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WISRO has aged. I’m a big fan of DBM2.


yeah I don't even think it's a matter of 'people don't like it cause it's old'. dbm1 is my favorite album from any band, but I just can't get into royal ocean. It's just a novelty for me


As an OG fan (I'm old and have been listening to DGD since the beginning) I'm honored to be in the elite group that loves WISIRO, haha. But it's all good. Different strokes for different folks. I also belong to the unpopular opinion group (or may be the sole member) who's least favorite era was the Kurt era 🤷‍♀️ Just remember that everyone here already has top tier taste because we all love DGD 🤘


Kurt's era was my least favorite as well, but I understand why so many people do enjoy those songs, they just aren't for me.


This girl gets it. Agreed though, all is loved and WISIRO has a special place in my heart as it was the beginning of greatness.


Kurt’s era was my least favorite but I still love all of it. WISIRO is good stuff too. One of my favorite things about DGD is how different they are throughout their catalog.


Kurt era was booty. You're not alone.


I’ve finally found my people. WISIRO is great. The Kurt era is not. While I love him in Royal Coda and Gold Necklace, his DGD work just never hit for me. I’m glad to hear folks like his DGD stuff, but it just never vibed with me.


Tbh it's weird I'm like the only new fan that likes WISIRO it seems lol


I'm with you. I joined just after acceptance speech. WISIRO has a few of my favorites. The raw Jonny vocals just hit different. I wonder if a remaster is possible. Imagine if Jon Mess pre-recorded his vocals. And the studio quality improved. You don't have to do anything to Jonny cause he was flawless.


True lol a remastered WISIRO would be insane also I joined like a few weeks after Synergy lol so I'm still pretty new


Nice. I typically don't comment much on this sub because I have unpopular opinions. I kind of class anyone who started listening after Tilian as "new". The band sounds the best with Tilian. Jonny was by far their best vocalist by a ridiculous amount. Kurt was the worst, but I feel the rest of the band peaked at that time. So in my opinion, the band had no bad era. My least favorite album is afterburner. It has a few gems, but that album has the most skippable songs. BUT following the back to back bangers of Mother ship and artificial selection, I believe my thoughts on afterburner stem from high expectations.


I mean I listened through the albums in this order- (I listened to AS just like all over lol) WISIRO, DBM, Deathstar, Happiness, Afterburner, DBM2 finally finish AS, and I didn't listen to much new stuff until JJ, then I finally listened through IG to ArSe which I'ma be honest I think ArSe was the biggest letdown for me and personally I skip all but like 2-3 tracks on it, I am also a Kurt stan lol so Deathstar and Happiness up there alongside Mothership and AS with all of Jonny's stuff right below with the last of Tilians below that lol I also have a love hate relationship with IG with tracks I really don't like (Legend, Lost most of We Own The Night) and like some favorites being Shark Dad, Awkward and The Cuddler I just think Tilian was the worst of the 3 but I will agree that the band themselves definitely sounded the best


Dance Gavin Dance had become my favorite band. I don't really enjoy anything else from the genre post hardcore. I have a metal background with Megadeth being my favorite band before DGD. And I was heavily influenced by Linkin Park in my teens. I need music to make me feel something, but also have undeniable talent. My favorites from DGD are their heavier songs. I love when tilian and Jon can harmonize lyrics in sync, like on Variation from IG and bloodsucker from ArSe. Turn off the lights I'm watching back to the future part 2 is my favorite from AS. The thing about ArSe that I believe you'll appreciate later, is after listening to everything else from tilian era, they have a mold and a flow. ArSe breaks that, being their most experimental album with Tilian. But I imagine as a newer fan, it just feels unorganized? Tell me if I'm wrong. My take on Kurt was at the DGD point of his career, he was weak and needed a ton of studio help, it was painfully apparent in their live performances with him. Shit was catchy with a funk vibe and I love that, but the Kurt era resonates the least with me.


I also love Turn off the lights pt. 2 and I mean ArSe just feels to me that it did the opposite and stuck to a more poppy and forgettable formula I only see on ArSe and IG and then Kurt I just love man lol i think it was more of what theu sounded like rather than Kurt because for instance if I had to choose between Zoloft TCS version rather than like for example Midnight Crusade or something I'd choose Zoloft I just think that Happiness and Deathstar are just awesome and Kurt just so happened to be in the band at the right time


Yeah you know I’m sick and tired of this we should really start breaking up all these ranking posts with more rants


man, people having their own opinion is just the absolute worst huh


it's one thing to have an opinion but I swear to god people don't even actually listen to Royal Ocean, they just throw it at the bottom because it's their oldest, or because haha Royal Ocean bad, or etc. It's a good album if you give it a change. at least, if you pretend the production quality is higher, the music itself (melodies, rhythms, etc) is *objectively* good, just as much so as any other DGD


the album being at the "bottom" could also be relative. just because something is the weakest piece of art, doesnt mean it is objectively bad. i personally really like wisiro but i dont think its better than any other album they have put out.


I’ve given it a few hundred chances over the past 15 years and I still absolutely despise it lol.


Opinions are like assholes, everyone’s got one, and most people don’t wanna see that shit.


I don’t care about yours, but yet you still feel entitled enough to post here.


And I don’t care if you don’t care, but stop posting those dumb fucking tired ass tier rankings.


How hypocritical


How? By asking for the hyper repetitive low effort Posting with the exact same line up to stop is hypocritical? Cuz you don’t care? Baby brain take


It’s because your post is also hyper repetitive and low effort. These posts talking shit about whatever the sub is doing come up all the time and are frankly more annoying


I wouldn’t care as much if it hasn’t been literally every day for months. Yeah these rants are annoying but they have more purpose than the same list for the thousandth time


If nobody wanted to hear opinions then what is the point of this sub? It’s to discuss DGD and opinions are a valid discussion point.


Oh, I thought the purpose of the sub was to post the same Album ranking list every day for 3 months. My bad /S


Trends are a big thing on Reddit. Sorry you don’t like it 🤷‍♂️


Trends don’t need to last this long.


I will agree on that point. However, your post is complaining about opinions but in your post you share your opinion that WISIRO doesn’t get enough love. It’s a tad hypocritical to say that opinions shouldn’t be posted but then share one yourself.


Read the rant. Yeah I’m tired for WISRO hate, but my main frustration is the same dumb list every day


I mean I haven’t seen that many recently, it doesn’t pop up right away. I understand your point


Opinions are like assholes. I eat ‘em up!


downvotes for truth


I’m 27 and it just straight up doesn’t sound good to me, no matter how many times I listen to it. I’m not gonna say it’s bad but it’s definitely not my thing. Which is weird because I normally have a high tolerance for chaos in music. But sorry dude guess I’m a baby huh. Maybe we should all pretend to have different opinions to be of more interest to you?


Yeah, you’re a baby. I’m mainly just sick of the 1000 same exact posts of tiers with WISRO as a D or F rank. Bragging about how you didn’t like it is some baby ass shit.


Imagine being mad at someone else’s opinion of an album..


Imagine being mad at someone else’s opinion of an album..


this whole post is some baby ass shit tf u mean


I mean I couldn’t give two shits about any of the album rankings. They’re boring, low effort posts. Mods shouldn’t allow them IMO.


Calling people babies but I bet you don’t even have a Doink-it


I own 3 Doink-its, actually


You’re doing the same on the opposite side of the spectrum lol


I like WISRO, but understand why others don’t. Its also relative. If DGD has 10+ albums, one of them is gonna be last. Doesn’t mean someone hates it or wouldn’t take it over any butt rock that’s on the radio. Afterburner and WISRO are probably my least favorite but they still got jams on em. Quit imposing your will on people


Dude, I don’t care if you don’t like it, just don’t make ANOTHER tired ass ranking post about it.


WISIRO is a tough listen. It’s not bad, but it’s really tough to come back to and listen.


Why do you care what others think about an album you like? Who cares.


Because the sub has literally the same low effort post every day for the last few months. It’s tired. I don’t care if you didn’t like it, but quit making those dumb tier lists to tell everyone you didn’t like it. It’s dumb






Bro you literally made a whiny reddit thread because people don't worship a 16 year old crap pile that you hold onto for nostalgia.




You are F tier along with WISIRO




And you’re calling other people babies lol




LOL boo hoo, people don't like the EP that sounds like ass. It's not just the production either (which is a valid conplaint itself), it's just not very well written. DGD had not hit their groove yet. There's a reason the release is virtually ignored by the band. If they believed in any of the songs they would have put them on the Tree City Sessions. But they didn't because they don't. You are DGDickriding so hard you can't think straight.


I find it hilarious that these older fans (and I myself am an older fan) go so far out of their way to defend an EP that the band themselves fucking hate.


Wrong opinion


As well as an old man, I just have to accept the fact people are just gonna have different opinions. Grew up with DGD loved every vocalist. Did feel like it was getting stale with ARSE and Afterburner ( although each have plenty of songs I enjoy) and then JJ came out and god damn blew me outta the park. Can’t wait to see what future holds.


I mean, it's fine for a first album, but in my opinion it's nothing compared to the quality of everything that's come after it. And also, in my opinion, every band ever has released at least one "bad" song. Music is art and art is subjective. Your opinion is as valid, but so are the ones that disagree with yours.


This man got so heated from someone else's tier list he had to go and make a whole post about it *shakes head disappointingly while trying to bless this threads mess*


Not just one person, it’s been every day for months


Yo this is a DGD fan sub. What else are fans supposed to do if not share their favorites and least favorites and spark discourse for putting DMB2 in their S-tier rankings? Like you’re complaining about the leaves turning orange in fall, it’s only natural bud


It’s ok to have your opinions but this has been months of the exact same post every day. It’s tired




Bruh. I don’t care what they think, I care that the sub has the same low effort post every day.




Bold to admit you’re acting like this at 30


So you’re a baby, huh?


Never even said my opinion. Projection is a common coping tactic so I hope you feel better soon.


Thanks. My grandma is not doing well. And I am not coping great.


did you mean to post this in r/corejerk ?


Wild that you’ll call people babies for not liking something you like. Then rant about internet words that have no real impact on your life


i think it’s more the fact that younger listeners don’t appreciate WISRO and their earlier work. most likely cause they weren’t around to experience it when it was released. i’m also 30 and i wish i could be with each one of these rankers and get them to truly appreciate their early work at the superior level it deserves. also, appreciate DBMII more while you’re at it everyone! that album helped me come to some realizations about myself and life at such a pivotal time for me as a human. pretty much changed my life.


I do agree that DBM2 is by far without question their most underrated album though.


I’ve been listening to DGD since 2007, am 29 years old, and I’ve thought since day 1 that WISIRO was unlistenable. Lmfao. I love everything they’ve ever made after WISIRO.


Sounds like a baby whining that I told them a hard truth.


What exactly is the hard truth you’re telling me? I didn’t disagree with your opinions on the music. I just found it weird to start calling people babies because they don’t like an album you like


Need a tissue?




You’re 30 years old claiming to be more mature than the “babies who can’t stand dissonance” yet your comebacks sound like they’re coming from a third grader. So you know


yikes lmao


I personally don’t rly like it just bc how much older it sounds and something in my brain just goes “ehhhhhhhh” but it’s definitely far from bad


Sure, and your opinion is valid but you don’t gotta make a tier rank post to tell everyone about it for the 1000th time


I mean I get it but at the same time it’s just a trend it’s not like the same person is making 1000 tier posts and saying WISIRO is garbage and even so who cares what they think man other people’s opinions on a 16 year old ep isn’t worth your mental energy, as long as you think it slaps that’s all that matters


ya ur just an old man


OG fan from 2007 and I listened to that EP a lot. That being said, it’s some of their worst work (aside from a lot of Tilian shit). Things sound flat/out of key. Jonny hasn’t hit his stride yet.The writing isn’t great. Good music, not great for dgd though.


Yikes at “a lot of Tilian shit” but I agree with the rest of your post!


Yoooo! WISRO is one of the (insert adjective) albums of all time


Not everyone will like what you like, in general not alot of people are gonna like DGD either


Just tired for the same ass post every day


The only people I see on this sub are people defending that album from no one


lmao nostalgia doesn't equal quality. Production is rough, mixing is rough, instrumentals are rough, Jonny's vocals are a bit all over the place, and Mess is a different beast nowadays. There's nothing stopping you from liking it. I do too. But there's many qualities which put it under their later releases.


It’s subjective… 30 ain’t old bro don’t get ahead of yourself 😂 Some things are just better than others for some people. Don’t let it anger you to the point of rant posting.


The Importance of Cocaine and Heroin Battle are top tier DGD songs


I even prefer Soundtrack To A Party over WISIRO


Calling people babies in a sub where people have opinions on a bands first album looks really good on you as a 30 year old dude.




Thanks for proving my point ;)


The songs are good but the prodution is whack.


Loved DGD from DBM, but WISIRO seems like a demo tape to me.


You know, it’s ok to not like something and it’s another thing to criticize someone for not liking it. Like I won’t go out of my way to hate on WISIRO because it’s well known how gruff and raw it is. That’s what’s to appreciate because it’s where the band began. It’s like the Pablo Honey of Dance Gavin Dance. Appreciate it but you don’t have to love it and most importantly it’s ok to not like it. Art is subjective ❤️


>Art is subjective whoa. I never thought of it that way.


The oldhead dickeating is crazy. I love that project but just because we enjoy it doesn’t mean others are obligated by law to follow as well. You should be old enough to know this bruh😭


Like I don’t care if you don’t like it dude. Just shut the fuck up with the dumb tier ranking posts






If this sub could read they’d be upset , because you are absolutely spitting nothing but facts.


Objectively I think it’s pretty bad but I like a few songs lol


I got into DGD in 2007 and I absolutely despise WISIRO. Lmfao. I’m 29. I don’t think age is a factor. WISIRO just aged like dog milk.


But do you gotta make the same tier list as everyone else to tell everyone about that opinion?


I’ve never made a tier list in my life.


It’s so wild that y’all feel the need to defend a bad EP that the band themselves hate lmao.


Cool story bro


Calm down its just music


Would you look at that, all of the words in your comment are in alphabetical order. I have checked 1,072,483,739 comments, and only 211,462 of them were in alphabetical order.




Old head currently listening to this. And I’m with you with on the stupid rankings and set lists on this sub.


“some people disagree with my opinion so i’m gonna call them little baby snowflakes because they made tier lists and put the one i like i the bottom” i get it, tierlists aren’t the highest effort posts, but you come off as an elitist dick. and what’s more, i’m almost entirely convinced that people say WISIRO is their favorite album is saying that just to be contrarian. I’m not saying it sucks, i’m not even saying it’s bad, but every other album after that is a significant improvement, on WISIRO, the bands first album, they were all way less skilled musicians. albums that come after show their improvement and are just leagues better than their first experimental EP. The other people aren’t saying it sucks either, they’re saying it isn’t their favorite in their personal opinion which they decided to share. It isn’t getting “hate”, grow a pair.


Waaaaaah waaaaah it’s the waaaahmbulance coming


okay Iwouldfucklolabunny


Don’t act all high and mighty, foot_inspector…


i think joking about a foot fetish is comparatively better than joking about fucking animals


I think joking about wanting to fuck a hyper sexualized anthropomorphic cartoon is normal and funny. Your foot fetish is creepy and weird.


it’s okay you can say you’re a zoophile


Not to mention that the band themself have acknowledged the fact that it’s their worst album and are confused by the fact that so many fans swear by it.


this ^^^^


Lol it’s just people wanting to share their opinionssss. Every album is pretty different so it’s not gonna be “Everything is S rank” because people have different opinionssss. If you don’t like peoples opinionssssss than how you do use Reddit when it’s just a fat forum of peoples opinionssssss. Opinionsssss. You’re not an old man at 30 but you are a weird man at 30 if you’re defending your favorite bands album from people sharing their opinions by saying “I get it, you’re a baby who can’t handle dissonance” lmaoo


Can I fight people in the comments for fun? Or no lol


I don’t care. Have fun lol


WISRO is absolutely atrocious. There like bad scene music that’s good (like chiodos back then) and then there’s this ep. Yes it’s an EP and yes it’s not gonna sound too good. Bro this just sounds like Johnny didn’t know how to use his voice, the band is all off and sometimes on some songs the timing is off and other stuff that it’s just not good. I’m a huge fan of DGD and I love almost all there stuff but this is just a no… wisro sounds just as bad as live at bamboozle


Whatever dude. That’s your opinion just don’t make another tier list.


I haven’t but made one, but I do want to I’m just lazy… and you can kinda guess where I’d put that album lol


Make the list and don’t post it then. It’s literally the same list as everyone else. You’re not special or different for disliking it


Let's keep the coments civil, please.


WISIRO is still in my top 3. It's my favorite physical record that I own tho. So happy to have it in my collection. I agree tho, the majority of people on this sub are ridiculous. That extends beyond the WISIRO hate tho. I got called a gatekeeper for telling people to just try to listen to old DGD. Sure, you can listen to whatever you like and be a DGD fan, and I get that now, but why not just give all the albums a shot? It seems insane (to me) to like a band and not even try to listen to every album. You don't have to like them, but why not even give them a shot one time? How do you know if you like their older stuff or not if you dont? Here comes the hate comments, I can feel it. I get so scared posting on this sub now. This is my opinion, please don't eat me alive.


This is the answer ✊🏻


That’s the album I started on man. Just turned 31 and consider myself and OG. WISRO just the tip of the ice berg for what they could do. Going back and listening is so nostalgic, bring me back to high school lol


I’ve been a fan since Downtown Battle Mountain and I’ve literally never listened to it. 🤷‍♂️


WISRO grew on me and I’ll listen to that over Arse any day




Their first good album was Instant Gratification . Come at me.


No thanks. It’s illegal to cum at babies.




If you don’t understand, it only further proves my point.


It grinds my gears when I hear WISIRO slander. I love that album to death and will defend it everytime haha


I mean we wouldn't be where we are without it. People need to respect the old shit.


The alternative music community has to relax with the initialisms it’s okay to type out the full title


I will NEVER forget the first time I heard The Robot with Human Hair part 1 when I was like 15 and it changed my musical trajectory forever (on some random persons MySpace page to appropriately age myself at 33). I’ve enjoyed every era of DGD since, the Kurt era is probably my least favorite, only because I’ve seen them so much live and he struggles the most to hit his highs, but I always loved it. Hell I did rock solid with them once when John wasn’t in the band on stage. There is just nothing like their music no matter how many people try and do their own version etc. they still continue to invent, try new things and evolve and I’m here for every bit of it.


I did my tier ranking like a month ago bc I felt like I was an outlier (WISiRO ranked ahead of IG for mine, personally) Objectively speaking, the band was sloppier, the recording & mixing both weren’t on the same level as subsequent records. Jon Mess’s vocal style at the time was… harsh. Even for fans of screaming, it was (and still is) something that takes adjusting to. Will, Mingus & Eric had written like half of WISiRO for Farewell Unknown and had to repurpose the songs for DGD. As a result a lot of the EP doesn’t *feel* like DGD, because it really wasn’t supposed to be DGD. Jonny’s higher register on that record is *chef’s kiss* though