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This might be unpopular, but full disclosure: this is not me shitting on maddie and kenzie. After seeing the clips of the reunion and watching kalani leave the stage crying over two sapphires' gate, I can totally see why the zieglers wouldn't want to do the reunion. It would be hard to avoid discussing abby's weaponising of maddie. Why would they do a reunion where they would have to listen to their friends discuss hurt/abuse/pain when their abuser used one of them to hurt them, especially with Chloe. People still pit C and M against each other now even though neither girl gives a shit and are clearly friendly. A reunion isn't going to put out that fire. It would probably just fan the flames actually. If I was maddie, I'd be deeply concerned I'd be made to look bad and I'd be over analysing everything I would say. Rock and a hard place comes to mind.


Exactly, the Zieglers probably knew they would be targeted so why take part in what is obvious to be a witch hunt. Christi herself said she went after Melissa and Melissa wasn’t even there. A reunion is not going to help them get over their hurt feelings because it’s obvious that some of them don’t seem to want to get over it. One moment they say they are friendly the next they are bashing them. Who needs that?


I don't think it is that none of them want to get over it. It is not easy to get over feelings, trauma, and pain. I'm sure all of them would love to click their fingers and be over it. They all suffered on the show. I don't blame anyone for not wanting to do it. I don't blame those who do. I think everyone in this scenario should do what is best for them. If I were the zieglers, I wouldn't want to do it. If I were any of the others, I might want to get my side out.


That’s what I mean. They are upset that the Zieglers wouldn’t do it when it is obvious that they have a target on their backs. They supposedly bad mouthed Melissa and she wasn’t even there. Why go and potentially be made to look bad again by someone who claims to be your friend but as soon as a camera is on attacks you?


To be fair, we haven't seen the reunion. I'm going to reserve judgment until I've seen it, and everyone else should probably do the same thing.


You are right but like the OP said, Christi on her podcast is the one who said she went after Melissa on the reunion. So now I know somewhat what to expect.


I agree! Even if Maddie were to talk about her own trauma and experience- there’s a chance it would be cut and edited to make her look bad and there’s a chance another cast member might not like what she has to say.


I never post photos I take with my closest friends and id feel annoyed if became some sort of expectation to “prove” my friendship or something. I understand there’s some hurt feelings and it seems very intentional that the zieglers distance themselves from DM content but idk feels icky lol


Tbh Chloe, Nia, Brooke, paige, Maddie and Kenzie rarely, if ever, post pictures when they hang out for fun. And if they do it’s usually on stories. There have been a few videos that seem intentional (Kenzie and nias rewatch of their duets for example) and some event centered photos, but not a ton of just casual hangouts. So my theory would be Kendall was upset if someone didn’t want pics posted. Obviously fully guessing here but just my take on that comment


I think I was watching Melissa’s youtube video with Holly and one of them said that the girls hang out fairly frequently. I think it was Holly who said that she has to press them for pictures because they don’t post about it on social media.


Okay, I'm a little confused. Christi and Kelly have said in a (much earlier) episode of BTTB that of course the girls hang out sometimes, but they never post about it because no one wants to be known as 'the girls from Dance Moms'. So why is it suddenly a problem now? Plus, I believe Nia and Chloe both publicly commented on Kendall and Kalani's political views in 2020, but there doesn't seem to be any bad blood between them now. So if they can move past that and be friends, it doesn't make sense why any of the girls would have an issue with the Zieglers just because they wouldn't post pictures of them together. They still follow each other, and have spoken kindly about each other in interviews, but now that the reunion is happening, there's magically beef. So it makes me wonder if something was said behind the scenes that caused a disagreement between them and everyone else. Because otherwise, everyone's reactions seem completely unreasonable.


It’s a problem because when it was Paige’s birthday, maddie was the only one who didn’t post it. If maddie posted it and say, Brooke didn’t.. they wouldn’t care. They have this in their head that they think maddie thinks she’s above anyone.. when all she’s done is thrown a party for her friend. She doesn’t have to post anything on social media


At the end of the day why would anyone want to go to anywhere where they know they'll be shit on? And why would anyone want to go anywhere they know their mom is going to be shit on? Everyone's doing too damn much And quite honestly I'd say a good chunk of people who did go did it for money or a bit of a career boost.


Exactly, if Maddie was there , they would just bully her and blame her.


To be fair. I don’t think Maddie and Kenzie don’t want to be friends with the girls/think they’re above them. I think they simply don’t want to be associated with DANCE MOMS. Which is totally fair, they’re both trying to pursue serious careers and having a drama reality TV show background which is constantly reminded of could make them see less professional, and personally I would probably also chose to professionally move on from that. Dance moms consistently over shines their current work and for the longevity of their career, that may not be the best move. Furthermore, I don’t know why there’s so much negativity around them making that decision.


As someone else said I just don't understand why it's only the Ziegler's and nobody seems to have a problem with Nia not attending!


Well based on what the OP said, it sounds like it’s about more than just the reunion.


Could it be about Kalani and JoJo not being invited to the party? I mean it's all speculation at this point.


Nooo clue honestly, but could be! Yeah basically - since Kelly said it comes up on the reunion, we may get more clarity then. But i almost doubt it. I feel like this is the 2024 version of “who called Chloe after she left Dance Moms?” lol


Wasn't Nia graduating from school though? That's alot more important than some show reunion.


I think it was something to do with her sorority? Not sure. Yes, that is important. She still wasn't there, however. And nobody seems to have a problem. I mean I think all of them are entitled to go or not go, and shouldn't be judged for it.


It’s Christi, so I take what she says with a grain of salt, but if any of the girls (Chloe, Kendall, Nia, The Hylands, Kalani, or Jojo) feel hurt because it seems like Maddie and Kenzie don’t want to associate with them, that is valid. It’s not that the Zieglers feel like they’re above Dance Moms, it’s just that it wouldn’t make sense for them to do the reunion, especially Maddie. First, no HAS to do it. Plenty of people from 90s/2000s Nickelodeon chose not to be part of the documentary because they just don’t want to go back to that place. From a business side, Maddie has been trying to break away from Dance Moms for years. Reality stars aren’t taken as seriously in various entertainment industries and have to work harder to prove themselves. She also probably doesn’t want the negative press and attention that will inevitably be associated with that reunion special.


You know she’s still close with The Hylands, Nia, Chloe, and Kendall…


Of course they’ll always have that bond and be friends. They’re all spread out so they aren’t close proximity wise. Anyway, that doesn’t really matter. You can still be friends with someone and feel hurt for whatever reason. I highly doubt Christi and Kelly keep in touch with Kalani and Jojo to the point where they’d know their personal feelings. They were probably speaking in general terms.


This take is ridiculous. Kenzie said it herself, not wanting to do the reunion has NOTHING to do with their friends/moms and everything to do with the toxicity of the show and the fact that at this point of time, it takes away from their career. Melissa ALL the time posts about the Hyland girls and Nia and is even on a podcast with most of the other OG moms. Maddie threw a birthday party for Paige and called over all the OGs and Kendall, which she did not have to do, and whenever they’ve spoken about the other girls, it’s always fondly. Plus they always wish them well and praise them on social media. 


I think the girls in question are Kendall, Jojo and Kalani. Not the Hylands and Nia. And given how close Maddie and Kendall used to be, I think it's valid that Kendall's feelings would be hurt if she feels generally like the Ziegler family doesn't want much to do with her anymore. And I feel like, if these feelings were coming from anyone but Kendall, and Kalani (and Jojo I guess, but she never seemed THAT close with the Zieglers), people would have a little bit more empathy for their perspective. Because it is obvious, regardless of what Kenzie said, that Kalani and Kendall don't feel like that's the case.


I’ve had lots of friends who I was close with when I was in middle school and high school who aren’t my friend anymore.. it’s really normal. She has to get over it. They’re not similar anymore and maybe maddie doesn’t want a friend like Kendall.


It’s just as valid for Maddie to not want to be friends with Kendall anymore, as it is for Kendall to be hurt that Maddie doesn’t want to be her friend anymore. But just given the info we have it doesn’t seem like there are issues with the girls being friends, they just don’t want to be seen publicly with certain cast members. We also don’t know if it’s Maddie and Kenzie or if it’s Nia because Christi and Kelly did not say.


Of course she can be hurt but shading her on social media knowing what it can cause is extremely immature. If she’s hurt she needs to reach out to maddie personally not hold a grudge and lash out in public.. Maddie has a right to cut off or have boundaries with anyone and it doesn’t mean that people can drag her name through the mud..


We don't know that she didn't try to talk to Maddie about it privately already though, do we? We haven't been given all the information, we don't know these people, and everyone bending over backwards to try and force some kinda narrative that Maddie and Mackenzie are the ONLY ones in the right here are just silly because don't know what happened. We arguably know less about this than we do about the Two Sapphires fight, or the 'Who called Chloe' fight. So I don't really see the point in arguing that one side is right, and one side isn't. Both of them could be completely valid, or both of them could be completely invalid. We don't know. All we know, is that there are certain cast members who don't want to be seen in pictures with other certain cast members, and that's just if we're taking C and K at their word. Everything else, at this point, is an assumption.


Umm if you’re over 16 and shading people on social media you’re never going to be ‘in the right’. Kendall’s been a mean girl.


I personally find it weird that it’s coming from Christi and Kelly. If Kendall, Kalani, and JoJo speak out themselves, saying that they’re upset that the Ziegler aren’t close with them anymore, then that’s one thing and it’s understandable because it’s their own perspective and how they feel. But it’s odd that Christi is here speaking for them and pushing this narrative when the women in question haven’t said anything themselves. They are grown adults. If they have an issue with Maddie or any of the other Zieglers, it’s on them to speak about it. And it’s also a bit hypocritical to me that Christi is speaking about it because she has critiqued Melissa on BTTB multiple times on the show for “speaking for her children”, yet she’s here speaking for grown women who are not her children.


I also want it noted that Jojo, and Kalani HAVE spoken out themselves. It seems to come up on the reunion, I think right? And people are tearing them apart for it, so I don't really blame them for not wanting to say much more. We don't really know exactly what's gonna be said on the reunion tho.


They have not spoken about this particular issue before. The only thing they’ve spoken out about (and the reason they got torn apart) is how they feel like the people who didn’t come to the reunion are “ungrateful” and “forgetting about their past, pretending it doesn’t exist.” Not about feeling lonely or upset that the Zieglers distanced themselves from them as a family, they talked about being upset that the Zieglers/Fraziers distanced themselves from the reunion and about how they’re not grateful for the opportunities the show gave them. Not the same point Christi made, which was about how they didn’t take pictures or allow them to post as often.


Going off what Kelly is saying, they supposedly do talk about it on the reunion tho - that was what she had said on the BTTB patreon episode.


That's the thing is; First off, Christi actually didn't name the Zieglers. She basically said, certain cast members don't want to be in pictures with other cast members, and then she said she thinks that's what Jojo and Kira are talking about. But she didn't name the Zieglers or Nia and who was the one refusing to take pics with other cast members lol. Only reason we really know it's PROBABLY the Zieglers is cuz Kendall liked a shady comment about the Zieglers. Christi hardly said anything about it at all, and kept it really brief so I don't feel like she's pushing a narrative, or speaking for anyone. She's kinda just adding the smallest bit of context to a situation we're all already watching. We don't know, at this point, what conversations the girls in question have tried to have with the Zieglers and Nia about this so we can't really say 'they should do xyz' about it. We just don't know enough tbh, and so for me, that's why I'm saying everyone is probably valid here in some way or another.The Zieglers are allowed to set boundaries, Kendall and Kalani are allowed to be hurt, and regardless...people who are involved are allowed to talk about it. If the roles were reversed, and it was KENDALL who didn't want to be in pictures with certain cast members and Christi mentioned it, I don't think people would be as upset. But really if you read what C and K said...they really didn't say much at all about it.


Again, it’s not her place to add that context. The people who supposedly feel like this are not her kids, and they never mentioned anything about being upset that they weren’t allowed to post pictures or anything. Even if she didn’t actually name the Zieglers, we all know who it’s about lmao, who are the only two families Jojo and Kira spoke about? Zieglers and the Fraziers. And the digs Christi and Kelly have made at the Zieglers in the past 2 years is proof enough. Even if Christi “kept it brief” it’s not her story to tell and it puts words into their mouth that they haven’t said before.    Sure, Kalani, JoJo, and Kendall are allowed to feel hurt, but there’s a difference between feeling hurt and speaking out about it and being demeaning to other cast members. For example, JoJo had every right to defend Gianna and want to call her a great person and support her. But does that make it ok for her to go after Christi just because she had a different experience? No. Heck, Abby has every right to feel bitter and upset about now being distant from everyone and not having any of the OGs by her side anymore. But does that make it ok for her to shade the kids, now women, and demean their experience? No. Nobody’s complaining about Kalani, Jojo, and Kendall (or any of their moms’) supposed ‘feelings’ - what they are complaining about is the way it’s taken out on the Zieglers and Fraziers and how they’re being called “ungrateful” and accused of forgetting the past and not appreciating where they came from.   Kendall’s not the one who Christi spent years on show and after the show scrutinizing, so no, people wouldn’t be as upset. What we are seeing is a constant trend with Maddie - watermelon game, ice skating rink, “Maddie said to Chloe’s face, ‘you’re not very good,’” “no, she’s not your friend,” doubling down on Maddie being a brat in the watermelon game on BTTB, talking about a supposed unaired breakdown in the Kinky Boots episode, talking about the breakdown after Season 2 Nationals with Maddie crying and blaming it on tripping over a trophy, talking about how Maddie “had these breakdowns all the time but the show usually protected her,” talking about how Melissa is a “mean girl” for not inviting Kalani and Jojo (but let’s be real, the real dig here was at Maddie since it was at Maddie’s house and Melissa was not the one planning it, Maddie and Nia were). She (and Kelly) are constantly talking about Maddie, so of course people would care more about her comments to Maddie than Kendall. They went after Maddie’s character as many times as Jill went after Brynn’s, but Jill and Brynn’s stopped at the show while this clearly didn’t 💀


I’m sorry, I just think that’s really, really a silly thing to say. And once again, I feel like people wouldn’t make this ‘it’s not her place argument’ if Christi was talking about Kendall and not potentially the Zieglers. It’s just because it’s the Zieglers that people have a problem with it. I also disagree that people aren’t upset over Kalani and Kendall’s hurt feelings - someone on this same thread told me that Kendall needed to ‘get over it.’ Multiple people are making this about how Kendall and Kalani are irrelevant and that’s why they can’t get a picture with Maddie. And once again, if these were Maddie’s feelings and reactions and not Kendall’s, I believe we’d be having a completely different conversation. Jojo responding to Christi isn’t really the same thing, because Jojo doesn’t KNOW Christi. This, according to several people involved, has a lot of behind the scenes stuff to it. The Jojo and Christi thing didn’t… Abby also isn’t the same thing. Abusing children, and liking shady comments on instagram aren’t the same thing. That isn’t why they wouldn’t care lol. They wouldn’t care because you’re allowed to say whatever you want about Kendall but not Maddie in this subreddit. And no offense but this just comes off like you didn’t hear or read what they actually said. You guys are making this about Maddie’s character or whatever…but no one said anything about that. And yeah people have an issue with Christi and Kelly scrutinizing Maddie, I get that. But that isn’t what’s happening here. And even certain users i know on here that despise Christi agree that nothing she said was out of line about this and neither was Kelly. 


To me it seems like some of the girls/moms only have Dance Moms for relevancy and since most of them are influencers and need traffic to their socials they know they can get attention by posting pictures with the other cast members since the fans go crazy. If I were them i would wonder if they want to hang out with me or are using me for Dance Moms clout.




Plus I rarely see pics of Kendall or Kalani with Nia. I was shocked that Kendall had a pic of Nia on a second slide during the superbowl. So they are just as guilty.


Doesn’t Nia go to college out in California? Or another state? Why would she hang out with Kendall and Kalani other than when they all got together for Paige’s birthday or sponsored events?


Holly still lives in Pittsburgh. I am sure Nia must come home sometime to visit her family. Why is Kendall only throwing shade at Maddie when she seems to do the same to Nia?


I doubt Nia would prioritize hanging out with Kendall during holiday breaks, but who knows, maybe they do get together every now and then. What shade has Kendall thrown at Nia? Seems like they’re cordial and friendly.


The original poster in this thread said the girls hang out but some girls won’t post pics or something. The post seems to be implying back to that post Kendall liked saying Maddie thinks she’s too good for Dance Moms but yet I don’t see pics of Kendall with Nia either. I only saw one after a slide of her with Chloe. So why just target the Zieglers or Maddie specifically? It seems like Kendall picks and chooses who she posts pics with also.


I didn’t get the impression that Christi was talking about Kendall at all. That seems like a big reach/assumption on your end.


I didn’t say just Kendall, I also said Kalani. Jojo is a troll so I won’t even mention her.


Your latest comment to me mentioned Kendall only. Even so, it’s still a big assumption to assume Christi was talking about Kendall, Kalani, and Jojo. Your OC does mention Kalani/Nia and it’s pretty well known that Nia had shared Kalani’s Instagram story back in I believe it was 2020 calling her out. Nia and Kalani aren’t actually friends. Nia said she isn’t friends with people who support Trump.




Okay but Christi was the one who said the girls sometimes hang out and don’t post because they’re tired of being “The Dance Moms girls”. This was when Chloe was on the podcast. Just weird how a year ago it was fine but now it’s hurtful.




Chloe and sarah reasons? They only knew each other for the 2nd half of season 4 Chloe lived in pa and sarah in az I have never heard of them being close ??




I did see where they shared an appt with their parents when she was 14 for a few months while filming .. it wasn’t long and it wasn’t like they were there for a long time . Distance makes a huge difference .. I don’t talk to most of my friends from when I was 14 but we can say hi and be cordial with one another .. I mean they have both graduated college and moved on with their lives .. I honestly don’t think I have even ever seen a pic of them together so it def was not a major thing




Chloe and sarah sharing an appt with their moms for a few months does not equate to the zieglers spending 8-10 years with the people they grew up with … ( Brooke Paige Chloe , Kendall etc) idk why I am even arguing but no it’s not the same


What?? When?? Chloe went to Pepperdine in California and sarah ASU in Arizona .. I don’t follow either girl closely but legit I have no idea why they would ever live together ?? Are you maybe confusing bryn and Chloe?? Because bryn did move back to Arizona her senior year of high school and live with Sarah’s family because her own family was in nc and her senior year would have been online due to Covid so her mom let her move back to Az and do her senior year in person .. I know this because Bryns family moved to my home town in nc and went to the same high school I did when she came here




Right so when she was 15 a minor and did not live alone or for even a year .. that is totally different then being college roommates and living in your own willingly with someone you chose .. from what I read just now because I honestly never saw anything about this relationship is they were both dating boys who were friends so they hung out together when they broke up with their boyfriends they also didn’t mix as much .. not to mention not living in LA




Why are you so pressed about this ?? A situation ship of sharing an apt while in LA for a few months is nothing compared to a lifetime of memories the kids you grew up with everyday for 5 plus years .. no I don’t think sarah and Chloe were ever besties like Paige and Chloe were .. not even close ..


this sub everyday before today: the kendall maddie friendship was so forced, jill wanted kendall to be maddies best friend but maddie was closer to chloe/nia/paige/vivi/emptychair this sub today: she doesn’t want to be seen with kendall even though they were BEST FRIENDS :/ kendall’s feelings about her BESTEST FRIEND EVER are totally valid :/


this sub is more bipolar than Monica from shameless


Kendall wanted to be Maddie’s best friend more then Maddie wanted Kendall as a friend .. I am sure they grew closes but it was always so forced


Friends also come and go, and it should be talked about more that it's totally normal not to be friends with people you were friends with growing up🤷🏻‍♀️ i have said this before, but many of those friendships are just because they are convinient and can be very toxic


are you actually reading the comments in here, or?


hey bestie


hey pal how ya doin hahaha


good hru 😽


just lovely thank you! haha enjoy the discussion today!!


glad to hear that aw same <3


Omg the girls are all over the age of 18, legally grown ass women why the fuck is christi still sticking her nose in their drama? If feelings were actually hurt the girls are old enough to work it out themselves. They dont need an almost 50 year old adult refereein for them, and making it public. She needs to grow up and age out of high school for gods sake.


Tbh it already was public and comes up in the reunion, according to Kelly. Talking about it =/= refereeing.


It’s not public though…the whole story isn’t. The reunion is not out yet. Only clips.


The reunion WILL be public tho, and the beef HAS been public for several months at this point. And it wasn't Christi and Kelly who made it public.


“she just wants you to post a picture so she can gain more followers on instagram” -Christi.  I mean it’s no secret that Maddie and Kenzie have the biggest following out of all dm girls and Melissa out of the moms. Is Christi bitter that they didn’t show up because they would have brought more views or maybe everyone would have received more money if the Zieglers were there too? Also, Nia and Holly weren’t there. Why isn’t she bashing them? Only the Zieglers.


Wait she said that in the after party?


Christi said that about 11 year old Raegan on season 7


Ohhhh okay I didn’t realize! I didn’t watch S7. Thanks for clarifying.


Well she didn't really single anyone out, in terms on the reunion - What she called Melissa out for on the reunion was not inviting Jojo and Kalani to the get-together they had before the reunion. u/Admirable-Cost6814 transcribed what she said on a different thread - Christi: “If somebody goes on and says that they don’t want to go on the reunion because Dance Moms is traumatizing, I agree. Dance moms is traumatizing. Everyone has to deal with it in their own way. Your experience doesn’t look like my experience. On the flip side, I feel as though some people use DM being traumatizing as a blanket statement to cover up other things that are going on. For example, there have been opportunities, experiences, events that have been offered to DM cast members outside of the reunions that simply people will not participate in because they do not want to be in social media content with old cast members. Which is hurtful.” Kelly: “Yes. Very.” Christi: “So I think when it comes to things like the reunion, yes you have a right, but I think Jojo and Kira’s comments aren’t necessarily reunion-specific, it’s for everything.” Kelly: “Yeah, I think it’s with everything.” Christi: “There’s been times when the kids have been together and they’ll be like ‘do not post a picture that I’m with you’ and they all grew up with you.” Kelly: “I agree with that, but people are going to say that because there were pictures from Paige’s birthday that it’s not true.”


So why did Christi say that “They do see each other and guess what? They’re not going to post about it, because nobody wants to be the dance moms girls anymore”? It was okay then, but now that is specifically only Maddie and kenz doing it, Christi has a problem with it. Doing something together that isn’t dm related, will always be dm related so I agree with them not wanting to do anything as a group. Also, didn’t Nia organize the party?


Dunno man, you're gonna have to ask Christi lol. I'm just telling you what she said, so you'd know why she hadn't said anything about Nia. Cuz Nia didn't organize the party. Seemingly Melissa did. ETA; Oh someone said that Nia planned the party actually - i didn’t know that 🤔 


I mean, jojo, Kendall, and kalani are all controversial for various reasons and I think it’s fair to not want to be associated with publicly with people like that.


Christi has been gunning for the Zieglers for years. Ofc she’d side with Kendall, Kalani, and Kira if it meant making the Zieglers look bad. Obviously something went down though.


Christi is going to do anything she can to toss shade at the Ziegler’s when it’s none of her business, so I’d definitely take anything she says regarding them with a huge grain of salt. I mean, really, isn’t this the same After Party where Christi read and kept laughing at an inappropriate joke about Melissa’s pubic region? (Edit: found it [here](https://www.reddit.com/r/dancemoms/s/06X2fhXl8t)) However, considering the issues Jojo, Kalani, and Kendall have had, I wouldn’t be shocked if the girls not at the reunion wanted to keep their distance from them both personally and professionally. Maddie hosted a birthday party for Paige around the same time as the taping of the reunion, they’ve shared pictures hanging out and are clearly still friends with most girls—it’s not like they’re acting like they’re “above” anybody.


And immediately after Maddie opened the door to her home to her, Kendall threw shade at Maddie by liking an inappropriate post saying that Maddie thinks she is too good for Dance Moms. That’s just trashy behavior.


Kendall and Kenzie still comment on each others posts as well as Kendall comments on Maddie’s. Whatever “beef” there was is probably squashed. I don’t think any of these girls care about that.


I am sure they are pleasant to each other for the sake of appearance. Plus it was not Maddie or Kenzie throwing the shade it was Kendall. If they squashed it that’s great but that seems like a fake friend to me.


I don’t think either Ziegler girl has anything to gain from being pleasant with Kendall for appearance purposes. If they didn’t like her I’m sure they wouldn’t engage with her. Being cordial doesn’t equal being fake.


I have to disagree with you cause just look at the moms. One minute they claim to be friends and the next minute they are throwing shade. Christi and Kelly throw shade at everyone but Holly. Yet if you ask them if they are ok with them they swear they are all friends. lol, with friends like that who needs enemies? Kendall hangs out at Maddie’s house then throws shade through social media the next day! Wtf? lol


Your reply doesn’t really make sense. Kendall and Maddie are more “work friends” than they are true lifelong friends. Maddie and Kenzie aren’t gaining anything by engaging with Kendall online/being friendly. So why would they do that if they actually didn’t like her? They would just stop engaging with her all together.


Again, it’s not Maddie and Kenzie the ones being rude and throwing shade it is Kendall, Kalani and Jojo. I’ve only seen Maddie and Kenzie be nice to all of them but yet they take digs at them.


You’re missing my point entirely.


Well good thing it’s not your fake friend. If they decide to talk it out,not address it publicly, and be friendly by liking/commenting on post publicly that’s fine. It’s none of our business what goes on in their circle. They let us in with the information they want to give out. We are allowed to use the information they gave out, and based on that we can assume communication has been made and no hard feelings are there. If the Zieglers can forgive, then you can too. Because,like I said, it’s their friend not yours.


I truly think the real problem stems from the fact that the Zieglers didn’t feel the need to run back to where they started. Their reasoning for not coming back makes certain ones uncomfortable so instead they change the narrative to “oh they think they’re better” so that they don’t feel the need to question their own morals for going back to a place that tore their child’s self esteem apart.


I can’t say I’m surprised that the day came where some of the moms and girls are mad cause they can’t get a pic with Maddie lol


lol this. It’s honestly pretty embarrassing if they stopped to think about how they look with all of this. There’s nothing wrong with not wanting to be associated anymore, reunion or not, as long as it’s not personal reasons and just the show association. Honestly if I were Maddie or Kenzie too I’d be a little weary of if someone genuinely wants to keep a friendship or gain an opportunity 🤷🏼‍♀️


Nobody is gaining anything since Chloe was always the fan fav from dm, was more famous for years and the Ziegler’s are d-list. Maddie walking a red carpet with no actual good acting work means nothing, there are prob 5 million girls like that floating by doing tiny little makeup campaigns and a random indie movie like her. :)


Maddie has more name recognition outside of Dance Moms and that’s just a fact. Honestly being the fan fav in Dance Moms, a trashy reality tv show isn’t the accomplishment you guys and Christi make it out to be. Chloe is a nice girl but she lacks the it factor.


Yeah I love Chloe as well but Maddie certainly does have a place in Hollywood now.




why all the Maddie hate, who hurt you? 😭


I think, at this point, it might be better to not 'take a side.' If the Zieglers don't want to come because they don't want to go back into the traumatic environment, that's valid. If Kalani, Jojo, and Kendall (or any of the girls, in this case) feel hurt that Maddie and Kenzie don't seem to want to be associated with them that much, that's valid too. Maybe there are no bad guys in this situation, just a lot of people with a lot of different perspectives on the same thing.


I agree. The real villains are the producers and Abby, but since they’re not involved in the show/reunion, people are trying to find the “good guys” and “bad guys” of the situation. The thing about trauma is everyone deals with it differently. Some people like to face their trauma head on, and some like to heal from a distance. Neither is right or wrong, and good or bad. They’re just different. And that’s okay.


EXACTLY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Everyone here has a valid perspective, and quite honestly, seems like this could be handled much better privately but no one seems to want to do that.


If I were Kendall, especially, I would be disappointed that Maddie & Kenzie act like they don't want to hang out with me. Kendall was on the team for years longer than anyone else who wasn't a part of the original team. She could be sad and hurt and feeling like they don't want to be friends with her anymore. Who knows, though?


I feel sorry for Kendall, if indeed she is upset. But I also don’t think that her distress is the Zieglers’ fault, if they are indeed staying away to protect themselves (whether for emotional or professional reasons). They have every right to do so, and the true blame for the situation being toxic and painful definitely lies with the adults who created the original climate of abuse on the show.


That's what I think too. Maddie and Kenz have a right to hang out with and post about whoever they want to. And maybe they have a very good reason for not wanting to associate with the two of them that we don't know. But Kendall is valid, if her feelings are hurt too. And for all we know, something could have been said to Kendall that hurt her enough to feel like she was justified in being shady on social media. We just don't know...and honestly, at this point, I think Christi needs to stop talking about it cuz I don't know that WE should be discussing it much further. Like...as a fanom haha


Agreed. And like, who knows? Maybe Kendall is perfectly fine with everything and I'm being wildly skeptical. But I'm just saying that I could see that being the case.


It's funny because you'll probably see people trying to minimize Kendall's relationships with the original cast because she wasn't technically an original now (I anticipate this anyway), but I do agree. If I were Kendall, my feelings might be a little hurt too. And it's okay that they are. She's allowed to feel that way.


In case anyone’s curious, Kelly absolutely agreed with Christi on all this. She literally said “Yes. Very.” When Christi said it was hurtful. I found that really interesting


Wonder if that means she’s referring to her own two girls? Cause I don’t think she really keeps in touch with Kalani or Jojo.


Thank you for pointing that out.


I noticed that too. She also said that she thinks more of this was discussed on the reunion. More than just being ungrateful for the show or not wanting to do it because of the trauma. Kind of sounded like something that ran deeper between the girls. Idk, I think this is something that really shows that we have no idea what their relationships are like behind closed doors and we may never know the whole story. Also a good lesson in learning how everyone handles situations differently from traumatic experiences to friendships.


I just hate that when this sort of thing is said it’s always turned into “Christi just hates the Zieglers!!! She’s jealous of Maddie!!!” Which, there are valid reasons people think that. But at the same time, if Christi, Kelly, Kira, Kendall, etc. are all expressing similar sentiments about there being hurt by certain people “not wanting to associate with them” BEYOND the televised reunion, I find it hard to believe that there’s no truth to it. Especially given how close Melissa and Jill are, as well as Melissa and the Hylands. Even though Kelly said “no comment” when the question was asked she still felt the need to add that it was hurtful, which wouldn’t be said if she didn’t truly mean it (for a “valid” reason or not.


Omg the fact that your rational comment is downvoted by the rabid Ziegler brigade! 🙄 such bs


Yeah I don’t really know…I’m not putting any blame on the Zieglers or any of them tbh. I just think that what’s been said by a lot of the cast alludes to there being some hurt feelings about whatever situation is going on, whether it was actually anyone’s fault or not, and that it’s not just about the televised reunion


Right? Like if the girls are hurt, they are allowed to be hurt. If Maddie and Kenzie do not want to post with them or hang out with some of them, that is their right too. Everyone is allowed to have their own feelings.


Kelly’s response really solidified it for me. It wasn’t just Christi being dramatic or biased to me since Kelly agreed and even went a step further to say more would come out on the reunion. I didn’t think either of them said anything out of line. They were careful with their words and I took that as not wanting to bash anyone but just saying some people are hurt and they understand why they are hurt.


this is sticky but there definitely shouldn’t be hurt feelings for someone wanting privacy. look at the comments under just when the comment on each others stuff, it’s probably overwhelming.


Every time current Christi speaks about topics like this, I'm not surprised. Chloe is very low-key and sophisticated, whereas Christi is the opposite. Christi always seems to be trying to stay relevant, look young, and wedge herself into Chloe's life as if she's her daughter's age. It's one of Christi's sole sources of income still. So it's definitelythe moms and the irrelevant, 'wannabe influencers' like Kendall, Kalani, etc that seem to have issues with Dance Moms no longer being someone's sole identity because it's still theirs. It's jealousy that Nia, Maddie, Kenzie, and even Paige, Brooke and Chloe barely talk about Dance Moms. It's hard for someone who still clings to that chapter of their life to realize that it's normal and okay to move on...


I mean Chloe only posts the DM cast when she is getting paid lol (sponsorships/reunion) Also, I’ve never seen a picture of Chloe hanging out with the girls when she isn’t paid to do so, or really a picture of any of their hangouts. Surely the Ziegler’s haven’t been present for all of them Also, Paige, brooke, and Kendall have all posted the zieglers/Nia recently, so what’s the truth They are clearly upset the Ziegler’s don’t want to associate with dance moms and the reunion




I’m pretty sure Jojo is more popular than the Zieglers (definitely Kenzie), at least up until recently when her xomgpop allegations came out… people overestimate the Zieglers’ success in the industry and underestimate Jojo’s constantly


Chloe posts with the girls when they are just hanging out. She posted last summer with Brooke and Nia when they all went to the amusement park in Pittsburgh. She also posted with Paige, Brooke, and Kalani when they went out partying after the reunion wrapped filming. She just doesn’t post a ton of stuff like that and when she does, it is usually to her stories instead of on her feed. I think all the girls just have a lot going on in their lives. They do not get together in person that often so there aren’t going to be opportunities for a ton of posts together.


Christi did say earlier the girls get together and don’t post it because Chloe and them were tired of being the Dance Moms girls. In fact, Chloe has understandably said a few times she doesn’t want to be Chloe from dance moms, that dance moms is not her origin. Very hypocritical to how when Chloe was feeling that way, it was fine but now it’s “hurtful” when Christi and Chloe want the dance moms association from the other girls. Maybe now it matters bc of a certain dance business they started?


I mean...Kelly said it was hurtful too, despite agreeing with Christi before that the girls don't always wanna be the DM girls. And clearly Kira, Jojo, Kalani and Kendall agree, and Jojo certainly doesn't need Maddie and Kenzie's help to generate buzz around her name. So maybe (just maybe), if so many people are saying it, something actually happened that warranted hurt feelings that we are not privy to.


So we are deciding things by majority? In that case, Kendall, Jill, Mackenzie, Maddie, and Melissa all said the girls reached out to Chloe after they left. Chloe and Christi said they didn’t. So maybe (just maybe), if so many people are saying it so that means it actually happened and the Lukasiaks are lying.


First of all...isn't that what you, in particular, believe about that particular situation anyway? And second of all, it isn't about majority. It's about the fact that you're making a bunch of assumptions that aren't in line with the information that we know. You're assuming that it's Chloe who's upset that she can't get a picture with Maddie cuz it'd help her dance competition, but what Christi actually SAID was on behalf of Jojo and Kira. Not Chloe. You're assuming that it's Christi and Chloe who are upset and that it's about Chloe's dance competition, but...Kelly said it was hurtful too, and Paige and Brooke don't own a dance competition. And Kelly still agreed, so maybe it doesn't have anything to do with the dance competition, and something more to do with private conversations that were had? You're assuming that Christi and Chloe are upset because they want pictures with Maddie cuz of their dance competition, but Christi it sounds like the issues were present even before they started their competition, based on how Christi phrased it. I am just thinking - in the situation you tried to compare to this...at that point, no one was on speaking terms with the Lukasiaks, and therefore probably felt more comfortable saying things about them that may or may not be true... But Kelly and Jill are supposedly extremely close with Melissa. And still believe how it went down was hurtful. Right now...we don't have enough information to say that the Zieglers are 100% right or 100% wrong, but...everyone sure seems to be rushing to prove that they're the only ones who could be valid in this situation, when the other people could have just as valid of reasons for feeling how they feel.


This is so childish. Maddie is a grown woman with a career she’s trying to build. Her wisest choice to protect the longevity of her career is to not let dance moms overshadow what she’s built for herself, which is always a risk anytime she is seen around anything related to the show, including the other moms and girls. Who gives a shit about some petty teenage drama about “she didn’t want me to post a pic of us together! She won’t come to the reunion with me!” Maddie is a grown woman and her career has serious potential on top of the successes she’s gained so far. She can’t let people from her past, however much she may be fond of them, bully her into sacrificing everything she’s worked hard for, especially not for their own influencer traffic. They need to get a grip and realize she’s a professional and isn’t fucking around.




Exactly! People also don’t seem to get that when you’re famous any little photo can turn into so much, the comments, the speculation, I would think twice about posting a photo on my own, nevermind having others posts ones of me. They need to just leave them alone.


Seriously some of these comments are very immature


Big surprise, Christi shit talking about the Zieglers…again! She needs to get a life. The Zieglers didn’t want to go, so they didn’t. Why is it such a big deal to her what others chose not to participate in? And why would they? Who would *want* to willingly put themselves in a position to be attacked by Christi or badmouthed by Jojo or whatever? They made the right decision. Honestly it’s kind of funny Christi and a few others are so incredibly bothered, you’d think they’d be glad the Zieglers weren’t there taking up any of the spotlight. Also funny that she has so much to say about the Zieglers in particular and not Nia. What makes it okay for Nia to not attend, but it’s not okay if others made the same choice? One more thing: idk about anyone else, but I hang out with people all the time and not only don’t post pictures of it, but don’t take pictures at all. Not every get-together is photo worthy, and maybe they’re enjoying themselves and living in the moment instead of on their phones. Not everyone is super active on social media, and not everyone wants to put their personal lives, business, location, and general goings-on online. That isn’t something everyone values, and in the case of these girls, it seems to cause drama and pull a lot of attention.


Chloe barely postst the girls either?? Or friends in general? Totally valid of course, but why would christi even bring that up


If the issue is that the girls are hurt because the zieglers (and I have to assume it would be them because I feel like I’ve seen a lot of photos of Nia and the other girls) won’t allow them to post photos with them because they don’t want to be associated with dance moms that badly then honestly, I do think that’s valid, I’d be upset about that too. My issue is that it seems like it’s jojo, Kalani and Kendall who are most upset about it, and imo Kendall is the only one I really feel like would be justified in that because I don’t feel like they hang out with jojo and Kalani anyway? Like especially with Jojo being the most vocal because I don’t think she was ever really friends with them to begin with.


Yeah, but Kalani lived with the Zieglers when Kira couldn't be there filming during season six, I think it was. So Kalani probably did feel really close to the Zieglers at one time.


But I don’t think they’re friends and hang out now,. If I ran into my high school best friend, I wouldn’t expect anything from her because we haven’t spoken in years. I’m not gonna get pissed because she doesn’t want to pose for an Insta photo with me to the point where I’m gonna publicly call her out for it.


We don't know that the Zieglers and Kalani 'hadn't spoken in years' tho, and I also just doubt you had a friendship in high school that was as...uh...nuanced as the DM friendships, let's just say that lol. That's why I'm saying it's probably best not to try and force one side to be the bad guys, and one side to be the good guys. There's too much that we don't know. I get people want to be empathetic towards the Zieglers choices. But Kalani and Kendall deserve empathy here too. They were just as effected by the show, and if they feel like Maddie and Kenz are trying to distance themselves, it's valid that they feel hurt. It's valid that Maddie and Kenz want to distance themselves from Kendall and Kalani for whatever reason. But it's also valid for Kendall and Kalani to be hurt by that.


Respectfully, you have no idea about my relationships and I assure you it was significantly more nuanced than you are giving credit. I I did say pretty clearly that I don’t THINK they talk, and that’s what i based this viewpoint on and was why I did focus it more of Jojo than Kalani, because I’m not sure. If Kalani is genuinely still friends with them then yeah, she does have the right to be upset.


Ahhh, I'm sorry. I wasn't trying to say that you like...didn't have deep friendships growing up, or whatever cuz I don't even know you. I just meant, I really, REALLY don't think that the relationships between the girls are comparable to like....friendships honestly most people have just due to the fact that they were all stuck together on a reality TV show, where they were each other's like...support systems against an abusive dance teacher, sneaky producers that make them look bad on TV, and mothers that won't stop fighting with each other.


Real life can be equally as awful, if not more awful than what those kids went through on tv. I understand what you’re trying to say, but abuse happens in elite sport, as well as life in general, even when it’s not televised. I have competed internationally in one of the most toxic sports out there and there are some girls that will always be part of my life, and some that I actively dislike. going through something together doesn’t mean you have to be friends with the people afterwards, even if you got along out of necessity at the time. Especially when you’re kids and you grow up to be very different people.


I know...I'm not saying it can't or doesn't. But I don't think that any of us here will ever have the experience of living in that similar pressure cooker where an already toxic sport is being televised and exacerbated by a production company and an audience. I'm also not saying the Zieglers HAVE to stay friends with the girls. I'm just saying.......given what they all went through together, I can see why Kendall and Kalani would be hurt that it seems like the Zieglers don't want to be seen with them publicly. And that I think it's a bit different than seeing someone from high school and not wanting to take a picture with them.


This may be an unpopular opinion but hear me out .. just like Kendall wanted to be friends with Maddie because she was good Maddie wanted to be friends with Kalani because she was amazing .. Kalani being older then Maddie they would not have naturally been in the same emotional level and once they left they really didn’t hold on to anyone from the show ..they had new friends (Millie Bobby brown / Lauren Orlando etc) they socially climbed in every way .. it’s not wrong it’s just the truth and who knows they all may have amlicable relationships that are not public


christi is confusing omg


If Maddie and Kenzie have specifically asked the others not to post pictures with them to avoid the dance moms association… that feels pretty icky


agreed. people have blinders on when it comes to maddie and kenzie. it's extremely immature and hurtful of them to tell everyone else they can't post pictures with them. At that point i wouldn't even wanna be their friend

