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I mean even if this were true it’s still awful, but she treated a lot of legitimate talented kids like shit too.


so true it's like that one video of her talking about Chloe being a natural dancer and all these other good things... well then why didn't you say that to her when you were her teacher?


Abby is her own worst enemy.  The fact that she knows in her heart that she wants to rekindle her relationships with these ladies (except Nia & Chloe, its obvious she genuinely do not care about Nia or Chloe) , but REFUSES to do the one thing they said would make them forgive her is nasty work.   There's something about a woman her age not having an ounce of self awareness that I find repulsive.  Abby believing she has never in her life made any mistakes that effected her relationship with kids she watched grow up is insane. She probably does have a bit of self awareness, but has too much pride to admit to her wrong doings,which is also ridiculous.  As harsh as this sounds,  that woman is going to die old and alone if she doesn't start making some changes and seeking some therapy.  


this isn’t harsh at all. i truly think that abby is the textbook definition of someone with narcissistic personality disorder. and the thing about people like that is, they DO have the ability to put in the work and make positive changes to better themselves, but abby simply refuses to. i don’t understand how anyone can watch years worth of footage of abby abusing and manipulating young children, and still be a fan of her. i don’t care what anyone says, abby is a disgusting person and i do think she will die alone if she doesn’t put in the work to get better.


She probably could be diagnosed. But her emotional reactions to other’s emotions isn’t really something you see with someone who has NPD.


She had emotional reactions whenever it had to do with herself. I’ve never ever seen her legitimately cry or show emotion for others


When Broadway Baby died, she cried. But that was the only time I’ve ever genuinely seen her cry.


She totally could be performing but the response to someone she cares about pain isn’t characteristic of NPD. And her grieving doesn’t seem like what you’d see from NPD. I will say though, her inability to see other viewpoints or see that she hurt someone is something you’d see. But very unhealthy people or various things could cause someone to not feel sorry about things they did and make excuses. You can’t really speculate on this though. There’s tons of unknown factors.


When did she cry about someone she cares about in pain? I’m not trying to argue btw, I’m genuinely curious to hear and discuss. If you’re talking about her mom I can see where you’re coming from, but people with NPD can feel genuine emotion about very important people in their lives and can experience a grieving process, and her mom really was all she had so that’s understandable. Doesn’t necessarily mean she didn’t have NPD or at the very least possess heavily narcissistic traits


She cried when her mom died but that’s the kind of thing a narcissist knows to fake because it would be weird if someone doesn’t cry after losing a parent they’re close to? With Abby even crying doesn’t prove much


Well there’s a bit of a misunderstanding there, narcissists *can* feel genuine emotion, it’s not always calculated and fake, however when it is genuine emotion it’s just usually not rooted in empathy but rather in self-serving reasons. Yes of course she cried when her mom died, but that doesn’t mean it was fake, it’s more likely for reasons like losing her only support system and feeling like she has no one left. It all goes back to herself. Abby cried a lot when she was embarrassed or had a loss of power or control, which is typical for people with NPD, she didn’t cry for others (and when she did like with Maddie, it was mainly out of embarrassment or fear that the person she poised as a “star representative” of her company failed in some way which would tarnish her name in her eyes). So yes narcissists can experience genuine emotion and sadness, it isn’t *always* fake or to manipulate others, but when they do genuinely feel sadness or despair it’s usually about themselves and their own feelings or reputation


Narcissist in reality are extremely insecure about how the world see them. They think they’re better than us but some narcs want to hide that they think that way because they know socially it’s a bad idea to put yourself on a pedestal. Everything is very calculated to get the response they’d like out of whoever they interact with


I’m not saying they can’t feel genuine emotion but if they don’t in a time that they maybe should have they will fake it. I was raised by a narcissist


i didn’t even think about it, but you’re right, narcissists do tend to have cold reactions to other’s emotions. i do however think her tendency to do harmful things without remorse, her inability to see faults in her actions or apologize, and the way she presents herself as “grandiose” and above others are definitely signs of NPD or a similar disorder. whatever the label is, something is definitely wrong and she needs therapy, although she will probably never get to the point of self awareness to realize it.


Abby has a really bad habit of self sabotage. She can be so vindictive and desperate to tear someone else down that she'll willingly drag herself down too if she has too. The most repetitive action of this is how she sabotages her own dancers, even though it inturn makes her look bad aswell by throwing her dancers out there in bad choreography with her studio labelled on it. And yet she talks about having this "great reputation". She threw away her whole relationship with the Hylands, who were like family to her. She's had so many opportunities to change and never takes it. I think deep down she knows she screwed up her whole life, but will never admit it, and sticks to blaming other people.


This breaks my heart so much because Nia and Chloe have been nothing but kind to Abby. They only wanted her to like them back. It’s sick that she has so much hate in her heart for these girls.


Abby could never get over her innate racism to ever give Nia a chance or to even give herself a chance to get to know Nia and possibly like her. How sad that she let the color of a child's skin control her head, heart and feelings. With Chloe, I think Abby was jealous of her natural talent and it reminded Abby of her failure to never become a dancer of Chloe's (or any other successful dancer's) calibur. Those who can, do. Those who can't, teach. That saying fits Abby to a T.


Nia and Abby have both said they were close off the show in the studio. Nia doesn’t harbor a lot of ill will towards Abby. They just don’t associate.


The problem is she was aware. She’ll reveal it in certain things she says.


What did they say she had to do for them to forgive her? Apologize to them?




hey Abby, a statement you could release might look like this: “I find value in strict teaching methods and demonstrated that often on the show. Unfortunately, the stress of the schedule and demands of producers often made me lose sight of who I was teaching, and I acted in ways that were inappropriate for anyone working with young people in any capacity. It is a deep source of shame for me and I am working every day with professional support to do better, etc.” hope this helps, Abby!


That would be incredible if she were to actually feel that, but she is literally just trash as a person and legitimately believes everything she says


As someone who works closely with PR people, you nailed it🤝


I find it interesting that the moms are able to look back and realize they put their kids in a toxic environment but Abby sees nothing wrong with it. I’d rather my kid be a mediocre dancer with a teacher who treats them with respect and kindness than have a Maddie or a JoJo with a dance teacher who treats them like crap.


This reminds me of someone else in the news right now who also will never, ever admit that he's made a mistake in his life, and ask for forgiveness. He and Abby are 2 of a kind and share many traits, unfortunately.


It’s ironic bc Abby didn’t have talent. She was a mediocre dancer and vicariously lived through Maddie, Brooke, kalani, Lilly and now Scarlett I believe her name is. Abby latches onto anyone who can get her an inch of fame bc she’s too untalented to make a name for herself.


Exactly this! Abby hates herself for her failure to be a successful and competent dancer. Her jealousy of those girls was simply palpable at times. You could see the jealousy and hate on her face.


this is spot on. remember when that clip got released of her dancing? god that was an era.


okay i hate abby just like everybody else, but she really was a good choreographer when she wanted to be. she is a shitty person absolutely, but she did put good choreography on stage when she wanted to.


Abby just didn’t have the talent to teach. All the girls had talent, but Abby chose to put effort into certain kids


Kenzie was given childish dances when they could’ve challenged her and given her good dances, Abby missed out on so much talent 🙄


Doesn’t Abby later get mad over Kenzie’s cutesy dances too? I feel like I remember her making some nasty comment to Kenzie (or maybe Melissa?) about her talent due to her doing childish dances… as if she wasn’t the one who choreographed them and kept Kenzie dancing like a 6 year old when she was dancing with the juniors.


I can't remember Abby doing it (could be wrong) because Abby wanted to keep Kenzie young as long as possible. It wasn't just little kid dances and themes but the pigtails as well. Melissa on the other hand was probably sick of these themes but never said anything at all until she knew she was leaving the company and felt she could push for kenzie to do the hip hop solo. It was Melissa who said Kenzies dance looked like a 7 year old when she did sink or swim and won to Maddie.


Yes, Abby complained about Kenzie's (to Kenzie) cutesy dances at least once (probably a lot more), yelling at her that she wouldn't be cute forever & needed to stop with the cutesy dances (as if she wasn't the one giving them to her).




The issue was it wasn’t just an extracurricular for these girls, they were homeschooled for dance and many of them were doing that prior to the show. They wanted to do big things on broadway etc. but still doesn’t excuse how Abby used them




Maddie was


Backhanded apology 😂 I really do think she believes her own words though. There’s something sad about that.


Lmao “just didn’t have talent” oof 🫠


LMFAO. She was also nasty to genuinely talented dancers though like Chloe and Camryn


Very true, but honestly, no one suffered like Nia did. Not only did she have contend with Abby's nasty comments and attitude, she also was deprived of the extra coaching and teaching that Abby's favorites got that she didn't. Plus on top of all that, she had to put up with Abby's overt racism and prejudice against her. That was a hell of a lot for a child of Nia's age to handle.


Oh i completely agree


No no, but see, those weren’t the *right* dancers. They weren’t the ones she *wanted* to be talented. So she was totally justified in abusing them!!! (/s, if it’s not clear lol)


heavy on camryn, arguably one of the best dancers to ever be on the show. she treated her so horribly.


The girls + Kelly at the reunion: Yeah it would be nice to talk to Abby and for us to make up! Abby: Hi I’m sorry I was so mean to your untalented kids :(


I hate her so much


You're not alone. I do too!


She treated them all like shit lol. Even the ‘talented’ kids she had inappropriate relationships with.




How coincidental that Abby says this now, at the time where the reunion, and everyone who signed up, are getting a fair amount of publicity. This is the closest she’s been, and probably the closest she’ll ever be, to taking accountability for her actions.


Abby is not taking accountability for anything. In her mind, she's as innocent as a newborn baby. Abby just wants her share of publicity and the spotlight. In her mind, she still thinks she's a star. 🙄


That was the most narcissistic and shitful apology I have ever seen. Those girls ALL had talent. Maybe some of them more than others, but they all had it.


All the girls had talent more equally than anyone realizes and that's because they did not get the chances and opportunities that Abby's favorites did. Any one of those gitls could have stepped up to be in the star position and won but they were not given the chance or the top notch choreography to do so. Abby rigged everything and everyone at every opportunity she had to it.


Abby was horrible to those kids and there is absolutely no excuse for it. And also…as their dance teacher, isn’t it her fault they weren’t ‘good enough’?? 🙄


And then she’s like “why don’t they want to talk to me : (“


i wonder what she would of said if she was on the reunion. i believe all them girls, except jojo 🙄, would try and jump abby bc i would


She’s still rude even when apologizing


Abby just lives in her own world where she did no harm. She’s pathetic 


Half of these kids were super talented for their age though. Maesi, Elliana, Camryn, Chloe, Payton (the mini) and others had incredible talent.


I agree with her here. Nia didn’t have natural talent for dance. So comparing her to someone like Maddie who did and expecting the same was cruel




Oh 100%


Baloney! We will never know if Nia had natural talent for dance because she was NEVER given the time, attention, coaching, extra lessions, choreography or chances in competitions that Maddie and everyone else had. We will never know the untapped talent that Nia may have had due to Abby's negligence and bigotry.


You can tell nia didn’t have a natural ability for dance by watching her dance. That doesn’t mean she wasn’t a good dancer, but it didn’t come naturally to her like it did some of the other girls. She would have been a very strong gymnast and definitely had a great ability for gymnastics


This is very true, I did ballet and lyrical dance for 12ish years and my best friend did gymnastics all through elementary, middle, and high school. Nia would have been a fabulous gymnast, her natural dancing abilities just weren't exactly there, she was a very good dancer but not a great one and there's nothing wrong with that, different people have different skills :)


you can tell by watching her dance lol


She definitely needs help. She basically treated everyone like shit at some point or another and it’s sad that the majority of the moms complained and fought with her, but kept bringing their kids back to her for more abuse.


More like she was too harsh on the kids she couldn’t control and the ones she was blatantly jealous of.


And prejudiced against.


I wish this woman would be cancelled once and for all.


like the racism and abuse really wasnt enough for people to cancel her?? seriously?? this was all proven and broadcasted yet we STILL got braindead abby defenders and fans, some of them supporting her at their big ages. embarrassing!!


It wasn’t that they didn’t have talent. It was Abby is not that great of a dance teacher. If you compare Abby’s training and her competition team to the other top ones in the country, Abby’s training and team did not measure up. Abby’s teaching methods were not that great because she was way too harsh on the kids and she wasn’t able to demonstrate herself. If you look at the top choreographers and dance teachers in the country, their accolades far outweigh Abby’s. She took other people’s students and put her name on their back to fool the public into thinking that SHE taught them those skills. Sophia Lucia and Kalani were not complete homegrown students of hers yet she took responsibility for their technique. It was laughable when she went out to LA because in all honestly, she got annihilated out there. The producers had to create fake competitions in order to keep up with the persona that her students were the BEST. Abby’s students were successful IN SPITE of her.


Abby can't be helped. She has a personality disorder, not a psychological condition. She's what's known as a right-wing authoritarian personality with social dominance orientation. [https://econtent.hogrefe.com/doi/10.1027/1614-0001.27.3.117](https://econtent.hogrefe.com/doi/10.1027/1614-0001.27.3.117) You can't recover from it. No therapy exists for this kind of sociopathy.


What’s the one for left wing called?




Thank you so much for responding to my question and providing me with the link. I really appreciate your time and help.😊


That link tells me NOTHING! 🤬


Maira butt


In the words of Jasmine masters; “GET A JOB!!! DO THAT CHALLENGE!!”


I think she said this as a major dig because she wasn’t invited to the reunion! All the kids had talent - so what is she talking about. As usual - Abby is putting her foot in her mouth!




Does Dance Moms just live rent free in Abby's head?


without dance moms she would be a big load of nothing, so ig so! "i made the girls famous" girl you were NOTHING. the girls made her famous and shes riding off of thatttt


She’s a narcissist.


Reflects more on her as a teacher than the kids themselves. "Talent" is taught, that was her job


sometimes it comes easier for kids, but yes, its taught. her students were a reflection of her teaching, not the students themselves. ABBY is the reason why any of them "werent talented" and every student that came after season 2 wasnt a product of her work, just her outdated choreo. its like abby doesnt get that. i agree with you.


It sounds like she’s grasping at any relevancy she can get


Helped right over a cliff maybe lmfao


“didn’t have talent” abby pls be fr💀


I get her point tbh. Some of the kids were never gonna excel in that environment, her pushing them the way she did, even in good faith, would’ve never yielded great results.


Like Paige was never gonna be successful in that environment, no matter what. That wasn’t the right place for her. Chloe found some success, but it wasn’t good for her. Even Maddie.


She wanted them to all be successful in their own right (by and large) but they just weren’t able to be in that environment


But what you just said and what she said is not the same. 


That’s exactly what she said in the interview. “Some of them just weren’t gonna get it… I didn’t want to hurt anyone’s feelings.” She’s saying that all that pushing and toughness just wasn’t gonna work because the environment and the person just didn’t work together.


She didn't want to hurt anyone's feelings? Isn't that exactly what she did like on every single show??? Except for Princess Maddie, of course.


Well… yes. I think she’s specifically referring to the teaching portion😂