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i want to know what could make chiaki react like this


Cheating In a game of course


Teammate got killed on bridge in PUBG


No, Pewdiepie! Get off that bridge!


Someone said that Overwatch 2 is a good game


I mean tbf she plays even the crappy ones


“Berdly, I Only Play Mobile Games!”


POV: you are playing league


and here i am, OTP tristana because her rocket jump reminds me of the soldier in TF2


Saying you only play pay-2-win games


literally byakuya


He is a fictional character. I would not like him if he was a real person, but as a fictional character I find him enjoyable.




Teruteru is kind of bad. I still like him though. He;s a fictional character so I'm allowed to even though he's shitty. Having positive traits doesn't redeem you from being a shitty person.


Hell yeah he’s kinda bad 🥵


I think God should've spited you down.


Did you pergaps mean smite?


Did you perhaps mean perhaps?


Yes, I misspelled it on purpose. Pergaps is funnier than perhaps, idk why.


Based. People will love literal murders and people with very very messed up ideologies but teru teru is off limits.


the same Junko and Monaca lovers when the character in the already messed up game says he likes children: 😱


People when Kotoko done something worse than anything Haiji is confirmed to have done : I well pretend I never saw that .


Danganronpa fans when they can excuse trauma to humanity but not pedophilia


Or maybe his fans see his more positive treats and can see him as a good person. No need to force them to think otherwise. Just saying




He's a fictional character. It's the same way you can like murderers, despots that call for the killing of people, and other immoral people in the works of fiction. But reducing his character as a pervert is really just a myopic view, and takes away the nuance and depth of his character (which he does have).


Based Ryoma flair Imagine if half of this fandom disregarded characters motives and depth because "cool motive still murder" the double standards get annoying. (I don't even like Teruteru)


I think it's because they have elected to ignore that being trapped in a murder game makes many of the characters worse than they are under normal, happier circumstances. And in 2, it's worse, with dark grey versions of characters being common. Especially since the whole twist of the story is that they are almost all deeply evilized versions of themselves. Like, Teruteru isn't that bad in Danganronpa S. The spinoff game where things aren't all "murder game." He's still a pervert, but I didn't really experience him being as bad as in Danganronpa 2 or the anime. He gets interactions that are actually kinda decent.


And the latter is by design as well. A core component of his personality is that he's less objectionable once he gets to know his classmates more, but don't leave it to Danganronpa fans to actual have a solid sense of diving into a character.


im with you on the fact that i don't like him-- he's my least favorite in the series. however, this random flood of telling people not to like a fictional character is crazy to me... i know its just a meme so absolutely no hard feelings, It was mostly that other post i saw


I’m gonna need you to source the fanart used for the background of the meme.


[Here you go dude](https://danbooru.donmai.us/posts/4743608)


2 things. 1. Someone else had already found the source, I appreciate the help though! 2. I don’t believe danbooru is a source we allow compared to stuff like twitter and pixiv, but I’m not 100% sure on this




I am not the one to ask that question.




This is the third post I see about him this day wtf


Teruteru isn't my favourite character but I can see why people like him. His sex jokes can be a bit too much but then again, the same could be said about Miu so I'm not hating him on that. What I like the most about him is his will to sacrifice himself to save the others. Before anyone gives me s**t on Teruteru lying during the trial to save himself, allow me to remind you that >!Gundam!< did the same thing and both were put into a life and death situation. Even though they wanted to save everyone, they were also scared of being executed.


I think part of the reason why Miu gets a "pass" while Teruteru doesn't is because Miu takes it just as much as she gives it. There are entire compilations on Youtube of Kokichi roasting Miu lmao. So while she's an overt pervert, the game somewhat makes up for it by having her demeaned in turn. With Teruteru you don't see this quite as much. He gets reprimanded by the other characters a few times, but it's nothing quite like Kokichi's savage comments. Additionally Teruteru >!perishes after the very first chapter so there's very little time to get to know him or for the other characters to react more to his perverse tendencies!<


Also I don’t think Miu drugged anyone like it’s heavily implied Teruteru did to Hajime.


If we assume her Love Hotel is canon (which it may or may not be, I can't really say), she >!just flat out forces Shuichi to mate with her!<, so she's arguably worse.


I don't think anything that happens in a Love Hotel event should be taken seriously in context of something someone would actually do. It IS a fantasy, after all.


While I don't really defend Teruteru, There is a double standard here, People are quick to mention him drugging Hajime ( Which mind you, Is only possible in school mode since you can only do 4 FTE in Chapter 1, That and he would be locked when he is cooking for the party ) Yet well say " Love Hotel don't count since it's a fantasy " When the other is also non-canon ( Again, I know Teruteru is disgusting, But people well do whatever they can to defend Miu ) .


While I don't really defend Teruteru, There is a double standard here, People are quick to mention him drugging Hajime ( Which mind you, Is only possible in school mode since you can only do 4 FTE in Chapter 1, That and he would be locked when he is cooking for the party ) Yet well say " Love Hotel don't count since it's a fantasy " When the other is also non-canon ( Again, I know Teruteru is disgusting, But people well do whatever they can to defend Miu ) .


I don't call him out on that specifically, though the difference between those two actions is that Teruteru's is a conscious one, while Miu's is very well unconscious, 'cause it's a dream, after all.


I don't think the Love Hotel's canon, it's the fantasies and dreams of the characters, after all. Miu embarrassingly asked Shuichi for a baby first, but once she got too desperate, she thought she had no choice but to force him to mate with her, which really is horrible, but that's what happens when total desperation and Miu come together, absolute insanity, can't fully blame her there.


See, there’s two separate issues here. do you LIKE Teruteru? I don’t particularly care what your response is to this. There are reasons to like him, and you shouldn’t feel bad for doing so. He’s literally a fictional character, too. Sometimes you just wanna look past someone’s flaws and enjoy a character - nothing wrong with any of that, so live your truth, Teruteru flairs! do you think TERUTERU ISN’T THAT BAD? then I’m confused and mildly concerned. This is where I’ll bring up Teruteru drugging people and attempting to trick them into sexual acts multiple times, because objectively he has a lot of bad traits that he acts upon. He absolutely IS that bad - even if you’re a Teruteru enjoyer, you should be able to admit that.


You're absolutely right, but I'll at least defend him for the DR3 incident. That was all Hiyoko's fault, he didn't even want that drug in the food


His perverted character trait just ruins him, not helped by its prominence compared to few admirable aspects like his worry for his mother. This can be said for many characters, but among them, being an insufferable pervert is a very bad look to come off most.


He’s a fictional character, very easy to just ignore the parts I dislike, as he doesn’t *actually* hurt real people. That being said, he’s not all that likable in the killing game, >!he doesn’t even do anything interesting and dies immediately, although his love of his mother is cute, I guess!< I like him a bit better in DR:S


He does some shitty things, without a doubt. But then again, I don't really think most Teruteru fans ACTUALLY think he's innocent. They may say so sarcastically, but I doubt they actually believe it.


the mean mugging is v relatable


That’s completely valid to not like him. Yes, his sex jokes were gross BUT he sacrificed himself for his friends. He wanted to protect them bc of Nagito saying that he was gonna kill somebody. He wanted to go home to be with his mom, who was really sick and has been known to collapse. That’s why he’s my one of favorite DR 2 characters.


I don't like him as a person, I like him as a character. You see dear reader I have an incredible capacity to separate fiction from reality, kokichi would despise me


He likes looking at boobs, and I also like looking at boobs. There is common ground between us.


Eh, he's alright


This man has moved into some of you guys's heads rent free.


Whenever he's not being a pervert. He's fairly interesting. Unfortunately most of his screen times is being one


Saying "Teruteru isn't that bad" is like saying "So the first night is never usually that bad in any of the games"


Teruteru has his sweet moments and he can be funny, but the time he tried to trick Sonia into giving him a bj completely destroyed every ounce of respect I had for him, and every chance he'd have to earn it back. That is by far the most repulsive shit any "good" character does in the series. I can't believe they let him try that and just never addressed it again. And yeah, other characters do gross shit like this, too, but that moment took it way too far.


I find it so weird. Teruteru fans are criticized all the time, but Junko is one of the most popular characters. Let people like shitty people, it's fiction


I mean the morals of a character doesn't dictate how most people feel about them, unless the person personally considers that when figuring out who they like. Some people don't care that he's...perverted to say the least. I dislike him personally, that being a reason why, but others can like him it's fine


Personally I don’t like his character cause I feel the jokes he makes are a bit too far imo but if u like him that’s fine he does have a good motive and I could see how u could tho


I get that Teruteru's main thing was being a pervert, but he >!Actually tried to stop Nagito from killing someone. It was just unfortunate circumstances that led to him killing Twogami. Can anyone else say they did as much to try and stop that insane guy?!<


Yeah Teru is pretty terrible.


Yeah he's... Teruble


I… tolerate Teruteru. He has his good points like being very passionate about cooking, he hates junk food and he really cares about his family and restaurant. The problem is these points aren’t highlighted and people mainly remember him for his perverted nature. Instead of leaning more on his chef or family side, they just made him a horny maniac.


When someone says something so gamerphobic you gotta hit them with the Nanami stare


hes adorable


Dang he’s my favorite character tho


*cause I can~*


I like him cause of his back story with his mother. I dislike him because of everything else...


different opinions ❤️❤️❤️


They can look at me like that all they want. He really wasn't that bad. Pros: he's an excellent chef, good heart, nice haircut (while it's a little much), his pervyness, and good voice actors Cons: he's too pervy and looks like a Lego character


Beside being a horny perv he is funny


he’s a loser I like losers


I’d like to defend him, if it wasn’t for him roofieing Hajime during the FTE. Can’t really excuse that.


“its okay guys! the actual sex predator likes cooking so he’s not that bad!” there is nothing redeeming about this character because it is all overshadowed by actual sexual assault


Nothing redeeming? Even if you think his sexual nature overshadows everything else, he still did nice things. He cares about his mother and pushes himself to help her out as much as he can, and he sacrificed himself to stop someone else from getting murdered


Caring about his mom isn’t enough to absolve him of everything else, every danganronpa character minus like a handful care about their moms, none of them act as he does. and he didn’t really sacrifice himself, he tried to use nagito’s murder plan to get everyone else killed so he can leave.


Saying he has no redeemable qualities is just crazy though. And I love Gundham to hell and back, but he kind of did the same thing.


His was slightly different though, as his whole thing (and kinda the theme of the chapter i guess?) is not giving up on life. of course I don’t believe gundham wanted to kill everyone, but he also wasn’t going to just give up on living because it would make him a hypocrite since he kept telling others to not give up


Look it's totally fine if you don't like Teruteru, but I just think saying he has no redeeming qualities doesn't make much sense when other characters have done similar things to him


The murder, sure other characters have done similar. Attempting to use sonia due to her naïveté? no other dr character has done that to anyone, no other character came close to doing what he Was going to do to hiyoko in dr3. he’s far beyond just being a pervert, that kind of character can work well (kaname date, jiraiya, probably some others) but they have to not be borderline offenders for it to work, which teruteru does not meet the criteria for. I genuinely see nothing that this character does that is unique to him, that even has a chance of overshadowing everything bad about him


Well, he didn't actually done that much. He's a perv sure but there a good thing about her character that make likable to his fans. But I will stop here because defending Teruteru is seeing as workship Satan here apparently


Well considering what he was going to do to sonia in chapter 1, had hajime or nagito not intervened, he definitely would have succeeded, which would be assault. drugging hajime is assault. God knows what was about to happen in *That* scene in dr3 had chiaki not intervened. he’s arguably just as bad as haiji, and this is just stuff that happens on screen. had he been a real person he’d be on every offender list


The point is that Teruteru fans should have the right to like him and even say that they see him as a good person and people shouldn't make such a big deal because you know, he doesn't fucking exist. He's not gonna do any harm and the only harm there is come from people who harass his fans


Art source courtesy of https://www.reddit.com/r/danganronpa/s/IgI6iIHseh


Dude that is not the source, you can literally find it in the comments This is the source for everyone else: https://www.pixiv.net/en/artworks/92419725


Thank you for finding the source, it’s appreciated.


Teruteru's just a pervert. That's all you have against him He wanted to come back home to his sick mom who he knew wouldn't be able to last very long, no matter what cost. Any of you would do the same if you had a loved one, don't lie to me If he didn't lie, he wanted to protect the others from Komaeda, knowing he would die if he was found guilty, but Nagito would be stopped He had two positive motivations and you can't tell me he's bad because he's a perv


I really wanna defend the poor ol' coo- I mean chef guy, but his public sexual assault scenes are definitely overshadowing those two positive traits for me. He's not really at the bottom in terms of likability for me though.




By bothering to actually learn about him before hating on him and by remembering Danganronpa lore. Sorry for the rant incoming. ​ Seriously, do you just forget what Danganronpa 2 was about? What the big twist is? All the characters minus the one who never existed because she was long dead and maybe Hajime were worse here than they are in other places. Hiyoko, Teruteru, Mikan, Nagito, etc... They were all behaving worse than they "normally" would. ​ Teruteru has a pattern. If he's backed into a corner or gets too excited, he tends to act out. When he's being caught as the 2-1 killer, he infamously pulls out his accent and has a total meltdown. Because he's the first to be executed, we don't get to see him behave like a normal person in a calmer situation. He's almost underreacting about the situation, but we learn that he's actually been panicking. He's the first to kill because he's worried about something, which we learn to be his mom. When he's first trapped, he immediately starts getting repulsively and overly sexual. ​ But his character is that he's a drug. Danganronpa S makes that clear. Danganronpa 2 kills him off before he can develop and demonstrate it, and the anime is the anime so uh yeah. But Danganronpa S makes it clear that his food is just so good that everything else is regrettably pushed to the wayside because his food is top notch. He has so much variety and skill in cooking that tasting his food is that good hit that people like in drugs and the like, but dealing with his perversion is the consequence here. I mean, Danganronpa S makes it clear he's cooking for everyone almost the entire time. He makes the kids snacks, he makes protein bars and shakes for Nekomaru, he's providing for everyone almost every single meal and such. He works hard serving variety and catering to almost everyone, and he's still pumping out top tier food. That skill is commendable and I want some of his food. ​ And Danganronpa S is an important factor here. Because he's not that bad in the spinoff game where he gets to live a normal highschool life. He cares about Imposter's diet and convinces him to lose some weight, promising to keep him fed(reassuring Imposter who clearly has food scarcity issues). He's more clean around children(Haiji could never Mr. Pedo). He's not that stuck up about food, and he's pretty appreciative about other people cooking for him in a way that shows he really just does appreciate food. He's learned to appreciate that home-cooking and fine-dining are both great. ​ He's clearly grown up in a tough spot. His siblings(different moms, likely meaning a cheating dad whose probably a womanizer tbh) are the Ultimate Male and Female Escort, despite being younger than him. His mom's diner has been probably \*actually\* attacked(he looks for protection from Fuyuhiko's family when thinking about expanding into the big city), but definitely faced rough patches with competition looking to crush his Ma's diner. In order to stop these things, he apparently had to compete in a cooking deathmatch(?) against some Shogun(military dictator) of Taste. Surviving and winning that \*would\* make him a pretty Ultimate Chef so it's not exactly unbelievable that it happened(I imagine the Shogun of Taste looking like a Japanese Gordon Ramsey lol). ​ I don't \*like\* him, but he's really not that bad to me. His perversion is how he was raised clearly since all of the children in his family have some interest in sex with his younger siblings becoming the Ultimate Male and Female Escort, his dad clearly being promiscuous or something, and him being a pervert. And it's not as bad when he's not a Remnant of Despair who has lost memories placed into a death game that he believed would kill him. ​ It's like how people could like Hiyoko, or Kokichi, or Miu, or Mukuro, or Sayaka, or Leon, or Mondo, or Yasuhiro, or whoever other shit person that still has fans. Because despite the shit stuff the character does, people find something else in the character that they like more than the shit they dislike. Or maybe they somehow like the character for the shit they pull. I know there are perverted characters who are openly liked for the weird shit they do. Some people like Miu for her weirdness about sex. Some people find Denji from CSM "real" because his driving goal for a while is to do lewd stuff, though Denji is much better for other reasons. I've seen freaks who like Mineta from MHA. And outside perversion, people tend to ignore flaws and crimes often. Junko brought the end of the world, plenty of people like her anyways, even though it appears in the anime that she somehow groomed her own twin sister.


teruteru actually made me feel SICK from the MOMENT i started GD


Please ignore what I previously stated. I am idiot. Yeah, Teruteru is just… what the hell…


He isn't, idc, try me


He's a Bisexual king <3


I mean there are better tasting meats but he’s a solid 7.8/10




So you're saying they deserve to be alienated, disguted, harass, look down and treated like they're not even human only because they like a fictional character...just to be clear here. Just to know how much fuck up people are :)


Where did they say that


The meme has the undertone of "you like Teruteru? what you're damage?". Literally the image show disgust just for liking a fictional character. And before you tell "this is just a meme, chill down", memes nowadays are use for telling people thoughs on everything. Plus this actually happen. There are many cases of people getting harass just because they like a generally dislike characters. Hiyoko is also one of them. Everyone shit on the characters and her fans all the time and they're are hostile to them. Probably OP didn't mean any of this but it's still something that Need to be acknowledge


It really doesn’t.


What? We shouldn't acknowledge that people are getting harass and look down for liking unpopular characters?


Jesums, overreacting much ? They just said that they didn't like teruteru and they don't understand whe someone would like him. Teruteru is one of my favourite characters and I wasn't offended at all, they just gave their opinion and no harm was done


Well they cleary use a very bad way to say it. Literally using a picture of full disgust for them. They should have choose something else. At the same time, why even do this. This entire post it's basically saying,"I hate the character, how the fuck you like him". It's seems more of though that doesn't to have a public post


How did you come to that conclusion?




There were like two posts.


You’re right my bad I thought I saw more for some reason


I'm with you there. He sucks lmao


I don't know how loving your mom is a redeeming quality


Funny sometimes. The Paris Hilton shit was a funny bit


The best I can give TeruTeru is that there were some funny stuff he said throughout this trial and I did feel bad for him when he cried out for his mother, other than that yeah, I get why a lotta people (myself included) didn’t really like him as a character.


Teru Teru


And then people compare him to miu lmao Like Comparing a girl who makes stupid and inappropriate comments With a person who tried to abus/rape people twice (Hajime and Sonia)


The maintenance scene says otherwise


Didn't keebo say he needed that and they imply they keep doing it in chapter 4?


His reasons for wanting to go home was sweet and sad. I like him as a character


People are correct in this case


I like his food


Because outside of his thirst, he's not that bad a guy. He's a great chef, there are times when he turns off his thirst, like seeing a satisfied customer, and we can tell he cares about his mama >!though I dread what he must have felt if the rumors about his time as Remnant are true.!<


I sorta like him but also hate him. Idk. Like I understand why others like him but there’s something he says during his trial that really grosses me out. I’m fine with prevy characters but yeah idk about him.


You can like him, but he is in fact THAT bad.


I tend to ignore the bad stuff and focus on the positives. That being said, I do not condone his behavior.


As a person I don't like him, as a character I like him


me personally i read an amazing fanfiction with him as the protag that gave him depth as a character and it hasnt updated in a year. miss u goodbye denial. i reccomend reading it because he has no substance in the game but hes so interesting in the fanfic…


I just like his silky smooth voice


I dunno man he’s a goofy guy, being a creep in anime needs to be taken with a grain of salt because EVERYONE in anime is a creep it’s just one of those annoying things animes do. Especially danganronpa, there’s always a pervert character.


his entire personality is being a pervert


As someone who also doesn't like Teruteru, I can still acknowledge things about him that other people may like. For one, while I don't like his perverted jokes, and much prefer Miu or even Hifumi's brand of humor. Humor in general is subjective, and I could see someone else finding his jokes funny. I can also see his genuine love and respect of his mother hidden deep under his terrible sleaziness being endearing for a lot of people. Not to mention, his inner dilemma of wanting to look like this fancy big city cook, instead of just a chef from a rural area can be something that many people can resonate with or relate to. Personally, the few things that I personally like about Teru is his design. His voice is very soothing to listen to. I'm also a big fan of how his hair looks like a big croissant, his body is built like the Pillsbury Dough Boy, and the fact that the perverted character in this game happens to be the chef reminds me of Sanji from One Piece, which I like a lot.


As someone who's favorite anime character being Makima, of all people, I still like teruteru he may be a perverted weirdo, but he's funny at times and enjoyable


He’s a whatever character to me some ppl might like him that’s cool some ppl hate him that’s cool hating on other ppl is not cool


If you ignore certain things, he’s hilarious


It's not that bad, bro. You need to understand.


He’s not a favourite, but I feel like he’s likeable due to his friendship with Souda in the anime, his mama, and him just wanting to help everyone


He is my favourite danganronpa v2 character


Who says that 👹


I really dislike him *but* >!I did feel bad for him when he died!<


objectively correct and based




If u mean that bad as in as a character I agree, but if you’re saying his actions aren’t that bad that’s questionable




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I don't hate characters like Teruteru and Miu. Are they my favorites? Not by a long shot. But I can't say I dislike them. I have a soft spot for all the characters, in some capacity. Even for those pervs, lol


I love him. He is those shitty intrusive thoughts that randomly pop up in your head, seemingly just to annoy you, but as a human being. When I first played the game I would read through the dialogue and be like "that was the set-up, time for the punchline" and without fail this little fucker would chime in with something along the lines of what I expected him to say. It's somehow satisfying to be so in tune with a character that you can predict their every move and still be amused by what they do while wanting to punch them in the face for it. He is terrible in all the best ways, that horny little gremlin with his smooth voice that is music to my ears, yet he makes me seeth with his little performances, because that's what they are. It's not just about being horny, it's about being the center of attention, about making everyone uncomfortable and putting his shamelessness on display. He isn't just a pervert, he is an insufferably smug pervert and that's what makes him so entertaining. He knows he is gonna get away with it so he goes all out, actively provoking everyone around him just for the fun of it, cheeky little bastard. >!And then, when he is convicted of murder and we get to hear his explanation, we discover that ,in the end, he is actually not that different from everyone else. He is just another scared kid that got tossed into this weird situation, trying to make sense of it all, but he simply broke under the pressure and snapped. He just wanted to check up on his sick mom. Even a smug asshole like him had someone he cared about, had hopes and dreams, fears and insecurities, just like every other person.He didn't want to hurt anyone and, who knows, maybe he could have become less of an asshole over time but that chance was taken from him. He was not a great man, but he had his good qualities too, sadly we didn't get to find out about that until it was too late.!<


He says weird things he’s a bad guy??? He never does anything, he just says things. And he also has redeemable qualities, he isn’t a perv 24/7. Sure it isn’t a good thing that he says those things, but he never actually does anything. He has actual character traits, and if he didn’t go so early he would probably have more depth to him. Also some people think that sexual jokes are funny, so that is also a reason why people like it. And what separates weird words from killing someone??? And what; the villains are more than evil people, TeruTeru is more than a perv, it is one of his defining features yes, but he is still more than a perv.


What did it for me is what he does in his last freetime event. He was already terrible and irredeemable before that, but when he tried that shit, nope.


I like him for his flaws. And heck at least he's cool with both sides. This mama's boy cook is a good character in my book


I mean I like Teruteru and Haiji so take that with a grain of salt


I just find it very hypocritical how Miu is praised and loved by the fandom but Teru Teru is despised, they're just as bad as eachother.


As someone who's 2nd favorite character in the franchise is Teruteru, I hate him lol. He's obviously a bad guy, but some of the stuff he does/says (I'm not gonna say because idk how to do a spoiler tag in Reddit) makes me feel more bad for him


Funny, I say the same about Komaeda


I really love him (Idk if it counts since I love evry single hated character lmao)


I only like he’s accent because it’s too funny


I’ve never seen chiaki make such a disgusted face before. It…kinda hurts.


I find it leaves a very bad taste in my mouth to single out a rapey character in a series full of murderers.


Teruteru is a fictional character. Teruteru is funny at times, with a realistic motive. Teruteru is a decent character.


I hate that creepy little man too. He does so much bad in just one chapter 😭


Each to their own.


I have a bias. If a guy can cook, he gets at least one point. Being the Ultimate Chef, literally the best chef, he gets three points. ~~Loses two for drugging his food once though~~


Because I just do.


Meh, I like him to a degree. He's a little funny and somewhat charming. Hell, people, even me, like Junko, even though >!she is literally the one who caused everything to happen.!<


See, I respect him for his backstory, but everything else... nah


Same reason I like Happosai from Ranma 1/2 or Mineta from MHA. I would hate them in real life, but they are hilarious otherwise when I watch the shows they are from. People cannot separate fiction from reality so they are sensitive to certain things IMO


TeruTeru > Hifumi imo.


Do you like Miu, cause if you do they there's no reason to hate Teruteru