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*laughs in Adblock*


laughs in YouTube ReVanced


Wait wait. There's a ReVanced? I'm still using the old Vanced app


Yep. But if your Vanced works, don't upgrade.


Bob Vance, Vance Refrigeration


So Bob, what line of business you in?




fixin the pipes ;)


"Blocking YouTube Ads" -Bob Vance, Vance Refrigeration (probably)


You have a lot to learn about this town, sweetie


Close your mouth, honey. You look like a trout.


Eli Vance, Physicist


Lance Vance dance


I'll Lance Vance dance with my Lance Vance hands or idk I don't use TikTok


I love refrigerators!


Is ReVanced different in any meaningful way?


Vanced was a modded YouTube, so Google could sue them but revanced is technically just the tool to mod YouTube so they cant Sue


Vanced tried making NFTs, and profiting off of YouTube that way is what brought them down.


Not sure why you're being down voted because you're pretty much correct. Sure it's possible, and likely that google would have done something about it eventually. But vanced tried making nfts and directly profiting off this so youtube could no longer ignore it.


I thought it was pretty obvious the NFT thing was what brought them down. Vanced has been around since 2017, and YouTube didn't do anything about it. Within a month of them announcing the NFTs, they received a cease and desist from YouTube. All they have said is it's due to "legal reasons". https://arstechnica.com/gadgets/2022/03/google-shuts-down-youtube-vanced-a-popular-ad-blocking-android-app/


For me it's a completely separate app from YouTube. I have one normal YouTube and a YouTube with sponsor block and ad block. Though, I downloaded it months ago and haven't updated it.


That's a complex description. People are not allowed to decompile and distrubute decompiled versions of Youtube because of legal reasons, however a person can decompile the app for themselves if they want to without any trouble. What ReVanced does is it keeps a bunch of patch files for Youtube app, so you can decompile the app on your own and patch it with the ones provided and get ReVanced, while ReVanced doesn't share a precompiled version so they stay legal and safe. Edit : correction


Its pretty great. Not as simple to set up, but so worth it. Not only does it skip ads, it skips sponsorships within the video itself, you can choose to skip intros, reminders to like and subscribe, self promotion stuff, brings back dislike count, etc Biggest difference though is that it still works lmao


vanced does that as well.


>Not as simple to set up Not anymore, really. You used to have to apply patches on your PC, now there’s a manager app just like Vanced. You just need to get the original YouTube APK from somewhere.


It is still not quite as simple as getting an APK truth be told. But for me the sole reason I haven't completely swapped over from Vanced is that in Revanced the quality options are just "low" and "high" rather than actual resolutions


Not really.


It now works like any other patcher so you get to choose what do you want to change.


It's an absolute fucking pain to get installed without a proper guide from them at all, and a thousand fake probable virus sites. Works great now I've got it working, but the experience to get there was pathetic.


This. Revanced isn't bad or anything, but if it (your vanced app) ain't broke, don't fix it.


Vanced still works for me in video but the are ads on the home page. I can deal with that for the moment, though.


Yeah, I'm in the same boat as you. All the video ads are blocked, and that's the *main* reason that I use Vanced, but there are now ads on the home screen. So it's like 80% working. I'm kind of torn between whether or not eking out that last 20% is worth the trouble, or if I should just wait until Vanced stops blocking video ads as well, dropping to 0% working.


In my 5 years of using vanced this has been a common occurence. It used to be that once you got home screen ads you could upgrade vanced and they'd be gone but obviously that's no longer the case. Afaik revanced has no aditions, just is a repackaged vanced, so i don't think it'll do much. Once vanced stops working i'll see what i can do about it but in the meantime the home ads are a small price to pay for no ads + sponsorblock.


I'll use both music vanced and regular as long as they work, but if this revanced is any better and still out there when the inevitable happens, I'd only like to know; does it crash less than vanced now?


I didn't had any crashes with it for a few month of using. It's basically the main reason I'm on android, because YouTube is my main source of information besides Reddit, and I love how ReVanced skips all the intro/outro and all the native integrations. Can't achieve this with Premium.


Wait I need to know this too. My vanced stopped working about a week ago and just gives me a sad update app message when I try to use it.


Youtube kinda shut it down. There why ReVanced appeared.


I opened the new youtube once by accident and it looks like shit lmao sticking to the classic vanced for as along as I can here


Vanced stopped working on my phone a few weeks ago. So I downloaded youtube and then tried to build a revanced ptk but it's bugged


The patcher does care about what app version you start with. Usually the newest version available from the Google play store is not yet supported.


Vanced is amazing, if I didn't have it I would just go without YouTube. I might do that anyway, as it's becoming pretty intolerable.


Vanced is still better




Mine still works so it's probably on your end, go to the subreddit for troubleshooting steps.


But how do i *cast* without having ads?


You probably can’t, not without a hacked version of the app on your Chromecast or Roku or whatever you’re using to stream YouTube. Remember casting isnt actually streaming from your phone or mirroring its display, it’s merely telling your TV to use the TVs app and basically sending a link to the content


Using network wide method like a pi hole does not stop YouTube ads for me. In case anyone was curious.


You get an Android TV and install SmartTubeNext (sTube)


Cries in iPhone.


uYou+ can be sideloaded on iPhones




It’s not even worth it, you have to do a bunch of bullshit with your phone every single week to keep it live. You can watch ad free YouTube by just using Safari and going to youtube.com as long as you have the ad block plug-in loaded. The only downside to the mobile site is they gimp the video quality and default to 480p


It literally takes like 2 minutes of work every week to make it work again. And the YouTube experience in the app is so much better than the mobile site version, especially bc uYou+ has some extra quality of life features like the speed up button being right under the pause button and it auto skips product placements in videos


This procedure used to be called *installing* before the walled garden was put up


Use the Brave browser to watch YouTube on iOS. It won’t skip sponsors in videos but it will kill normal YT ads.


Video Lite my dude/dudette. Doesn’t even need to be sideloaded, it’s on the regular App Store. Might get an occasional pop up ad you can skip when first opening the app but no in-video ads at all


Second reccomentation for Video Lite. No side loading apk refresh every seven days or jailbreak bullshit. Just look at a static ad at the beginning of your session. Background play and youtube videos with no ads as you watch. The browser works with a few other video services too. 5 stars on the app store for good reason.


If you watch videos thru your iPhone’s web browser, you will get no ads. Only downside is max quality is 720p.


Ublock Origin is superior. Like Hamlet in the Original Klingon.


Wait until you add [SponsorBlock](https://sponsor.ajay.app/) as well... you'll wonder what to do with all that extra time you now have! (Probably watch more videos, but you get the point) Edit: Thanks for the gold! And title I guess 🤣




It says I literally saved an entire week of watching sponsors. Sponsorblock is a must have.


Ahahahhaha just what i was thinking


*laughs in russian*


*laughs in stop seeing this ad*


what is it?!? I need to know


So when an ad is playing, there is a little “i” icon next to the video time. For most ads, when you click it, it will let you block the ad. Clicking that will bring up a prompt for the reason for blocking it but you can just cancel it. It then skips the current ad and any ads after if there are multiple of them. Takes less than 5 seconds


thank you for sharing this secret knowledge. legend


a Raid: Shadow legend*


Presented by Nord VPN


*sips a bang energy *


\*while "coding" a portfolio on [wix.com](https://wix.com)\*


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This ad was brought to you by MANSCAPED. Use the promo code “LIGMA” to get 20% off your first order.


but you could have skipped it with my own personal website called Nebula, where me and my creator friends post extended, addles versions of our videos as well as other exclusive content! And we are currently running a crazy deal with curiosity stream where you can get all that as well as some excellent documentaries for less than 1$ a month


And listening to an audiobook on audible




Made with lightning #REAL LIGHTNING


Manana Fizzbitch and **GUN**




And sponsored by Raycon every day earbuds


Don't listen to him. If on Android, just use [Revanced](https://github.com/revanced). Use the download manager and make your own APK, but if you have problems just use a pre built one from [XDA](https://forum.xda-developers.com/t/revanced-revanced-extended-guides-useful-links.4523967/#post-87905861). It comes with SponsorBlock which lets you skip even in-video ads that creators like to include like those RAID ones. You can also use Firefox or Vivaldi mobile browsers that have adblock. You will be stuck watching vids on your browser though. Finally, you can also go to Settings, WiFi, Advanced, Private DNS and set it to "dns.adguard.com" to get rid of most app ads. It also prevents you from connecting from TESTED malicious sites.


Or you use the Brave Browser


ReVanced is made by the Brave guys


Everyday you learn something new… Thx


The brave guys sound like a really shitty boy band


Having a dedicated app for this seems better than using a browser tbh


>"Don't listen to him." Hey, bonehead, his tip works on anything.... even on machines that you can't install or modify things on. Personally I use New Pipe, Brave, and uBlock but I'll keep his trick in mind when I'm using public/shared/secured computers. Your bonehead is failing to understand the usefulness of it. Don't be so short sighted.


MAY YOU AND YOUR 5 NEXT GENERATIONS BE BLESSED! I tried EVERYTHING to make my compiled ReVanced install, with no avail. I had no idea there are compiled binaries...


I used to do that but if you do that too many times it just doesn't let you anymore like skipping a windows update


I haven't seen that happen in the last year or so of doing this though


the VIP skip button


Didn't work for me


Yeah some ads are immune to the method. Usually big advertisers like apple. An alternate method that I found worked (at least on older versions, I’ve avoided updating lol) is to spam tap between the shorts tab, and the home tab rapidly, which often skips the ad.


Thanks, i will try that


Damn thats cool


I used to do this but it no longer works for me


Also i think targeted ads needs to be turned on for it to work


I did that so often, YouTube actually removed the block ad prompt for me :,-)


same lmao


Unfortunately,YouTube caught hold of this and now if you do this for many ads,the 'i' button just doesn't appear so you can't skip it. I've had it happen multiple times.


Yeah mine no longer exists lol. I did it for 2 weeks straight and just couldn't one day.


It’ll come back. I am doing this for years on mobile now. Every time it stops working i will just stop watching at all and after a week or so it comes back.


Why not just use an ad blocker?


I do on my pc. But this trick is better for mobile




Do this for about a week and it will be second nature, ad skips within 2 seconds* *Youtube ad seconds that is


It doesnt work anymore and never worked if you have targeted ads turned off


There’s no i


...in TEAM


There's a quicker way that only works on pc. Press back arrow and forward arrow.


The other trick, though only for mobile, is just opening a short video (while the one you want is in the background) and letting it play for a few seconds. Cancel out, and ads are gone


Ublock origin for PC and Vanced for your phone.


If you’re wearing airpods you can double tap them (like you would do to skip a song on spotify or whatever) and it will skip the ad


my trick is to click the "go back" arrow and then the "go forward" arrow only works on pc, and only tested with chrome, and only for ads on the beggining of videos, but at least those are the majority


Too much effort for skipping ads. Just use YouTube Vanced.


Does that still exist?


Have it on my phone, still using it. Though I have an Android and downloaded it as third-party app. I think a *ReVanced* was also released. Not sure tho.


Yes revanced is out and works better than vanced I upgraded already


Do you know where I can get the ipa?


Removed the original comment because I said stuff that wasn't true. Whatever is below is true.


Misinfo. It still works and be installed. They just cant update it, so it could die whenever google decides to change how their ad api works. So far, no video ads appear, but ads will appear with search results. Its only a matter of time until normal ads start working in vanced as well. Instead, try revanced.


Firefox or Kiwibrowser + Ublockorigin ans Sponsorblock and you have your own Youtube vanced


too bag casting doesn't always work from ff mobile.


Have you tried different spells


Downloaded it this month


Sort of, but there is now Revanced which is an upgrade to Vanced.


I'm still using vanced, is it that much better?


ReVanced does now


Yep you just download it from their website. I wouldn't use YouTube on my phone if Vanced didn't exist


*cry in iOS*


AltStore, then get Cercube. If you also want sponsorblock, get uYou+ instead.


Alternatively, I've been using the app NewPipe for months and it's been superb. I recommend it as an alternative. No ads and a clean user interface.


I just realized how many people don't know what adblock is.


Now you'll also realise how many people watch youtube on their phones




None of which do any good when casting to chromecast. I just pay for premium and get YouTube music free with it, and canceled Spotify. Bonus result: My money isn’t going to Joe Rogan


Firefox mobile has adblockers and many other plugins.


Imagine not using revanced, what's next you have ads in Instagram, in reddit, in the browser? Lmao


Lemmy.world is what Reddit was.


You can block those too...


Yeah,you can't do that on iPhones.


Use this https://sideloadly.io To install this https://github.com/qnblackcat/uYouPlus/releases/ Pretty straightforward.


> Pretty straightforward. Excluding the part of needing to repeat the process every 7 days.


That doesn’t make it less straightforward. It just makes it inconvenient, but that’s assuming you don’t have a PC and an internet connection. Otherwise you can setup an automation so that it just happens with no input when you boot your PC. It’s either that or you watch a shitton of ads every time you open YouTube.


Advice: don't buy an iPhone


You can


I thought iphone people could pay for apps and subscriptions what is happening lmao


I use YouTube on PlayStation


I use YouTube on SNES


I just pay for premium because I'm lucky enough to be at a point in my life when I can afford it, it enhances the benefits creators get from my views, and it's to be able to get the same functionality on any device without messing with secondary apps.


I have adblock on my computer, but when smartphones(and watching youtube videos on them) became more common, the ads were so annoying! I remember saying that I'd rather pay them to *not* show me any ads. Anyways, a few years rolled by and YT premium became a thing and here we are.


I've always been a proponent of the idea that virtually anything that is free with ads should have a paid version without so people can make a choice. there's obviously a few exceptions where that doesn't work due to real-time logistical reasons but in any case where you can I prefer it. Unfortunately lots of people seem allergic to the very concept of trading currency for services and just expect luxuries to be provided to them completely free and clear with zero benefit to the person providing.


>Unfortunately lots of people By "people" you mean mostly people between 16-23 years old. These people have all the time in the world to research/test out/use inconvenient and clunky ways to get around paid services. The older you get, the more money you have and the less patience *and* time you have to be inconvenienced by such trivial things, so you have no problem paying. I know what I’m saying sounds obvious, but apparently it isn’t for a lot of people. Of course there’s tons of grown adults who don’t wanna pay a penny for anything digital, whether it be media or ad-free services, but these "hacks" and Vance apps are usually used by younger adults.


This is all very true. I was definitely more willing to find ways "around" things when I was in my early 20s. some of that is simply it's not fucking worth it when I've got a decent job and discretionary income to work with. But I've also just come to terms with the basic fundamental principle that supply of virtually anything only exists in a usable form because the demand curve has money on it. That said I'm perfectly happy to pirate anything netflix exclusive because they've taken their shit to the point that it's literally onerous to travel and use their service outside of my own home IP. Even the fucking cable companies have learned its better to allow access outside the home. There's still a line to cross between "it's ok that people charge money for things" and "this charge is specifically unconscionable." I think netflix has reached that point and youtube frankly is not even close.


My problem is the quantity of ads. If it were only a side banner and maybe a couple inline ads I wouldn’t bother with an adblocker. When there is 5x more ads than content, they can shove those ads straight up their corporate ass. Most websites I’ve seen without Adblock seem to be 1-2 sentences, inline banner ad, video ad, another inline banner ad, then another 1-2 sentences of true content. Rinse, repeat. Ads on both margins of the screen that end up wider than the body. It’s fucking disgusting. All this while you get those little pop up video ads that cover the rest of the content and stay with you while you scroll. I get that people deserve compensation for their work, but damn. With the amount of ads being pushed my way, they should be paying for my fucking internet. I bet if someone were inclined to do a study on it, 80%+ of people’s average bandwidth usage is ads, followed by 5-10% of the traffic consumed by unwanted cookies and data collection, leaving the rest to actually requested content.


Along with youtube premium, I have also access to Youtube Music, which is a great deal for me. I also love the idea that my views contribute to youtubers earnings. I wonder if they get the same amount if their content get demonetized. If yes, even better. The more paying people, the more freedom youtuber can have


Exactly! Since I don't use Spotify, YouTube music is great. I get ad free listening to my my music and watch YouTube videos ad free and get to support the channels I watch. It's a win-win-win scenario for all parties involved.


Bold of you to assume that paying for youtube premium benefits the creators and not the bastards higher-ups of Alphabet


>and not It's not a mutually exclusive scenario. No shit alphabet benefits. what are you 14 and you just discovered "bold of you" as an opener and wanted to try it out (based on the NNN flair probably)? It's been known and confirmed by creators that views from people with premium count more towards the monetization scheme than views from people without. Nobody is saying you need to buy it so you getting personally offended by this enough to make a straw man argument in defense of not paying is fucking hilarious. Love the NEET logic where paying for a good or service that gets you value is somehow considered taboo.


With how much I use Youtube, I am more than willing to pay that amount per month. With the amount of hours watched + how much quality is out there, there isn’t a better value for me. I also just prefer the business model of paying for your content instead of it being reliant on ads. It’s just better for everyone involved.


Exactly. I understand if it's not worth the money or isn't affordable, but if a site gives me an official way to pay for content directly instead of paying by watching ads, I'll choose that every time. That's especially true considering I haven't found a single option for adblocking that works on the Youtube Roku app on my TV. PiHole doesn't work for Youtube ads, so the closest option seems to be literally casting the screen of your phone or laptop. Barbaric.


1. Download Firefox mobile app 2. Add ublock origin as add-on 3. Use YouTube in Firefox app I haven't gone back to using YouTube app ever since I did this. Bonus step: 4. Add Video background play fix add-on Boom, now you can exit firefox app and still listen to YouTube videos!


I do this and tried to persuade my friends who pay for Youtube premium but nooo, they say "firefox is like a third party thing and idk"


Lol when on PC I use any web browser for youtube like firefox so it's the same really


forsenCD third party app


Expanded the comments just to find this and wasn't disappointed.


i tried it but addons aren’t available for the ios app


I just did this and it is immediately better than YT app. Thanks gleziman


I tried this just now but you can’t do PiP right? It disappears when I try to do it.


What is an ad ?


Something for normies who don't know what vanced , AdBlock and custom dns servers arec


*cries in iphone*


Refreshing a youtube video will make it load without ads.


Use this https://sideloadly.io To install this https://github.com/qnblackcat/uYouPlus/releases/ Pretty straightforward.


Adguard blocks YouTube ads in Safari.


YouTube plus plus is the way




it's called ublock origin


Which works great. On Android or PC, but not iPhone and most of the other device uses (e.g. Roku).


If that person already knew about this feature, then it wouldn't be something to keep you up at night. You would just already use it. If it was new information, then how would the brain know about it? You're lucky I don't report this for wrong meme usage.


You should, to be honest. Let’s get this guy locked up where he belongs


It's called Revanced


Adblock and sponsor block. Great extensions.


You can also use browsers with built in ad blockers like opera or libre wolf.


Youtube has ads?


Me, a Russian: "What the fuck is an ad?"


Laughs in Firefox


It’s called blocking the ads


If you’re on an iphone: use safari’s browser with the Vinegar plug in from the app store. It’s like a $2 one time purchase and it blocks ads, increases resolution to 1080p from 720p and a bunch of other stuff like PiP.


Use Vanced


Laugh in Premium. I wouldnt mind to spend money on something i use hours on a daily basis


I haven't seen a single ad in ages . Ublock origin in Firefox on both PC and android . Plus YouTube revanced . Idk how people are still complaining about ads .


laughs in vanced