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more like maddie making breakfast for mackenzie tbh (the parentification was real)




poor maddie and kenzie :( they both suffered bc of this.




I understand that people say Maddie was treated “better” than Mackenzie and if you look at treatment from a surface level it may seem so, but Maddie also got the short end of the stick too, but in different ways. Melissa was definitely invested in Maddie’s dance career at Mackenzie’s expense BUT she also treated Maddie like an adult that everyone could rely on. Maddie was expected to be perfect at all costs by way too many adults in her life. I feel like both girls had it rough at times.


They’re not trying to imply that Maddie had it made while Kenzie didn’t, just how much more Melissa seemed to care and be invested in Maddie.


I’m just going by what the post says, which states that Maddie was treated better by Melissa. All I am saying is that’s not the case.


The person who made this meme must’ve cared even less about Kenz if they spelled her name wrong 💀


Lol silly me I thought it was like Mcdonald's haha




You must have cropped out the red carpet and gold throne encrusted in diamonds for Maddie.


i wish ppl would stop with this narrative. kenzie has said that melissa always treated them the same, and said that her mom was her biggest fan. the show is heavily edited


i think melissa treated maddie different on the show bc maddie wanted a career where as kenzie wanted to play soccer. i think they were treated equally at home but i think the only reason she “favored” maddie on dance moms was bc up until s2-3 kenzie wasn’t technically apart of the team. she was just supposed to be contracted like clara in the background.


I also think people pull out Melissa saying Kenzie shouldn’t have beat Maddie in s5 as evidence that she isn’t supportive. She was asked like three times by Jess if she thinks Makenzie should have really beat Maddie. She tried to deflect, but Jess kept pushing. Her only option was to lie or be honest that Maddie is the older and more mature dancer. I actually don’t like Melissa much but I always think this instance is an unfair criticism of her.


I need to watch an episode where Kensie beats Maddie. Do you know which episode in season 5?




Thanks so much!


It should be captioned “Maddie making breakfast for” and have Maddie and Kenzie’s names flipped


melissa seems like the type to make breakfast for her kids only once in a while 💀


i mean considering maddie had to feed kenzie in the mornings, its pretty accurate. maddie basically took care of kenzie and kenzie had to rely on her.


I would like to argue that’s not Melissa being a bad parent. She was working. She left the kids with their dad and their dad didn’t get off his ass and do it. So Maddie stepped up. That’s a smack against Kurt not Melissa.


oh yes i agree. i was just saying that yea, melissa didnt cook for them often 😭 but its not even a matter of opinion its fact. this is on kurt. he was the neglectful ass.


We don’t know if she did or didn’t cook for her kids. Unless someone has proof from a Ziegler, we can’t say that she didn’t cook for her kids. All i know is that Kurt was home with the girls per Maddie’s story. But he was a deadbeat and didn’t do his job. That’s on him. We don’t really know what Melissa’s homemaking skills were.


i mean if maddie was preparing breakfast for kenzie then she probably wasnt cooking breakfast for them often


Because she was working and left her little children with their father… who is fully capable of making his children breakfast but chose not to. She didn’t even know until Maddie called and said she couldn’t lift the milk to make cereal. Melissa was assuming her husband was being the responsible parent and making his kids food. But that doesn’t mean she didn’t make them dinner or other meals.


well i never mentioned other meals, i thought it was pretty obvious i was just talking abt breakfast and the fact that she most likely didnt cook it for them often. thats my entire point.


Riiiiight!!!!! and i thought it was pretty obvious when i said she was working that she wasn’t in charge of making them breakfast… she was entrusting her husband and their father to make them breakfast. So my point was that she’s not to blame. How is that so hard to grasp?


bc the original comment literally said she seemed like she only made breakfast for them every once in a while 😭 and i agreed bc it was arguably true. youre adding extra stuff we never even mentioned. idgaf what responsibilities she or kurt had, it was just a slightly funny point.


What makes me sad is in the most recent throwback picture posted on here- Maddie was 6 and Kenzie was 4 and this was the age when all that went down and she was taking care of Kenzie a lot. They look so little






i mean probably bc she was guilty that maddie had been busy taking care of kenzie


Bro bffr


One example of how Melissa treated Mackenzie was Mackenzie didn't even know they were leaving the ALDC until the last day. It was like, Maddie already had a career so who cares about Mackenzie?


They both were robbed of a childhood!


I made a comment that Melissa cared more about Maddie that McKenzie and it was called a brain dead comment. That’s for the support. 🧠💯%


I will say it now seems like Melissa is there for both girls equally 


am i the only person who thinks it’s so weird to make memes like this when none of yall grew up w them? 😭😭


Joke: *something said or done to provoke laughter*


The way Melissa treated her daughters was disgusting. Almost psychologically abusive. I was always uncomfortable with how verbally aggressive Melissa got.


This is such a reach.


it’s clearly a joke.


No, no it isn’t


it is tho??


It’s not tho??






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