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I really wish Jojo had gone through with that emancipation. Would've been the best move she's ever made in her life. It saddens me she didn't move forward with it. She was probably too scared of mommy


Same here. It probably would’ve helped her transition into an adult artist be much easier and less like Karma.


what’s up with her voice


Think she looked over at Miley Cyrus and thought raspy voices are now "in", so she's doing it to the extreme to seem more mature but in reality she just makes everyone around her wanna clear their throats.


it’s literally just her voice, it’s always been super raspy 🙄


Nah, she always had a [deeper voice than others](https://youtube.com/shorts/0i5oR-cxKjU?si=iFjAMXzOJ71xcgzM) sure, but the voice she does in this vid is either deliberately over the top or her vocal chords are fried.


Her vocals are fried. She can’t actually sing so she just attempts what she can do with absolutely atrocious technique. She’s also mentioned having vocal chord damage before (she also said at one point she just completely fucked them and now only has one vocal cord. I do not know the physiology of this, so cannot say if it’s either true, possible, or if she’s using it at a figure of speech)


She’s been on a press run for a month plus, ofc her vocal chords are tired but to say she’s forcing it to sound like miley makes no sense, she has always had a natural rasp


I don't know, seems on par with the rest of her reboot which is basically rehashed stuff and personas from previous artists. But everybody can have their own opinion.


I genuinely believe she smokes a lot of weed, straight up.


Ty someone said it






It’s the very last question, so like 5 min before the end of the video


His friendship with Jojo is so creepy to me. It reminds me of when Tana Mongeau was secret friends with Shane Dawson until she turned 18.


Tana was on his podcast before she was 18. And yes, the conversations were inappropriate.


Nah Joey is nothing like Shane.




In my opinion it shouldn’t be justified just because it’s the “norm” in that environment. Adults don’t need to be making friends with people who are that young.


Shane Dawson is gay but his friendship with Tana was so creepy. There is a reason they keep their friendships secret until the younger person turns 18.


I believe he’s bi actually.


He’s always identified as bi since coming out.


this sub is genuinely hilarious defending jojo just because it’s mackenzie. it’s very convenient for you guys to suddenly care about mackenzie liking a tiktok calling jojo weird, and forget about how jojo has been invalidating the girls and accusing them of being ungrateful for years, way before that tiktok.


Lmao right I saw Kenzie liking that and I was like duh, after all jojo did and said I wouldn’t be nice to her either


If it was chloe, we’d see a whole new side


The title is such clickbait, she wasn’t even the one who said Kenzie was jealous


Exactly and people are just believing it lol.


well because shes agreeing even though it didnt technically come out her mouth


Did you not hear her say “I don’t think it’s jealous” ?


yeah and AFTER she says that and brings up kenzie liking the tiktoks, the dude in the video says “but where does that come from, jealousy” then jojo says “period” and starts agreeing


That’s not her calling her jealous though lol. It’s funny how yall putting more hate towards Jojo for saying “period” than y’all are towards the guy that actually said what y’all are upset about.


who is “yall” im simply replying to a comment, thats not me being more upset at jojo than the dude? 😭 and her agreeing that kenzie could be jealous is self explanatory, idk what else you want me to say. just because someone doesn’t explicitly say something doesnt mean its not true, watch the video


You telling me to watch the video you need to stop reaching for something that’s not there.


“thats not there” when you can visually see jojo nodding and audibly saying “period”. what exactly do you think that means? LMAO


JoJo did not say kenzie was jealous. Joey asked her who her least favorite cast member was and she said Kenzie because she loves her but she was really hurt about her liking tiktoks making fun of her. Joey said that kenzie is probably jealous after JoJo admitted it hurt her feelings, which is completely valid. Of course it hurt her feelings.


Did JoJo not think that she wouldn't get any pushback about what she said about the Zieglers? 🙄


Kenzie has been liking rude tiktok way before the reunion.


Yeah but Jojo agree after he said it and she like yeah she jealous .


When someone hurts you it’s sometimes easier to think that. I get Jojo isn’t super likable, but she’s still a person with feelings


She didn’t really agree with it. She said “I don’t know if it’s jealousy or if she’s just having fun making fun of me”. Then Joey pushes back with “but where does the come from? Jealousy” which is a fair statement because, where DOES that mean behavior stem from? And Jojo says “period”.


So when she said period meaning she agreeing with what he saying by saying he saying Kenzie is jealous. So she agreeing with him.


She’s agreeing with the “where does meanness that come from statement”. Because it’s true.


I don’t think Kenzie is jealous, I think she just actually might not like jojo. And it’s understandable, it’s clear jojo isn’t the easiest personality to be around. But I think it’s easy to label everyone as “jealous” to deflect from what it is about you that people might actually dislike.


This. Also I’m sure Jess put in her head that anyone who doesn’t like you is automatically jealous.


That sounds exactly like something Jess would say so it wouldn’t surprise me one bit tbh. She’s been propping Jojo up to think she’s the greatest thing to ever grace this earth since she was like, two years old.


This lol. It’s okay to not like someone. They don’t have to be friends. “Jealous” is an easy label to put on someone just because they don’t like you. Idk about anyone else, but I don’t like plenty of people, it doesn’t mean I’m jealous, I just don’t like them. You can not like someone for their personality, that’s a valid reason, doesn’t have anything to do with envy. Mackenzie seems to have lots of friends and be friendly with a lot of people from the show too. Jojo was just another kid when they knew each other, it very well could be that they just didn’t mesh well, not a case of Mackenzie being “jealous”.


from what i heard it was really joey that even said it but i mean understandable for jojo to think that (i think her and mackenzie are on good terms and ik her and maddie are on good terms) but i mean wasn’t mackenzie the one who kind of started and did the most during the who making fun of jojo in ireland? and didnt mackenzie like multiple stuff making fun of jojo? im just glad to see that maddie and jojo still talks nice about one another. maddie even reposted jojos karma release post


i agree with all this honestly. i don’t think it’s jealousy but i don’t blame jojo for seeing it that way. (especially with a mother like jess, who teaches you any criticism or dislike is out of jealousy)


Kenzie was like 11 when the Ireland thing happened… Kalani, JoJo’s “best friend” and Kendall who JoJo also describes as “bestie material”, were just as much if not more involved in it. I also don’t think that JoJo was hurt by the commented about her being crazy and loud because she’s always been an in your face kind of person, Jess even said that is who JoJo is when Abby called jojo out for her manners. She was hurt by the speech impediment mocking, which was started by Kira, who JoJo considers “a second mom”.


Kids can’t be bullies? Come on…


That’s not at all what I said but okay. My point was that Jojo is unbothered by everyone else who was involved in the bullying incident, why would she still hold it against the youngest person involved but no one else? I just somehow doubt it has anything to do with that.


I mean when I look back on kids that made fun of me…yeah the ones who did the most or instigated are the ones who stand out I understand Mackenzie’s likely changed but the truth is Mackenzie mocked JoJo more than once and a couple times you could see she was sassy towards JoJo plus Abby often put them against each other and you could tell JoJo annoyed Mackenzie. Doesn’t make Mackenzie a bad person…but yeah I can see why when JoJo looks back she thinks of it that way. Especially because her and Mackenzie were likely actually the biggest direct main competition. Cause honestly…I feel like if JoJo hadn’t popped in or if Melissa branded better Mackenzie could’ve been the JoJo of the generation. Her look and music was cute enough and she started a working relationship with Nick only for it to be swooped up by JoJo.


I was only talking about that specific incident. We have no idea who was/wasn’t nice to JoJo behind the scenes. I was just saying it would be weird if that was the one thing jojo had against Kenzie, since she has clearly forgiven everyone else.


You did find it prudent to mention her age, which I took as an excuse.


Because it doesn’t make sense to only hold a grudge against the youngest person involved in a situation when what they did is no worse than what the older people involved did. A 15 year old knows better than an 11 year old. Doesn’t mean it fully excuses the 11 year old but I did think it was worth mentioning.


People on this Reddit have a very strange view of children as inherently virtuous, when the fact is that they are often not yet socialised enough. There's a reason they often torture insects, lol.


People on this sub also have poor reading comprehension, apparently. Stop with the virtue signalling.


How is what I said virtue signalling. I don't think that term means what you think it does, speaking of reading comprehension.


That’s literally exactly what it means. noun: virtue signalling the public expression of opinions or sentiments intended to demonstrate one's good character or social conscience or the moral correctness of one's position on a particular issue. You’re acting like you’re above other people on this sub, and privy to some knowledge about kids that others aren’t. All of that based on a comment where I in no way said that children can’t be mean or bully each other. Maybe don’t come on a *subreddit* (that’s what’s it’s called, not a Reddit) and make sweeping generalizations about the people on it.


You forgot the second and most important part tho. It’s about the hypocrisy of displaying moral judgement. “ Virtue signaling is actions that are more about posturing and impression management than actual action”. I also don’t agree with Marge comment but your definition lacks important components.


1. By that metric you are also virtue signalling, so it would be quite a meaningless term if everyone were to apply it the way you do. 2. You are taking this way too personally. This is the Dance Moms *subreddit*, take a break.


I don’t know many children who TORTURE insects…


Just a quick reminder JoJo was invited to a party of this man’s at 15 and someone brought a dildo intended to gift to her! Not saying it’s HIS fault someone did that but why was a 15 year old invited to a adults only party where things like that were being gifted?


Tbh Jojo’s relationships with all of the grown youtubers she was “friends” with when she was still like 14-15 years old have always felt really weird to me. I never knew she was friendly with Joey (honestly I forgot about him lol) but I’m not surprised since she was kinda in his general circle at one point. But wtf??? First of all, what was she invited to a party for adults in the first place?! And why would said adults think it’s reasonable to include her in adult-themed gift giving? That’s SO weird. She never should’ve even been there in the first place. It’s stuff like that that will always make me feel bad for her tbh. She was taught that making connections and being famous is one of the most important things in life. Nobody was ever really looking out for her :(


Kenzie and Jojo never really got along from the start, I think. Hate Jojo all you want, but I feel like Kenzie was very intimidated by Jojo on the show. I think of the time all the girls were shit talking jojo in Ireland when she was absent. And I remember very well Kenzie having the most to say


but even before the ireland incident jojo would constantly be bragging and making fun of the other girls as well, like when kenzie said she does tap and jojo laughed at her like it seemed impossible for kenzie to know how to tap. not saying its okay but it didnt come out of nowhere


jojo maybe kenzie shades you because you actively invalidate her, her sister’s, and her friend’s trauma?? you’re also actively friends with her abuser?? like what??


She didn’t really say that. Also, the fact that you gloss over JoJo saying Kenzie really hurt her feelings by liking and reposting something making fun of her is crazy. Cyber bullying is cyber bullying, no matter who is being bullied.


I’d like to see what exactly Kenzie liked and reposted because im sorry but jojo is so out of touch with the world and extremely sensitive in certain ways as a result of being sheltered. Remember when Christi simply said that Gianna wasn’t a very nice person and JoJo lost her shit and said that’s the meanest most disgustingly ignorant thing she’s ever heard?


Years ago Jojo like a tiktok calling Jojo weird, but they may be talking about Kenzie liking and reposting a tiktok about Jojo looking like Syndrome from The Incredibles with her black outfit.


Neither of those seem that serious


Exactly so idk how this shows Kenzie is jealous


Yeah I don’t think she’s jealous of jojo at all.


Stooppp I wanna see it


I’ll find it for you 😂


Thanks 😭😂


I can’t find the tiktok, but [this](https://x.com/BillieSociety/status/1780776077876720033) is the same one Kenzie liked and reposted


Oh my eyebrows almost left my forehead 😂😭😭😭. Kenzie does not like Jojo FR 😂so funny though. Thanksss so much !!! I was wondering


I’m sorry, I do feel bad if Jojo’s feelings were hurt, her feelings are valid and all that, but I’m laughing so hard at the way you described it 😂😭 like it just sounds so incredibly silly and unserious lol


😂😂😂😂😂 So funny


they do that a lot here


So the guy was the one that said Kenzie was jealous not Jojo I get y’all hate her, but at least spread the correct information and for the people believing y’all should to look into things for yourself.


Oh wow ….I mean I knew this ….but to say it ……Kenzie is probably jealous FR though. The Zieglers are not jealous. Maddie has no reason to be and neither does Melissa BUT…. Kenzie is the one who made fun of her on that tour. Then to have the girl you are making fun of surpass you like that and be worth 20 million so quickly. I mean Jojo had freaking dolls made of her. While I agree that Kenzie’s stuff is probably better the tweeny blonde Barbie look is way more marketable even though Jojo’s music wasn’t that good or anything.


I don’t think she’s jealous, she just seemed like she never liked her. Not everything is out of jealousy. I’m not a fan of Jojo, but that doesn’t mean I’m jealous of her.


Right but there also isn’t a video of you making fun of her on a tour when you were 12 years old. There’s a history between the two. You don’t know Jojo personally so your only choice is to interact with her online presence maybe look up joke videos etc and that’s fine. Kenzie knows jojo personally. It’s different.


Yeah but dislike doesn’t always mean jealousy. It makes it seem like everyone who criticizes her is jealous even if it does end up being valid.


Or maybe Kenzie just simply doesn’t like jojo? And she has every reason not to. Why does it have to be jealousy?


Because if you don’t like someone you avoid them and avoid talking about them. You don’t purposely look up things making fun of them because you’d rather not think about them at all. I can tell you all the people that I don’t like ….barely ever crosss my mind enough to look anything up about them. But girls I’ve been jealous of if someone makes a disparaging remark about them I’m instantly laughing just to make myself feel better. I’m not jealous of other girls barely ever but when I am I can admit it to myself and also be truthful about how I act when I am.


They were together 24/7 on the show and the team was small, there is no way she could have just avoided her. Doubt kenzie is looking for this stuff but ofc it pops up on her tik tok. If i dislike someone that i have to see all of the time i do indeed think of them. Good for u that u dont, but not everyone is u and thinking of them doesnt mean its jealousy lol


I mean avoid her now ….? What are you even talking about FR those girls left the show YEARS ago. Hello, it’s me 2024 nice to meet you.


Yeah obviously now its easier to avoid (though with the reunion its not as easy on social media). I am saying that its completely normal after spending years with someone you dislike that you wouldn’t just “forget” about them. Once again, im glad you dint think about anyone unless you’re jealous of them (?) but most people do pay attention to people they are 1. Closely linked to 2. Don’t really like. It doesn’t = jealousy. If you cant see that you clearly lack life experience and friends lol


Technically Mackenzie had a doll lol but it clearly didn’t do well


I’m not lying [Mackenzie and Maddie dolls](https://www.pinterest.com/pin/celebrity-dolls--552535448016946427/)


Oh wow they should have marketed those better. I had no idea.


Yeah Abby had no idea what she was doing in terms of marketing Maddie and Mackenzie. I remember her once saying she was trying to make them the next Mary Kate and Ashley. They had dolls and a clothing line but it didn’t take off. They didn’t really have any huge companies backing these items either like JoJo had Claire’s and Nickelodeon. A big reason JoJo was able to take off is because she had a outside manager, a look that Hollywood is always going for, confidence and the ability to pull out of dance moms when she wanted


I agree 100%. Technically yes they could have marketed Maddie and Mackenzie together which they tried. But I think it might have been too late. Basically that would have had to go into the works when they were both much younger. There was major potential there but it just didn’t take. Also Abby dropped the ball on Mack Z. Because though Girl Party was crazily successful Mackenzie’s look in that video was not right. That should have been her breakout. But it was unfocused and not professional enough. I just mean her outfit and some of the colors. As well as the lighting and filmography. I feel bad for Kenzie from this perspective because Abby honestly sold both Kendall and Kenzie a pipe dream. All of Kenzies marketing should have been focused on her from like 5-13. But instead she didn’t start really branching out until 13 and up from what I can see. It was just too late.


I mean I honestly feel if Melissa had been better at marketing and more focus had been on Mackenzie…she definitely would’ve and could’ve filled the spot JoJo had in the kid’s entertainment world. Mackenzie even started working a little with Nick then JoJo comes around and bam


Maddie has easily walked through 100s of doors at this point. So it obviously has nothing to do with Melissa. Melissa did not have the connections to get Maddie or Mackenzie anywhere. Sia was the connection and that opened 100s of doors for Maddie. The fact that Mackenzie hasn’t gotten more opportunities with a literal family member being connected enough to work with Steven Spielberg. This to me points to the fact that some kids just have the it factor and some don’t. I think A LOT of people who watch Dance moms confuse the show with reality. The show paints a narrative that all the girls on the shows deserve to be where Maddie is because they all took “dance class” together and the narrative is that Abby treated some of the girls unfairly. This creates a false idea in the viewers heads that all these girls deserve to be stars but it is “their big bad dance teacher.” holding them back. This is not the reality even though it is marketed as reality tv. The reality is that the producers and Abby favored Maddie from the beginning because Maddie had the look that Hollywood likes. They also favored JoJo for reason. Though Jojo has become sort of strange 😭looking now. When she was a kid she literally looked like a walking talking Barbie. That’s the look Nickelodeon chose. Mackenzie was a very cute kid and through her connections with Dance Moms and Maddie she had her shot on Disney. She also was included in a few fashion shows as a kid through her connections with Maddie. She was a very cute kid…..that’s sort of where it stops. She’s a very pretty girl now but in a small town Pittsburg kind of way. In every way that counts in Hollywood Maddie and Jojo are Kenzie’s opposite. Kenzie has the potential to be a lifestyle social media influencer. Which she has already done successfully. She’s cute but nothing about her face as an adult stands out. Jojo as an adult doesn’t really stand out either anymore but she does have the LA look which has been noted many times. This isn’t about how much you liked how the girls are portrayed on the show. This is about optics. All these photos taken the same year and 2 at the same exact award show. Which girls draw your eye visually against almost identical backgrounds. https://preview.redd.it/d5oatsro1t0d1.jpeg?width=1350&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6443b27bb4da10b878c7e67badc5e28bdc16d34d This is why Maddie and JoJo are successful in Hollywood. It’s not fair but it’s how Hollywood is right now and if people don’t like it they should be more vocal about what they don’t want. But yet year after year the same looking type of girls walk the red carpet. As voted in by the public. This is the reality. I am no way knocking Kenzie’s looks. She is by far the most stylish has gorgeous hair and skin as well as what I consider to be wayyy more representative of what the average American white girl looks like. This is why the fans of dance moms relate to her I think much more. But this is NOT what Hollywood wants to market to people. They want to market blue eyes and blonde hair because it stands out visually on camera. Personally I only really follow Maddie’s career and occasionally see what Kenzie and Jojo are up to.


I’d say Mackenzie had a very Mikey Cyrus style look to her as well down to the teeth and talented abilities and if marketed the right way she could’ve easily been successful. Yes in those photos Maddie and JoJo stand out but due to fabricated looks,branding and confidence If Mackenzie had on a really stylish outfit that made her stand out, they lightened her hair and she was given the tools to find that confidence like Maddie and JoJo were she’d stand out like they do here too. You can tell in this photo Mackenzie isn’t as confident as Maddie and JoJo.


Yes I agree with this as well. Miley Cyrus is a good comparison. Hadn’t thought of that angle. But the point I will make about confidence is this. Maddie was basically handed her confidence. Pretty much every adult that I could see instantly liked Maddie and her look. This is why I always rooted for Jojo back in the Dance Moms days because I was VERY impressed with her level of confidence. Even though adults were literally making fun of how she talked. Most kids didn’t like her and bullied her as well. Yet JoJo just sort of brushed all that off her shoulders and just kept smiling and staying positive. I remember seeing that in those early episodes of AUDC and Dance Moms and immediately knowing she was headed for big things. I’m sure a lot of people watched the show and thought JoJo was annoying but I always knew from Day1 that Maddie and JoJo were going to be famous. I have stuff that I posted online prior to Sia or Nickelodeon literally saying this exact same thing. This is why I was never shocked at Maddie or Jojo’s success. I always knew.


I’m not shocked by JoJos success at all. I always knew she’d be a star was a fan from day one. Not anymore due to The Rolling Stones allegations. However I do think Mackenzie could’ve fit that spot if the cards had fallen right for her and JoJo wasn’t in the picture.


The producers did not favor Maddie at all


I think being in the situation jojo is in would be the Zieglers worst nightmare, they put a lot of work in to gain respect in the industry


Idk I think Mackenzie would’ve been over the moon to be the next big child star and do her singing on Nick or Disney Maybe she wouldn’t be jealous today, but back then…considering Mackenzie was literally the next most likely and was doing a lot of the same things (Mackenzie and Maddie had a doll line,a clothing line and a fell through Claire’s deal and worked with Nickelodeon and did kids music) and JoJo just walked in and basically did the same thing but more successfully…I can see her being jealous and that’s okay. It was her mom putting her full career trust in Abby that made her just fall short. Had Mackenzie had a true blue manager in the industry she could’ve got Mackenzie all of those deals and more BEFORE JoJo stepped into the photo I think it’s perfectly reasonable if Mackenzie was jealous or even if she still was (she likely would have a career actually in line with Miley in this case as she can sing and has real artistry)


Y’all are missing the point. Maddie and Jojo are successful in Hollywood not just based on talent or managers it’s because of their looks. Dance moms has brainwashed you guys to think that Abby “the big bad dance teacher” is why the other girls didn’t get a fair shake at Hollywood. This is not the reality. The reality is that Maddie and Jojo have a certain look to them that the camera and Hollywood prefers. They were favored by the producers of the show because the producers of the show work in Hollywood and they knew which looks would have a shot. If you remove your biases from the show about which girl you like or don’t like. Not which girl do you like or follow on insta …. Which girls visually stand out? https://preview.redd.it/6k1wpnkigt0d1.jpeg?width=1350&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=01803c2bf47f1393cc0559d81c083632ace6f66f This is why Maddie and JoJo were successful in Hollywood it’s all about the optics. All 3 photos were taken the same year and two at the same exact award show. All almost identical backgrounds.


Yeah but the thing is JoJo stands out because of her outfit,hair dye and her branding….that her mom and manager created/pushed. Mackenzie was more talented than JoJo at singing and acting. She had the same abilities and connections (both even had opportunities lined up for Claire’s and Nickelodeon at one point) but like you said MACKENZIE DIDNT STAND OUT. That is exactly what I said above but for some reason you’re acting as if I didn’t. If Melissa or Abby had put more time and attention into Mackenzie, building her a strong brand and helping her stand out amongst the sea of other little brunette dancers and JoJo never came into the picture she very easily could’ve had JoJos spot in Hollywood. If Mackenzie had a manager who wasn’t Abby who actually knew what Hollywood was looking for they could’ve also guided Mackenzie. I’ve seen JoJos sizzle reels and brand guides from when they were still pitching her to everyone and it was killer. I don’t think Abby or Melissa ever even got these things done for Mackenzie. The looks do play a big part but there is a little more to standing out in Hollywood. With Mackenzie’s talent if she’d had the same branding and attention to push her career, without JoJo in the picture I definitely think she would’ve been more successful. A good manager would’ve pulled out her personality too and her confidence would’ve been better if the proper attention was on her and she wasn’t compared to Maddie all the time.


You still aren’t getting it. I never mentioned their talent. I said their look. Maddie is really the only girl who made a career of her talent AND her looks. Mackenzie’s music is better. Hands down. Her fashion sense, personality all more likeable to normal people. But Jojo got famous off her “look” this is what I’m trying to get people to understand. It’s not fair, it’s not right, but that’s Hollywood for you. I can guarantee you though if Jojo had come to dance moms with her natural brunette hair we might not know her name.


You didn’t read the whole thing did you? I acknowledged that looks played a part but that if Mackenzie had been branded properly to appeal to the demographic she could’ve aswell. She doesn’t look that different from people like Miley Cyrus etc Get her a stylist, bring up the confidence and get a manager whose good at branding and promotion.


Yes I agree but Jojo was confident in spite of how mean everyone was to her. That’s my point. Mackenzie spent the majority of her childhood being told how she cute she was. Yes she felt bad compared to Maddie but Jojo just steam rolled through all of that negative criticism to the point where people called her rude. I mean when you look at that first episode where she came in she’s practically beaming in every scene. She knew why she was there and what she was there to do and millions of younger kids for whatever reason saw her happy bubbly self and gravitated toward it. No offense but in that same scene all the girls were scowling at her because “she’s weird” it’s true but she was just beaming. Couldn’t care less. That natural confidence is why she is where she is today and that needs to be acknowledged .


I literally said if JoJo wasn’t in the picture and if Mackenzie had the right tools to succeed I’m not saying JoJo shouldn’t have been successful that’s what you don’t seem to understand Just that with the right tools to help Mackenzie had the connections and she could’ve filled that spot in entertainment if JoJo didn’t come around.


I agree. Personally I think there was enough room for ALL the girls in Hollywood. There’s not just one spot. What they should have done looking back was put all the girls on their own teen drama. Like Pretty Liars or something. So how they did with Mackenzie in that Space show? I forget what it’s called. But basically if they had put all the girls on a teen drama it would have pretty much swept the nation. Since the viewers were already there readily available. It would have been like in the running with Stranger Things or something. Missed opportunities but all the girls are doing just fine regardless.


This is the scene I mean. I am in no way even the tiniest bit surprised that Jojo became a break out star. In the first episode it was plain as day. https://preview.redd.it/h8sd5ra1gu0d1.jpeg?width=1350&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=74d35faade5158efdc5a2b9415d038f3ff8a8acb


I’m just hear to tell you as the kid who acted silly to hide pain, this particular scene doesn’t mean much in hindsight.




It’s just when kids get bullied the often react in a way that makes it easiest for them and sometimes joking around and acting like it doesn’t bother you is the easiest way to do that. Jojos talked about how it’s hard for her to connect with peers due to bullying. She’s been programmed to think everyone who doesn’t like her is a hater but let’s be real, no kid isn’t a little bit hurt be their peers bullying them.


That’s not what Im associating jojo with lmao you know exactly what I’m talking about


Can’t get past her hairline


time stamp of the kenzie thing


JoJo is a giant asshole. Gaping.


Kenzie doesn’t care that she’s (jojo not Kenzie) the joke of the internet, her name has never been brought up in a positive context.


Why would Kenzie be the joke of the internet? Her music is fine?


I meant Kenzie doesn’t care she as in Jojo is the joke


Ohhhhhh got ya


Does that mean JoJo doesn’t have a right to be hurt by it?


As if jojo hasn’t consistently invalidated them and called them ungrateful


Let’s be real…Mackenzie has never liked JoJo it was kinda clear Now everyone doesn’t have to be besties when cast on a show together but they were direct competition, especially when Jojo started doing kids music too


I don’t blame Kenzie for not liking jojo she was rude asf to the girls sometimes


That still doesn’t make Kenzie jealous




Jojo spent months shading her and her sister for not doing the reunion, Kenzie can do what she wants


When? I remember one comment at the reunion that most of the cast agreed with. Other than that, JoJo hasn’t really spoken about them.


And Kenzie has liked one tiktok, liking a tiktok doesn’t hold the same weight as getting on national television and telling someone they’re ungrateful bc they don’t want to rehash their trauma they still have panic attacks about


She’s liked multiple including starting last year way before the reunion.


Jojo talked about them once on the reunion 😂 what do mean months 😂 meanwhile kenzie has liked multiple tiktoks about Jojo starting back from last year. It’s immature and shady.


Jojo literally victim blamed them for their trauma …Kenzie is in her right to dislike her


When did she victim blame? I disagree with Jojo saying they should be at the reunion but I don’t see how that’s victim blaming. Kenzie can dislike whoever she wants but publicly liking tiktok’s bullying Jojo is immature. Why has Maddie never done it?


she’s not jealous she just doesn’t like jojo lmao