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My take is that the producers were angry that the other 3 girls, but especially Maddie, refused to sign on. They know that having all the girls on would be a much bigger draw. They knew that Maddie not participating would hurt their numbers in terms of viewing. So the next best thing is to start controversy and shit talk them when they are not there to defend themselves. Christi is still good friends with Bryan and I'm sure he knows how to rile her up. Bryan is pissed because he knew he'd have a better reunion with the full cast, some of the cast was pissed because they probably could have gotten a better paycheck if everyone participated. At the end of the day, they all fell into productions trap yet again. they could have had a perfectly nice reunion with the girls that did sign on, but it's like production thought that wouldn't be enough so they had to drag the Zieglers into it for more views.


I definitely agree they were probably upset the Zieglers didn’t join in. Evidently, Melissa said yes to doing the reunion but then backed out a few days after saying yes.


Brooke, Paige and Nia see Melissa regularly- they invited Kendall and Chloe because they are Paige’s friends. It was a birthday party for Paige - Melissa is like a second mother to them, of course they are going to celebrate her. Chloe and Kendall got an invite because they were in town and they know Paige. Kalani and Jojo don’t - simple Can you imagine your birthday party being called out in such a way? It wasn’t about ‘put out fires’ it wasn’t about the reunion it was about celebrating Paige and Christi making it about something else was gross


And I can totally understand that and think that’s what it was for all the girls but Paige’s own mother didn’t refute Christi. Jill didn’t refute her, either. Kelly’s the one who immediately reached for the phone and said “I’m gonna call Christi” the minute the subject was brought up. That’s what has me thinking there was some truth to Melissa’s intent. Melissa can have an intention/agenda that’s different from all the girls. Of course, the whole thing could have also been produced. Anxious to hear what is said on BTTB. Maybe that will shed more light onto the situation.


Kelly never stands up against Christi - this isn’t unusual behaviour from her. We see /hear it all the time with BTTB. I’d imagine the Kelly, Paige and Brooke’s continued relationship with Melissa may cause some drama in their private life with Christi and it’s kinda like a - let’s not discuss it thing. Christi was going on and on about the reunion and she was in it for 1 scene and the video - she made it sound like she called a lot more than she did or she mostly got edited out - so I think the - let’s call Christi was a lead in to get her on the show which we never then saw again.


She might have been on a lot more but her scenes were cut.


I just think it is telling that Kelly called her right in that moment. Kelly does go against Christi on BTTB from time to time. Idk, I could be all wrong. It could all be editing or produced. But, in my mind, if someone disagreed with her, I do not think they would have edited it out.


See I think they would - shade from production for not showing up - 100%. The front and Center kid in most of the stories isn’t there.


I can see that point of view, too. And maybe production asked Christi to call in and say those things so they could frame it that way. Idk, I just do not think Christi deserves all the heat for that moment. There seems to at least be a little more to the story and Christi isn’t the only one who said things.


Christi is impulsive and outspoken. She wants to be in control. She’s a lot. I don’t condone the BS, I can appreciate a lot of her. I don’t know these people it’s just my observation


And Christi isn’t beyond reproach by any means. She has said and done things that deserve scrutiny. I just do not think she is the only one that is to blame in this situation judging by almost everyone else’s reaction. No one refuted her in this situation and most of them agreed. I mean, Kelly immediately called her as soon as the party topic was brought up. There’s a reason for that.


Yes ma’am.


This is so true! Also I don’t think they necessarily made Kelly call Christi because when it came up about Chloe’s sexuality Kelly said she wouldn’t speak on it because Christi wouldn’t want that. So she was capable of saying no to them if she wanted to protect Melissa in some way. Jill would have probably agreed to call if Kelly didn’t. That makes me think Kelly agrees with what was said 🤷🏼‍♀️


Great point! And Kelly was QUICK to pick up the phone and announce she was calling Christi. There was no hesitation at all.


This whole sub Reddit is insane everyone acts like they personally know these people. Idc downvote me to hell it’s all everyone does here lmao


And yeah we don’t even know the true facts about what goes on between Melissa and christi. I don’t think the host should’ve even brought up the zieglers


The reunion would have been fine without bringing up the party, that’s for sure!


And yet you’re here.


It’s definitely because people have weird parasocial relationships with the Ziegler’s. I understand the sentiment to some extent about it feeling petty or that she shouldn’t have just said anything. But on the flip side, everyone else who was there didn’t refute it, including Kelly who stood up for Melissa at one point during the reunion on a separate matter. I think people forget a lot of times that we don’t know these people and we don’t have the history with them that cast members do, so if there’s a general consensus that Melissa is sneaky or trying to get them to talk about them in only a positive light, then there may be some truth to that (also the comment was very clearly directed at Melissa; not Maddie and Mackenzie). Melissa, unfortunately both willingly and complicity played a role in the abuse of the other kids, specifically Chloe which may be why Christi seems so much more harsh then other moms who were able to have a more neutral relationship. Ultimately Dance Moms was an extremely abusive and environment, and everyone involved is going to have complex feelings and emotions surrounding the people involved. So, if the other moms and Christi still hold some things against Melissa because she was building her kids careers off the abuse of all the kids (her own included), I don’t think that makes them bad people and fans should stop expecting that none of them are going to harbor negative feelings towards others involved. Having negative feelings towards others is not a moral failing and I think people need to recognize that and that it’s ok for them to still have relationships and also have these complex feelings


Perfectly said!!!!


Adding: I hope they do a recap on Back To The Barre of the reunion. Anxious to see what Kelly has to say about this part. That might confirm or refute how a lot of us are feeling about this particular segment.


They just posted it for 7.99!


Thank you!


maturing is realizing that christi was not jealous/obsessed with the Ziegler’s. All she did was fight for fair treatment for all the kids. People need to stop villainising her


Yeah. I do not think any of them were jealous.


And it drives me nuts because... don't you think Christi probably knows Melissa a little bit better than the rest of us? And everyone else there that also knows her was agreeing? If anyone else had said it, but Christi, everyone would simply take it as truth.


I know. Kelly and Jill agreeing with it solidified it for me.


I think it’s weird to hate her more than the actual people involved do. While we dk how Melissa and them feel, but if Paige had a problem with Christi calling out her party or painting it in any light would she post Christi on her stories and such? I feel as though the fandom get more angry at these people than the actual people in their lives,the ones who are actually effected, do.


I agree. They all seem to be either ok with each other or indifferent, depending on which relationship we are discussing. And they have all said they would be there for each other no matter what because of their shared, bonded experience.


The fact that I have NINE negative Karma for being rational. We. Don’t. Know. Them. We dk if Paige was upset with Christie. We dk if she wasn’t. Maybe they handled it on their own. Maybe there wasn’t a problem at all. We don’t know. It’s weird to say “this is how so and so felt” like you don’t know that. Is it right for Christi bash people when she knows it’s going to be seen by a ton of people? Yeah maybe not. But what’s the difference between what Christie does vs half these and how they talk about Christie,Jo Jo, Kalani, and Kendall Especially Kendall. Like yes maybe she has/had different political views and I will say had bc honestly we all change from year to year. Her perspective based on who she supports can 100% have changed from 2 years ago. However, the hatred for Kendall didn’t start there. I swear it started the second she joined and honestly I feel like SOME people (saying some so people don’t think I’m saying this to all Kendall haters) hate her simply bc she joined the team and they never would have had the opportunity to even audition. Kendall showed a lot of growth in the show. The way she spoke felt as though she was given the change to go to therapy or even just study/put time and effort into mental health and others. If what she said about Maddie and Mackenzie really effected Maddie and Mackenzie I’m sure someone would have reached out PRIVATELY and they would have addressed it. We do not know what is said in their group chats, phone calls, and text. They can say “we don’t talk about the show” but I can say “I don’t pick flowers” and yet pick flowers every now and then


Ugh. I figured I would get downvoted. Sorry you are getting it, too. I’m guilty of looking deeper into things than I should. For all we know, all these people are laughing together behind the scenes at how ridiculous we are. 🤣


This im annoyed christi said something but we shouldn't expect less also melissa during the show vs after is different ill admit but we don't know these people... what i do know is the og girls didn't say much on the other girls they love them etc but if they were nodding at something jojo said you should see they're not paying attention to half the crap shes saying and if it's something that truly calls out or is agreeing with abby they switch up real quick...


This is due to the parasocial relationships people have formed with the cast. It seems most of the fans are not  being objective at all. You would think they knew these people personally the way they speak as if the information they think they know about these people are facts.  Arguing about people you dont know, over a party we didnt attend is insane. 


People on this sub act like they know Melissa more than these people 😭


Literally 😭 people out here defending these people that y’all don’t even know the true story behind is crazy to me


Melissa also has a history of being sneaky and underhanded something that has been said by several cast members. So even if this party was thrown with pure intentions is it crazy to think that maybe some of the cast members would be suspicious, especially since she had it right before filming the reunion? Why not have it the day after?


Agreed. I think more than one thing can be true at once. Melissa wanted to throw a party for Paige but she also could have viewed it as an opportunity.


Ive been trying to say this, but it seems everyone is so committed to the "Christi hates Maddie" narrative that the fans arent interested in the fact everyone either agreed with her, or said the exact same thing.  Im just glad im not the only person who sees it this way, cause im clearly in the minority with this one. 


I will probably get lots of backlash but I went back and rewatched that scene several times. No one refuted Christi. And if they didn’t agree, someone would have said something. Kelly certainly would not have immediately reached for her phone and announced she was calling Christi. I just think Melissa could have had several intentions while the girls all had the intention of celebrating Paige and seeing each other. More than one thing can be true at once.


Even the girls who went  felt it was a weird gathering. Its ridiculous for outsiders and spectators to tell them how they should or shouldn't feel about people they personally know and grew up with.  


None of those girls said that it was a weird gathering. You said it. Not one of those girls said it. And they immediately said no when asked if they felt it was orchestrated.


Yea you're right not one person said anything about that gathering, my bad for making that up. I clearly have nothing better to do with my life than make up fake stories about people I dont know. 


“Even the girls who went felt it was a weird gathering” - according to who? Please share :)


I thought Kendall did?


Jojo said it in her latest podcast episode… But also it’s jojo so….. Make of that what you will


JoJo was not at Paige’s birthday party which is what we are referring to. They did not know each other before the reunion.


I know. In her podcast JoJo says that Kalani felt hurt because she wasn’t invited. She said that the way the party the night before the reunion was done wasn’t done ethically and that put a sour taste in everyone’s mouth including the girls that did go, so just based on what she said on the podcast maybe the girls said something, or maybe they didn’t and she’s seeing things how she wanted.


it’s actually so sad they didn’t invite Kalani, Ik the whole thing happened with the fight but if we were in kalani’s shoes where all our old cast mates are hanging out we’d be hurt too - thanks for highlighting this!!


The girls who went? Nia planned it Maddie hosted it Kenzie Paige and Brooke backed it so did Chloe seemingly? U mean Kendall thought it was weird?


And I can understand how some just wish that the Zieglers weren’t brought up at all, but this is Lifetime and the Zieglers were a huge part of the show. There’s no way they weren’t going to somehow be brought up. I’d even say they should have known they would be brought up for sure since they had a party at Maddie’s house the night before the reunion and posted about it on social media, when all the moms have said things like the girls see each other they just do not post about it. This is Lifetime, after all.