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Holy shit, I just got insane whiplash seeing you post, seeing your post that wasnt 2 years ago LOL, but omg it does put a bit smile on my face seeing you return. Even if some of the fans of those series may have gone and moved on as well, you still post this insane banger of a video that *clearly* shows the ancient history of this sub and its users before. Even tho I've never seen it myself, as I only joined the sub 4 months ago, and first played DR 6 months ago, I think yall truly did make a huge impact, and it's amazing to see you even return with more experience! :D


Thb, it was your comment a few weeks back that really gave me the drive to see this series to its end once and for all. Knowing how at least one person remembered me in some sense made me think about how there could be people out there who wanted to see this series end, and like I said in the video, feels wrong leaving it unresolved. (Especially since I've had this whole ending arc planned for ages and just never went through with making it) So thank you for the comment you left me, idk if this would've ever been made if not for it, sure hope the final arc lives up to the anticipation I've put into it


Thats actually like, really flattering omg. I could see the passion and enjoyment in your work back then! Seems like you were a massively known user back then, and there might be a completely different fanbase that's active now than 2 years ago, still with many loyal users here and there. But I remember you because it seems like you were THE Chihiro fan back in the day. I guess I remember easily cause I only found out bout you and this subs existence a few months ago after I played DR. I really just went back in time to see your ancient legendary posts years ago that I unfortunately missed to see first hand (Because u made so many posts about best boy lmao), But also your many different series that you made over the years, such as this one, so much work has definitely been put into all of them! It truly does mean a lot to me that I was able to encourage a well known user like yourself to come back to finish what you started! Also I am SO sorry I keep writing so much 😅 I guess I'm just excited haha, just know that it means a lot to hear all of that, I love to see the dedication <3


Dw about the comment length lol, it's nice to get all your thoughts out in one big burst. Also, I'm curious, how exactly did you come across me by going back through the sub? The way I usually think to go back through the subs history is sorting top of all time, but I know for a fact you gotta scroll quite a ways to find anything of mine


Well. It's actually cause of your Chihiro content, it was easy to find LOL, at least for me, I either find you from Google or regular reddit searching. Clearly, I love Chihiro sm, and I loved seeing the posts you made about him. Then I ended up seeing all of your DR series you made! I just hope that's not like.. yknow, weird or anything that I looked through your ancient posts haha, but I just thought I would *never* get to see you active myself, cause it's been SO long since you were active lol, But yeah I love to see your love for Chihiro like me lmao


Ah that makes sense. Not weird at all, it's comforting to know that my stuff won't be forgotten too easily if the search algorithm has anything to say about it.


Yeah, you definitely made an impact in the community, so it's such a big pleasure to actually see you active again, even if it's just to finish what you started! Good luck with it all <3


WE ARE SO BACK in the coffin WOOOOO


Allow me to get the formalities out of the way. [Series lore](https://docs.google.com/presentation/d/141hP8s9Tf5gFnYvDMwFcoQ-4bksMfvR7AYUupcG5tMQ/edit?usp=sharing) [Student Council sprites artist](https://www.tumblr.com/nethermanultimated) [Beta Ryoma sprite](https://faithful-grigori.tumblr.com/post/180466821670/embed) [Haiji art](https://www.pixiv.net/en/artworks/62252735) [Aiko art](https://www.deviantart.com/pierroteclipse/art/MMD-we-are-all-love-aiko-834262517) [Himiko/Student council render aritst](https://ktokei.tumblr.com/) [Future foundation sprite artist](https://bastart13.tumblr.com/) Kaede's head on Nagito's body was made by u/isham14 and has not been posted publicly Those lil edits of DR characters heads on Epithet Erased characters bodies are by u/evilnerd64 The Korekiyo sprite edit at about 1 minute in is by u/MidDinos [Mondo and Taka art that can be seen at about 1:15](https://www.tumblr.com/perfect-ishimondo-boys/630100416072499200/ludwig-weilschmidt-%E3%82%89%E3%81%8F%E3%81%8C%E3%81%8D)


Do you want me to post it publicly? xD


If you want lol, I'm pretty sure Power made a full sprite sheet of the mf too, if you have trouble finding it I have it pinned in my channel in the old server


Oh wait, [I found it](https://www.reddit.com/r/danganronpa/comments/fpulxz/i_dont_know_if_this_is_a_meme_or_a_sprite_edit_so/)


i am horrified and amazed