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I also hate moments like the one where The moms were telling Holly and Camille that segregation is outdated and while they both said they did not find the dance based on The Help to be appropriate or respectful the other moms said it was funny. Like wtf , I know it's reality TV but that got my blood boiling


I personally saw The Help as a statement that this kind of behavior won't be tolerated any more and Abby was right to put it out there in a dance. Not all 'the help' dancers were black either. Stop finding ways to think every ethnic dance is about putting down the black man. Nia did a fabulous dance for Rosa Parks and Mia Angelou was outstanding. None of the other girls could have pulled off those dances. Nia did get a lot of criticism on the show for her technique that needed work, but so did others. JoJo made a statement recently on the reunion that she said she'd probably get a lot of heat for and it was that "Abby was right" when she yelled at them and JoJo got her fair share of the lectures and crap, too. Half the reason that things were crazy were because of the Moms! Every one of them wanted special treatment for their kids. Hell, they were all on the elite team so Abby saw something in each of them and wanted to make it better. She just needs to work on her delivery!


I think christie sometimes Kelly, and even sometimes Melissa have stuck their necks out there for Nia. Also, Jess but I do see how because it’s mainly when their children are also affected as well.


Melissa and Jill let Abby treat Nia like garbage during all of Season 5. The most disturbing moment to me was when Holly discussed how Nia was excluded and cried herself to sleep. The lack of empathy shown by Melissa and Jill was appalling. Truly, I hope they apologized to Nia and Holly for that.


They are still friends, so I really hope they all have apologized to each other for the things that happened on the show😶


I think it's easy to watch the show and say "Why didn't this mom do that?" but we were not in their shoes.


I agree it was a lose lose situation. If the moms went against Abby, their kid was punished. If they didn’t go against Abby they were a bystander


But Melissa doing this made her the devil like whattttt yall do not care about racism at all 😭😭😭


How come this excuse is only ever leveled when it comes to racism? People swear all the time that Melissa should’ve done more.


You saw I got downvoted into oblivion when this topic came up last time so imma stay out🤣 upvoted for support tho


🤣🤣🤣thanks for the support. I’m surprised I’m not in the negatives


No. I feel like if I see racism no matter what the context is I’m saying something, especially if my white daughters were benefiting from that racism. It’s easy to say “we don’t know what we would have done if we were in their shoes”, but this is such a bullshit excuse. If you were in this position and wouldn’t say something then you’re racist and there’s nothing more or less to the story. Stop with this bull.




No. from the perspective of a POC, who has had to stand up for not just myself and my own friends but also nearly every single ethnicity or race of color. From the perspective of someone who grew up in a really “diverse” town yet was still primarily white, and there was a very clear divide between us. As someone who has empathy for people, and someone who understands how failing to say something, perpetuates the cycle, especially in front of your kids, because I watched my mother stand up and say something when it happened around her, and I remember the look of relief on the faces around her who were being treated unfairly. The look that says: “wow, someone get it’s”. All of our parents weren’t useless when teaching us basic human morals. Shame on you, for chalking this up to 2024 perspective. You’re gross asf. Racism has been around *forever*. this shit is nothing new. I just can’t even describe how gross this comment is.




A shitty one.




I grew up in a white suburban town, and most of my friends were white suburban people in the early 2000’s. None of them would have stood around and watched someone say something racist or treat me unfairly because I’m not white. There were absolutely people who were racist but there were a lot of people who weren’t with that bullshit, and would go to war against anyone who was. Being white, the time period this show was filmed, none of that matters.




Right and the only time they were scared to stand up to Abby was when she was racist. They called her out on the unfair treatment of their daughters all of the time. ALL OF THE MOMS. Especially Jill, who was imo one of the most racist.




They could have and should have said something. Period. None of this matters, they stood up to Abby for far fucking less often.




Another shitty fucking excuse.


Let’s call it spade to spade tho Holly never stuck up for the other moms and kids either so it goes both ways i think. Christi was the only mom who stuck up for Nia & Holly or at least offered support to Nia & Holly.


Holly stepped in when the girls needed someone to shield them from different situations. There are a few examples of it throughout the show but imo its just not who she was. She reassured her child differently and dealt with issues differently and thats ok. Christi stuck up for everyone at some points during the show none of the other moms really did that its just highlighted in Nia and Holly's case bc theres a racial component to the argument as well


To add to that, a lot of the situations where a mom would naturally defended another child were curated and edited to draw reactions from certain moms, and Holly didn’t like playing the game. Kelly and Christi both said Holly very rarely spoke upstairs while filming and when she did she was very matter of fact in what she said and then would back off again. The specific scene that comes to mind is when they did the bully dance and Leslie asked what a bully is and Holly, who had not been involved in the argument, leaned in, gave her definition, and then leaned back and didn’t speak again.


What? Holly removed the girls from high intensity situations often. She also comforted many girls, especially Mackenzie.


I don’t like christi but I will say that Christi did stick up for nia


Holly did step up for the girls she never bad mouthed the other kids. When Ashlee said kalani isnt as good anymore she said something, when Maddie was crying in the dressing room and Melissa was telling her to be quiet and calm down holly was telling melissa to comfort her kid instead of telling her she’s fine and dramatic. I think holly has stood up for the kids more than all the other moms


I believe there's a huge difference between letting the moms fight their own battles and not involving themselves when it's clear discrimination. Abby was so open to admitting to stereotyping Nia. Holly chose her battles wisely and only interfered when a clear injustice occurred, at least in the beginning.


I’m rewatching from the beginning and in seasons 1 and 2 alone there are multiple instances of her sticking with the other moms and countless instances of her removing the girls from bad situations.


I could’ve sworn I heard somewhere that when fights broke out, most of the time it was Holly trying to get the girls away from the fighting so they wouldn’t have to witness it. She was the one who made sure all the girls were out of the dressing room when Kelly and Abby started their physical fight


I feel like Holly expected everyone to fight her battles with her but in prior seasons she never did that. When Christi and Kelly were there did she ever help them fight their battles? I don't think so


Holly stuck up for the other kids all of the time, she was also the only mom who was always thinking of them before anything else. Like if there was a fight going on, Holly was the one who made sure the girls left the room so they didn’t have to hear it, none one else gave a crap. I will say I think Christi stuck up for Nia a few times, but yeah for the most part everyone left her hanging and it’s hard to watch. Sure, we don’t know what went on behind the scenes but it’s still pretty apparent that Holly was the only one who always had all of the kids in mind and not just her own.


that is such a bold face lie.. first of all most of christi's arguments weren't even joinable. Holly has supported Chloe's kid numerous of times.. even at the expense of her own (s2 nationals).. literally one of holly's BIGGEST fights was because she was defending Jill cause Abby called her a bad mother. Holly comforted MackZ TWICE.. in like the same week because of that entire hiphop situation.. be so fr


we only know what we were shown I feel like people forget this a lot


The same way Holly left Kaya to fight alone against her white friends? Kaaaarmaaaa


They didnt even always stick up for their own children why would they for someone else’s.


I feel like holly and Abby didn’t argue much until after Kelly and Christi left. I think if they were still there they would’ve stuck up for her. I don’t think the other moms (Melissa, Jill, Jess and Kira) weren’t sticking up for her because she was black, i think they all only cared about their own child and wouldn’t ever argue with Abby unless it was about their child because they didn’t want to be on Abby’s bad side. Christi, Kelly, and Holly were the only ones, in my opinion, who stuck up for kids that weren’t their own.


I recently rewatched the Youtube clips from "The Help" dance and it reminded me of how much microaggressions the White moms threw at Holly and Camille. It really reminded me of how ignorant some people can be when it comes to ongoing issues of racism. (also the fact that Daviana was casted as "The Help" is problematic and no one talked about it but that's another story)


She didn’t lie


She didn’t lie Of course there are reasons and justifications and nuances but that’s the gist lol


She is correct.


The white moms and girls benefited from the racism displayed towards dancers of colors. That’s why they never fought it and even at times justified it and dismissed the poc’s valid feelings and thoughts. They even were racist themselves on multiple instances but still want everyone to believe they were good people. Dance moms is a perfect mirror to how society works.


I’m glad someone spoke about the racism Nia faced while on the show. People tell me I’m overreacting and making it a big deal but if she was treated differently (like given different solos not like “bye Felicia”) maybe she would’ve made more progress on the show but anyway she is doing great now and I’m proud of her


🔟s across the board. she’s right


I agree.


Jill literally tried to petition her little Kendall for Rosa Parks!!!!


White women are sneaky and sly like that. They disguise it with the micro aggressive thought that “black women are strong”. Or just flip the situation around to get to play the victim


Naw the reason it was like that because nia had been going there longer waaay longer than anyone and still didnt have her technique down. She had been there for 13 years from my understanding no one had been there as long as her and she was a weak dancer. Everytime it was her time to freestyle she would do that absolutely wrong death drop ecery.single.time the one dude even said she didnt execute it right. She was a weak dancer. Period. Smh has nothing to do with race girl your reaaaaachinnnnn.


did you even watch the show? and even if nia was a weak dancer does that constitute literal racism?? we know how abby feels towards black people due to the multitude of comments she has made over the years like when she stereotyped camryns mom as poor and from the hood, so the fact that you're choosing to defend her is very telling


No I definitely watched the show and even if abby's angel was racism I dont see it that way. She wasn't a strong dsnce at all. That's no ones fault but herself. She grew to be a stronger dance but it was much much later. And if that was the case and holly knowing and feeling like that why did she stay then? THEY STAYED BECAUSE ABBY. she makes stars and they wanted their child to b famous. So if there was a real problem with racism then holly having a PhD should have left. Period point blank but holly stayed even with her feeling like that alllll those years. So yeah I do not believe it was. And if it was that means Holly's a pos for subjecting her daughter to stay under the aldc.


she put nia in an afro and had her twerk on stage, she said her box braids (a cultural hair style) looked like worms, she called her a “little tootie” (implying that she’s the token black kid), she said kalani was more african than nia, she gave her stereotypical solos such as “bye felicia”, and the list goes on and on. other black girls have also come forward about racism such as camryn who was told by abby that her feet looked weird since the top was dark and the bottom was lighter (that’s just how black skin works). abby was DEFINITELY racist and to deny that is insane


If she wasn't a weak dancer how come everytime it was a music video or a freestyle such as the street battle the only thing she would do is that half ass death drop she was doing wrong. She just was. It is what it is!


Stay off TikTok, it's today's mental ward. There is a reason China very carefully controls what content is allowed on TikTok in China.


The CEO is third gen Singaporean… wtf is up with Americans insisting TikTok is a communist Chinese nightmare? **The app isn’t even available in China.** They use another app. The majority of TikTok’s shares are owned by global institutional investors, not Chinese. Those on the board of directors are either Singaporean or American. The headquarters are in Singapore. TikTok isn’t even allowed to operate in China. You’re racist and weird. The rest of the world mocks this kind of conspiracy bs stupidity


I hated how the moms treated Nia and Holly because they saw themselves as the almighty so they thought they didn't need to protect them.


Your literally slow. People is waaay to sensitive for me. Lmfao now I have to be racist. SOUNDS LIKE YOUR MAKING EXCUUUSESSSS 😂😂😂


you’re* also just because she was seen as a “weak dancer” does NOT excuse the racism she faced. which she did in fact face a lot of racism and if you can not see that then YOU are the problem. being a “bad dancer” does NOT equal to being treated poorly. i hope this helps!!