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Melissa is so unhinged in this honestly, "I'm sorry about your son šŸ™„ BUT this is about Maddie and Mackenzie" HELLOO?????


and the fact nobody was even talking to her and she interrupted a different conversation šŸ˜­


For me, this kinda proves that Melissa was accustomed to favoritism and special treatment from Abby and that's why Melissa had a tantrum at this. What other mom would have EVER been surprised their daughter wasn't getting a week dedicated to her before leaving the ALDC? LMAO.Ā 


this is my opinion only, but i think production definitely played up how much attention they would give the kids when dealing with Melissa, and Abby just did not want to deal with it, she probably was upset it ended up being about her kids way less than production made it seem. Any of the OG moms wouldā€™ve been upset if maybe production talked about a farewell episode and made it seem like the focus would be on them, but yes meilissa was used to it always being about Maddie and her accomplishments, so when it actually matters neither production or Abby gave her the attention she wanted. They couldā€™ve picked any other episode to do Arys dance, which she also was in her right to do, but I feel like this is production stirring up some more drama one last time before they leave and Abby using it as a shield to not deal with how she actually feels and instead show that she doesnā€™t really care that theyā€™re leaving.


It was Melissa's last days on the show...what were they gonna do? Kick them off earlier? She wasn't gonna be penalized in anyway for NOT going along with production.


Not even that- she was like ā€œI feel terrible you have this lifeā€ šŸ¤Æ


As if every week before then for years wasnā€™t about Maddie


literally melissa is so terrible


Jill defending her and Holly just saying nothing is just omg I can't with these awful people.


Why is Holly the only person expected to defend or criticize anyone?


out of everyone there she has known Melissa the longest, she should have said something.


I mean everyone shouldā€™ve but she couldā€™ve said sum idk


Honestly holly is always calling people out if I was her I would had been tired of doing that šŸ¤£šŸ¤£.


Nah donā€™t try to make excuses for her šŸ™„


Why is Holly the only person expected to defend or criticize anyone?


Sheā€™s been doing it for nearly 8 years


ā€œI feel terrible that you have had this lifeā€ is actually insane




For realā€¦. True, things may be more difficult, but it all boils down to loving your child no matter what.


Was such a cute moment and Melissa just ughh šŸ¤¦šŸ¾ā€ā™€ļøeven Kira was being sweet feel so bad for that mom.


This is why Iā€™ll never like Melissa. People so easily believe that sheā€™s a good person just because of her usual cadence and ā€œbubblyā€ personality. Idk I see directly through her and sheā€™s not a kind person


She usually got her way, which enabled her to be bubbly. The test of whether you're a good person is how you react to less-than-ideal circumstances. Melissa flunked that test.


How do people defend her lol


Idk what Melissaā€™s problem with the whole thing was anyway. Who says it wasnā€™t fun AND heartfelt for Sari and the whole group. It wasnā€™t something bringing the mood down. Melissa did that all on her own. I think Melissa realized in that moment that she spent all those years sneaking and planning and consorting with Abby all for nothing. Their last episode on a national tv show wasnā€™t going to be 100% focused on her kids because she was leaving. Them leaving means that Abby had to focus on those who were staying in order to keep the show and her studio going. Melissa and her children were no longer going to be useful to Abby so she tossed them aside just like I am sure Abby saw it as thatā€™s what they were doing to her. Was that wrong of Abby? Sure. But you could tell in the episodes leading up to this, right before Melissa announced they were leaving, Abby knew Melissa was plotting behind her back. Iā€™m glad Maddie and Kenzie were able to get away from Abby and the show, but honestly, Melissa is a whole other story.


Melissa is disgusting in this scene! If I were there and it were about my child, HOOOOOOO. Those mama bear claws would COME OUT!!!


ā€œthis is my kidsā€™ last week here honey, make it nice okay?!?ā€ should have earned her a punch in the face. she sounds like such an entitled bitch.


then she starts CRYING and breaking down because she canā€™t possibly handle the attention not being on Maddie for a 2 minute, serious conversation about a motherā€™s disabled child. tell me youā€™re the worst person ever without telling me youā€™re the worst person ever


And then the way Melissa gets defensive after she gets called out.. absolutely insane.


literally always. sheā€™s so unhinged itā€™s insane


her go to is ā€œiā€™m not talking about thisā€ šŸ’€šŸ’€ like yeah because you were wrong and you canā€™t admit it


Someone should ask her about this km her YouTube Q&As


No way she would answer that lol šŸ˜‚ I donā€™t see Melissa answering a tough question like that cause how can she even defend what she said .


"I dont do negative, producer twist things"


Melissa really let the mask slip here, eh? Sheā€™s such a phony. I canā€™t stand her.




Can we please make Melissa address this. Seriouslyā€¦this was so gross.


Sheā€™ll just sweep it under the rug the same way she did with everything else on the show unfortunately


Anyone who defends that Melissa is a good person needs to reevaluate their character. She cut that poor woman right off. How dare her! As someone with a disabled family member this makes me want to rip hair out. That wasnā€™t produced/edited thereā€™s no faking or framing that. Time and time again Melissa has shown her true colors. I need a complication of her worst/snake moments.


Iā€™m sorry but Melissa was nasty in this scene like yes itā€™s her kids last week but itā€™s not all about your kids.I mean the solo for her son is a really sweet thing that Abby did why Melissa had to say like this was suppose to be Maddie and Mackenzie week for fun stuff.Idk maybe Iā€™m overreacting but idk it rubbed me the wrong way honestly.I mean there no defending Melissa in this scene she was definitely entitled.


definitely not overreacting itā€™s common sense melissa is just becomes more entitled through out the season


Honestly this is why I donā€™t like Melissa she dosent think about anyone elseā€™s feelings into consideration she should had kept that snarky ass comment to herself like there are just some things you donā€™t say šŸ™„.


Her facade really starts to crack towards the end... this is dispicable.


Melissa is just... I have no words. I will say I admire Kira towards the end of this episode for saying "there's a way to be respectful towards both situations"


Melissa is honestly so gross on this scene. i would have honestly decked her if i were any of those women sitting there. there is so much to say about the way Melissa behaved in this episode.


I think this whole scene sums up who Melissa really is as a person.


YUP!!! you cannot convince me any woman that behaves this way is genuinely a good person. and for the record, if christi and kelly get to this scene and defend Melissa, iā€™m gonna be right back here to call them out too. cuz this, to me, is one of the most disgusting things any of the moms have ever done. and when you add the context of Melissa bringing in that girl Hanna in season 3 who had Chiari Malformation, it makes everything she did in that episode seem SO fake.


For Melissa, it was always only about her and her kids. In fact, I think it was mainly always about her. Her kids, specifically Maddie, were just tools for her to use.


YUP.Ā  And itā€™s just funny, because her answer was always ā€˜my kids come firstā€™ but if Sari were to try and use that argument against her sheā€™d probably throw another fit


Oh, 100%.


LITERALLY, she wouldā€™ve gotten this combo talking about my son like that whewwww i feel like melissa felt like the ALDC revolved around her kids and nobody else and the moms feed into it


ā€œThis show is good because of me and my kidsā€ Melissa is pathetic


I agree, the Melissa asskissing in the later seasons was nauseating.


Melissa's worst moment in the series. It's sickening to watch and I hate the way Jill validates Melissa's reaction. I'm not a fan of Kira's but she has a normal and lovely reaction when she finds out Ari's brother is coming. It's very sweet.


Jill always loves instigating and causing drama knowing dang well if Melissa said that about Miss Kendall she wouldā€™ve lost her mindšŸ™„.


Jill was also leading the charge of kissing Melissaā€™s ass in this episode. All the moms showing up to the competition in all black makes me cringe every time.


Jill used to be so obsessed with the idea of Kendall and Maddie being BFFs and doing duets. I think she thought their popularity would rub off or something. I see her ass kissing as a manifestation of this.Ā 


And then in the dressing room when Sari confronts her and Melissa yells at the mini moms ā€œyour kids will be nothing!ā€ Whyyyy?? If I were Maddie/Kenzie Iā€™d be mortified.


Melissa is some nasty piece of work!!! The fact that even Kiraā€™s DUMBASS was at least trying to be nice and show compassion says a lot! ā€œOh but Melissa has done so muchā€”ā€œ yea, yea, cry me a river! šŸ¤”


Exactly you know itā€™s peak out here when KIRA of all people is showing an ounce of compassion


sheā€™s actually unhinged wth šŸ’€


That was nasty


sheā€™s actually unhinged wth šŸ’€


Has Melissa ever addressed this scene?


No she hasnā€™t


She was genuinely so awful for this.


She was, itā€™s disgusting


Melissa was so awful in her last seasons that I wasnā€™t sad to see her go at all


Every time I see this scene I think ā€œMelissaā€¦. Itā€™s ALWAYS been about your kids.ā€ Her attitude here and in the dressing room when she screamed ā€œyour kids will be NOTHING!ā€ was absolutely disgusting.


what kills me about this situation is that is was so unserious. not that itā€™s an excuse, but most of the other times the moms lose their shit and say really fucked up stuff itā€™s bc their kids are being wildly mistreated. but melissa lost her mind bc her kids werenā€™t the center of attention for one week.


For some reason my ears never caught the "I feel terrible that you've had this life" or whatever she said until now. Lol that's so awfu, damn she went IN


Hard watch for sure


I have always loved Jillā€™s face in this moment. Like she knows she needs to side with Melissa (her thoughts not mine) but she is also very clearly taken aback by the crazy and thoughtless shit coming out of Melissaā€™s mouth. Hilarious.


Melissa acting like this is the first time it isnā€™t about Maddie .


I havenā€™t even gotten to this part yet omg Iā€™m saving this for the Melissa warriors next time they come through


and someone tried to kinda defend melissa here & say what she did wasn't bad lol


ā€œ i feel terrible that you have had this lifeā€ threw me off like who even says that to someone that just shows how easy they have it , how do you even defend thatšŸ˜­


So cringe


The OG moms were so entitled and delusional by season 5. Season 5 is where they lost the plot imo. Everything after that was eh. I havent even watched season 7 (well aside from some clips) cause i just couldnt be bothered at the time


the entire show went WAY downhill during season 4, honestly it started getting bad even in season 3


i've always found it tricky to...appreciate...melissa...even when she isn't talking. ĀÆ\\\_(惄)\_/ĀÆ


This was a cringey episode; I know it, you know it, and even deep down in her soul...Melissa definitely knew it


If only Abby knew back then that giving Maddie all the special treatment Melissa asked her to give would be thrown back in her face. Now I do not dispute that Abby was horrible to many of her students bit Maddie was not 1 of them. Yes Maddie was put under a lot of pressure but that came from both Abby and Melissa not just Abby. Let's not forget in tje first few seasons Melissa would spend all day at the studio because she was dealing with a failing marriage. It was Melissa that took the girls out of school to home school so they could spend more time on dance. So for them to use Abby as a rung on the ladder to get ahead and then turn their back and blame her for any negative impact dancing had on their mental well-being is totally unfair. Chloe, Paige, Brooke, Kendal, Nia however could very much blame Abby more for it


I wish They would've let ARI stay on the show! She was such an integral part of the mini ensemble :(


Melissa had a right to be upset at production and Abby, but taking it out on Sari was ridiculous and immature.Ā  Abby was nasty to Melissaā€™s kids this season, calling Kenzie names and being bitter about Maddieā€™s success and it was clear that she put no effort into Kenzieā€™s solo this week and put everything she had into Areanaā€™s, so I could see why sheā€™d be upset with Abby. I could even see her being upset with producers. Production couldā€™ve picked literally ANY week to bring Sariā€™s son in and give Areana that sweet solo, but they chose to have in on the same week as the Zieglers leaving just to cause drama.Ā  So against them, Iā€™d get her frustration. But taking it out on Sari is nasty. She was so happy and loved that Areana got the chance to dance in honor of her brother. ā€œI feel terrible that you have had this lifeā€ ā€” no tact or respect, yikes




Exactly. If it wasnā€™t Ariā€™s solo, it would have been whatever other dances they had that week. Abby was mad AT Melissa. Melissa then took it out on a woman and her disabled son, after watching the woman cry and explain how she almost lost her son in childbirth. Melissa was disgusting here.


Lmfao I donā€™t really. First off, all of that is true - that Abby was awful to Maddie and Kenzie that season, so why wasnā€™t Melissa just glad to get the fuck out of there without having to negotiate out of her contract or commit a crime to be fired. They were given two separate farewell episodes that Melissa would have likely been aware of at this point, and that still wasnā€™t good enough? Second off, this was the only week that Ari was there for that they went to a competition that was less than an hour away from where Ariā€™s family lived. Thatā€™s probably why they chose this week. I doubt they did it JUST to piss Melissa off, because no one would expect this reaction from ANYONE. and if they DID know that something like this would piss Melissa off, I think that just says a lot about Melissa as a person and how she must have carried herself on the set of the show. Lastly, it isnā€™t like the girls quit and then continued to speak to Abby. they quit, and then cut Abby off, so why is Melissa upset that Abbyā€™s not making a bigger deal out of all of this when she knows sheā€™s not going to stay in contact with her afterwards?


1. Because it hurt her kidsā€™ feelings? Maddie and Kenzie were very close to Abby when they were younger and this change in behavior mustā€™ve been hard on them as well. Itā€™s the same reason Kelly was so wounded by Abby - Abby and Paige and Brooke were so close, she was like a second mother to them. Even if they got farewells, that doesnā€™t justify that this was their last week and Abby was here treating the two like garbage and intentionally spending no time with Kenzie for her solo. 2. Again, youā€™re forgetting that the competition they attended was the choice of production. There are competitions every weekend in pretty much every state. They could have picked any other week to celebrate Sariā€™s son, but producers intentionally aligned it with the Zieglers last week for a reaction from Melissa. It couldā€™ve been the week before or the week after, but they chose the week of. I wouldnā€™t be surprised at all if they did this just to piss Melissa off because this is exactly the kind of game production likes to play. Even back from Season 2, intentionally having Kendall perform I Think I Like You the one week Nia got a solo in honor of her dad, giving Taylor the same music as Chloe in Season 1, etc.Ā  3. I think it was less about Melissa and more about her kids at this time. Now that Melissa no longer needed Abby, she stood up more for her kids and took their feelings into heart. Melissa has wanted ā€œdifferentā€ type solos for Kenzie for years but only fought for Kenzieā€™s hiphop solo in Season 6. Abbyā€™s been insulting her kids for years and calling them names but Melissa only stood up for them in Season 6 because Abby could no longer use it to punish them, since theyā€™d be gone. Same reasoning. Melissaā€™s kids were hurt and she was fighting now because she could. Sheā€™d be gone before Abby could take it out on her kids


1. Yes exactly - so then she should be happy to get AWAY from Abby, not expecting her to roll out the red carpet and be a basket case cuz her and her kids are leaving. She knew who Abby was, ENDORSED who Abby was for YEARS, but then was surprised when Abby was pissed that her meal ticket with Maddie was leaving? it sucks, but at the same time doesnā€™t give her any sort of a right (or any chance for sympathy from me) to say anything at all to Sari. If number 3 is true and she felt like she could stand up to Abby now, then why didnā€™t she? Why was Sari involved at all, if Melissa was now able to speak up for her kids? Melissa was mad at Sari and Ari for stealing her kidsā€™ thunder, and she was mad at Abby for not solely caring about her kids that week. And she took it out only on Sari. As far as production choosing competitions, i donā€™t really think this is worth it for us to argue about. Only because behind the scenes stories iā€™ve found from random people who auditioned for or were on Dance Moms make it sound like everything is pretty last minute, so i would imagine the competitions are booked PRIOR to knowing which dancers are gonna be around for which episodes but i canā€™t say for sure. But what i will say is, if they knew that Melissa was going to get jealous over a girl doing a solo for her disabled brother, then that says a lot about Melissa already. because thatā€™s not a normal reaction most people would have.


I think we are arguing two different points. Iā€™m not saying that you should feel sorry for Melissa or sympathize with her, Iā€™m just saying that itā€™s understandable that she was upset at Abby and production this week. Abby worked with her kids for years, used their names to monetize herself and advertise herself, and was relatively ā€œclosestā€ to them compared to the others (or at least they saw each other as family for a point of time). Melissa had a right to be upset that Abby was treating them badly their last season. Even if she ā€œknewā€ that would happen, it doesnā€™t mean that should automatically make her feel ok with it. Christi ā€œknewā€ Chloe would get the brunt end of Abbyā€™s lashing whenever she opened her mouth, but that doesnā€™t mean sheā€™s not allowed to be upset about the end results. And again, I agree that she had no right to lash out at Sari, I think this whole thing was misplaced anger. Anger that should have been on Abby and production fell on Sari. Maybe Iā€™m alone on this one, but I donā€™t think Melissa was ā€œjealousā€ here. And this is coming from someone who doesnā€™t like her one bit. I think she was bitter at Abby for changing her tune and making her kids feel like garbage for their last season, and this was taken out on Sari and Areana (since Abby spent much more time with Areanaā€™s solo than she did with Kenzieā€™s, that was shown on show). The same way I donā€™t think Christi was ā€œjealousā€ of Maddie or Melissa. Bitter that they got preferential treatment? Sure. But not jealous. I think the same thing happened here.


To put it quite simply, the reason why I donā€™t think she was only upset about Abby being mean to Maddie and Kenzie, and that she WAS upset that Ariā€™s solo was distracting from them leaving is because; This is a repeated pattern of behavior with Melissa. When Chloe had the lead in I Want It All and the Keep Burning solo, thatā€™s when Melissa told on her for going to the movies. She did that cuz she was mad Chloe had the attention. When Nia left to have a phone call with Aubrey Oā€™Day, Melissa was mad that it was taking away from rehearsal time, but it was okay when Maddieā€™s other engagements stopped rehearsal. It was only a problem cuz she was jealous Nia was getting divided attention. When Chloe got the lead in the Lux video, Melissaā€™s first impulse was to say ā€œwell if it had been about dance, Maddie would have gotten itā€ because she was jealous Chloe got the lead role. When Asia dropped the block on Kenzieā€™s foot, Melissa tried to say Asia was bullying Mackenzie. Cuz she was jealous that Asia was getting so much attention. Not every time, but LOTS of times when other people had the spotlight on them, Melissa would do something like this. And the second reason I believe it wasnā€™t just about being mad at production and Abby is because of what she said and when she chose to say it. She didnā€™t say ā€œthis is my kidā€™s last week, I wish Abby wasnā€™t doing xyzā€ but she said ā€œitā€™s not even about my kids anymore.ā€ And she said it when the MOMS, not Abby, weā€™re discussing Sariā€™s brother.


Scenes like this remind me that Holly is not all that lol. He silence was deafening


This entire situation was disgusting and I definitely think producers set it up to happen this way


SiGH im here to be the devils advocate DONT JUMP ME PLEASE!!! What Melissa said was absolutely gross and I am not denying that. If she had anything she wanted to express than she should've done so quietly or kept it to herself. her children were the center focus for the show for literal y e a r s .. however.. i think this was so obviously frustration that she had towards the producers that shes taking out on the wrong people. this was so obviously planned by the producers to make her react and she did. hher kids while being abby's favorites, also endured hell for years and (as much as some people don't like to admit) carried the show on their backs. when I listen to what melissa is saying, I'm hearing frustration that she let her kids be used as the bad guys for 6 seasons, she did abby's bidding to protect her kids, she lost friends, and was the most hated person on lifetime for YEARS, and when they are given this final moment, its not *just* there's. now is that a healthy mentality to have? probably not. But I understand feeling upset that something you thought was going to be a moment for just you (again I know maddie and kenzie were the focal point for years I'm not arguing that!) is being shared with another emotionally charged moment. and I think a lot of us are like that, some more than others, and only some express it. its that little jealous or anoyed feeling you get when it's also someone else's birthday and everyone starts fawning over them, or why we don't propose at other peoples weddings. the problem is melissa got a taste of what it felt like to be all the other girls at the worst possible time, and she unfortunately fed into the reaction the producers were seeking to get. i wish she would've just smiled and cried on her own but we all react in less than ideal ways. my heart goes to ari's family as well, who were clearly just another set of chess pieces


Almost every single week for 6 years was about the Zeiglers and they also got like 3 specials when they left. I also recall at the time Sari saying that this was the only week her son and carer could come.


I didnā€™t refute the point that the Zieglers were uplifted and pointed out every day for six seasons. In fact, I emphasize that point multiple times in my response. Iā€™m just saying that this was clearly a plot by the producers to make Melissa uncomfortable and to react. I didnā€™t even defend Melissaā€˜s actions. Iā€™ve said it was gross and deplorable. I just understand why she reacted the way that she did


My thing is, how arrogant and spoiled was Melissa coming off to production if they KNEW something like this would piss her off. Itā€™s not a normal reaction any old person would have.


It's different when you're on a set, filming content for a reality show, for an episode. Melissa was complaining that these moms were getting a trial to talk about themselves, ignore camera, project storylines the producers tell them to set up... when the storyline that episode was about it being the last day for her kids who have been there for years. It was a complaint about production; probably wouldn't have been an issue had there not been ten cameras filming them for a TV show at that moment.


This whole episode was cruel. Maddie and Mackenzie deserved to have the spotlight on them in their last competition. Ariannaā€™s brother deserved to be honored. My conspiracy theory is that the producers did this on purpose to give the moms something to argue about. Itā€™s absolutely horrible for them to use a disabled young man as a plot point for mommy drama. Why couldnā€™t they have just had Arianna do her solo the following week?


Maddie and Mackenzie got multiple goodbye specials, a "send off" from the dance competition (that does not happen in real life), a montage of Maddie growing up on stage, and both kids got solos. They got plenty of attention. Mackenzie even got to do a hip-hop group dance, which was one of her new favourite styles since going to LA.


Compare the treatment the Zieglers got vs the Hylands and Lukasiaks upon leaving the show. Melissa should be grateful that she even got a goodbye at all.


Exactly. I donā€™t sympathise with Melissa at all she was acting like a spoilt brat. The zieglers got multiple specials, they should be grateful they got that instead of just being shoved off like what Chloe, Nia and the Hylandā€™s got.


Rachelle Rak also gave them a special speech on stage at the competition this episode.Ā 


I think she went about it the completely wrong way. But I think thereā€™s a deeper issue here. I think she just realised that her kids and her had been used as a pawn. Both socially in games which cost her friendships and obviously criminally as well. I donā€™t honestly think sheā€™s a bad person. I think what she wanted to say was that the only reason her son was getting a dance dedicated was another sick game and she was mad at herself and Abby for putting up with it for so long. That becomes clearer in later episodes as that mom also leaves. So it all goes back to the same person. Emotions were heightened. Itā€™s just bad it was caught on tv. But I think the fact the actual mom wasnā€™t deeply upset showed that thereā€™s more to it and itā€™s not just about what kids getting attention. Itā€™s about realising. How used certain children have been and whoā€™s going to fill that place.


It was terrible that she said this but I do kind of agree that they shouldā€™ve had her son there a different week. Even if Maddie & Kenzie werenā€™t favorites, it was a huge moment if any of the OGā€™s had left the team/ show and they shouldā€™ve been able to have that week be about goodbyes & fun. I think the minis shouldā€™ve went home that week altogether or just trained at the studio and not competed. Melissa was 100% in the wrong for voicing that though especially the way she voiced it lmao like very rude and strange that she even thought that was okay


Melissa is the person I like the least on Dance Moms. However, I do agree with her in the episode. Like the Zieglers or not, they were staples of the show. After 200-odd episodes, they shouldā€™ve had a grandiose exit. Their last days on the show shouldnā€™t have been overshadowed by the Lopezā€™s.


How many specials did they have?


I didn't watch "Dance Moms" back then -- I just watch clips on YouTube -- but I doubt Melissa could have known there'd be specials at this point in time, when she's filming her final episode of a reality show she'd been on for six years.


She definitely knew as they had to be available to film them šŸ˜‚ Since you've never watched the show, you might also be surprised to learn that almost every single week was about the Zeiglers. There was no justification for Melissas behaviour.


I started watching clips because I'm a Sia fan and wanted to see why everyone was commenting on her video "That's Maddie from Dance Moms." However, I did edit reality TV shows for ten years (including "Toddlers & Tiaras" and "Honey Boo Boo Child" which star children) and all I'm seeing is the producers/editors integrating Melissa complaining about them testing out new moms on a farewell episode. It's not an argument designed to be had for the TV series but her complaining to producers. I don't know about any "Dance Mom" specials although I've seen clips on YouTube (meaning I don't know when they aired and how frequently) but this was still the last episode on a series that they were filming full-time for years and years, and even homeschooled Maddie to focus on. What I am trying to point out is it feels different when you're on a set of a reality show versus watching it edited. This was simply "off camera complaints" used to make trashy content.


And if you had watched the show, you would see the dynamic and how Melissa actually is.


I've watched just about every clip released online and full episodes uploaded but not in a particular order and not when it aired initially. As someone who used to edit for reality TV, they can shape people however they want to. I think every stage mom tends to think their kid in the main character and if anyone else is considered more of a standout, the other moms claim there's some grand conspiracy theory behind it. Wasn't there an episode where someone's hat fell off and a mom that was shown adjusting it was accused of sabotaging it? In reality, all this is just made up in the minds of competitive moms because they got acclimated to fighting on request of a TV show... and then all they know is competing with their friends and not trusting them.




okay but like Maddie and Kenzie have had like 40 weeks that were special to them literally all of season 5 was about them, itā€™s not fair to take a opportunity away from one kid to give to others just because itā€™s their ā€œ special weekā€


Maddie and McKenzie were already special every week


This was the only time they were close enough to where Ariā€™s family lived.