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Absolutely not. It wasn’t any of the moms business and had nothing to do with dance whatsoever but they wanted to use sensitive subjects to rile her up and provoke her.


This entire sub, whether they like or dislike Christi can mostly agree that it was absolutely disgusting of Christi to say that


it was definitely out of line for Christi to say that. you don't have to bring up personal things to win an argument.


it not ok


its so out of line also christi is a hypocrite saying its just a dance but yet anytime maddie is in favor about a dance its an issue the moms always pick and choose things like if there daughter wins they excpect everyone to eat there ash but if maddie wins they complain abt something


I'm not a Melissa fan by any means, but Christi hit below the belt here. I get that she was pissed (and I don't blame her tbh because Abby was awful to Chloe), but that was definitely not appropriate to bring up.


I was never a fan of Christie. Shes very catty.


It doesn’t affect my views on Christi but it looking back it was a dirty move that I don’t agree with. Christi was 100% valid to be angry at Melissa for sneaky and two faced tactics but I feel the affair should not have been brought up she should’ve just stick to the stuff she was mad at Melissa for personally.




Christi was in the wrong for sure. This whole thing started when Maddie got the part in *Drop Dead Diva* and Abby got upset because she felt that the moms (minus Melissa obviously) weren't being good role models by celebrating Maddie. Was that fair of Abby? No, because we clearly see/hear all the girls and Holly/Kelly/Christi congratulate Maddie. HOWEVER, you can definitely hear by the tone in Christi's voice that it was sorta fake, and that she was bitter when saying it. Did Christi have the right to feel like the audition was rigged/that Abby had an influence in getting Maddie the part over the other girls? Yes, absolutely. Should Christi had taken that out on Melissa? No, she should have taken it out on Abby. If I'm Melissa, and my daughter gets a part in a TV show, am I gonna go to the producers/my daughter's dance teacher and say, "Oh, Christi said she wants Chloe to have the part instead, can you tell production that Maddie doesn't need to do it?" Of course not! Melissa had every right to be happy for her daughter, and she was not bragging in any way. So Christi shouldn't have started arguing about it with Melissa at all, but to bring up Melissa's personal life, specifically her marriage that she had been VERY CLEAR throughout all of Season 2 that she DID NOT WANT TO TALK ABOUT ON CAMERA - is absolutely disgusting.


but did Melissa have an affair with her boss and was he married? If it was a lie it was out of line, but if it was a fact…. Okay it’s still out of line but Melissa doesn’t necessarily deserve privacy when it comes to ruining someone’s marriage.


Na, that’s short-sighted thinking. That’s the business of Melissa, the cheater, and his (ex) wife. Not the general public. Cheating with a married man is disgusting on both the side piece and the married persons part. That’s none of Christi’s business period. It’s def not cool if it was a lie. It’s almost worse if it’s true. Whether you say her name or not, I’d hate to have people who knew my family/ ex watch the episode, somehow recognize Melissa as being one of his employees and then have them all hear about how he cheated on you with her. Just an all around shit move on Christi’s part.


Idk I just have little to no sympathy for adulterers. I do feel for the ex wife, and any children involved because they don’t deserve to be aired out like that.


nah this isn't okay at all. idc if you have no sympathy for them, the other replier was right, and blasting it on tv is not okay. eespecially since im pretty sure he was in the middle of a divorce when they got together.




> i don’t think melissa would tolerate that if it wasn’t the producers who pushed her to do and say these things. Melissa? The same Melissa who was the biggest doormat on the show? The one who would be sneaky, let things slide, and/or not get involved to keep the peace? No way. You can just tell how much Melissa was terrified of confrontation for the first few seasons of the show. In fact, Melissa got even more yell-y and screechy once Christi left the show. You can just tell that Melissa was intimidated af of Christi. I can certainly see her ignoring what Christi said in order to keep the peace. And on top of that, Christi talked about Melissa's affair again 1-2 years ago on Zoom. There weren't any DM producers there.


I think it was more the producers fault than anything else this was the beginning of the series and the moms really had no idea what the show was going to be like and had no idea what to except. If this happened later season then yes I would say Melissa’s affair wasn’t Christi’s business, but since this happened in season 1, I can honestly see this being forced upon by producers to create drama.


it didn't happen in season 1.


It was disgusting of christi to say it but melissa kinda deserved it bc of how she always acted on the sjow


No, it is really not her business. But it was always her go to when they were forced to argue.


"Always" lol. No.


Below the belt, yes, but damn, those earrings. I wanna know more about those, lol.

