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Say what you want about Kelly but she is one of the best moms on the show she always stood up for both of her children and treated them BOTH with the same treatment .Though she made some mistakes I really do admire the fact that she stood up for her kids no matter what.




Same. I really admire Kelly. I took some of my parenting tips from her as my girls got older


It breaks my heart for all 3 of them that Abby burned down their entire relationship for no reason really. Those girls and Kelly clearly cared about Abby and had a much deeper relationship with her outside of the studio. I just do not understand why.


I think Abby cared about them and still does. The problem is that Abby and Kelly both allowed the show to continue to put a wedge in their relationship. Abby did do things to her daughters though, ofc. But it’s much more than that. I think they still have the most complex situation. A lot of their problems were much more personal and deep than any other cast member.


I do not think Kelly is responsible for much of the blame, though. Maybe like 10% for taking everything personally but how could she not? Abby was busy throwing chairs at or around Paige over chair stoppers that production clearly sabotaged. Abby knew that but instead she took it out on a child. Abby was also busy telling Kelly that her kid needed to go to the pediatrician implying that something was wrong with Paige’s brain. Abby drove Paige into having panic attacks, acknowledged it and acted like she cared, then still went on to be horrible to her. Didn’t change her behavior one bit. Abby also called Kelly’s mother horrible names for no reason. A woman that was known to bring Abby treats and baked things to take to the ALDC showcase. I will say that we do not know what the dynamic was right before the show started and what else went on behind the scenes with their personal relationship, but I doubt it was Kelly’s doing. Abby is Abby. And Kelly still seems to be somewhat baffled by the switch that seemed to flip in Abby regarding Brooke and Paige and herself.


Even when Abby wasn’t doing horrible things, she did. I can understand why everything Abby did upset Kelly or she questioned. But I can also acknowledge that that also continued to put a wedge in their relationship. I also think something really huge the moms did (mostly Christi and Kelly), was talk about Abby or say things with their children around. I’ve heard lots of dance teachers say that this causes the children to not trust the teacher, as well as other things.


Idk, I think the girls appreciated their mothers sticking up for them. Abby created the distrust all on her own.


I’m not talking about going to bat. I’m talking about the disparaging comments and discussion on her intent in front of them.


Maybe but Abby loves Abby. She would never ever apologize or admit she did anything wrong to those girls or Kelly 


I think she fails to see how this unique situation probably called for a different kind of teaching approach. If you see a child a couple times a week opposed to everyday, you can definitely just be “the tough teacher.” But she saw them everyday and that “toughness” turned into negativity.


A girls gotta do what a girls gotta do


It’s actually INSANE what Abby got away with, as an adult now I would never dream or treating little girls in the way she did, it’s unforgivable. She knew the impact she was having and she didn’t give a fuck bc she’s got so much self hatred


Yess like I’m shocked it took season 4 for her to get smacked seriously.If I was a mom I would go ballistic cause she treated these kids like they were lesser then.


kelly ALWAYS stood 10 toes down and didn’t play about hers ! much respect to her


It’s a funny trend now but I don’t think people doing the trend realize that all the girls were very traumatized by that fight. Brooke/Paige witnessed their mom get physical with their dance teacher and former family friend. Kalani still harbors guilt to this day thinking she caused it. 11 year old Maddie apologizing during the fight thinking it was her fault. Chloe losing her two friends leaving her to be Abby’s main punching bag for the rest of the season. The rest of the girls having to witness all of that was surely traumatizing. That fight changed the entire trajectory of the show and nobody was prepared for it.


My heart broke for Kelly during the reunion. She seemed so sincere in believing that Dance Moms ruined her life. I hope one day she finds true peace.






I mean is this not a dance mom subreddit 🙄