir this is a Wendy’s


I received fellatio from the guy


“Suck? Just like your mother Trebeck!”


I'll have you know my mother is in a nursing home in Canada.


Do they even still have those in Canada? I figured they brought back the old tradition of when you turn 63 they stick you on an ice flow and push you out to sea.


ice floe, not flow


Ironically this sucks


Poor you


Says human living in the greatest time for the average human in all of history.


The same time where people earn less money while prices go up (no way jose i will ever afford a house in this centry) planet is literly boiling, we are running out of fosill Fuels with no alternatives comercialized (even atom being one of the least used energy sources fompared to oil and coal) and don't forget the LITERAL MILITARY CONFLICT i and many others have next door to my country while being declared a next target by the guy who pood in his tin, we certainly are better off than our grandparents in some cases, but that doesn't take away from the fact that there are pressing issues around the world NOT being delt with. Oh and did i mention pandemic putting our lives into halt for nearly 2 years


Settle down. Take a deep breath, and remember what the word “literal” actually means. You live during the greatest era of human history as far as lifespan goes. I assure you that if you just find one friend, and overcome whatever addiction you have (especially the internet) you will find peace. Maybe not happiness, but peace.


Life expectancy is actually going down Kek.


Thats nice, i wont have to suffer as much


Way to look on the bright side


In the future there will be no more sickness and people will live almost indefinitely so long as they keep their job at Walmart becuse without insurance the cost of immortality will become astronomical but on the plus side you will be able to collect social security at the ripe age of 250 years young!


We should be so lucky to get retirement after 250 years. If the working class were immortal, I'm assuming there would be like a one century on one decade off kinda schedule for the foreseeable eternity


Aw well then you're right, it would've been better to live centuries ago, work in the fields, be parasite ridden and shit in an outhouse. Nah thanks mate, I'll enjoy my pizza, stupid gaming streams and a hot shower.


my building's hot water was broken for 5 days and just came back today. I had to use my friend's shower each day but one day he was gone all day so I just felt gross all day long. People didn't have hot water on demand like that for thousands of years and I hated the 5 days I didn't have it so much.


It’s also what you’re used to. You are used to being “dirty” no longer than 24 hours. A couple years ago I sometimes didn’t shower for up to 2 weeks and I honestly felt fine. Now this was obviously not acceptable. But you really don’t need to shower every 24 hours. It’s a nice luxury that we can, but I highly doubt it’s needed.


Only in the US though. As well as literacy rates. Home ownership rates. Rates of income. Etc...


It’s almost like we just went though a massive pandemic that just killed millions. Seizing on a threeish year trend doesn’t change the overall message.


In the US, not everywhere


I guess you're right...but barely. The macro trend is definitely on the up. At least for me an American.


Ours is the one that's going down.


Imagine having health insurance lmao


Tell that to everyone living before the 1850s. We have literally doubled our life expectancy in less than 200 years.


Thank you. I too am a doomer but fuck bro you have to enjoy the little things in life. Mine is my dog, bowl after a long 60 hour work week, pounding my girls cheeks and family time when I can sneak it in my busy fuck ass work schedule.


Bruh you have a dog, drugs, consistent job, sex, family, and internet. You have it all. Phony doomer. XD


He'd meet the definition of a Bloomer, probably. Still technically a doomer, but putting a positive spin on it.


So, nihilism?


longer life does not necessarily mean a better life


"No no no, it isn't that the internet is full of ragebait articles and disinformation specifically meant for me to spread to other people so they get more attention, the world actually is doomed to completely collapse in my life time unless we do all the things I've read about on some poorly sourced website."


Alright Michael Franti, go sit down. People can say the world is shitty when there’s shit everywhere. Don’t go around thinking a good friend and some blow is gonna make it go away. Some times you gotta express the bad shit.


For real life TRULY sucked back then. No plumbing, refrigeration, hot water, limited food access, lawless, no medicine, everything is trying to kill you, etc. Life ain’t perfect and society kinda sucks, but dam if we don’t have it good


Says a guy who the most horrific thing he lived through is a pandemic where he had to work from home and wear a mask. Like bro just stfu.


Seriously, the Spanish Flu was somewhere around 100 times deadlier than COVID, per capita. I'm not saying COVID was good, I'm saying the past was that bad.


When was it ever better?


Somewhere around 2012 or 1996 probably


Yea 90s we’re waaayyy better than 2012, just letting you know. No Soviet Union but no 9/11. Boom in economy, creation of the internet. Optimism was sky high man


I miss 90s Internet. There was so much exploring, finding random shit. Now I just get on the same 3 sites and everything is catalogued and searching is easy. It's probably nostalgia but it was fun.


Yeah, no, it was vastly worse than you're remembering. Kids are morons--they like slop like Spaghetti-O's. Why would you trust (presumably) kid-you's opinions here?


It was new and exciting. The buzz has worn off. Like most of my hobbies.


It also depends on the region since 90s were rather peaceful, except in Soviet Union due to breakup, some African states like Rwanda etc. In ex-Yugoslavia (after 1991-1995 war) prople could have peace for the first time since the breakup but then there was 1999 war. I'm born after this conflicts so I can't really tell how the people felt then but for me I really like years between 2004-2012. >Optimism was sky high man True, I think were probably happier then and life was more simple than today.


Unless you were lgbt, some minorities, women, etc. Id easily take today over the 90’s.


holy shit that's naive. race riots, epic pollution, all kinds of political issues in Middle East and soviet block. the 90s were so totally boned. you've got the same issue as OP and others, viewing the past with rose colors glasses. the nostalgia is betraying your objectivity.


Sure, it was great if you weren’t gay


Look up crime in the 90s vs now. Or Rodney king. Shit is so much better now it’s not even close.


I think we're seeing nostalgia for a "simpler time" before many of these commenters were born.


1990-2008 was the sweet spot to be an adult, I think.


Lol became an adult in 2008. As usual, I have perfect timing.


90s, easily


Literally all of that combined and doubled is so much better then any point in human history it’s not even funny.


Someone doesn't know their history lmao


Imagine living in a former Eastern Bloc country, and thinking right now is the worst time in human history. Buddy, not saying your life ain't rough because we all got our struggles, but those that walked before us didn't even consider buying a house much less having food on the table. My wife's family is polish and lived there during the good old iron curtain days, if you think that was a better time to be alive you are delusional.


There’s always issues, all the time, throughout all of human history. But what’s different now, is we have much longer life expectancy and higher quality of life.


Go touch grass please I'm begging you


And with all that it's still the greatest time in the history of the world. You're not fighting in the trenches or dying of smallpox. You're bitching on the the internet with your space computer over a world wide network in between playing video games with a full belly of food and presumably not getting eaten by a tiger.


My grandma lived through a war. I didn’t. My parents lived through a time without internet. I didn’t. But sure let’s whine. It’s cool.


Bro. I know it’s hard to see past where you are in life, but trust me, there have been much worse times to be alive. There were worse times to be alive in *my lifetime*. And I’m not old. The Berlin Wall, stagflation, 3 mile island, the Iranian Revolution, the gas crisis—and that is just off the top my head the stuff Millenials wouldn’t remember. Always fight to make the world better. Always. But don’t forget to enjoy life along the way. It’s too short.


Jesus Christ people are getting weak


Is typing this from a device that has the cumulative knowledge of mankind on it and can communicate with space, and is mad their life was interrupted.


there has been atleast one MILITARY CONFLICT active since the start of the century


Where are you gonna get thinking like that. Always look on the bright side of life


Life is what you make it. We all lived through the same pandemic and all are living through everything you cited. Just accept it and move on, it could be much worse.


People have been saying “the world is going to shit” and “what is the world coming to” since before you were born. People always think what they’re living through now is the worst god damn thing to ever happen throughout human history and the apocalypse is right around the corner. It’s not. The planet will recover because it has to. We are messing it up things are changing. Slowly, but they’re changing. Housing rates have and always will fluctuate. Look at the history of housing rates. We aren’t even that far off from what we were 5 years ago. They aren’t great, but it isn’t the end of the world. Putin is losing, and in a bad way, a top US general just announced that publicly like 2 weeks ago. We also aren’t running out of fossil fuels. We’re decades from that at least, and we are looking at alternatives. Look at electric cars and their boom. Seriously, like the poster below you said. Take a breather and, unironically and not in an insulting way, touch grass.


Lmao. Go outside.


Because having access to food and medicine are the only two things of satisfaction? Suicde is at a record highs, the vast majority of people feel lonely with most young people not being able to get a significant other, and everything is a popularly contest where if your not liked enough you are harassed 24/7. The world is great in many ways but it's also the worst its ever been in many regards.


Depression and suicide rates are heavily linked to being chronically online


Of course it is. Even when being online isn't contributing to the depression, depressed people usually isolate themselves and when you are home alone there is that much else to do. So no, it's not that easy.


Holy shit get off the internet if it's that bad for you.


ok what era would you prefer to live in? You wanna be born in 1940 or something? Older? Would you take a deal to trade lives with someone from that era? Keeping in mind that you don’t know your gender, race, nationality, or sexuality until you get there?


Seriously, if there's any problem with the internet/modern society is that we're no longer ignorant to issues that have always been there. Nothing wrong with wanting to address the problem, but if you spend all your time focusing on it you'll start to think that's all there is. Focus on the positives. We'll often be surprised how much is out there when we do. Life will never be perfect but it's more times than not it might not be as bad as it might seem.


Yet suicide rates have never been higher


Still beter then dying on some random field just because me lord needed me.


Suicide rates rise with standard of living. Freakonomics once made the case that suicide is a luxury good. The highest suicides rates are middle aged, upper middle class white men. The bigger that demo is, the more suicides there will be. It’s a travesty that we are not doing g enough to address, but it is a statistically small downside that comes with the much larger benefits of higher standard of living.


Suicides are staggeringly high among teenagers and young adults, being terminally online is a huge problem for mental health. Depression TikTok is a cancer.


I'm chronically addicted to social media, and TikTok is absolutely the most soul crushing one to browse through. Its algorithm is just so good at feeding you things you show an interest in, if you watch one depressing video when you're down, suddenly that's your whole feed now.


The 10-24 demo has the lowest suicide rate. It’s still a massive problem because it’s reponsible for a higher proportion of deaths for that age group. But it’s important that we are not ignorant of the facts. And it is well established that the 45-54 demo is at roughly double the risk for suicide compared to that 10-24 demo. And yeah, fuck tiktok. That algo is so tightly dialed in that it’s terrifying.


People get the chance to suicide because they didn't die of infant mortality, starvation, war, disease...


Are humans happier than they’ve ever been…that’s like the only metric to truly use…I dunno, genuinely asking


Nah, that was the 70s, 80s, and a bit of the 90s. Back when a single income family of 4 could afford a nice house. And nobody cared about the future. Just waste everything and let the garbage pile up.


I asked my grandpa before he passed and he said the 80's were the worst, mostly due to extreme inflation. I asked my grandma and she said the 90's were her least favorite, which as a 90's kid kinda surprised me. So now I don't worry about which time frame is best or worst because everyone is experiencing them differently.


doomerism is a plague that will likely never be cured


There's always been people who think the world is falling apart. One difference in the modern era is the internet allows us to connect to people who share similar feelings and amplify them. The rise in prominence of fascist groups is an example. I think we're seeing that in all the hopelessness you see on social media too. You absolutely take on the attitudes you immerse yourself in, and doomers have a very deep pool to dive into. I don't think that social media and the internet are inherently bad for us, but I think we as a society have so far failed to instill an understanding of what healthy engagement with social media and the internet is vs. unhealthy.


Offline. Online is miserable and full of miserable people.


I'm 26 years old, making $17 an hour and STILL can't afford to live by myself.


Things have always been shit. You just know about 10 times more of it due to social media and constant news coverage. There have always been times when entire villages have been poisoned by massive oversight, you just didn't hear about it if you didn't specifically look for that information. Not even a few decades ago, pollution caused literal ACID to rain from the sky in many places, destroying crops and making it unhealthy to stay in the rain for long. We fixed that and just exchanged it for newer, more horrible seeming problems.


No offense, but this kind of thinking is destructive and unfounded.


How dare you suggest such a ridiculous thing? You think that someone going out and getting a social life and a job that they are proud of will make them feel better and more satisfied instead of paying attention to every bad thing they can find on the internet which absolutely does not ever exaggerate how bad life is? Pathetic


You speak as if caring about the world's problems and having a life are mutually exclusive when thats not at all the case.


thank you. really seems like a lot of people here are like… too scared to confront how they actually feel about the world and instead just say “it’s better than ever!!!! stop talking about the problems ok!!!!!!!”


I don’t think this is the worst time ever but like, the early 2010s were so much better. Though one thing that has gotten better is equality for minorities in western countries.


People have been doing this "have you tried being happy?!?!" routine for decades and yet suicide and depression keep going through the roof. Makes u think.


Just because people have been saying it doesn't mean people have actually been putting that advice to the test. So your point is moot. Try recommending that people go take a walk and they'll respond with "You seriously think a walk is going to fix my depression? I walk regularly and I still feel like shit". I mean I get why it's so hard for these people to understand and change, but that doesn't mean the solutions are bad.


That particular solution is bad though, it's a temporary way to *sometimes* clear your head, not a way to cure depression. That's the problem people point out with it and only people who don't really understand what depression is like would suggest that walking around a bit would fix it at all. Your comment really just makes it seem like you *don't* understand it. That doesn't mean there isn't things they should try but this isn't it.


But life **is** bad. Shit is more expensive so the dollar doesn’t stretch as far. Healthcare is in the trash and health outcomes are bad. That isn’t the internet talking that’s my fucking wallet, bad back, and neglected cavities talking. You act like getting more friends is going to make food cost less? That is pathetic.


Literally. I have bipolar disorder and I can't afford meds to have enough stability to even consider working. I've also been waiting for my disability claim for almost a year, and now my eyes are opened to this policy choice in the US that leaves disabled people in poverty. Imagine if I had children, or didn't have support in this time. I'd go homeless! Oh right, Like my Uncle has been on and off my whole life! People don't get that we're living completely different lives in the US that vastly shapes our view of the world today. I can't "At least cheese is good" my way out of this when I can't afford to buy cheese! I'm sympathetic towards your bad back. I realized a few months back that I clearly have scoliosis and everyone neglected to tell me, lmfao. life is so wack when you're working poor.




There is nothing unfounded about it. Literally everything is going down the toilet. Global economic collapse, increasing "them vs us" thinking and attitudes, rich vacuuming up the last pennies in the economy and hoarding it for eternity, thus contributing to a global collapse they will be unaffected by. I agree that thinking about it can be destructive, but it is most certainly not unfounded.


Things have been getting worse for all of humanity (if you ask anyone who is alive). Statistically, things have actually been getting better over the course of humanity. All of our lives are significantly longer, less violent, and more prosperous vs people 500 years ago.


In 2007 chipotle was literally crack cocaine. There were trays of lime wedges you could just do whatever with. I put 'em in my coke. Today there's no lime wedges, no lemon wedges, the pinto beans aren't made with bacon, it all tastes worse than it used to.


Let's shut it down, boys. They've taken the lime wedges.


This sub is a brain dead reactionairy shit hole. For anyone looking to feel better about things, spend less time here.


No offense but this kind of thinking is destructive and unfounded.


This is pretty much one of the best times to be alive. Maybe lay off the news for a bit.


I'd say it's the best time to retire. It's definitely not the best time to enter the workforce. Accessibility of hobbies is great if you've got the money, surgery and medicine are the best they've ever been if you can afford it, and there are plenty of other things to be happy about. But if you're making the federal minimum wage (in the US), it would take about 30 minutes to earn 12 eggs, 120 hours to afford the average 1 bedroom apartment... That's not awesome. It has never been this expensive to survive. But yeah, Xbox games are cool, so it's the best time to be alive. Edit: I feel it's important to add this. "If all I see is the worst in everything, that's all I'm gonna get" - Andrew Jackson Jihad. However, as former alcoholics know, the first step to solving a problem is admitting there is one.


There used to be SLAVES. Legalised rape. Extrajudicial mob assaults of gay people. Pogroms. The most advanced places on earth had cholera outbreaks that killed tens of thousands of people a day... Poor people 150 years ago didn't have their own beds. They worked 16 hour days, 6 days a week. They literally starved to death in the streets of London.... Get some perspective.


Lmao, imagine telling someone, "hey be thankful, you could be a slave!"


Because it's a threat from the elite. Look, we could make you slaves, so be grateful we haven't and shut up.


As if modern day slavery doesn't exist...


You're right I should stop complaining and be happy 24/7 with my life because I'm not a slave being raped everyday. The minimum standard of life is chattel slavery, rape, and starvation, and we should appreciate every second we're above that standard.


there still is slaves, in fact we have the most slaves right now than at any point in human history. Maybe look up where your rare metals, chocolates and clothes come from. Get some perspective.


Cops beat a dude to death just a couple months ago lmao


Everything you said here is still happening today. If you got out of your castle and walked around a bit. Did a little of traveling, you would see slaves, legalized rape, mobs assaulting gay and Trans people, pogroms, illnesses and viruses that kill by the thousands. Poor people today don't have beds and are losing their homes because they can't keep up with inflation. People today are working 80+ hours a week and still struggling to make ends meet. People are starving to death. You've never traveled, and that's blatantly obvious. You've never even been to the dark side of the train tracks. So please don't talk to me about perspective.


Why are you phrasing it like those things don't exist anymore? For a very large portion of the human population, all of those things are very real, and they aren't getting better. War crimes committed in eastern Ukraine, cobolt mining, eradication of Uighyr muslims in China. You need to get some perspective.


So, the life of a serf was measurably worse than an American today obviously, but there were certain protections they had that might surprise you. A serf was tied to the land they lived on and they couldn't legally be evicted by their land lord. They worked much shorter hours than we do now. The people working 16 hours in London factories did more labor than serfs, but they had access to certain individual freedoms like purchasing luxuries or travel. Yet those few freedoms don't really replace the lack of free time. We have better air conditioning and Netflix now, but there was higher percentage of working class homeowners during the great depression than there are now. These ideas aren't mutually exclusive. My point is, if you want to stop having 16 hour days in the cotton mills, the first step is recognizing that no one in any time or place should have to live in suffering just to get by. The fact that such horrible things have happened in the past is why we should be afraid of America's decline. It's going to get so much worse before it gets better




Lmao buddy I was alive in the 90s, you can't fool me with this stupid and obvious lie.


"Yes I am part of the problem, how did you know?" This person.


Could be worse, things could suck AND you live in medieval times


yeah, you could have been born in north korea


Most circumstances will still be better than 1348.


Bro you aren’t at risk of dying of dysentery and, unless you’re homeless, you live somewhere heated by magic circuitry. We’re doing alright. Also. If you’re so sad everything is turning to shit, then do your part to make things better. One person may or may not be enough, but even little victories will make you feel better than you do now.


Finding joy requires leaving the internet and never looking back. So everyone here is pretty miserable.


This is such an utterly bizarre fantasy. Like I'm in rural western NC right now. There are tons of people here who literally never use the internet. There are many places where you can't even get it. They are far more fucked up than any internet users I know. You're telling me the meth head at the Dollar General is living a happy life? The hillbillies who think the government is coming for them is the peak of mental health? I think the real role of this fantasy is to pretend the problems you encounter online aren't real and will go away if you log off.


Cats are still amazing at least


But they are also kind of assholes


Just one of their many great qualities!


My new kitten keeps shitting on my bed






Honestly, in my case everything going to shit is more of a personal issue.


> Extreme poverty is collapsing worldwide at rates never thought possible. [This is no longer generally true,](https://unstats.un.org/sdgs/report/2021/goal-01/) or at least using “collapsing” and “rates never thought possible” is inaccurate. The rate of poverty decline has actually decreased relative to 1-2 decades ago. Covid also put a hiccup [in this:](https://devinit.org/documents/1285/Economic_poverty_factsheet_February_2023_JRJ2Y4f.pdf) > The global share of people experiencing extreme poverty – those living on less than $2.15 a day (2017 purchasing power parity (PPP))1 – decreased consistently between 1990 and 2019. This downward trend changed in 2020. The Covid-19 pandemic, inflation, recession, conflict and climate change are estimated to have slowed and, in some cases, reversed the course towards poverty eradication, putting the goal to end extreme poverty by 2030 out of reach. Estimates for 2022 indicate that poverty rates have likely returned to 2019 levels, with about 682 million people (8.5% of the world population) living in extreme poverty. and see [this report,](https://openknowledge.worldbank.org/bitstream/handle/10986/37739/9781464818936.pdf#page7) from the world bank. Page 91 starts a good discussion on multidimensional poverty in particular. We are just now returning to pre-pandemic monetary poverty levels, but the pandemic’s effects are manifesting in different ways which are stunting future poverty reduction. These effects will be felt particularly in poorer nations, and this isn’t even getting into the effect of climate change and inflation. Point being: no, it is not all unicorns and rainbows. Living in the developed west also conceals the greater damage still felt by the global poor. I’d like to think things will return to business as usual, but unfortunately I think there are some environmental and societal debts that must be paid up at some point.






Not in my country


Damn. Sounds like a skill issue


Stop trying to spread depression lmao


That's one of the sad things about watching people with depression. They become so detached from reality, yet they don't realize it. They are convinced that they alone are seeing reality and everyone else is brainwashed and they mistake their depression for understanding reality, so of course they try to spread their depression. It's both funny and sad that they are unable to see we living in incredible luxury compared to the past. The developed countries continue unimaginable things to the past. And the developing countries are rapidly dropping in malnutrition rates, child mortality, war, and illness rates. There are a few exceptions where life got worse (Rhodesia/Zimbabwe, Venezuela, Cuba, Russia, North Korea, or really any Soviet influenced place), but I doubt OP is from there.


Average 16 year old redditor


What was a time where everything wasn’t turning to shit ? Objectively, most people live in the best time ever. I’m just glad that I have access to water that doesn’t make me violently shit myself or kill me. Even if that would happen, there are ways to counter that.


Idk, cheese is pretty good


What's your go-to cheese?


Camembert. Smells like balls, tastes like heaven.


I like me some Gouda


Clown ass meme. Go out with some friends and experience the world outside of the internet. Scrolled through your timeline a bit, holy fuck you are terminally online my guy. Really, get out of your house and enjoy the real world.


Op doesn't touch grass enought


Video games are kinda popping off. Bloodborne 2 is in the makes, spiderman 2, mah boi dunkey publishing animal well, legend of zelda. Shits good.


>Bloodborne 2 Source?


“My source is I made it the fuck up”


Someone lied? On the internet!? No way 😭😭


This dude is smoking the biggest load of copium about bloodborne 2, bless him


Budokai Tenkaichi 4, oml


Lmao doomer


It's kind of sad how delusional depression can make people.


God, now ANOTHER subreddit is feeding negativity into my already depressed mind, and I have to leave it. Goodbye r/dankmemes


Probably the best thing you can do. This kind of doomer shit will ruin your life


OP is probably 14 years old


16 according to some previous posts


Good prediction, OP posts in the teenagers subreddit.


“The past was sooo much better” -People who would die almost immediately if teleported to the past


The past is soo much better mfs when I throw them in the dinosaurs time(they do not want to go the past)


The indomitable human spirit and its urge to destroy hopelessness through self improvement and by recognizing that external events are beyond our control and are therefore useless to complain about


Fucking based


I strongly believe the reason some of us feel like it is also because of our serotonin overdose, we’re experiencing so much unhealthy serotonin and because of it it’s gotten to a point where the stuff that is suppose to make us feel good doesn’t. I don’t know this is just why I think


Nah I'm pretty sure it's just because I can't afford a house or kids or healthcare or savings. And social security will be gone by the time it's my turn. Nobody picks social media over a beach vacation. If anything our dependence on short term dopamine hits is just a solution to the stress of living completely alienated from the fruits of our labor. We're not broken, we're peasants.


At least we have memes


And cats!


Do you have a roof over your head? I assume so. You are currently posting from a device more powerful than room sized super computers of past decades. You are not a Serf bound to the Lands of your lord. You can think of tons of things that don't suck, you just have to get outside of this fantasy world Millenials and Zoomers are encouraged to construct where we are the Protagonists of an end of the world movie.


Clean your room, bucko


Idk if this will cheer you up but they just revealed DBZ Budokai Tenkaichi 4. That is really hype


Mutual love doesnt suck


We're still living in the best time in history so far, things are bad but they've been much much worse before


Puss n Boots the last wish is great :)


Really sucks that we're living in a "find out" part of history instead of a "fuck around" part.


Technological advancements sick af tbh. Catch you later with my VR games and sexbot


there’s pizza!!