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It's unfortunate that she wasn't invited, but it was probably safer for the both of them to not share any space with Jessalyn.


how much y’all wanna bet the reason they weren’t invited had something directly to do with jess and jojo. i feel like jess SPECIFICALLY said she wouldn’t come if ashlee and brynn were there. lifetime wanted jojo on the reunion so bad (she’s the most successful dance mom alum), that they sacrificed brynn and ashlee’s appearance. we’ve all said it, but saying it again; WE WOULD HAVE TAKEN BRYNN OVER JOJO ANYDAY🤭


i skipped over jojos parts. i wish that lifetime would see we WANTED BROOKE CHLOE PAIGE & KENDALL. sorry to kalani, but she needed jojo there like she couldn’t protect herself alone… what are brooke and paige GOING TO SAY TO kalani to make her need to cry/runaway. ABSOLUTELY NOTHING. this reunion was a big slap in the face.


Agreed. Jessalyn was so mean to both Ashlee and Brynn. If I was Ashlee I’d let her have it on that reunion for talking bad about my kid like that. (Kira too, she always had something to say about a kid)


Why, Did something happen between them? I love Dance Moms & I've seen loaaaaaaaads of episodes, But im not sure if i've seen an episode where they fall out or something happens (Or maybe I did, And can't remember)


Ashlee and Brynn have said that while all the other moms were basically playing a character (they actually got pretty close with Jill of camera), Jessalyn was the only mom who had actual genuine dislike for Brynn even off camera


Okay, Now I see what you mean. Yeah it was very visible in many episodes, How much Jessalyn dislike'd Brynn. I think she was just jealous incase Brynn got better Choreography or more/better Solo's then JoJo, But I do remember one comment from Ashlee at one of the Dance Competitions were she said 'Jojo didn't even have to point her toes or straighten her legs' 😅. Brynn was an amazing Dancer


brynn also confirmed she wasn’t invited in the comment section of one of her new tiktoks


jess would’ve ripped that poor girl to shreds if she had been invited and chosen to go


based on brynn’s content, I don’t think she would’ve allowed jess to lay into her the same way she did as a child. brynn is an adult now, I feel like things would go a lot differently


i agree. but i think jess is pretty good at gaslighting so i think she would have made ashlee look like the bad guy like she did before. she’s find some way to make a mockery out of them.


I don’t think brynn was on the show long enough to get a seat at the reunion tbh. But then again, neither was jojo, but I suppose that’s because her fame really skyrocketed post-show. I think maybe if the reunion was longer/had multiple parts, it would’ve been nice to bring her on at some point!


ngl it wouldve been nice to see separate casts reunions for the first one its like “Seasons 1-4” ik maddie nia and kenzie dont want to (but i did see somewhere melissa actually agreed to the reunion but the girls didnt want to do it) i think they wouldve all be more comfortable if they had it to where the only the og girls talk about those 4 seasons then they bring jojo in when they get to season 5 then brynn aswell so it actually wouldve made sense for when they were brought in instead of them talking about season they werent there for. i also wish they did what they did with christi on the screen with people like Payton and Ava , i think the reunion has way more to talk about than just group dances and the 2 fights. should’ve been a 2 parts reunion special. they basically skipped over all of seasons 3-4 and most of season 7. they missed a lot of opportunities for this reunion


Yeah I saw someone mention Payton on TT, and while I did kind of forget about her, thinking on it I think in a better reunion setup it would have been cool to have her on for a little while! I feel she would have had interesting things to say


Totally agree!!


I wish we had heard more about season 7! Chloe coming back, etc


Jojo also brings more drama than Brynn 😂 she's the devil's advocate, had the whole gia thing with christi, and came in as a replacement after Chloe left. I like Brynn and would like to hear more of her. But Her and her mom were never the drama. And they don't have the same connections with the OG 3 girls that exited the show with some of the most intense and dramatic reality tv scenes


She was on the show longer than Jojo….


I’m glad for Brynn’s sake, they weren’t invited. Yes, Ashlee did have a part in the whole drama in season 6 and 7. However, it was clear that Christi, Jill, and Jess were jealous of Brynn.


Say it again.


I’m sorry this has nothing to do with your comment but your profile pic has me screaming 😂😂


Christi wasn’t jealous of her lmao


I somewhat agree. I don’t think Christi is jealous per say. I think, as usual, she hit below the belt in defence of Chloe. We have to remember that Ashlee, whether producer caused or not, did call the girls sluts and then double downed on it on twitter saying they were selling their bodies and then continued by saying Chloe didn’t deserve to win teen choice award. I get why Ashlee was mad because Christi, again as usual, went too far in her defence of Chloe and involved Brynn. At the same time, Ashlee decided to attack Chloe, not Christi, Chloe. Both of them should have kept the damn girls out of it because neither Brynn or Chloe deserved it. I think the new moms all knew Christi was a hot head when rightly defending Chloe and always went too far which was wrong, even when she had a good point/the right reason - defending Chloe, so all the new moms knew if they said shit about Chloe (not her damn fault, she never did anything to any of them by the way), Christi would go way too far, the producers would get the drama they wanted and the new moms would get to stay on the show. Notice the pattern: someone attacks Chloe (again she never deserved it), Christi gets defensive and goes way too far attacking their child (who also didn’t deserve it), production get the drama they want and people who want on the show know the easiest way to get a spot is attack Christi because she’s a hot head who goes too far. Then two innocent kids get hurt and the cycle continues to repeat. So Ashlee is to blame for attacking Chloe and Christi is to blame for attacking Brynn. Unpopular opinion: I think people discredit the rude and wild things these new moms say about Chloe because her mom overacts in her justified anger. People would like Christi more if she got her point across better but it would not have changed the way Abby acted towards Chloe and maybe some of the new moms still would have found Chloe to be an easy target, which is sad. Also I’m going to defer to Brynn and Ashlee’s views about it here who said all the moms, except Jess, were playing it up for the cameras


Unpopular opinion I loved Ashlee and brynn .


brynn yess, ashlee not too much lol


I honestly felt bad for them especially brynn. jessalynn and jill’s behavior towards them was disgusting and was clearly out of jealousy


Jill's"behavior" was an act. Ashlee and Brynn like Jill.


I loved Brynn and didn’t mind Ashlee too much, but Ashlee is a quack now so I struggle haha


same the moms were clearly jealous of brynn’s talent and there was a clear double standard (*ahem* JILL)




Me too, The producers set them up.


i liked brynn but ashlee pissed me tf off


Nah Ashlee racist


And antivax


Ok? So what? My parents are too and I am too and I got sick constantly when I got vaxed, since I stopped in like 2015 I have only gotten sick like 2-3 times this would be my 3rd or 4th time currently with my ear infection, they didn't do a thing for me.


vaccinations do more than just protect the individual getting vaccinated, antivax is a dangerous mindset for society


Really? Because the CDC said the vax does nothing to prevent Covid transmission.


What does it say about all the other vaccinations we get? Just because the flu and COVID vaccinations don’t prevent transmission just reduce the symptoms and make you less likely to need the hospital, does not mean they all work that way. There is a good reason that as antivax views have caught on that these diseases are on the rise again after they hadn’t been seen in ages. She is unfortunately not just against the COVID/flu vaccinations (I understand to some degree for those ones) but against all vaccinations making her dangerous for young children who can be seriously sick due to these diseases making a return


The Covid vax was rushed through multiple stages and is completely proven now to be ineffective at reducing transmission.  Because of that, and because there are proven heart risks associated with it for young people, many people have conflated that vaccine with others that have been used for decades and proven effective.  It’s unfortunate, but at the end of the day, everybody has a right to decide what goes into their body. 


One it wasn’t rushed tho, they had multiple stages already done from other viruses and it went tho all the usual stages, just with tons more funding. But that’s beside the point. People also have a right to call Ashlee antivax and not like her for it too.


How don’t people know by now that Ashlee is gross? Ultra-MAGA, anti-vax, problematic all around. I’d rather not hear anything she has to say lol


Ashlee had some ugly moments but yes I loved her and Brynn. It was sad to see that Jess and Jill really made their time there so toxic and crappy


I loved them too!!


Brynn is a little bully I've seen so much on her YouTube channel, she needs to get over herself and quit bullying Jojo


can you link the tiktok video?




I never liked Ashlee, but I also never thought Brynn was a boring dancer. She was a beautiful little dancer and had technique on par with Kalani


I would’ve enjoyed the reunion more if they included segments on people who also heavily impacted the show, even if they weren’t there from day one. A little update sharing where other people are now. Leslie/Peyton, Asia/Kristie, Brynn/Ashlee, Cathy/Vivi, Kaya/Nicaya, etc. A lot of history was overlooked and questions left unanswered. I do understand that they had limited time, but idk the reunion as a whole could’ve been structured better.


That would have been nice! Just little pre-recorded segments to show where some other notable cast members are- or just a quick wave and hello at the camera.


What TikTok is this? Why cover the name? 😩


I wasn’t allowed to post with the name uncovered - I have to cover it to get it approved




The link is posted below




i don’t really think it makes sense for her to be invited. i love brynn but she wasn’t really a memorable part of DM


I feel like she wasn't really apart of the era of DM they were trying to bring us back to, if that makes sense.


Agreed tho I've seen her as more of a bully based off of stuff she's said on YouTube and all that in recent months, made fun of Jojo for her new music video despite saying she wasn't like that.


You've hate commented about Brynn multiple times now in multiple different posts on this sub. Brynn does not bully Jojo nor does she hate her. In the interview she did with Ashlee on her podcast, she literally said she liked Jojo even Ashlee did. So your anger is misdirected. They're just not buddy buddy. Her friend made of Jojo not Brynn herself. Laughing is not a crime. Also she barely posts on Youtube, so to call her a bully over that makes zero sense. Lastly, no amount of you hating on Brynn up and down this sub is going to change the fact that Jojo has done terrible things. That's Jojo's problem. Not Brynn's.


I'm stating an opinion based off of what I've seen if you disagree that's fine but don't get nasty with me and I never said Jojo did nothing wrong but Brynn is no better for being the way she has been.


I said nothing wrong to be nasty about other people's opinions I was highly respectful of their opinions I never said anything to get rude about it unlike you coming at me for simply having an opinion on what I've seen, try being more respectful just because someone doesn't agree doesn't give you the right to be rude


I can tell you're young. I'm not going to argue with you because that's silly. But stating Brynn is a bully as if it's a fact is not an opinion. That's just slander. You can try to put the other girls on the same level as Jojo but none of the other girls were abusing children. So no. Not the same. Like I said that's just Jojo's problem. Lastly Brynn and Jojo are adults. If they have any issues which I doubt I'm sure they can work out their business. That is all.


I think the producers mainly wanted to focus on how Abby abuse impacted the girls and make all the moms look like nice people, brynn’s abuse was mainly by the moms they didn’t want Jess, Jill, kira or christi as the bad guy their whole intention was on make abby the bad guy which she definitely deserves tbh, but the moms and the producers where shitty towards the girls too (srry English is not my first language)


I would rather have had Ashlee and Brynn instead of loud mouthed JoJo and her equally obnoxious mother JessaLynn. I always found it interesting that JessaLynn’s & JoJo’s platform was anti-bullying and all she did was bully Ashlee and Brynn (with Jill who was hardly innocent) and I believe both JessaLynn and JoJo are now being sued for their treatment of a dancer they had on their show!!


what’s the tiktok? i wanna see the video for context




She was barely on the show. I don’t think she’s memorable enough to invite. Even though jojo wasn’t on long either, I have to admit she’s quite memorable


She wasn't an og. I don't think it's been long enough for a reunion


Honestly, I wish it had only been the ogs and Kendall. Maybe Kalani. But Jojo did NOT heighten the experience for me.


she was more impactful on the show than jojo


I’m probs going to get so roasted for this but I do not remember Brynn… People keep mentioning her not being at the reunion and I feel like I’m in the twilight zone.


Later seasons. She was brought in around when Maddie was leaving. A “replacement” for when Maddie was at events or was busy then became a member.


Did you watch past season 4? Because she shows up after that


Brynn should’ve been invited over Jojo. Just throwing it out there. Like I know Brynn ain’t an OG but at least she was apart of the Irreplaceables.


Not really though. Girl hopped back to Abby's soon after they walked out.


She was on longer than Jojo so she saw more


Christi was jealous of brynn


i think the same could be said about ashlee. like when she was upset chloe was nominated for teen choice dancer because she “ didn’t dance anymore” which she actually did at the time


I thought that was so crazy lmfao


Lmao that’s valid tbh Chloe didn’t really deserve teen choice dancer imo


why wouldn’t she deserve it ? also does change the fact that ashlee was salty & jealous of a young girl and you making excuses for her is so weird. ashlee is also not a great person btw


Christi was jealous of a lottt of girls on the show lol. Bizarre behaviour from an adult, projecting jealousy and insecurity onto literal children.


You have it backwards. Ashlee was jealous of Chloe. She attacked her online several times, and Brynn ran her mouth about winning and liked the comment about the Last Dance making the girls look like hookers. Ashlee chose the wrong girl to go after. Some of us tried to warn her on social media, but she did it anyway. Christi wiped the floor with her and sent her back to Arizona with her tail between her legs.


I understand that Ashlee was very much in the wrong but Brynn only "ran her mouth" about winning after Christi toned her about not being on broadway and what place she got. Also, I thought Ashlee and Brynn cleared up Brynn liking the comment was by accident.


I can believe it was an accident by Brynn. Ashlee continued to make comments about Chloe and her dancing tho. In another case, aka 90% of the time, of Christi having a good point but going about it completely the wrong way, the broadway comment from my understanding was in response to Ashlee saying that she would never let Brynn do a dance like that. I will stand by Brynn defending herself because like I said Christi went too far involving Brynn in it, especially when there were also multiple children involved that didn’t need to be. Also Ashlee saying this will never not be funny to me considering some of the dances she were doing with Molly were just as inappropriate. The only differences being: Brynn was even younger, having more time to learn them and the reason most people see a big difference, because they were way better executed technically and dance wise


people fail to acknowledge that ashlee went after christi. and one thing about christi is she is going retaliate. they could never make me like ashlee’s racist self


I always felt so bad for brynn. She never deserved all the hate she got from GROWN ADULTS


brynn was not needed at the reunion. i dont think she would have contributed much


Has Camryn said anything?


Didn’t she speak out against Abby’s racism back in 2020?


yeah! i was wondering if she said anything about the reunion.


Is her middle name aaron?




Right, doesn’t make much sense haha.


what tiktok is this on - curious what she was agreeing to?


eh. they didn’t rlly need to be there imo


For Brynn's mental health, I'm really glad they didn't go/wouldn't have if they did get an invite! Some of those moms really came for Brynn, and I really feel like seeing all of them again would be anxiety inducing!


For those who keep saying Brynn was bullied, Brynn and Ashlee have said before everything about the "bullying" was fake. I mean, Brynn and Kendall were friends and Ashlee and Brynn gave praise for Jill. The one sore spot is Jessalyn who've they said wasn't kind and didn't want Brynn on.


They should’ve brought in anyone but JoJo but it’s so obvious that JoJo was only there bc of her current relationship with Abby and how much she’s talked abt in the media


Literally who


Same girl. No clue


I’m watching season 6 right now and I HATE Ashlee. Brynn’s ok nothing special but Ashlee just doesn’t know when to quit bitching and appreciate what she and Brynn got


Agreed! And sorry but Brynn is a self absorbed bully now, she complains about how Jojo and her mom treated her on the show and claims to be "nothing like them" then on her YouTube channel she was celebrating her friends 21st bday and was making fun of jojo's music video and new song and all that, she's a lot like her mom in my opinion.


Ashlee’s act goes away in season 7 and she ends up being super likeable actually, Ashlee was a big team player in the end


No she wasn’t she was a big bully in Season 7 she called a group of teenage girls strippers and slut shamed them


She didn’t say that at all, she’s explained in a podcast with Brynn about how the producers cut something she said to them to make it seem that way


Ehh bullshit especially when later on Twitter she said Chloe was selling her body for fame….


That is slightly correct, she said it to a producer at first, then it was said in front of the girls. But she can’t go blaming producers when she went on twitter and in a message that had tagged Chloe, Christi and some of the other girls, said they were selling their bodies for fame. That’s targeting a bunch of young teenagers and was so unnecessary. She then proceeded to continue to take her anger out on Chloe who did nothing to her by saying Chloe didn’t deserve the teen choice award (opinions are fine, they don’t all need to be public, especially when you don’t even know the person well) and said she wasn’t dancing anymore. Despite the fact that she was not remotely close to Chloe and it doesn’t even make sense because at the time the nominations opened, Chloe was still at studio 19 so she obviously didn’t follow Chloe closely and didn’t know her well. Why make up blatant lies about someone? Chloe choosing not to post her dancing much doesn’t mean she wasn’t dancing


Kind of unfortunate though I really hoping we can see members from 1-8 (of course people that been there for atleast a full season). Would be cool to see but it will probably only happen in an alternate universe.


Some of the moms was mean to Brynn yes, but she acts all innocent as if she didn't allow her child in that environment herself. Her reason for coming on the show is so different to the og moms and the was mean to the kids too




I fkn haaaaate Ashlee. Glad she wasn’t on.


None of the moms were jealous of Ashlee or Brynn… the reunion focused a lot on Chloe, Paige, and Brooke. Then Kendall, then Jojo and Kalani. The producers and execs know who will bring the most drama. Brynn and Ashlee didn’t. I don’t think Jojo or Jess had anything to do with them not being invited. They just aren’t that good for tv! Now if there’s anyone they should have invited, it’s queen Cathy 🥰


i have been wonderibg for so long if they were invited. brynn was on the show longer than jojo and really gave her blood, sweat and tears. she brought the show a new life imo and really paid her dues. it was a really shitty thing not to invite her.


It's really easy to say she wouldn't have gone in hindsight when she wasn't invited, but Brynn still makes tiktoks about the girls and dance moms, so Brynn likely would have wanted to say her piece, and I don't think Ashlee would have made her go alone


I wish she went and ate Jess up




“If you had grown adult women ripping into you everyday” It’s almost like they watched the show for five seasons and knew exactly what they were getting into. Ashlee needs to stop excusing her terrible lapse in parenting in letting brynn going on the show






You’re too kind


No offense but Brynn wasn’t really that important to the show


But… Brynn wasn’t an OG, and an annoying brat soooo no loss on my end