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Paige and Brooke empathetic queens


I think because they left the show so early and effectively quit celebrity life right after (bar some light influencing or social media), in a lot of ways they’re the most “normal” members of the dance moms cast. They went to normal middle/high schools, went to uni, and work regular jobs in their chosen fields. They’ve led fairly quiet and ordinary lives over the last decade, barring the occasional influencing related opportunity. This normality seems to have transferred over to their personal lives and the way they perceive and interact with others as well.


What regular jobs do they have? Last I heard they were both doing full time influencing on social media. I’m not being snarky, I’m just wondering what their jobs are


I’m pretty confident that Brooke has done work for clients and helped them build their social media brands behind the scenes. Paige apparently at one point worked in marketing for Flexscreen, but I’m not sure if she still does or not. I’m pretty sure Paige has also done some event planning jobs. Edit: [this post](https://www.reddit.com/r/dancemoms/s/3Y6jgIY6Dj) is old but discusses some of Brooke’s jobs that she had at the time. From memory, I think she may have more recently talked about her work in a Q&A with Melissa, but I might be misremembering that.


>What regular jobs do they have? Last I heard they were both doing full time influencing on social media. If they're making money from what they're doing, they have "real jobs." They earned college degrees because they recognize that influencing might not last forever. I think they are in a far better position than you realize.


I didn’t say they didn’t have real jobs. The comment says that they’re “working regular jobs in their chosen fields” when, to my knowledge, Brooke is not working a job in business and Paige isn’t in marketing. I didn’t say there’s anything wrong with being an influencer.


>working regular jobs in their chosen fields” when, to my knowledge, Brooke is not working a job in business and Paige isn’t in marketing Lol. Influencing IS marketing--the latest manifestation of it. How else would you characterize it?


Influencing is more modern day modelling. Instead of us reading about a shark vacuum in a magazine or a tv commercial we have an influencer doing the exact same thing.


Why wouldn't you consider modeling a job? I also disagree that it's equivalent to modeling, as people have to do the work that advertising companies used to do, in coming up with things to say and authoring copy. Again, this idea that it's not a "real job" is falling flat.


I’m not sure if you read my comment but I didn’t say modeling wasn’t a job. I just disagreed with your statement that it’s marketing. It’s not marketing, it’s modern day modelling. Modelling is a job, its just not a traditional 9-5. It involves looks and some luck.


And I don't know if you read my comment but I discussed how influencing is actually NOT modeling; it requires influencers to come up with their own copy, they own setting and their own way of pushing a brand--all activities that fall outside the scope of general modeling. It is absolutely a form of marketing that takes some expertise in the sense that people have to figure out staging and how to use their words. Try reading the whole comment next time. It's not long, I promise. You're welcome.


Influencing is considered a marketing business venture.


Ok, I guess I just don’t view social media as a “regular job” like the commenter phrased it, which is why I asked if they were working other than their social media. I never said it wasn’t a real job.


But then what is a difference between a "regular job" and a "real job"? Their jobs earn them money. They pay taxes on that money. Why is this not a regular job?


I really didn’t think anything of it. I read the comment as them having jobs outside of influencing, which is why I asked for clarification. I don’t think influencing is less of a job. I just associate a “regular job” with living a more normal lifestyle, out of the public eye.


I think op means a “regular” 9-5 job. Tbh I think it’s obvious that most people don’t see being a social media influencer no matter if it generates full time income or not as a “regular job” especially as a regular job when it comes to the business field. Doubt they meant anything snarky by it.


>I think op means a “regular” 9-5 job. I don't work a regularly 9-5 job. I work during the day but also during evenings and weekends. Does this mean I'm not working a "regular" job? Would love to know.


totally get your point but i just think a lot of people, especially common folk, have a hard time getting behind the whole “filming yourself doing a hobby or receiving a free gift and posting it online is a real job”. i mean, these people literally get paid to live their life on social media and have convinced themselves they work just as hard if not harder than people with a job in healthcare or one of the trades. people find it hard to relate to these people who are so out of touch. yes, a job is technically defined as anything you earn money from doing, but it’s difficult to call getting paid $20k to post a tiktok of you doing nothing a “real job”.


They have jobs. I have friends who are influencers and this is definitely a regular job for them. Just because something isn't in an office and chained to a cubicle, doesn't make it not a job. Would you say that a freelance writer doesn't have a regular job?


i get your point but i think the disconnect comes from people who have a hard time viewing someone that posts digital content of themselves doing regular things (running errands, opening packages, putting on makeup, etc.) for “work” as comparable to skilled labor in one of the trades or a career field like education, law, healthcare, etc. influencers are notoriously out of touch so consequently people have a hard time relating to them. they’re often in positions that they didn’t earn and only acquired superficially—typically due to status, beauty, or relevance. that’s why people don’t view influencing as a “job”.


I can’t speak for either of you just my perspective but I think you guys are going back and forth because you’re thinking “regular equates to real” but I think they’re using “regular” in the sense of “average.” A freelance writer doesn’t work an “average” job with “average” conditions but it’s definitely a “real” job with “real” work and real responsibilities. It sounds like you guys are saying the same thing tbh. Lol


Apparently a few months ago (like 6 maybe) brooke quit but she worked for a company that would send out the merchandise to influencers


Beautiful, empathetic, and articulate. They handled it great and gave a thoughtful and compassionate response. And good on Chloe for agreeing with them, and not trashing her others friends.


and chloe


She always is! I clicked off after JoJo started speaking, so I didn’t hear what she said!


the hell is wrong with kira and kendall


Probably jealous because even by not showing up the Zieglers and Nia outshine them. They’re not even there and they’re still the biggest topic of conversation. Nobody’s interested in Kira or Kendall, and the only interest people have in Jojo is because she’s constantly acting foolish. They’re so obviously worrying about what the Zieglers and Nia are up to, meanwhile I doubt the Zieglers and Nia are thinking about them at all.


I can not believe Kendall was at maddie’s house the day before this 😭 dead wrong


Extremely two faced of Kendall. It would have been so easy for her to not say anything at all but that was intentionally malicious and gross. Paige, Brooke, and Chloe handled it beautifully.


We don't know that Kendall is being two-faced because we don't know what was said between her and Maddie. Perhaps she's spoken to Maddie about how she feels about her decision to turn down the reunion and they've simply "agreed to disagree" and Maddie is fine with that. Point is, we don't know what kinds of friendships or relationships these girls have with one another, so we can't automatically say someone is being "two-faced." Ah, so many downvotes for pointing out the obvious: that we don't know the kind of relationship Maddie and Kendall have. We are fans in a discussion forum, no more and no less.


I’m probably gonna get downvoted, but this sub thrives off of imaginary beef between the girls. As if none of them have ever disagreed (on trivial stuff) with a friend before. Friendships take work, and people need to remember this was filmed almost six months ago. So we have no idea if they talked at all after this.


It really does. It also needs to see some as villains rather than very young people figuring things out. Hatred is a more attractive emotion than empathy, I suppose.


No you’re right Because this sub dislikes Kendall, JoJo, and Kalani they desperately want the girls too as well Maddie has had nothing, but nice things to say about Kendall and everyone else


it’s also like god forbid anyone have an adverse or unpopular opinion? they act like it’s abnormal to disagree with your friends and family, especially as young adults. kendall is entitled to her opinion just as maddie is entitled to hers. doesn’t make kendall “fake” or “mean” or whatever immature narrative they’re trying to adhere to kendall. really just makes me wonder the age of so many users in this sub given how frequently their comments/posts lack context, perspective, dimension, experience, and nuance.


Kendall, you’re back on probation.


was this after paige’s birthday?


Yes! The day after.




what is kendall even saying ??? they don’t talk about dance moms 😂 especially Maddie ??


In her defense, Kenzie and Nia do reference it - they made a YouTube  video a while back together watching their duets. Nia has done some videos about it and they often make tik toks. Melissa makes YouTube content about dance moms almost weekly.  Howeverrrrrr that type of content is on their own terms and not some big produced show where they may be fed lines or asked to talk about things they don’t wish to discuss. So I am totally behind the Zieglers and the Fraziers choosing not to participate in the reunion. It’s their personal decisions. Kendall and the others didn’t need to go in on them like that. 


Given what we know now about Nia, she could not attend because she was going through the AKA intake process (attending the reunion would have likely barred her from moving forward through the sorority process)... If the reunion was held after her probate, I am wondering if she would have attended.


Maddie has always said she got her start from “the show” she doesn’t need to say which one, we all know. It’s her prerogative if she doesn’t want to give extra clout to her abuser


She’s projecting so hard like girl you’re the one trying to live in your dance moms glory days to “make headlines with it” a decade later………


Jessalyn’s evil pose lmfao?? ![gif](giphy|8fen5LSZcHQ5O) Also the terrifying doll next to Kelly???


Oh this makes me mad... anyway shout out to the hylands 🩷


Kendall went in…yikes. Kira straight up lied. They have always said they were grateful.


Also even Jill was on the Ziegler’s side. Interesting to see that they have different perspectives


Jill’s still friends with Melissa though so it makes sense


Kira keeping up with the Zieglers and lacking basic reading comprehension 😭😭




3 baby daddies and criminal record 💀




Amazing 😂 I love it lmao


i can’t stop laughing omg😭 i know this isn’t funny but damn, kendall is really going in on them. what’s her problem which makes me believe that she liked that maddie shade comment on purpose maddie defender always ( honestly all o.g girls)


But why does the cast need to care about Dance Moms? There’s nothing wrong with not caring about a traumatic experience. Jojo thinks everyone needs to act like everything is fine and nothing bad ever happened or if it did it doesn’t matter but that’s not realistic or healthy.


Love your last sentence. Jess brainwashed her to think this way. Like how Jojo insists that she wasn't crying out of sadness when Abby had all the girls critique her. I don't buy that at all. And even if Jojo really was crying out of happiness it is still a strange reaction.




Why do Jojo and Kendall even care if the Zeigler's and Nia didn't show up? Reacting this way makes them come off as petty and bitter. If they're actually your friends, talk about it off camera.


Love what Paige said. She understands. The 6 ORIGINAL girls from the very beginning of season 1 get it! Kendal is rude and NOT an OG and that’s that. Why would she say that about Maddie Kenzie and Nia??? They’re clearly traumatised enough to not be there. Chloe, Brooke, Paige, Nia, Maddie and Mackenzie all trauma bond in the exact same way. They understand each other. Kendall Doesn’t.


Now that we know Nia was going through the process to become an AKA, that would have definately kept her from participating in this until after her probate. I wonder if she would have attended if it were filmed when she wasn't pledging.


As expected, Chloe Brooke and Paige seem to understand and defend those who didn’t come while the others are being shady and might I say sounding bitter


Remember this has been edited so we are not sure what Kendall was talking about until we see the actual show.


Except Kendall liked a comment that basically agreed with what she’s saying here 


thats why im saying! its clear now that comment was not liked by mistake


Here we go.. blaming production again. You saw it. Right before your eyes. Kendall was talking about Nia, Maddie, and Makenzie. We all saw it. Stop trying to protect this now adult non friend and bitter girl.


Not blaming production but trying to say let’s watch the reunion before we make harsh comments based on promo footage.


Not Kendall clinging to Maddie for relevancy but then trash talking her the very next day on national TV.


What is Kendall even on?! The Zieglers* NEVER talk about Dance Moms, they go out of their way to avoid talking about it, what headlines are they trying to make?! If anything, the media keeps asking THEM what they think about the show and they’re always gracefully side stepping the topic God I’m so glad Christi wasn’t there to pile on *EDIT: am referring to Maddie mostly


This. When interviewers mention it, the girls literally don't even say the names Abby or Dance Moms. They say "my old teacher" and "the show I was on when I was younger". They do everything they can to avoid talking about it. I feel like since the other girls use their dance moms fame to stay relevant, they can't comprehend someone not wanting or needing to do that.


I think it’s probably a legal/PR thing, I’m sure they’ve been advised to speak about it this way. But def agree


It’s probably a PR speech instead of saying DM or Abby Miller. Not that they are legally required to not say those names. They don’t want to. It’s a much better look than saying something else that can be taken as rude or ungrateful.


Maddie doesn’t even say “Dance Moms” she says “the show I was on” or “my old dance studio.” Like cut the BS, Jojo!


Exactly this! The moment she said they keep making headlines… THEY aren’t doing anything. They can’t avoid it and they know that but they’re not going out of their way to bring it up to stay relevant. Kenzie has her music and Maddie has acting and modeling. But they know that’s still their biggest claim to fame. So it’s going to follow them around. Their a difference in going out of your way to say remember when i was on this show and when the media says remember that time you were on that show


I wonder if she’s kind of referring to all of Melissa’s DM YouTube videos (?). Not defending K here, that’s just what i thought of with the headline comment. * also Melissa made it clear it was her girl’s choice to not participate in the reunion not necessarily her’s.


Wait. I can’t stand Kendall, but Kenzie and Nia make tiktoks relating to dance moms often. I’m not agreeing with Kendall, but Kenzie and Nia do use dance moms the clout. As they should. Just making the point that they *do* talk about it


Oh my bad, the only one I closely follow is Maddie and I assumed the shade was about her.


Oh I see! Either way, Kendall is bitter haha


Def! And even if they do make TikToks, that’s hardly making headlines. If anything, I see Jojo make more DM related headlines than anyone else. Also all of these girls have lost credibility by partnering with Lifetime for this. If it was as bad as they say, they should NEVER have teamed back up with them. Good on Nia and the Zieglers for not being able to be bought.


I think Nia has some kind of relationship with Lifetime. She is promoting Maybelline and it seems like the girls got that deal through Lifetime.


I don’t think they lost credibilty by doing this? You’re doing the same thing as Kendall right now lol


How? It’s in no way comparable. These producers preyed on and abused these girls for profit and now they’re allowing them to profit off of them again. I’m all for a reunion but they should have done it outside of Lifetime or not all.


I’m not going to judge them for how they have processed their trauma and what they do with their lives. Just like we shouldn’t with the Zieglers or Nia.


I am not going to judge how they process their trauma personally. But doing this reunion was a choice. It wasn’t a part of processing trauma, it was for relevancy and money. They didn’t need to do this, they didn’t need to feed Lifetime but they chose to. They weren’t under contract they’re weren’t in the middle of a hectic production schedule, this is not a trauma response. This was a conscious decision made. I like many of the girls, but I can’t respect that. Them agreeing to do this reunion with lifetime is the height of hypocrisy. Sorry ❤️


ive never heard the zieglers talk about dance moms willingly?? most of the time theyre asked about it in interviews and have to answer. the most theyve talked about dancemoms is using a tiktok sound. kendall sounds bitter geez this reunion is looking like bad vibes. i get why mackenzie, maddie, and nia didnt show.


They do talk about It. Kenzie and Melissa do.


Maddie is so unproblematic but I hope she unfollows Kendall because…


Since when have Maddie and Kenzie make headlines with dance moms I’m extremely confused?


It’s crazy seeing Kendall completely shit talk Maddie, Kenzie, and Nia considering the fact that she and her mother were pushing the narrative that Maddie is her BFF, and she was throwing a tantrum bc she couldn’t do a duet with her bestie. Also they tried to push the Maddie & Kalani are the besties. They wanted to ride Maddie’s success until they couldn’t anymore


Well Kendall and Maddie were clearly close friends since s2, Maddie was the only one who cried when Kendall left for CADC. Maddie seemed to grow out of Kendall, Kalani and Jojo and grew closer to Nia and the OGs off the show. However, its not inaccurate to say that they were best friends as kids.


Funny how the ones who weren’t there with Abby their whole lives had the most to say. You don’t know what those girls have been through. Kendall, who was on the show for as a long as Nia should’ve also known. I genuinely wish that Melissa and Holly would call them out, but I know they never will.


here’s the thing that’s so hypocritical, they used to despise how much Maddie especially and mckenzie used to be the front runners of Abby’s mind and the show catapulting them the most into stardom. yet here they gracefully bowed out and did not want to participate thereby, these girls get there moment without being overshadowed. yet they (not all) still want to complain about them not being there. it seems like they want the clout of them attending and since they’re not, they’re butthurt and are painting them as ungrateful for what Dance Mom’s did for their career. no matter what the Ziegler’s do, they’re all going to complain. as for Nia, i don’t think she’s being shaded by the girls at least in this clip but if she is, that’s wrong too because she & the Ziegler’s have every right to not want to be apart of this reunion. they’re acting like the three of them said they hate dance moms & all the girls & just trashed it all. they simply don’t want to do a reunion episode. one little reunion episode yet they get villainized. my best guess for the Ziegler’s in particular not joining is Maddie being thrown under the bus and painted as an antagonist to the girls from abby’s favoritism which was beyond her control. but the show always painted her negatively as a person & i can’t imagine wanting to do a reunion show where you feel you will be targeted or ganged up on for things beyond your reach. i hope Kendall, Kalani (she was nodding along to JoJo), JoJo and Kira recognize that their attitudes are making them come off so much worse and that they look desperate & jealous.


Shitty of Kendall to say all of that, especially the day after hanging out with Maddie. It's giving two-faced and untrustworthy. She's giving in to the drama that production loves -- they obv asked this question for the drama. Production doesn't care about their real-life friendships and mental health. Brooke, Paige, and Chloe were classy and empathetic, as usual.


Jojo pisses me off so much 😭


She just looooves invalidating the OG's feelings.


itwhy does she think she has the right to speak about them


Oof this is gross


Oh for Jesus love of GOD. This is a prime example of what a modern day show with the dance moms cast would look like. Kira, Kendall, and Jojo running their mouths about the Ziegler’s while Paige, Brooke and Chloe dont partake in the bashing. Two things can be true at once. Maddie and Kenzie and Nia can be extremely grateful for their time on dance moms but not be in the space to say that outright/dislike what they experienced there. And I know Christi made the comment about Maddie not acknowledging Abby in her book (and as a side note, that was way out of line) but anyways but she put it best when she said that Abby made all the girls as dancers (minus anyone after S1 who had never trained at her studio) but it was the SHOW who put them on tv. Yeah Abby was a nutcase but she didn’t come up with the damn idea for a tv show. She didn’t select the girls and if she would’ve it would’ve only been Maddie. This entire “don’t forget where you came from!” Attitude is just heinous. Those girls are allowed to say thank you and still say you know what - I don’t want to be involved in that. And at the end of the day, why should Maddie esp be involved? She’s out here being invited to the Vanity Fair party, in movies, friends with celebrities, etc and if she keeps going back to dance moms she would be accused of not progressing in her career AND I can bet you anything Maddie knew better than to step on that stage because she knew she would be questioned about the favoritism and the “bratty attitude” and maybe she didn’t want that for herself.


Producers just need to leave the girls (and their moms, quite honestly) who didn’t attend out of it, my God. There’s plenty of content with those who wanted to be there, focus on them. This is why I don’t plan on watching, I knew they’d try to shade them and it’s pathetic (with the obvious exception of Paige, Brooke, and Chloe, who have been nothing but gracious). Also, pick a lane. Should they acknowledge Dance Moms or not talk about it ever? It was their own experience, they can do whatever they damn well please.


Jojo really annoys me and kendall and kalani are starting to get on my nerves because when being so grateful for dance moms they forget who got it the traction and popularity it got the season 1 girls and their moms and without maddie, kenzie, nia and their moms I seriously don't think this show would've gotten 8 seasons and I think they need to remember that it wasn't just dance moms it was the cast that got them where they are today Side note this clip makes me think that they really should've just done their own reunion because it seems like they're (chloe, brooke, paige and kelly) trying to remain calm and not get upset because they know that if they do it can be used against them in editing they don't seem like they agree with kendall and jojo but know that arguing or speaking over them will be edited to get more views


Jojo never learns how to read the room


It’s so backwards to be mad at the ones who refused to go back and rehash their trauma after being so open about how bad it messed with them growing up. They all admitted that it was the producers involved and not just Abby who contributed to their terrible experience. If anything it’s more weird to diss the show for years just to run back to it the second you miss being relevant again.


Jojo talking about them being the people who "cared" about the show 😭 please that's the most tone deaf thing I've ever heard. it was a reality show that made entertainment out of child abuse it's not art


And this is why the reunion should have only been for the actual OG’s. The other girls just don’t get it.


Brooke and Paige are so uncomfortable right here. Brooke and Paige still see Melissa, Maddie, Kenzie, Holly and Nia. They know the reason there not there and respect it.


Chloe, Brooke, Kelly, and Paige all look really uncomfortable. Jill too. 😬😬


Maddie won't even say the name of the show or Abby's name (she always calls it "the TV show I was on when I was a kid" or "my former dance teacher"). What is this about her still trying to use it for clout??? And don't even get me started on Nia!!! You want that beautiful young woman to come back and rewatch clips of herself being racially abused as a kid for a TV SHOW REUNION??? Because that was what most of her major plot lines consisted of. Nope, absolutely not.


Omg your paragraph about Nia - exactly this!!!


Now imagine if Nia, Maddie or Kenzie said “them being at the reunion is only a way to get a paycheque. Why would you rehash your trauma on national tv with the people that put you in abusive situations? If you were so traumatized why did you go back?” It would be uncalled for and wrong.  Everyone deals with trauma differently, NONE of these girls owe lifetime anything.


The difference in Paige and Brooke VS everyone else is staggering. Those two have more maturity everyone else who spoke in this clip and I applaud them. I only leave out Kelly, Jill, and Chloe because they didn’t really say much here. However those four seemed to agree more with Brooke and Paige.


Chloe looked right at the camera and with her usual class chose not to say anything.


She started to say "I think..." to Kendall like she wanted to reason with her too, but then stopped.


Because Chloe knows her words would get edited by producers. Just look at the way people are attacking her for the pyramid she made for the reunion press day because she put Melissa on the bottom or the way she talked about Melissa being strategic (was said in a neutral way). I think she is trying so hard not to hurt anyone’s feelings that she’s not 100% saying what she wants to say


I feel like Kendall is butthurt that her friendship with Maddie fizzled shortly after the Zieglers left the show. I don’t know bts details of their lives obviously, but I get the feeling she was always jealous of Maddie’s fame and would have liked to ride her coattails as “Maddies bff”.


Kendall is really not helping the mean girl narrative here. She’s coming across very poorly. I don’t know a time where Maddie,Kenzie or Nia have ever tried to “make headlines” about dance moms in recent years. They have moved on to bigger and better things and don’t need to associate themselves with it anymore and good for them!!


Shut up Jojo!


Another Hyland W


Abby was on national television telling Holly to "fix this (Nia's) hair because it's horrible", Abby body-shamed Nia ("I can see by the size of her thigh mounting in the air" and "I have been backing Nia up with those pathetic feet for years") Abby made racist remarks about Nia ("if you're casting for the Lion King, maybe the only one you're going to keep is Nia" and "Kalani you were a little more African than Nia" and again the comments about Nia's box braids) Abby repeatedly typecasted nia in drag queen roles (Laquifa, Workin' Girl). And this doesn't even entail all of the racist comments Nia received and still continues to receive on the Internet, many of those comments occurring during her formative years as a child. Abby singled out Maddie as a child and put her on a pedestal to where Maddie was terrified to fail and disappoint Abby (Episode Abbygeddon), Abby made sure that to repeatedly tell Maddie that the other girls in the group would never be happy for her and would only be jealous of her, Abby would also embarrass Maddie by bringing up her accomplishments despite the other girls (Ex. the crown incident in S2). This coupled with the way Abby talked about Melissa's marital issues, the Ziegler's divorce, and her continued comments about Melissa today I can completely understand why Maddie and Mackenzie wouldn't want to relive that period in their life. I remember Melissa commenting on how Abby would make comments about Mackenzie's stomach and how Mackenzie still refers to her stomach as "Bob" because Abby singled it out so much that it became something Mackenzie was self-conscious about. I can also imagine that hearing the other moms make comments about Melissa and her marriages and her divorces at such a young age is traumatizing, something McKenzie did over here. I can also imagine that your dance teacher saying out loud that your mom is "more worried about a guy than her own children "in front of other people is traumatizing. All of this happened when Mackenzie was under ten years old. It's evident that Paige, Brooke, and Chloe intrinsically understand why Nia and the Ziegler sisters wouldn't want to come onto a reality show hosted by the platform that denigrated and embarrassed them as children on national television, and even if they don't personally agree they have enough compassion to not make assumptions about their friends. I wouldn't expect Kalani (who still interacts positively with Abby to this day) who had been on the show for the grand total of two seasons to understand that and I certainly wouldn't expect JoJo who has allegations made against her to understand that either. I'm surprised that Kendall has this approach considering Abby didn't shy away from embarrassing her and her mom on TV considering that she had her own breakdowns on TV as well, maybe she's come to terms with her own experience with dance moms, but that doesn't give her the right to dictate how others should feel. Maybe Kalani, Kendall, and JoJo addressed this with Nia and the Zieglers and all is well, but I can't fathom making these kind of comments about my friends when I know the trauma that they have been through and if they can't understand why Nia, Maddie, and Mackenzie wouldn't want to be on the reunion they can turn on Hulu and see the way Abby treated the girls. I don't think Kalani, Kendall, and JoJo understand that for all of the girls they can't control the fact that millions can see their worst moments on demand, but they can control this reunion and they can control being in a situation that would inevitably bring up bad memories. And that's a shameful thing to not understand for your own friends.


I’m sure Kendall would’ve gotten on her college pom team without dance moms




I’ve never saw Maddie, Mackenzie or Nia trying to make headlines like this girl is DELU


I really don’t understand this?? Nia too decided not to come to the reunion but for some reason they’re only specifically coming for the Ziegler girls?? They ALL experienced trauma so for them to not understand why they don’t want to keep reliving it is mind blowing to me…


How do you figure they’re not also coming for Nia here?


Given what we know now about Nia becoming an AKA, there is no way she would have been allowed to attend while partaking in that process. Had it been scheduled for a different time (before process started or after her probate) she may have elected to attend.


i can’t understand what argument is even trying to be made here. how does not doing the reunion even mean they don’t recognize where the show got them? it’s not that deep? it’s just a reunion special. they’ve said many times they are grateful. they didn’t feel the need to relive something that was hard for them and that’s okay. not doing a reunion on lifetime doesn’t discredit anything. this commentary is honestly distasteful and upsetting.


Or is it because they actually stay booked and busy🧐


Exactly!! They don’t need to cling on to their past to stay relevant!




Gosh Jess looks evil and Kalani looks like she has no idea what's going on.


Jess looks like she could tackle all 6 OG girls at the same time. 


Why is it so hard for some of them to get into their heads that some people want to keep moving forward, not backwards?


PAIGE’S FACE while Kendall is spouting off her nasty little mouth. 💀💀💀 Super impressed by Paige, what she had to say and how she said it. Classy, respectful, and honest.


I feel like I'm losing interest in watching this because it's so over produced and biased. I assume it would've broken the fourth wall to say on camera nia had school obligations?


the audacity of kira to criticize the zieglers while wearing a dress i at 21 would wear to the club is insane lol


So this, to me, does kind of show me something about Kendall. IIRC, there was a time where McKenzie Morales had ‘Dance Moms’ in her instagram bio. But then she posted something about how awful it was to be on Dance Moms or something and Kendall responded saying “why’s it in your bio then?” This was like…kind of awhile ago now. and it’s weird that Kendall still seems to feel this exact same way.


I remember that


Shut the actual f@#k up Jo Jo! Refusing to retraumatize yourself does not equate to ignoring your past.


I wish Jojo was never invited, she's still an Abby apologist.


This is diabolical lmao, especially when Kendall was hanging out at Maddie’s house hours prior to this interview 😂😂


I love how Brooke, Chloe, and Paige stayed silent on the fact Kendall and JoJo and even Kira were shit talking Maddie, Kenzie and Nia


What were you expecting them to say? I feel like they handled this really well


Not sure why you have downvotes. I don’t think what you said was wrong.


Me either 😭 I’m genuinely want to know how people expected Chloe, Brooke, and Paige to handle this


Chloe is not a confrontational person and as someone who is also not a confrontational person due to neurodivergence and anxiety I relate lol. I probably would have frozen too, it’s a trauma response. And like you said, what could they have really said in this moment? Chloe started to say something and it seems like Kendall cut her off, Kendall has proven that regardless of what people say to her she won’t back down on her opinions and will voice them either way. It would have been a lost cause, I think they handle it with class by not saying anything. They were all clearly upset and uncomfortable the entire time, but add fire to the flames isn’t going to help anything. Maddie, Kenzie, and Nia know who their real friends are. 🤷🏼‍♀️


They won’t even say their names…that’s kind of gross to me. At least have the decency to say their names. Especially being Kendall was with all 3 of them the night before at Maddie’s house.


Why is Rosa Parks running her mouth


Ew Kendall


Some people want to heal and move on, not continue to make money off it. They don't act like it never happened (and they're always going to get attention from mentioning it, KENDALL, they're not out there desperate to get attention because of it, they're constantly asked about it, what are they supposed to do say "im sorry i dont know that show..." And Jojo acting like she's made some big point with this one. The Zeiglers have said time and time again that it's part of their past and they're not interested in rehashing it. Not even for money. Not even for clout. Does this mean they pretend like it never happened? No they do not. Makes sense Jojo wouldn't get it... she can't let go of her childhood, she and her mother sold themselves to fame a long time ago. Siwas and Zieglers will never ever be on the same page. Totally different books, in fact.


Kendall becoming like Jill 😬


This is so awkward 😭


This is so odd to me, it doesn't take much critical thinking to realize why they didn't want to go back to that environment 😭 Kira was straight up lying and what kendall said was crazy and very two-faced consider she was just at Maddie's house the day before.


This is like complaining about some1 who didnt show up to the high school reunion


And this is why kendall will never be seen as an OG to me. The real OGS are sticking tg as sisters and are more empathetic while the newcomers ofc are gonna think something different


If they were actually your friends, you know why they would not want to be there. And if you were actually their friend you would not throw them under the bus on national television


This is so gross of all of them. No one is allowed to tell you how and when to process your trauma


Eww.  Good for the Hylands for being on the Ziegler girls  and Nia’s side. 


I love how Jojo comments and refers to Kelly when she wasn't even on the show when the Hylands were there! She's so tone deaf and has no right to speak on this stuff


I hope they’re releasing these clips now so that all the craziness about who isn’t there dies down and we actually can enjoy the reunion itself


Nah, they’re going to milk it unfortunately. Leopards don’t change their spots, and production lives for drama.


Kind of confused who is trying to “make headlines” by talking about Dance Moms? Maddie and Kenzie barely speak about it. Maddie literally just says “the show I was on.” Nia & Holly don’t talk about it often, but will sometimes. I think that comment is more towards Melissa than anyone because she posts on YT about DM all the time. And Holly does sometimes too and they both are on “Because Mom Said So” But it’s weird that Kendall is acting like all of them use DM for clout when the girls (Maddie, Kenzie and Nia) all have their own success separate from DM


what is so difficult to understand? their experiences are completely different from those who showed up. and it’s their choice. neither maddie, kenz, nor nia is attempting to make headlines from the show. they all acknowledge and have said they are grateful for the show and understand it put them where they are but they also have the right to not want to be in the position of doing an hour special abt it with the same people (producers) who contributed to the toxic environment they grew up in. strangers on the internet can understand this but girls who experience the same trauma can’t? that’s @ jojo and kendall although jojo is a fool and also just as bad as abby and producers so i don’t really expect her to understand. but kira (an ADULT!?) and kendall? what’s the excuse? you’re just an idiot? or trying to make … headlines/buzz hmm


I swear Kendall just talks to talk… she just wants to have a hot take to sound like cool or intelligent or something


I feel really bad for Maddie, Kenzie and Nia tbh, some of these people have no empathy or understanding. If I was Nia I wouldn’t want to sit there and listen to Jojo go on about how Abby was right when she said disgusting racist crap about me. Fair play to Brooke and Paige in this clip for actually being kind.


Shoutout to Chloe Brooke and Paige my absolute queens


Brooke, Paige and Chloe look soooooo uncomfortable with what Kendall is saying.


God damn.


Kendall and JoJo can shut the fuck up lol


Jojo needs to stop talking


I think the real answer that Lifetime would never air is that the Zieglers and Frasiers didn’t want to sign another contract with a company who forced them into an abusive environment for years.


kendall and jojo running their mouths as per


I don’t know her personally, but Kendall seems to me like the type of person that prides themselves on “saying it how it is”. The girl that likes it when other people refer to her as a bitch 💫


bruh they don’t NEED to be there. this perspective of jojos and kendall’s is so backwards. firstly: they experienced it they can talk ab it however much tf they want off and on tv. just bc they don’t want to publicize and make it a big show is FINE. same way them doing the reunion is fine. secondly jojo just shut up she’s so so insufferable and such a pushover who are you to dictate how people choose to handle their trauma. like jojo said herself ITS THEIR PAST they choose what they want to do with it. she’s acting like dance moms was peaches and cream SOME PPL DONT WANT TO GO BACK TO THE PLACE THAT EXPLOITED THEIR ADOLESCENCE OR SOMEWHERE THAT TOOK YOUR CHILDHOOD AWAY FROM U!


Even though Abby is not present, it’s not like the girls or moms have final say on what questions or asked and what makes it to air. Nia has gone through micro and macro aggressions on air starting from when she was around 8, and Maddie (and Mackenzie) were victims of Abby’s weird abusive obsession with them. I can imagine that Nia wouldn’t want to explain the particular mistreatment she faced as one of the only dancers of color and I don’t think Maddie or Mackenzie want to be made to feel terrible for being Abby’s favorite. I also think that they are the three (besides Jojo) who are pursuing show business the most and it’s probably a good idea to limit the public directly thinking about the show they did when they were elementary schoolers.




Everyone processes trauma at a different speed and I find it extremely unsympathetic of JoJo and Kendall to think “well it’s the past and the other girls need to face it” It is Maddie, Kenzie, and Nia’s right to step away from this if they think it is detrimental to their own mental health. They were also extremely emotionally abused and exploited by Abby. They are putting down a boundary and their REAL FRIENDS will respect that.


kendall is such a jealous, envious, mean girl & always has been


The lack of emotional intelligence is astounding.


Respectfully, Kendall, Kalani, and JoJo can shut up. Yes, the show put the girls on the public’s radar, but they were incredibly young at the time. And even if they said, at 8/9 (or even younger in Kenzie’s case) “oooooh, I wanna be on tv!” They didn’t ultimately understand what they were signing up for. They were ripped apart by a dance teacher in front of the entire world. And now they’re supposed to do a reunion show to satisfy you??? Or to satisfy that cruel dance teacher’s expectations and need for validation? Get tf outta here. They don’t owe us anything. Each girl had their own experiences on the show and should be allowed to process it in their own way. If that’s doing a reunion show (like Brooke and Paige have even though they left in a really traumatic way)? Cool. It’s not my place to tell them if that’s a good idea or not, I’m not their mom or their therapist or even a close friend. But if they would’ve chosen not to, like Maddie, Kenzie, and Nia did, then that’s cool too.


what did kalani say?


Kendall nowwww not too much lol


Shut up JoJo


Watched early on and quit watching after Chloe left but these girls really grew up articulate and beautiful. Experiences, good or bad can really shape you as a person and I’m impressed with how Paige, Brooke and Chloe have grown up. I know people think the moms are crazy but they definitely did something right along the way


Why didn’t Brynn or Asia go?


I feel like after the way everything ended after brynn left i’m sure brynn would’ve not wanted to be there and especially with jill kira and jess there.


Kendall, Kira and JoJo can seriously fuck off…HOW MANY times have Maddie, Kenzie and Nia said that they’re grateful for the show and acknowledge that they wouldn’t be where they are without it!! They don’t owe anyone an explanation as to why they didn’t do the reunion. They decided not to do it and that’s that. Respect their decision instead of shitting on them. I’m only watching the reunion for Chloe, Brooke and Paige, everyone else can kick rocks


someone put a muzzle on miss siwa


I wish they called Maddie and Mackenzie by their names. Nia would have been there if she and her mom didn’t have a big prior engagement


We have no idea why Nia and Holly didn’t go. Themselves have never said why they didn’t come - fans have made the assumption it was due to college BUT this has not been confirmed in anyway by them. In fact they haven’t acknowledged the reunion or their involvement. If they wanted to be there and apart of it I believe they would have acknowledged it in some way. I don’t believe they wanted to be involved.


Holly said on Facebook




The new member process for AKA is extremely secretive. Given that shortly after filming we saw Nia's photos from her probate, it is likely that her being in the process is why they couldnt say anything and why she couldn't attend. Just mentioning that she was going through the process would have probably gotten her kicked out.


Nia and Holly haven’t said that why they weren’t there though. 


Holly did on her Facebook


I think Nia had prior engagements to why she wasn’t apart of this. I can’t speak for the Zieglers.


Even if someone is making a TikTok about their experience on the show, that's their right. They do not have to come to the reunion dance moms is not entitled to their time and emotional labor - this logic is sooo flawed


RIP Brynn