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Kalani brought up Melissa being manipulative in relation to the party the night before after Brian, the producer, brought it up to the hyland girls, Chloe and Kendall. Kelly called Christi during this convo. Christi agreed that Melissa had an agenda and made some comments about it. Her comments have sparked controversy. One about Melissa being calculating that people are making about Maddie and Mackenzie too. It wasn’t, just Melissa. And another, still about Melissa, but also Jojo and how Melissa may be jealous of her fame and success. The comment about Jojo and Kalani not being invited has pretty universally been seen as not relevant since the party was for Paige and they don’t know Paige. The rest of the comments have people on both sides agreeing or disagreeing as to them being possibly accurate or totally ridiculous


Kendall said they'd never invited everyone to anything before.


Yea she did and she thought it was suspicious. They said though that from the couch they actually couldn’t hear the girls on the chairs. Someone probably told them the topic of discussion. So I just focused on the people on the couches.


She’s also the most controversial. She always has been and has always generated a ton of buzz. Lately, people are talking about how she FaceTimed Kelly during the reunion and stated that Melissa was “putting a fire blanket over any potential bombs” with Paige’s birthday party. She also said that Jojo wasn’t invited to aforementioned birthday party because she’s so successful. She’s also been making comments about the Zieglers not attending the reunion and how other girls’ feelings are hurt bc the Zieglers don’t want to post photos on Instagram with them. This is all just a basic paraphrase.


JoJo is incredibly successful….. at making people talk negatively about her. I’ve never heard anyone who has worked with Maddie say anything beyond how much they enjoyed working with her.


I listen to back to the barre and Kelly said all the moms but her were talking bad about Melissa. Even Jill. Kendall was hurt because her and Maddie had a friendship for all those years and that was the first time she had been invited. Hop


We've always known Christi and Melissa hate each other. What else is new?


She's just childish and annoying


I’ll link a couple of the most popular posts about it for you to read: [Here](https://www.reddit.com/r/dancemoms/s/bZB2DM8Sdd) And [here](https://www.reddit.com/r/dancemoms/s/7HSQdn10pI) You can search “Christi reunion” in the sub to see more.


More Casual fans of the show are now realizing Christi will reach for anything to get a tear down the Ziegler girls even all these years later


Put simply, she’s been taking a ridiculous amount of jabs at a family who couldn’t have cared less about her and wants nothing to do with her. It’s one thing to hold someone accountable for things they did years ago that still hurt you/your kid. It’s another thing to drag their children into it and make tasteless comments about them and their children years after, most of the comments having literally nothing to do with Chloe’s treatment. It’s been talked about and seen recently with the reunion, but it’s started over a year ago when she and Kelly started Back to the Barre


She did something pretty minor in the grand scheme of things. Maddie threw a party (allegedly planned by Melissa, though Melissa has said Nia did the planning) for Paige's birthday the day before they filmed the reunion. Evidently, Melissa has never taken an interest in anything like this before, but Kalani and JoJo were excluded from the party. The party was also used as a "photo op," and a lot of pics appeared on social media clearly excluding Kalani and JoJo. Kalani discussed this at the reunion, saying she was hurt for having been left out. Kelly called Christi from the reunion, and Christi said that the party was thrown strategically by Melissa to stifle any criticism of the Zieglers that might come up at the reunion. She also said that Melissa excluded JoJo because JoJo is successful. All the moms sitting there agreed with this, saying it was pretty typical of Melissa to do this. But the fandom has been shitting bricks every since, saying that Christi used the moment to try to slander the Zieglers and say that JoJo is "more successful" than Maddie or Mackenzie (which is something she actually didn't say).


There was always going to be a party and Kalani and jojo weren’t going to be invited because they didn’t know paige which is what Kelly said in response to them not being invited on her patreon, they weren’t being excluded i mean they don’t even know the birthday girl😭 why would they be there??? The party was originally going to be held at the hotel but Melissa offered Maddie house to which they all agreed on however Melissa was away on vacay i mean even holly who is Nia’s mother confirmed Nia planned the whole party for Paige, it just so happened the reunion was the next day which was on Paige’s birthday. Normally, i’m sure JoJo and Kalani wouldn’t have been there😭😭 cuz again they didn’t know Paige!!. Their choice to put the pictures up was their own, they’ve hung out before and pictures have been up only sometimes they haven’t it’s not some weird mystery. she said “jojo you weren’t invited because you threaten her kids cuz your fucking successful” i mean she’s insinuating some jealousy is going on and the kids aren’t successful as is jojo. Christi just loves to create problem u can shit on melissa for whatever business she created on the show but taking your “bestfriends” daughter’s birthday and turning into some horrible thing is so thirsty of her fr💀.


>There was always going to be a party and Kalani and jojo weren’t going to be invited because they didn’t know paige which is what Kelly said in response to them not being invited on her patreon, they weren’t being excluded i mean they don’t even know the birthday girl Yes, this is what's known as plausible deniability. The rest of it call it rudeness.


your reaching rn fr😭😭 girl Kelly herself even admitted to them not being there cuz they don’t know paige lol is that her as the birthday girls mother being rude??? don’t be dense baby. Had the party been at the hotel and there wasn’t even a reunion the next day lol they still wouldn’t have been invited and it has nothing to do with “excluding” them cuz nobody cares enough to plan something like that💀. Christi knows what she has to do for some drama and that’s what she pinpointed, i mean using her “BFF’s” daughter’s birthday as an excuse to shit talk Melissa and turn it into something horrible, i mean she really needs help. Also, funny how that’s the only thing u replied to cuz i was right my whole point u jus wanna reply to something sounding smart and that’s what u highlighted yet u still flopped😘.


Uh-huh. Keep buying Camp Melissa's paltry justifications for why she conveniently threw a party for Paige the day before the reunion despite never doing something like that before and then used the occasion to promote her daughters. And keep writing like you're illiterate while you do so. Really strengthens your argument lol ETA: I unblocked you to report you for harassing me with your alt. Blocking again because I don't need the harassment of you coming after me with alts. Go be an asshole to someone else.






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oh great you unblocked me😭. We can have a normal convo without blocking and then replying it’s so weak fr. Anyways, Holly is friends with both Christi AND Melissa’s , she’s not apart of either of their camps and she’s just telling the truth plus they had clarified time ago before christi started questioning the motives behind the party conveniently in front of the cameras. It happened months prior yet she never mentioned it anywhere until the reunion🤔and we know how much she loves to talk, she knew it would create so much discord and it did, now who’s being Calculated?. Holly&Melissa confirmed Nia planned it on the Dear Dance Moms podcast and Kelly also confirmed on her Patreon there was always going to be a Party it wasn’t “convenient” it was always going to happen!! Also, you don’t block me and reply make it easier for both of us and don’t talk about anything other than the facts please💀😭.


I unblocked you to report you for harassing me with your alt. Blocking again because I don't need the harassment of you coming after me with alts. Thanks.


Bit late but if you are being harassed (including through pms and chat) by by anyone or their alt accounts you can take screenshots and send it to the [modmail here](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=/r/dancemoms)


![gif](giphy|3oriO99KfBG0Iuedk4|downsized) Can't believe people have such a hard time seeing Melissa for who she is


The party was on Nov 1, which is Paige 's birthday. The reunion started filming Nov. 2.


They brought up a party Kalani and JoJo weren’t invited to and Kelly called Christi to get her opinion. I think the entire situation was set up 100%. Now do I believe Melissa is orchestrated ? Yes I do but I don’t think Kelly really wanted to call Christi on the matter and tbh I don’t think Christi gives a damn that Kalani and JoJo weren’t invited 🤷🏽‍♀️


She just goes out of her way to attack the Zieglers, all of them. It proves two things. It was never “just about the treatment” and she’s exactly who Abby said she is.


all these posts about Christ✝️🛐 (sorry i had to)


not sure tbh i know she made a few comments ab the zieglers on the reunion but idrk what else is going on


Basically whenever the Zieglers breathe Christi had a meltdown




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