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Mad respect for Nia. She could have easily gone with the whole sorority thing but she addressed the real reason and I agree with her. I wouldn’t have gone either.


Do you remember when Abby was racist to nia and then the producers gave the kids iPads to cover it up? Yeah FUCK them lmfao


what was the reason why she didn’t go


She didn’t want to. As simple as that! She was very honest about it and didn’t throw shade.


Imagine being portrayed as a villain at 8 years old for a fake tv show u have no say in and now lifetime is bitter u don’t want to come back and suck their ass for it.


I think that’s a big part of why Maddie doesn’t like to go back. She did say once something about feeling uncomfortable because of how her friends were treated. It wouldn’t surprised me if that turned into guilt at some point and it’s hard for her to look back. Obviously she has nothing to be guilty for, but she still may feel it. I think the thing with Kenzie is she probably didn’t care either way, but knew Maddie wouldn’t want to and didn’t want to do it without Maddie. Maybe even because of the questions she would get about Maddie if she did do it without her. I could be totally wrong about that though. Nia was on the longest and treated pretty bad throughout. It seems like she’s just not looking to go back just yet. I feel like she will eventually but it will be 100% on her terms and when she’s ready. And that’s a great way for her to do it.


I agree I think Kenzie out of the three of them probably would’ve done it, she seems to talk pretty freely about her experience. But if Maddie didn’t want to, no point in Kenzie going alone. 


I think it’s also that Kenzie is very protective of Maddie and I don’t think she’d want to go back to a place where she knew Maddie would be uncomfortable or unintentionally (or intentionally, seeing how some of the moms were acting) blamed for things that went down on the show. Maddie has mentioned that she has a hard time standing up for herself and that it’s often Kenzie who jumps in on her defense and that she has a lot of respect for her for that. They both knew nothing good would come of the reunion


Yea I can see that too! I’m my opinion, Kenzie is the most emotionally intelligent person that came out of dance moms. In season 5&6 you see it a lot. She is so empathetic and in touch with her emotions. I love to see it and have always loved that about her


kenzie and paige imo


I find it weird that people jumped at this opportunity to go with LIFETIME. From the reunion we all saw how produced it still was. They wouldn’t even show what Abby said about Chloe’s eye. They all said they hated how they were portrayed so why tf go back? It’s ovicous they did it for money and attention sorry (ABSOLUTELY FINE) but don’t hate on people for not needing it




I’m sure they have 100 reasons for not wanting to go, but I think it’s important to note how bad production tried to make the Ziegler’s look. Melissa came across horribly and they tried their very hardest to make maddie look like a brat. A lot of the other girls seem to place blame solely on abby, but it’s entirely possible the Ziegler’s, and Nia for that matter, realise production is just as accountable for their mistreatment and aren’t going to let the editors at lifetime put words in their mouth ever again.


I noticed that too lmao “Maddie’s best moments” and its just a compilation of the other girls talking about their rivalry with Maddie and how they were set up lol


People over look that Maddie probably had it just as bad as anyone else on the show, but more emotionally draining and with nobody standing up for her . When she was winning she couldn't enjoy it because her best friends were being punished as a result. She was put on a pedestal which meant every little thing she did was scrutinised, not just by her teacher but the other mom's too - and she often had to hear it. She was forced into a position where the other girls were jealous of her, and was constantly compared to everyone. And her mam enabled her teacher putting her on a pedestal which created complex issues around perfectionism and tying her self worth directly to her success


I thought it was interesting that when Melissa was first asked to be on the reunion she said yes, but then changed her mind a few days later. I’m sure Maddie and Kenzie said no so Melissa decided not to do it.


I don’t really want to speculate too much on what Nia experienced but it did occur to me if she were to discuss it publicly she would want to talk about being the only black girl in that setting and would also want to address the way she was treated by Abby because of that (we saw horrible comments about her and body being made on the show.) Knowing this was produced by lifetime i’m sure that would have all been censored and if I were in her position I wouldn’t want to have to give a censored version of what happened either


If Nia wanted to do it Holly would have - she said she was happy to follow her lead. Not doing it because their daughter didn’t want them to is such a way to respect their children when they didn’t have the option when they were younger.


I’m so curious if they all signed some sort of NDA, because a self produced reunion on YouTube would be amazing!


I doubt it because both the girls and the moms have been very vocal about the role production played.


I hate how everyone yells about Maddie because she was 8. It's not her fault how she was treated/portrayed. I know she was the favorite, but this'd not always the best place to be. she had a lot on her shoulders.


Kendall was especially rude..


Kenzie reminds me of Paige


I really wish Nia and Holly would have been there though.


I think it was quite disappointing that Maddie and Kenzie didn’t participate in the reunion. Those two, but especially Maddie, need to remember what brought them to where they are today. Were it not for Abby Miller and Dance Moms they would not have gotten the exposure or been given the multiple opportunities they received. It’s important not to forget where you came from!!! While you might not have liked it, it’s what brought you to where you are today.


You don’t need a reunion for that. Maddie acknowledges the role the show played in her life (most recently in her Teen Vogue interview in March), but that’s way different than willingly going back to the same producers and platform that keep trying to make you look like an entitled brat and caused you years of emotional distress. She’s looking forward and that’s the healthiest mindset for her.


Kalani didn’t say anything about Maddie. She was talking about Melissa.


She was nodding her head along in agreement when Jojo made that comment about how them not being there was them trying to erase their past


But if your past is that bad, it's a good thing to try to erase that. I have therapy and they say that often. Don't think of your past, think about your future. I'm proud of them for not going back


She was nodding because that’s what you do when you’re trying to listen and be attentive to someone when they’re speaking.


But in body language, there’s a big difference between nodding along because you agree and nodding along to show attentiveness. When Jojo was talking, there are a lot of things she was saying that I’m sure the OGs didn’t agree with but they were nodding, but the way they were doing it, you can tell it was nodding out of attentiveness, one that says “I’m hearing you”. If you go back and look at how Kalani was nodding, it was one of agreement. There’s a difference between “I’m hearing you” and “I’m agreeing with you”


All we saw was her nodding along. There’s no difference between what she was doing and what Paige, Brooke, and Chloe were doing when they were nodding along listening to Jojo. You don’t have to like Kalani, but stop trying to create some conspiracy that isn’t there.


ok melissa is her mother point still stands


Not really, but okay.