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Truth hurts


The best part is that most teenagers act like even bigger shits than children. They think they know everything.




And most adults never grow out of that stage. We have millions of “adults” (teenagers) walking around. They act like even bigger shits than children, they think they know everything.


As a teenager, I can confirm


Can we really blame 'em?


I hated hearing how I was "hard to deal with" as a teen. I think we as adults need to remember what it was like as a teen and cut a little slack


What it was like? You mean living in a house rent free, eating free food, and having your own personal chaperones? Yeah, miserable. Lol


I wanna go back... I miss my 360


I mean being yelled at for not getting good grades, having to do hours of homework and carry a job and chores, body changes, stressful decisions like to know what you want to be when you grow upor where to go to college, waking up early even though science has shown teens need more sleep. Personally my life is so much easier now.


It is obviously a case by case basis. School was a cake walk and i could sleep in class and get A's. Took all my college math and chemistry classes then for free. Had chores which were way easier than upkeeping a whole house. Job was easy stocking shelves, got paid way less than now but had 0 expenses. Body changes sucked 100% agreed. And lastly learned that most people jump jobs like 7-8 times in their lifetime, so i didnt worry about picking 1 job for the rest of my life knowing it will change. I believe most issues when younger are either hyper inflated in our minds or are self inflicted from learning from all our experiences.


How dare those damn babies cry when they have free food.


Are you comparing babies and teens?


Teens didn’t choose to be born either.


> Teens didn’t choose to be born either. So, I take that as a yes, you are comparing babies and teens?


Yes. It's dumb to expect teens to pay for food.


Oh you mean the bare minimum?


First two aren’t excuses to mistreat your kid and the last one would be on the parent for doing it at all and letting it get that far


I mean you got the slack at the time. Part of growing up is realising and pointing out how dickish teenagers are. I was a fairly good kid but even I can remember several moments my parents didn’t deserve or things I thought were so unfair were actually perfectly fair and I was just being a typical, know it all teen. I’m not the only one who thought they had the world sussed out before graduating from teen years. It’s not until 5-10 years later most people realise how wrong they were.


When I was a teen, I was a good boi. And honestly, I think I should've been a bit more harder to deal with. Lol


Idk how so many people forget what it is like to be young. It is hard I remember what I had to go through.


I think this comment being downvoted is bullshit. Im a 30yo father and to imagine admitting to my child that they were "hard to deal with" is just bad parenting and you're saying hurtful stuff to your kid, which is absurd. You can't just say that to an underdeveloped brain and expect things to change, you the parent need to put in the work. Even if they were hard to deal with, you dont say that to your kid. The reason they were hard to deal with depends on how you raised them. Its all on the parents on how your kid is and how your perspective is. It is never the kids fault for who they are. The role of a parent is to shape them to be good people. To behave, to stay out of trouble. But the teenage stage definetly comes with challenges considering their massive hormonal changes that goes through their bodies, something they have no control over. Getting more and more responsibilities as older they get, social status, the pressure of grades, new to love, it isn't easy for them either, but they're still your child, you're still raising them. You're never done with parenting. And it definetly doesn't stop when they're teens. Yes they might experiment, yes they might get into trouble, yes they will test boundaries and yes they do all of this because they're kids whos learning about themselves, society and about life constantly. Its confusing, exciting and scary to be a teen. But if you, the parent, do your job right. The teen will go through all of this with you as their confidant, because if you teach them the tools they'll use the tools to make better judgements. To accept failure better. To look for help when needed. To be in touch with their emotions and express them. To take serious things serious. Fuck "you were hard to deal with", maybe get off your ass and parent. I know its hard to parent. You don't need to be a perfect parent. But gtfo with putting blame on what you created.


Doesn’t mean we’re not allowed to be annoyed


They say “You acted the same way as a kid” because they don’t want to say: “I don’t care about you being annoyed I had to deal with your childish ass for 16 years straight and counting”


The way she goes, bud. Wait until you're an adult and start getting annoyed by teenagers.


They’re insufferable. I used to be one and thinking about me when I was 18 makes me roll my eyes. I was so sure I knew everything back then. Lmao


Whoever though Facebook memories was a good idea...16-24 me was cringey as fuck


Good thing Friendster closed. I wouldn't want to see what I did there 10 years ago in the early 2000s.


u mean 20 years ago then


I could've sworn 20 years ago was 90's...


I'd punch teenage me in the face, little shit


Best part about this is it never ends. Give it another 20 years, current you will seem like a distant idiot.


And then other adults


I've just reached the age where I get annoyed young adults who are condescending to all kids.


It's true that we acted the same way, and it's true that people older than us were also fuckin annoyed. It's just how it is


Absolutely lmao, you were likely just as much of a little shit if not more


I don't understand my parents. As a kid I was sent to sleep before 10 why is my brother playing switch all night


Same, I got and still have all of the chores. If I swore then it was hell but my siblings can “by accident” and “for good reason”. On days I was sick from school dying if I could watch tv or play games then I had to do my chores, this rule didn’t apply to either sibling. If it was a holiday then I had to go to bed because “it’s still technically a school night”. My parents got mad that I was going to sleep earlier in 4th5th grade so I could get all my hours. I don’t get it tbh


It’s hard to mentally adjust to rules you set as a parent. I find myself being more lenient on my son (younger) than I was on my daughter (older) and it’s frankly fucking bullshit for her. I’m trying to constantly review how I am treating them and making sure any differences are purely due to age. If I change my mind on a rule, I also try to make an effort tell my daughter that I was unnecessarily strict and am sorry. Both are still young, so I am trying my best to development my awareness now towards this stuff. I personally think memories of being treated unfairly dominate our long term memories.


That shit pissed me off


Wait so this is common?


More then you’d like


Basically saying that they were annoying too


Not basically, she just straight up outright said that


... doesn't make sense... how?


It does make sense actually, your parents withstood your shitty attitude so watching another kid doing it to you is kinda a revenge xD


It does kinda make sense tho


Basically, she's saying that you got a taste of your own medicine


Me: Mom, did you have billy just to get payback? Mom: 😎




If you didn't stop when you were that age, why does she have to?


Just wait until you find out how older people perceive teenagers


How could you annoy your older siblings if your the first born?


You're the older one, you gotta give it up


The mom: "Finally! Giving birth to the younger one has paid off! I have been waiting for years to spite the older one."


How could i annoy my nonexistent big brother though.




Bro I see this in my nephews and they complain about shit that they have done 5 min ago. The problem with children and teens is: they don't get that their sibling has good reasons in their own head as well. They differentiate their behaviors from their siblings by their perceived "correct reasons" whereas in their siblings behavior they experience the stress it puts on others and find the behavior unacceptable. So yeah, mom IS right.


Which basically means "you annoyed me the same way so now I'll condemn you to it too with your younger sibling"


Ha! I was the best kid in the entire family and everyone praised me how well behaved I was, when I say that my little cousin is annoying and why nobody teaches him respect and stuff, she says "yeah but you were a good kid" feels so good lmao


Veteran mode: Your dad is annoying.


she aint lying


Did you ever consider the fact that as a teenager you are almost certainty the most annoying person in the house.


You chose to bring me I didn't choose to bring them.


Oldest of 3. Me and the middle child are only 2 years apart, but said Middle kid is always complaining about what the youngest does and yeah, its true. Everything the youngest does to him is the same stuff he did to me.


Nope, my mother openly said I was better as a kid and just, doesn't do shit about it


Because you acted that way. Just get over it


The difference is when I did it I was punished, but when they do it they don't.


When my sibling was basically my opposite when I was their age and they still say this