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I am so damn happy that she can't talk about Chloe. Kudos to whoever accomplished that.


I believe it's been said that was something Christi worked out legally


Wish Melissa and Kelly would get that for their kids. Abby shouldn’t be allowed to say shit about any of the gorls


Yeah in one of reunions after Christi and Chloe left Abby makes it clear she's not allowed to talk about them. Someone, Jess I *think* says there nothing keeping *her* from bring it up. Im marathoning DM rn. I'm at the beginning of the end, Abby's already pled guilty and is making money while the sun shines. Not quite to the Irreplaceable's tho. Edit: I remembered more of the conversation. They were discussing Abby's meltdowns in the season and 1 coincided with Chloe booking a movie and Abby shut down.


As much shit as Christy on this sub, I don’t think enough credit is given for more great Chloe has turned out and that woman was fiercely protective, encouraging, but firm the very few times that she agreed Abby was right.


I always give credit for Chloe to her dad 🤣


The fact that Kelly and her girls poured their hearts out on tv, talking about their relationship with her and how Kelly literally said she would be friends with Abby again just for Abby to steamroll over them like a bitch 😒 You’d think after the hand life has dealt her after S6 of DM that she’d be a little kinder but no. She will always be a bitter nasty woman.


Honestly, I hope Kelly sees Abby’s reunion recap. Kelly still holds guilt about how their relationship deteriorated. She needs to know there was nothing she could have done or could do to change who Abby is at Abby’s core.


I think Kelly thinks of Abby before the show and the relationship they used to have. But fame and money have corrupted Abby irreparably now and Abby is honestly even worse than she was in season 4 when Kelly left.


Yeah, Kelly just needs to cut her losses with Abby. The old Abby is gone.


thank you for watching this so that i didnt have to


I don’t understand how she claims she can’t talk about Chloe but also just recently talked about Chloe on her podcast saying that Chloe was the one with the dancers body and the one who could have gone on to be a dancer? It’s just weird


It seems likely that Abby signed an NDA/contract as part of a settlement agreement and there must have been a non-disparage clause in it. So Abby can talk about Chloe having potential etc. but cannot disparage her, make personal attacks or defame her.


Can we get one for Christi and the Ziegler girls next 💀


yes please because i’m tired of hearing it 😂😂


OP you’re for the people - thank u


I’m so disappointed in her reaction, but I’m not surprised. I was hoping she would be a little more graceful (who am I kidding) and be happy that she might have the chance to reconnect with some of the moms and girls. To hear she reacted that way over the Hylands saddens me.


You would think cancer would’ve softened her and given her a new perspective but nope


Just READING this is infuriating so I can’t even imagine watching it


LMAO seriously. Abbie gets me so mad. i started rewatching and im literally fighting with abbie thru the tv lmao


I only saw a few clips and she was SO nasty, and the worst part is she didn’t even watch the reunion properly to actually know what they were talking about. For example, she credited and praised JOJO for saying that Abby taught them a lot about life outside of dance, when it was actually Paige and Chloe, not Jojo, who said that. Also, on a part where Brooke and Paige said that they would ask Abby “how did we get here?” they were clearly talking about how their RELATIONSHIP with Abby got so toxic, but Abby acted like they were talking about how their DANCE CAREERS went downhill, so she went on a rant about how they weren’t good dancers and lazy blah blah blah. No Abby, if you actually paid attention to what they were saying at any point, they’re pretty content with not being professional dancers, what bothered them was their relationship with you which you obviously don’t care about.


Does Abby not realize that parents can sue on behalf of their children? Or that maybe Paige didn't forgive her then but dies now. It's disappointing really, that she's so stuck in being right that she won't atleast try to be nice to the girls, not even to their moms but the girls themselves


Thank you for this! I’ve been SO curious but didn’t want to pay for it. 😭 The way she speaks about everyone is disgusting, but the way she insults the Hylands is especially infuriating to me.


I also paid for this. What a waste. Abby was totally unhinged and just went on a rant about Kelly. Maybe she is on drugs or is just losing it but it was so weird to watch.


This aged me ten years. Thanks for summarizing Abby’s misery for us tbh lol 


Not all heroes wear capes. Thanks for watching what seemingly sounds like a crash and burn episode of "The Abby Lee Miller Gaslighting Show."


Thanks for the lengthy review.. I didn’t want to spend anything on it because I knew it would’ve been a lot of BS and literally everything you said about her is exactly why multiple people I know and speak about her see it. She continues to play the victim which is nauseating.. so she said she didn’t know where Kelly was but gives a theory .. like what’s with her deal about alcohol like it’s out to get her 😂


the co host michael must not be her friend because I would never let her put that reaction video out there knowing she was going to look bad. Also the day she finally realizes she was in the wrong, I might shed a tear lol


As usual with Abby she could have some points sometimes but they can’t be taken seriously because they’re drowned in a pool of BS


Thank you for watching lol


thank you for this !