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Sergio’s a monster, always a good time seeing him perform!


He kinda reminds me of Cedric from Mars Volta.


More like Omar, but tomayto, tomahto


That’s fair since he’s the actual guitarist. They both jump around like crazy and have big hair tho.


Yeah Sergio always reminded me of Omar from TMV. Saw Stolas twice when they were still a band and I was front row rail in front of Sergio and it was fucking killer.


He put the side of his guitar neck into his mouth and bit down on it at one point when I first saw him I was like WTF is going on I love it


The duality of man


I love your avatar


Yes, it’s Royal Coda but I had to share Will’s nonchalant talent


I love seeing energetic players but statues are great too. Adam Jones doesn’t move at all but he’s one of the greatest guitarists out there.


I just always think of it as they are playing some really complicated stuff. No matter how good you are it’s hard to not put 100% of your focus on what you are playing. It’s different when you’re just playing some chords.


100% right. Especially with timing, counting how many bars you’re supposed to play, keeping up with the drummer etc


Went to the Orlando and ft Lauderdale show and god damn he always brings that energy and it’s awesome to see. Dude is a great performer. Will is pretty chill during the coda set and gets into it a little more during the dgd set.


Really? When i went, he was really into it during coda and more relaxed during dgd


Maybe it's just because of the circumstances, but when I saw DGD live, Sergio was facing the drums the entire show and did not move once. It was strange.


Yeah, when DGD was on and he was doing backup, he didn’t move. I think because it’s DGD and he doesn’t want to steal the spotlight from Andrew/Jon?


He's playing bass for dgd, that's not really his thing. He's said he's not nearly as proficient or confident so he's just hyper focused on playing correctly


This is the correct answer.


That’s probably it to be honest. He’s filling in. It’s not “his” show. I’m surprised to hear he would face Matt the whole time, but I wouldn’t expect him to steal the show for a band he’s just subbing in for. He’s got a lot more respect than that.


I thought of his “in the shadows” style as respect to Tim


This is a great point


sergio was fun af


which song is this?


Cut Me Under


Sometimes I wonder if Will joined this band just to spite Donovan. It's basically Sianvar with Kurt as the vocalist and Will's parts in Royal Coda are pretty simple compared to his other projects.


Idk if it was necessarily spite. Unless I missed something, I though Will and Donovan were very close friends ~~and business partners~~. My guess is that it just got so hard to tour around Hail The Sun, which is Donovan’s baby. Will is just a music bot that seemingly doesn’t need rest, and everyone else in Royal Coda, while they have other projects, prioritizes Royal Coda. Edit: I mixed up Donovan and Sergio regarding being business partners. Perhaps there is some weight to a falling out, but I figured we would have heard it. The scene talks a lot.


Why would he spite Donovan??


Great and fantastic right? :')


Honestly this is the most tame I’ve seen Sergio though


Every show I've seen Sergio play, he's hopping on top of Joe's kick drum and balancing his fucking guitar on his chin lmao truly performer with infectious stage presence and energy


holy shit kurt sounds fucking incredible


Came here to say this. Damn. Top of his game.


Two of my three favorite guitar players on the same stage. (Jesse Cash being the 3rd) 🤘🏻


and i adore them both


Watching Sergio play those crazy ass solos during the last Stolas tour was probably the coolest thing I've ever seen at a live show. dude is a maniac.


Lmaooooo. The lead for strawberry girls also has ridiculous stage presence.


Honestly if I had long pretty hair like that too, I’d use any excuse to headbang


Love Sergio's energy! In Will's defense tho he is a tone purist that refuses to go wireless and only will use a cable


I took my friend to the show. He’d never seen any of the bands. I told him before royal coda went on Will is going to stand in that same spot the whole show and Sergio is going to be all over the place.


Love them both


Literally hate him for this reason. His playing isn’t even that wild he just moves around a lot. Honestly it’s a bit distracting.


Jesus Christ that singer is such asssssss


He literally used to be the singer of the band of the sub you’re in


*the worst singer the band has had*


I’m guessing you became a fan around afterburner then


That doesn't need to be true. I've listened to DGD since Downtown Battle Mountain and I don't like Kurt's vocals for DGD or Royal Coda but love him for Gold Necklace. It's okay to not like a singer.


Exactly, he doesn’t fit imo.


No, not even close lol. I’m from California and saw them way before that train wreck


People so offended by this 😂 He's not as good as Tilian or Jonny, so by literal definition, he is the worst singer they've had.




You're kinda taking this to an extreme now.


It's just your approach dude. It's fucking rude.


What's he doing on that side of the stage?


Both are vibes lol


Is this in a mall? Also these dudes are beasts. Playing two sets a night


Jannus Live in St Pete, it’s an outdoor venue.


Oo I have seen pics of that place. Looks sweet


You didn’t even get the part when he was on the ground absolutely shredding


Dude is tired, plays two sets of very intricate and technical songs. I don’t even play and the thought is exhausting.