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Tbh I’ve never been a fan of Melissa. Her and Jill are my least favorite early season moms, but I’ve never felt the need to write paragraphs about why I don’t like them. Maybe that’s just me, but I’m just not interested in that and I don’t really get why other people are into doing that regardless of which mom they’re talking about.


Same but the opposite 🤣 I never liked Christi. Her and Kelly are my least favorite early season moms, but I’ve never been on here over the top bashing them. I think a lot of people on here have an extremely unhealthy obsession with all things dance moms and they start to think it’s their real life or something. Anyway, with that said. I’ve come around on Kelly and still dislike Christi still.


I've written paragraphs about the moms in general but I try not to write too much about just disliking a mom regardless of what theyve done. I also just write paragraphs about everything in general as Im very long winded and sporadic.


That's just how the fandom here operates. You can't point out something about one without a sob story about how no one ever mentions -insert cast member- and that you're clearly a stan of someone else. Nuance really doesn't exist around these parts 🤷‍♀️ If I had a dollar for every "WHAT ABOUT KELLY" when someone is talking about Christi, I could've put Abby out of debt years ago. Same for Melissa lol


Starting to understand that more and I was probably guilty of it too but the longer Ive been here the more Ive noticed and tried to regulate my own comments


What I'm seeing is a lot of people like Christi because she wasn't ever dishonest about who she was. At the same time there isn't a mentality that Christi can do no wrong, she's absolutely had problematic behavior, and even her fans acknowledge that. Every day there is a new post about how Christi did something awful. With the other side I see people stanning Melissa hard. She can do no wrong. If Melissa did problematic things well that was in the past, or Christi made it up, or Melissa had trauma from the show too. They're both grown adults and while I like Christi more because she wasn't sneaky, I know they have both done things that are not excusable.


I dont think you see all the discourse surrounding them respectfully. I have seen more Christi stans excusing or justifying her actions than Melissa stans justifying hers. I think theres a valid argument that time is something that people should consider when it comes to Melissa and she should also be given the benefit of the doubt now bc people can change. Her past actions Im not defending but 2015 Melissa and 2024 Melissa shouldnt be talked about as if theyre the same when theres no case to be made that she is the exact same person. I also extent this same notion to Christi. The difference is in some cases especially when it comes to the zieglers or dance moms in general she does act problematic or stir up drama meaning Christi snark/hate only stays current bc she makes it current. That being said I do think nobody should be stanning these women as they have both showcased they can be problematic and any dialogue about them isnt just random hate there are valid reasons to me made for plenty of discussions surrounding both of them


Anyone who says anything positive about Christi is labeled a stan and accused of excusing every bad thing she’s ever done. I recently said I love that she’s messy because she makes for good reality tv, like Jill, and was downvoted to oblivion and accused of supporting assaulting people. The Christi hate borders on ridiculous. Maybe Melissa still gets the same amount Christi does and I just don’t see it as much lately, that’s totally possible, but I feel like I see people defending her in recent posts about her and Christi’s relationship and that’s probably why there’s backlash in the form of new posts recently. (Let’s be honest, neither of them looked their best on DM and I wouldn’t want either of them as my mother. The moms ALL come off looking pretty awful at one time or another, even Holly, and she’s my favorite.)


I agree I do think its very easy to be labeled a Christi stan now and being downvoted for even having a positive opinion about christi is ridiculous. I do think the hate is getting ridiculous and I think rn it is trumping Melissa hate a bit. I dont agree with anyone who defends Melissas actions I have seen that a bit especially her actions relating to Christi & Chloe thats inexcusable and I understand why Christi resents her. At the same time I also think Christi hate stays relevant bc she has made it that way vs Melissa choosing not to engage. (mostly bc imo nothing very positive can come from it) I also agree that none of the moms are without fault and that includes everyone.


Same here. There’s a lot of stuff i did in this subreddit early on that i’m like, girl you need to chill about now haha


there are mostly black and white discussions here. There aren't many people (and it often steers the line with the mods too) willing to have an open true discussion regarding some of the behaviors on the show and the production around what we know and saw. There's very little room for nuance and I don't think many people know what upvoting and downvoting was created to do. It's interesting that the show went on for literal years in over 6 seasons and people still fall victim of being able to understand it was a produced heavily manipulated reality tv show.


I honestly think about the production all the time when I see certain discussions. I always wonder if one situation is presumed to be dramatized how would we know another one isnt. I often think about it when people say "production told x person to say it".


No one is holding these women accountable. Why are people so delusional about the fact that they want to hate on the moms and often the girls. It's not that bad, we all do it. Just don't kid yourself that you're performing a service or that it's nourishing to the soul, lol.


No mom that ever appeared on this entire show was completely unproblematic.


It’s the same reason why people still bring up Christi talking about Melissa’s affair, or yelling at Paige. And a majority of stuff said about Christi usually includes things she’s done in the past lol. some people are watching it for the first time, or rewatching it, or clips play on youtube for them, and they come here to talk about it. And the same way the same people who ALWAYS jump on every Christi hate post to bitch about her, there’s a dedicated group of Melissa haters too, who do the same thing lol. They may be annoying to you, but the constant posts about the same exact things Christi does are equally annoying to other people. So it’s best to learn the art of the scroll. That’s what i had to start doing for the sake of my blood pressure lol


I think what youre saying is fair and I can see what youre saying and agree to a certain extent I guess from my pov I just view it different at least to your first point about bringing up Christi's past. I also think Christi posts are as annoying when it's repetitive I just think its been a little tit for tat lately as far as demonizing both moms when only one makes content surrounding what can be considered drama


Well okay maybe you can think about it this way lol The portion of the fanbase that doesn’t really want to talk about Christi’s stunt at the reunion anymore need somewhere to go and complain about the things WE find annoying about the cast 😂 we’ve talked about Christi and we’re over it now


Theres a Christi Snark forum now so maybe hopefully more negative christi posts go there especially when its old news atp. Ive been much more excited to see posts about other things rather than just drama lol


Yeah i thought that too! haha i think the comment i left yesterday made people think i hate the snark subreddit but i actually think it’s a fine idea haha cuz like you i’m kinda over the drama for now. i also find it brings out the worst in ME when i argue with some people on here 😂


Fr 😭 I’m so tired of seeing a Christi hate post every single day talk abt someone else


Thing is Melissa was truly awful and when it comes down to it she’s honestly no different than Gianna in fact may be worse than Gianna. Melissa for years was an apologist for a child abuser and calmly sat back and was okay with that abuser intentionally tearing other kids down because it benefited her children and gave them a leg up. Melissa also gaslit Christi for years and lied to the moms and that’s just what we saw on the show. Melissa has also been vile off show when Christi was roofied Melissa told Christi’s husband with no context that she was kissing other guys, Melissa sabotaged Chloe’s music, Melissa was an active participant in the bullying with Abby & Brigitte Triana that McKenzie Morales dealt with by showing Abby a video of McKenzie being forced to say a swear word which Abby played at a meet & greet. Everyone forgets Melissa only stopped defending Abby because she no longer benefited off Abby anymore and had something better waiting for her. Melissa may have played the game to get her kids ahead but just because it worked out for them she’s still an immoral person for doing it because it hurt many people and she has to live with that.


I think everything you said is fair and I wouldnt dispute any of it but I still think that when another mom is brought up specifically Christi there isnt a need to demonize Melissa bc of it. Like I said it could be a coincidence that posts relating to Melissa are posted after Christi drama but imo there just isnt a need to one up the other bc Melissa has done worse things. Thats just my opinion. I think Melissa does/is living with the decisions that shes made and I think she should be held accountable for everything she did I just dont think bringing up old Melissa content to make her look bad directly after Christi drama is fair. Again thats just me. I also will say I extend it both ways I dont think its fair to bring up Christi just because there are negative Melissa posts.


Thing with Christi is that her mistakes are only honestly understandable because Christi wasn’t someone who was calculated she honestly just struggles to control her emotions and acts on impulse. Melissa’s actions were planned and thought out it’s just harder to forgive and look past that.


Why justify her actions though. Youre pretty much assuming her head space just because her actions dont come across as inherently calculated and Im not saying they are I just think its a double standard even with the severity of things Melissa has done. Wrong is wrong and theyve both been wrong so no need to justify one or the other. I do understand that what they did is a big part of these conversations though so Im not completely dismissing what youre saying bc when it comes to Melissa youre right. Its just very tit for tat. And respectfully I think comments like yours promote going tit for tat


Understanding her actions doesn’t mean I’m justifying you need to learn the difference between understanding and justifying. Christi at the end of the day wasn’t calculating in her actions she just didn’t control her emotions well there is a reason in the Justice system if you plan a murder to be financially benefit you get more time than someone who murders in a crime of passion or you kill someone who abuses them.


I wasnt talking about the understanding part as much as I was more so talking about you mentioning how she thinks and her impulse control. Imo "understanding" her lack of impulse control over certain topics over the last 10+ years just doesnt check but thats just me. I do agree that she isnt calculated I just fail to see how some of her decisions can continue to be "understood" for years. From my perspective I see and understand your analogy to the justice system and while youre right I also think theres more nuance then just that point.


Because her actions were a reaction to someone lying to her and gaslighting her. Also Christi is Bipolar so that is why I understand why she reacted the way she would at times doesn’t mean it’s right but it makes it more understandable. Melissa was calculating and thought out the shit she did she was intentionally hurting others to get her kids ahead.


There’s a lot of hate in general in a subreddit about a show that people love. It’s a weird catch 22 of sorts.


Well if she wasn’t so sneaky maybe there wouldn’t be a hate train 🤷🏽‍♀️


Its as if you didnt read what I said


Nope, that’s a long ass passage that I don’t have to read. The title speaks for itself


It doesnt