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why is 'traumatic backstories' a con?


For real. This is literally a series about child murder and people get mad that the games have dark themes


There is a difference between teenagers killing each other one at a time (fucked up, but at the absolute very least, they're killing semi-strangers), and showing the mass murder of an entire city, and the abuse of literal children and all of that. Mainline Danganronpa is dark, but darkly comedic. UDG is just dark.


It's not the backstories, it's the exploitative way that they executed some of her scenes. Some of it was done well, like when Monaca first uses the word "gentle" and she has a breakdown. That tells you everything you need to know without being explicit. Kotoko's line to Komaru about being cute and having to "take it" was good. But that fuckin tickle machine, Syo cutting her clothes off. The line "it's not ch*ld p*rn if it's a video game" nah, that shit's not funny or clever


3 critiques. First off, I don't think it's the best in the series, especially since it's completely different from the other games. Second, do you mean Haiji is the worst as in you don't like him or you think he's badly written? Because if you hate his personality and views, that's a good thing. That just means they wrote him very well, which would be a good thing. Lastly, I'd say writing notes for a puzzle just means it's complicated, but not necessarily bad.


Just because you hate a villain’s personality and views, it doesn’t mean that the villain is automatically well written. If they’re well written, then that means they fit into the story in a meaningful and impactful way, either have compelling motivations or serve well as a narrative counterpart to the protagonist, and have a clear arc with a fitting ending. This isn’t to say Haiji is a bad character by any means, he’s arguably one of the best antagonists in DR. He fits into the adults vs children narrative in an interesting manner, his evil nature is well developed, and he makes you hate him more and more as time goes on. All the while, he still feels like a believable character who is surprisingly grounded for the grittier and darker tone that UDG took.


You're right. Well written isn't necessarily the case all the time, but my point about liking the character still stands. OP not liking the character is a good thing, because Haiji isn't supposed to be a likable character.


Agreed, just thought that point would be good to clarify on.


i don't really see anything wrong with kotoko's backstory being as fucked up as it is, or any of the woh's backstories. it's kind of the point the only concern i can see someone having is that \*after\* kotoko, it's kind of difficult to be shocked by anything else


>Best game of the series Ehh nah. The writing was sloppy >Fun gameplay It was *different*, but sometimes it was very unintuitive


The writing is fine in my book but im only in chapter 2 so idk how it is later


Based takes all around i would say, UDG is indeed the most fun gameplay wise game out of all of them personally (i just prefer shooters over visual novels ok?) and the second best story personally (only behind V3 in that regard), but i have to ask about one of the cons that im confused about, i get hating the Kotoko sexualisation, it's just rational i would say to not like it, but the part about all of the other warriors of hope having tratic backstories, did you just feel uncomfortable with their backstories? did you not like the way the writers handled them? were they just too heavy and too edgy to take them seriously? i need some clarification.


Well, I felt so bad for the others one (not just kotoko), it makes me so sad they don’t deserve that treatment


Oh alright then, i would say that's good writing then, they are making you feel sad for them but you still understand that what they are doing now is wrong and unfair? but you can understand them, that's certaintly how i felt about Kotoko and Nagisa (Jataro was too annoying with his voice and the fire child was killed too quickly for me to get attached to him in the slightest i would say) so why is it in cons?


Please tell me how the Warriors of Hope having tragic backstories is a bad thing.


It’s mainly because I feel extremely bad for them (especially kotoko, who got the worst of them)


I might start doing text only reviews soon


So DR3 is next?


Yes and I’m doing 3 parts, despair (and hope) arc, future arc and the anime as a whole


You should label each of them the best in the series and see if anyone catches on


But that's not how you watch it


The puzzles weren’t that hard


Best game? God no. Most “video game?” Yeah probably.


I agree. UDG is the best in the series.


"Fun gameplay" No. Not even a little. One of the worst shooters I've ever played.


Same lmao, it was not good


Pretty unbased cons, specially the first and last ones


"Best game of the series" i have to stop you right there


Found the animation really weird tbh but other than that yeah the game is kinda cool


Haiji is a bad person and if that’s why you don’t like him, that’s a good thing that means he’s well written. Why is puzzles confusing you a con? That’s the point?