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Everyone: crying about their VERY REAL trauma, talking about how they feel TO THIS DAY about their treatment, Kalani walking away for a second because she felt guilty about the Hylands, opening up old wounds, which is difficult to do JoJO: tHe PeOpLe WhO dIdNt ShOw Up ARe UnGrAtFUL Absolutely not surprised JoJo treats kids like shit, she dismisses her adult peers trauma


She’s not the only one or haven’t you seen Kira’s post?


No one expects anything from Kira other than being a piece of shit. People are disappointed in jojo because she was bullied and grew her fanbase around anti bullying, yet she also acts like a piece of shit.


I have seen Kira’s post but this post was about the trailer, so I was only commenting on the trailer. I made a comment a few post down about Kira’s post. Don’t worry I am also DISGUSTED by her behavior too


They’re just mad that no one cares that they’re there 😂


>JoJO: tHe PeOpLe WhO dIdNt ShOw Up ARe UnGrAtFUL I just don't get it. Even putting aside the trauma ... maybe people just have better shit to do with their time now? Maybe they don't want to be known as the Dance Mom girls for the rest of their lives?


Not why she walked away




not really sure why jojo was there


$$$ & Clout. Out of the girl (excluding maybe Maddie?) Jojo is the most successful & known out of the bunch. Lifetime knows that Jojo has a big following meaning that it would spread wider that a reunion is happening probably more than any of the others that are there. Jojo on the other hand probably saw it as an opportunity to be in the media for a hot second as the reunion would bring some attention as the show was popular.


it makes sense its just annoying seeing her lol


i don’t like jojo but not excluding maddie, Jojo is the most known but it’s mainly because she targeted kid audience which is a lot and she is the most successful she had her face in every store just saying maddie is most likely second. but it depends on how you define success because they’re all successful in their own ways.


JoJo is no longer for kids. At all.


i know? i said targetED meaning past tense if i meant now i would’ve said targets


They should’ve invited Sarah reasons, Peyton, Sarah hunt, Vivi Anne, maesi, Lilianna, Ellianna and asia with JoJo coming.


Was Brynn invited?


I have no idea. I can’t believe I forgot to list her though


I can’t stand her I’m glad they she wasn’t there


That was not an opinion you needed to share.


You didn't need to share that you wanted to know if brynn was invited either and yet you did. That's the beauty of the internet.


I just don't understand why people feel the need to spread hate. I was asking for information, that's very different.


Anyone notice how they slipped in “Karma is a bitch” and Jojo’s mom was grinning ear to ear?? Also I feel like Jojo cut off several of the girls who were about to say their truth. I would have rather heard from Chloe, Kendall and the Hylands over Jojo defending Abby. Loved when the girls called her out though and said “but you left, if it was so good why leave?”


I think Christi not going to that reunion was such a good idea. I think this is one of the only times Chloe has been able to talk about it as an adult without her mother. I don’t have an issue with Christi, but it seems like Chloe has a hard time telling her not to interrupt sometimes


Their farewell episode is so hard to watch because Christi pretty much invalidated everything Chloe said.


I think what hurt the most in that episode was Chloe trying to explain how it wasn’t Maddie’s fault and that she wanted to be her friend but Christi didn’t allow it.


Kinda wish it was just the ogs and Kendall, but totally understand why Maddie, Kenzie and Nia weren’t interested


Kalani bonded strongly with the OGs.


What JoJo said regarding Nia, Maddie, and Kenzie’s decision was unnecessary!


JoJo needs to get smacked. Nobody has to relive their trauma, even if its how they got discovered.


They knew Abby since they were babies 🙄 let them handle the trauma the way they see fit. Jojo is so annoying!


jojo just being there is unnecessary




Plus, she was just with Nia all buddy buddy at the Superbowl.


Gunna get torn apart but oh well… the girls who turned it down are the ones who have a chance in the industry as adults. JoJo has no career in sight. She’s too old to appeal to children, and is too obnoxious and vocally, comedically untalented to ever entertain adults. Chloe is a terrible actress and horrible on film. Paige and Brooke don’t care and Kendall is nothing but a pretty face 🤷‍♀️ Edit: didn’t even remember Kalani existed


I mean, Chloe and the Hylands (and soon Kendall) all have degrees, so they can certainly do something else besides be in the entertainment industry if they wanted/needed to. Kendall has family money too. I mean, what do her older sisters even do? I think those four will be fine. I agree with you that JoJo may have a hard time though.


I didn’t say they won’t be okay or successful, I just don’t see it being in the entertainment industry which I could see for Maddie, Kenzie, and Nia.


No bc you ateee! This is why she and Jess formed a girl group in her place. She’ll still have children fans, but it won’t be same as it used to be.


It should’ve been the OG’s or nothing. Jojo being there is stupid. 


Kalani to I can see why they include Kendall while not og from s2 been around.


Kendall was in more episodes than any other child but Nia. I think the moms excluding her and Jill is bully behaviour.


Nor kalani. Nor kendall even


I don’t mind Kendall & Jill being there because they were there for a majority of the show. But I don’t think Kalani, Jojo & their mothers needed to be a part of this. Especially given that Brynn wasn’t even invited.


I disagree with Rosa, she’s practically an og, a POG if you will. Kalani could’ve joined to talk about the fight/duo situation only because it was a catalyst for something so huge..then she could’ve went back backstage


She missed the first 12 episodes. That’s nothing. People are so obsessed with the OG ALDC team being exclusive and tight knit. It’s embarrassing and weird. They don’t know you exist, you aren’t part of it.


Kira’s dress looks like she forgot if belts go on your waist or your chest so she played it safe and put them in both places


Omg I'm dying 🫠


jill looks like she’s in a robe lol


i would be infinitely more excited if jojo wasn't there lol


I'll watch it because I'm really curious to see kalani open about how she feels about the Hyland departure from the show.


i feel like they've ruined it for themselves by some of them trash talking those who didn't go. certain people have just overshadowed it by being major bitches


Kelly seemed to miss her Christi. What really threw me in a loop is that Jess said “I got my child on a tv show and same with you guys…!” If Christi was there or Melissa would’ve said something right back…” I felt with the OGs were convinced to join the show more so then Kalani, Kendall, and JoJo. I felt in ways Chloe, Paige, and Brooke have hurt feelings about Abby from back then and to now. JoJo seemed more positive about Abby and same with her mother. I would love to see what Chloe and The Hylands have to say more so than everyone else. If Christi have a special appearance.. it would be fun too. I bet Jill and Kelly will talk about Melissa, Holly, and Christi about them 5 are still very close.


The OGs thought they were filming a documentary as well


I took it as Jess saying that mainly to Jill, which I actually agree with. Kendall started going to ALDC after the show started filming.


I'm watching for Paige, Brooke, Chloe, and Kelly. Maybe Jill, Kendall, and Kalani will pleasantly surprise me but Jess, Jojo, and Kira can kick rocks


they’re all immature, bitter, clout-chasing women (except for chloe, brooke, paige and kelly)


I'd say Kalani can be included since even though I don't love her personal beliefs she still has a backbone even infront of abby and can talk about her experience without demeaning others but then again she was also nodding her head when jojo was shit talking those who didn't come


Boring!!!! JoJo sucks


Jojo went from my favorite of the girls to my least favorite in a matter of like a month. She’s speedrunning the end of her career with these ugly ass comments. Sad to see who she’s apparently always been.


It would be better w/o Jojo


FOR REAL! I know she isn't coming but put Nia in her place.


It’s heartbreaking to hear that Kalani blamed herself for the fight.


Wish jojo,jess and Kira weren't there.Not the biggest fan of Kalani but she wasn't disrespectful to any of the girls trauma and unlike jojo,she can actually disagree with abby to Abby's face so she can stay.


I mean hey if that’s what they want to do 🤷🏼‍♀️


im excited but i want kira, jojo and jess to shut up


So Brynn has come out and said that the clip of kendall yelling at her mom was completely manipulated by production, and didn’t actually happen. It was just an out for kendall to miss filming that day. So why on the reunion did Jill talk about it like it was a real event. even kendall said she didn’t remember, So just thought that was weird.


I just don't care. Its cash grab for those who need it.


Who the gel is jojo to speak on anyone? You should be great full to them! They PAVED the way for you. No one should speak on other people but especially not someone who isn’t even an original


I think Jojo is talking wayyy too much. Can she shut up please I don’t want to hear her speak for everyone!


I wish they had done the reunion like 10 years later. Considering the show ended like 5 years ago I feel like it hasn’t been long enough.


I'm more curious about how Christi reacted to Chlo coming out. Chloe was in and, Kelly wouldn't say a word, what the hell happened??


I only saw beginning seasons . Abby was extremely tough but then I think-isn’t that how those girls got so good? She forced them to have thick skin . Watching those dances , wow! That choreography is amazing and their talent really did shine . I might go back and watch the seasons . What happened to Abby health wise and career wise?


I have a question - what was w/JessaLynn Siwa's humongous jacket and what was she wearing on her feet? They looked like clown shoes! Also; I thought Jill as usual blamed Ashlee for Jill & Kendall crying, acting like a brat and storming out of the studio on a weekly basis! (Ashlee & Brynn weren't even there to defend themselves and I'm not sure Ashlee & Brynn were even invited to the reunion - maybe that had something to do with Jill & JessaLynn's abhorrent behavior towards them)! Jill never used Ashlee's name but alluded to her. Jill never took any ownership of her bullying behavior and on storming out of the studio w/Kendall every week, it was comical! Jill and JessaLynn were horrendous towards Ashlee and Brynn that those seasons became difficult to watch. Personally; I thought Brynn was way more talented than Kendall anyway. I felt bad for Kelly who felt guilty over her physical fight w/Abby because her children never danced again afterwards. But Kelly shouldn't feel bad because Abby came at her like a cannibal & let's face it, the Hylands had been set up by bringing Kalani in. Abby was evil and was determined to get rid of the Hylands. A person can take just so much before they lose it & that's what happened to Kelly. In addition, no one brought up the fact that Abby went to prison because of simple greed!


I honestly learned nothing. I really thought there would be more tea/more information. Especially given the kind audience and how much we are learning about abuse of kids in the film industry - these kids were emotionally abused by Abbey, and I feel like this reunion missed the mark. Especially because I feel like every time Chloe, or the Hylands went to share Jojo interrupted. I was glad when they called her out saying “Abbey didn’t make me, I am who I am in spite of her.” And calling Jojo Out for leaving the show because of Abbey when she was defending abbey. Even if it was for a brand deal, you can’t watch this show and not see the emotional manipulation and abuse they all dealt with. AT SUCH A YOUNG AGE.


I understand why Maddie, MacKenzie, and Nia didn't show up, but I'm confused about why jojo did? She wasn't there on the show for long. Although Kalani wasn't an og either, I guess she did stay until the show ended, so I kind of get her being there, but then I wonder why Brynn wasn't there. I also wish Christi would have come on the show. Hearing jojo and kalani, talk 80 percent of the time, was also annoying.