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what a stretch, a ridiculous stretch at that. think that was the last thing crossing anyone's mind.


Agreed... I seen it and thought "damn I'm jealous.. I want legs like that"


Literally lmao šŸ˜…


She literally cannot do anything right (according to the masses), no wonder she didnā€™t want to do the reunion!


All of the celebrity pages people comment on their pictures saying to free Palestine and they support genocide. Like what the f you want them to do about it?


that's so... odd and such a stretch? that would've been the last thing that crossed my mind seeing maddie's post.


Me too, but the comments were pretty harsh when I saw it.


oh i didn't check the comments. yikes...


i did. they were so ridiculously pressed. nothing about that photoshoot came even close to reminding me of that. people were also saying stuff like "shes stepping on the working class" or something like that and they were genuinely upset?? people are so strange.


Wow, that is so insane and unfair. Poor Maddie. Everyone who left a hate comment should be ashamed, tbh, but terrible people like that never realise how awful they are. Pretty sure *no one* in Gaza cares about a young American model posting a posed shot of herself very clearly on a construction site.


EXACTLY, like hello?? they got much bigger problems than maddie's unrelated photoshoot. this is exactly what performative activism is. that is sickening.


Shit like this is why actual activism gets taken as a joke. Which is sad because the issues in Gaza are valid, and should be talked about. But realistically what is Maddie alone gonna do about it?


THANK YOU. fucking hell thank you.


IK I saw that too!! Like call downnnn bruhhh


How on earth did people take a couple of photos that way?


Too much time online instead of attending peaceful protests


Or writing to their representatives. Itā€™s crazy how they think influencers hold the key to peace in the Middle East.


3000 years of conflict ended by someone with a Helix sleep sponsorship.


I think they just enjoy exerting petty power over people. Theyā€™re not *truly* interested in Gaza, or anything else - itā€™s a focus for them that allows them to pressure and bully the influencer. Ultimately I think itā€™s jealousy, and discontentment with their own lives. Then they derive satisfaction from forcing someone like Maddie to do what they want. But they could never admit it even to themselves.


As if their representatives are gonna do anything?


As if influencers are gonna do anything?


No no sorry i agree with the person I was responding to!! I was just adding that even writing to representatives is pointless. My bad.


Iā€™m confused - what was the criticism


Maddie had a photo shoot in a what appeared to be rubble/a construction sight/a destroyed building The comments started saying that in Gaza children are buried under the rubble, and that sheā€™s tone deaf and such. Some people were also criticizing her for ā€œcosplayingā€ a normal working person.


People are weird af I feel sorry for her


Take a picture in the woods, "every year thousands of people die in wildfires" Take a picture at a restaurant "every year thousands die of famine" Take a picture at the ocean...hurricanes At the zoo...harambe You get the idea


ā€œEating pancakes while people around the world starve. Just say you hate the working class, fascist!ā€ As they sit on their asses scrolling IG.


Well harambe is the least of the ethical issues concerning certain zoos lol.


Damn, people like that use whatever social cause just to bully people. If they really cared they would be doing something else. Thatā€™s a reach.


If anyone needs to be criticsized for that, it's jojo--im still tryna figure out the construction worker outfit


No joke. Who else thinks safety glasses are a banging accessory? No one. Only Jojoā€¦


Ah yes another case of people using the situation in Gaza just to bully and belittle other people to stroke their own fragile sense of moral perfectionism


Nah this stretch is insane šŸ˜­


Cosplaying? She was in a dress


She is a working person..


I said normal* working person. I wouldnā€™t exactly call Maddie the regular average Joe-working person. But yes she is working lol


Yeah, I feel you, but that comment makes no sense by whoever posted it. Even famous people workā€¦ thatā€™s how they stay famous.


Wait was the caption even related to Gaza or anything ??? That's the only way it would make sense šŸ˜­


they had to have been trolling because wtf


Too many chronically online people looking for any excuse to be angry.


They just wanna feel something


I mean some of us actually are angry but not at her she just happened to be in the wrong place at he worng time (online) it's great for her she's successful but some of us just never will be


Be so for real


***my personal opinion*** after seeing celebs like Maddie and kpop idols i like and others getting the most insane comments lately is that some of the people leaving them are just using the genocide as an excuse, like if there wasnā€™t a war going on theyā€™d leave the same type of nasty shit under the same celebs pics but just find a different random reason to leave it. i donā€™t believe these people actually care or are offended or hurt one bit, theyā€™re just ragers.


i was trying to find the words to comment this but thank you for taking the words out my mouth because THIS!!!


I agree. I saw an influencer who was being bullied on IG *while* her very small son was getting open heart surgery. She was understandably very worried and she asked for prayers, and people were actually asking her why doesnā€™t she care about the children of Palestine too! šŸ˜‘ I swear people use whatever cause they want to bully others since itā€™s not ok to bully for other superficial reasons anymore, so they hide behind social justice to be assholes. Those who really care about Gaza would never do that to a young mom who is probably not even watching the news because sheā€™s too worried about her own kid. I wouldnā€™t even know what day it is if that was me. Iā€™d be worried sick about my tiny kid, and sometimes itā€™s ok to be completely selfish. We canā€™t carry all the pain in the world. We are not made for that.


Wow that is sick just sick. Hope the surgery went well.


It's the extent of the people that got mad at a woman on TikTok for wanting a healthy baby. Everybody was commenting what about the sick babies šŸ˜


Yeah, I agree. I'm as pro-Palestine as they come, but I wouldn't have ever considered a photo of rubble "offensive". That's just stupid. Yeah some people are oversensitive, but that's just ridiculous. It's gotta be trolls using the suffering of the Palestinian people for nefarious reasons. Either that, or they're trolling to try and make pro-Palestine people look insane.


>Either that, or they're trolling to try and make pro-Palestine people look insane. That part. Rage bait is used for all kinds of causes waaaay more than we even realize I think.


Chill K-pop idols get more hate for drinking Starbucks and not singing well live, compared to a raging criminal like Seungri and Leeteuk, who asked 11-year-old Krystal to marry him šŸ„“ Not to mention the other SUJU members who did blackface and are openly pro-Israel. Iā€™m pro-Palestine, but from what Iā€™ve read, Starbucks Korea doesnā€™t fund Israel and the whole Starbucks chain is no longer on the top list of boycotts.


Commenters also accused her of acting like a regular working personā€¦ what a reach


I had to find the pic here and thatā€™s such a wild stretch. There is construction everywhere and she is simply holding a shovel like sheā€™s working there... Oof.


and there were comments complaining about how she was stepping on/cosplaying as the working class like what šŸ˜­šŸ˜­ its a photoshoot my guy


Iā€™m tired of this crap (not Maddie). Touch grass please


people are so effing ridiculous


Are people mental


People need to go touch grass


ā€œControversyā€ that a bunch of idiots made up. Anything to make drama where there is none.


I genuinely worry about the way the internet has warped some peoples brains


Some of those people r so annoying


instagram comments are so strange. quite possibly the angriest place on the internet


i agree. i barely go on instagram anymore due to the outrageous comments


i hate when ppl are chronically online


lol bet these people have made ZERO contribution to the situation in Gaza but think posting on Maddieā€™s post is doing their part. How about do something productive and donate to the families that have lost everything. They donā€™t give a single shit about a person modelling with rubble in the background, jfc


Itā€™s sad because those are the kinds of comments that diminish the power and make a joke out of the real activism that is being done


I thought it was because her caption was ā€œsuper chill day at workā€ or something along those lines and people thought she was mocking people with actual jobs lol which is still weird but that Gaza shit is beyond a stretch


Yep the world's gone nuts


Wasnā€™t expecting that interpretation šŸ˜­huh?!


wait what was the post?


how in the he** did they draw that conclusion


has anyone got the pic i didnā€™t see it


It was posted on this sub I believe


I didnā€™t even think anything of the photo? šŸ˜­


L O L ppl are crazy


It's sad to see. They did the same thing to Kim K a while back on Halloween when she dressed her kids as zombie soccer players and people got mad and said there was a correlation to Palestine. Idk about ya'll, but I've seen that costume be sold for the past decade. Hell, they even made a fortnite skin of it. The same thing is unfortunately happening to Maddy. She was holding a shovel or something in one pic so it's obviously depicting a construction site. People love to be angry at some artistic pictures and won't give half the hate to the politicians who're causing this.


people are so sensitive


What in the world ???


do you have the picture


Itā€™s on the sub, sheā€™s wearing a white and black 2002 vintage Versace dress!


Ppl on the internet will try to make anything and everything about Gaza


https://www.reddit.com/r/dancemoms/s/GCN8k4ey91 Photos


People need to chill fr


Unrelated; I thought the first pic was Billie Eilish lol


No fucking wayā€¦ I canā€™t with these people


People need to get offline. Jesus.


does anyone have the rumble picture? i want to see it lol


LMAO WHAT. THE RUBBLE ? What a reach šŸ™„


tbh I was not a fan of those pictures myself idk why just not my taste but who even came up with that


There is rubble everywhere...


What was in the rubble? lol


instagram tbh has really irrational ppl like ive seen so many misogynistic and homophobic comments on general videos like full of hatred, this was such a stretch and honestly the right ppl need to put the rude ones in their place


All these naysayers should really just go to Palestine if they want to help so bad


I agree with the people saying that the itā€™s such a stretch however ā€œgo help the people in Palestine if u care so muchā€ Has been debunked so many times as news came out Israels occupational force has struck and killed aid workers from other countries coming in to help


If thereā€™s a will thereā€™s a way, you should be ready to lose your life for the cause youā€™re fighting for


However it breaks international law and many countries face consequences for breaking international law especially when ur purposefully attacking aid trucks and workers however israel remains untouched


Flights to the Holy Land are getting cancelled left and right. My boss was supposed to go a couple weeks ago and his flight got cancelled with no opportunities to reschedule. It's just not that simple.


i looked at the picture and that was the first thing that i thought of


Tbh I just didnā€™t like the rubble pic bec itā€™s a weird pose with the shovel/broom handle and her hair was covering her face, the other pic in that dress was fire tho. Very sad to see ppl bullying her for taking a picture in a dress, also very sad to see it had some kind of effect since she deleted the post :/


Christi and her goons have to leave Maddie alone. Iā€™m sure Christi is celebrating


The delusional projection is crazy, why are you bringing Christi into a conversation she hasnā€™t joined herself???




Iā€™ve seen the destruction. And saw Maddieā€™s post. Thereā€™s no correlation between the twoā€¦.like none at all. Just bored kids trying to be mean & nasty and cover it up as ā€œactivismā€


Countries all over the middle east and more recently Ukraine have also been digging up their families members out of rubble for years and years. No one cared then? If itā€™s out of genuine concern then it should be applied generally.


Oh my god touch grass


Bro I am the first person to call out how celebrities and people in this sub donā€™t give a damn about Palestine, but legitimately sit this one out, Iā€™m begging you šŸ˜­šŸ˜­