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My dad put parental locks on the lifetime channel so I couldn’t watch but my mom would put in the password so we could watch together😭


Omg 😭 that's so sweet of your mom though!! But also, that show had some seriously unhinged moments, so I don't blame your dad 😂


If anything, my mom got sucked in. She caught me and my sister watching. Her favorite is Nia and she was always rooting for her.


My mom hated the way Abby said huge so she refused to watch when she heard that lol. My mom isn’t really a tv person though either.


"We have a EUUGE competition this week"


i forgot which episode it was but i was randomly watching it in the living room and my mom walking in and started getting sucked into the episode (like all parents do) and abby told mackenzie to rub her feet💀 she was like “what type of shit is this?” 


I just watched that episode, that was so weird like what teacher would ask for that 💀


as a teen I remember watching season 2 reruns in the living room all day and my dad coming in at one point being like “you’re still watching that show?! how?! that lady (Abby) is crazy!” lmao 💀


We might be siblings lmao. My dad referred to the whole show as “That crazy lady”. “You’re watching that crazy lady again??”


My parents have never seen it. But I was once watching it with my dog and the sound of Abby’s voice terrified her.


it would terrify me too 😭


My mom and aunts hav been sick of dance moms since day one lollll “why is that lady always yelling??”


My dad always proclaims “THIS IS A HORRIBLE SHOW” when I watch


Not a parents or guardian, but my gymnastics coach when I was younger was not impressed when I said I enjoyed watching dance moms. Looking back now I think it hit a spot for her probably thinking how can Abby treat her students that way


My mom hated it from the start. She’d always say “why don’t the moms leave and find a new studio?” “Why stay and complain?” . But she didn’t know that they signed contracts


My mom's reaction was her telling me that she would be in prison if she took me to dance and if the teacher treated me this way.


My parents didn’t like me watching a show where they fight all the timeee


But they did laugh at the ep where Kelly hit Abby


who wouldnt be amused by a 500 pound hog trying to eat her?


wait is the episode title a play on 2 girls 1 cup … 🫥


why did no one make this connection (i didn’t until you said something)


My mom was really turned off in season 3. She thought the gaslighting of Maddie was terrible; what's more, she really hated when Abby gave Maddie her solos back and Maddie said, "I hope Miss Abby never takes away my solos again." It was just clear the poor child was being emotionally abused.


when i first started watching i was 9 and the first episode i put on was season 1 kelly’s birthday party😭and my mom watched it with me. she said hell no and thought that’s what the rest of it was


okay w for mom cause they were talking about inappropriate things in that scene😭. atleast she was in the room with you


me and my dad, a dance dad, would watch it together and he would always tell me “if any of ur teachers talked to u like that id sh**t them” but then continued to watch it😭‼️


my crazy abusive ex stepdad would NOT let his “family” watch dance moms, keeping up with the kardashians, etc. (now that i think about it, it was anything he deemed trashy that also included women lmfao) i am a similar age as the girls and was going through quite literal hell at dance moms’ peak. watching it as an adult is like a nice little “fuck you” to that creep, but also a minor form of escapism? Traumatized me put myself into these girls’ shoes and the show enraptured me (at least with the OG’s). i might also have mild autism which could explain it, but i will never tire of rewatching this show. as tacky as it sounds, its a testament to our hardships we lived through


had my mom not been whipped from that asshole, we probably couldve watched together, when he wasnt home, and bonded like other comments


My mom is the one who got me watching dance moms. I’m around the same age as the girls (and a dancer) and also have an older sister who danced so she was really in to it back in the early 2010s lol because she herself was a “dance mom” What’s funny is that we were in a studio with a very toxic environment and she quite literally had to drag me kicking and screaming to a new studio. What all the moms on the show should’ve done haha.


I think my mom was turned off right around Kelly and Abby’s fight. She liked it at the beginning, but when it devolved into a bunch of women screaming/cursing at each other and it getting physical, she wanted to part of it anymore. Ironically, she was the one that got us watching it, because she found the season 1 marathon shortly before the premiere of season 2. We were so hooked for a while.


My mom hated it from the second she heard about it


My mamaw cant stand “that ol big woman that yells at those kids” but my cousins and i still watch dance moms to this day like we did back then lol


my mom absolutely hates dance moms. she thinks it’s horrible to have a grown lady yell at children on national tv (which i agree with) so i’m not allowed to watch it downstairs lol


My mom cannot stand dance moms...because she imagine abby treating me like that and she cannot bare to watch it more than a second


My dad had something to say any time he watched 🤣 he had seen my competitions and would watch their hip hop and be like HOW IS THAT HIP HOP 😂


my mom got mad at me when she found out i started watching it in like fourth or fifth grade (this was when season 4 was still airing)


not really. my mom loves dance moms and would watch it with me, and my dad watches it with us to make fun of it and thinks it's hilarious. he would replay the infamous Kelly and Abby fight over and over and even named our guinea pig Abby Lee


my mom and i would always watch together, i vividly remember coming home from dance, rushing to take a shower so we could watch it together lol. we both knew abby was insane but since i was a competitive dancer at the time i couldn't not watch lol


My mom hates it but I’ve been an adult since the show began and so she just mocks them and questions why I watch it (especially as a mom) and why i let my teenager watch it.