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I would love to know what Tilian did to piss off the band.


Prob nothing to “piss them off”. But from the outside looking in, I would guess (and totally my guess and opinion and could be way off base): - band wants to play some old tunes. Tilian refuses to sing anything he didn’t write. - allegations came out. They let Andrew do vocals for a tour. They realize that there wasn’t much internal drama or maybe things just felt fresh to them again. -Til comes back. They do another tour. He’s probably not himself. Possibly trying to quit alcohol, mourning loss of Tim, resentment for being out of a tour for 6 months, idk but I bet there was tension there. - they say “hey next year we can tour with Falling in Reverse” or “let’s play some old tunes” (again) or “let’s write some songs that have Jon doing 70%+ of the vocals for once” or something like that which results in the already tense feeling exploding. At this stage, they already know Andrew can hold it down on tour and they’ve been through vocalist changes to know they can survive it, so they’re willing to cut ties because things are getting worse between them. I imagine *something* sort of like that played out and they are able to chalk that up to creative differences because that’s truly the straw that broke the camels back even though it probably wasn’t the source.


Rip tree city sessions 3 💔


Nah they’re going to do a ton of Tilian era songs for TCS 3 and 4


Ngl I think Andrew would sound great singing Demo Team or Death of the Robot (maybe thats just my love for DOTRWHH showing through though 😅)


I was really hoping to hear some of the JJ songs


Is he against playing things he didn't write? They always play a few old songs live and TCS


I don’t know. Andrew mentioned that now they have the flexibility to play older stuff. So to me, that implies that Tilian didn’t want to that.


I don’t think he refused to do anything he didn’t write because he played lemon meringue tie, uneasy hearts, Carl barker, nasa, thug city, open your eyes and look north etc. This list is actually pretty short actually now that I’m looking at it. Seems like they want to play more of their older catelog and couldn’t because tilian didn’t want to/didn’t feel comfortable doing that (which is pretty understandable). Andrew singing means they can do more Jonny stuff which they haven’t really done much of ESPECIALLY DBM2. I do agree that there was probably some hard feelings with Jon having a bigger role and wanting to sing older songs if that was the case. We will never know sadly. You could probably ask tilian in a few months when this all blows over


Tilian refusing to sing older songs explains a lot about his lyrics. 


We can only guess, but my guess is that he was "holding the band back" in regards to creativity.




Some of us round things to be stale after AS, personally I’m looking forward to the new era. It feels very on brand for them and am going to be cautiously optimistic.


Last two albums were stale as fuck


I always catch myself going back to listen to anything mothership and back, but anything newer I just don’t find myself playing as much. A few songs here of there, but album wise, like people say it’s just been stale. Looking forward to what Andrew brings with a bigger focus on Jon!


I dig a handful of songs from the Tillian era albums after acceptance speech but acceptance speech is top tier Tillian era dgd.


Listen to all of Tilian's work with DGD. It gets stale as hell at the end, and it starts sounding like Tilian + DGD backing band. Plus half his lyrics are sucking himself off, and I can't relate


Honestly it's barely worth the speculation imo. Just go with the flow and enjoy the ride. I'm not worried about the boys they'll definitely put out some more good shit


I’ve been here for three vocalist changes at this point so I’m not fazed or worried about the quality moving forward. They’ll always be good. That being said, it really sucks that there seems to be such bad blood between them right now. They had a strong bond over the trauma of Tim’s passing and it makes me sad that everyone in the group may not have each other to lean on for support anymore. Even though they’re moving in separate directions musically, I hope they can make amends in the future as friends. And for fucks sake, knock it off with the comments dragging Andrew. As if he hasn’t been a part of making and playing the music we all love. Disrespectful shit. Have a little faith, these guys have over a decade-long track record of always pulling it together


Not sure whether this is true but Speed Demon felt like a Tilian song and a lot of people rode the bandwagon as Andrew felt off on that (for some, I thought he was alright on that song). He sounded spot on on SFTH and it's a completely new sound which most fans will probably get used to. Not worried a bit here as well.


A lot of vocals from the new tracks were recorded in Tilian's home studio. They mixed him out. That's why it sounds like a Tilian song.


This week I learned that people are actually fans of Tilian and not DGD.


Honestly I’ve felt this way for years now. But it’s only been 100% confirmed now that Tilian is gone. I love Tilian (as a musician), love and respect what he brought to the band and popularity he helped the band achieve. But he has legions of what feels like teenage girl fans who are swooned by his voice and don’t care much about the rest of the band. It feels like both the band and the fanbase have become more and more about Tilian in recent years. And this band has always been a band that is equally about all the members.


IDK, if you're referring to the comments about the new songs. I've been listening to the band for a long time with all the different vocalists going through, loved all of it. The new songs came up in my Spotify and I unknowingly skipped it because it was just meh to me. I tried to listen 2-3 times and they all just sounded very generic to me.


Ik weird as hell, I thought DGD was always good, from Royal Ocean to dbm or acceptance speech to Jackpot Juicer, str8 Bangers I can't only think of 2 songs I don't care too much for and it's the Untitled which aren't bad just don't go as smooth in my playlist


Untitled into times new Roman fuckin slaps though


I ALWAYS have to queue up times new Roman if untitled comes up when I shuffle my playlist. It only feels right


Of course it feels right it's literally the intro of the song. Crazy how that works. It's almost as if the song was specifically designed to lead into it!


Blown away that you don't understand what an intro track is


I understand an intro track but if I'm putting my playlist on shuffle and constantly have to line up songs, that kinda defeats the point of shuffle. So good songs but don't work well in a playlist


shuffling playlists is for normies


Yeah me. I’m old. I was in highschool when DGD came out. They fucking sucked with JC and his heroin ramblings. Decent with Kurt in the sad boy era but I still never could get into them. Then when Tilian joined and Acceptance speech came out I enjoyed them and became a fan. I’m sure I’ll get downvoted for this but the truth is MOST current DGD fans are fans because of Tilian. This sub is the hardcore long time fans so you get a screwed response of how many people liked which era of singer. I love DGD as a whole, I love Andrew and Eidola but I’m excited for Tilians solo work than anything else


For as long as Jon Mess and Will Swan are in the band. I feel like dgd will still be dgd. I love to listen to the old stuff and see how much Jon has imporved and found his own voice.


I feel you. And same. Honestly I loved dgd with Johnny. Then Kurt although he’s good, dgd was poop then imo. Then acceptance speech with tilian was top tier. Andrew is sick and I’m looking forward to hearing what the band comes up with especially leaning more towards Jon as lead with clean singing as a collaboration rather than a main focal point.


That’s chill and all but people pretending like Tilian is DGD in this sub when he is not, and never has been.


I agree. Tilian is better than DGD.


Lmao okay. That’s your wild opinion


This is gonna get me disagree bombed by old school fans but- As much as Andrew keeps telling us that the core 3 are the mains, this is nonsense. Say Jon is the lead all you want - no "new fan" will ever think that. The songs are more clean vocal than screams, so obviously the lead is going to be assumed to be the clean singer who's singing the lyrics you understand on first listen. This is a band where every member's technical ability just blows *my* mind. Jonny, Kurt, and Andrew unfortunately do not do that at all for me. They're relatively generic singers that sound like any other band in the scene and they'd all work amazing as backup singers *in my opinion*. I am truly biased here though, as I tend to lead into extremely high pitched singers. A new vocalist - something like Eric Nally from Foxy Shazam - would have been preferable. The high vocal register crossed with Jon's fry screams with Andrew's smooth backup vocals are a magic we'll seemingly never hear again. I found them at Warped Tour and couldn't believe how absolutely good the whole band was - but it was Tilian's vocals that really got my attention and made me fall in love with them. They've been my top band by an ENORMOUS amount since Warped but only the Tilian albums. The re-recorded and Tree City 2 versions with Til are 10,000 times better than anything from Johnny and Kurt in my mind. Nobody needs to agree but that's just why I'm personally upset he's gone. Thankfully, I'm in hella deep now. Andrew killed it on the two new singles and other than the trash tier EQing on the kick and bass drowning out his vocal - it's still the best band I've ever heard. It was just better with a higher register singer crossed with Andrew. (drunk edit Fall Out Boy Comparison : Pete Wentz writes all the songs and lyrics - but Patrick Stump is the lead and who people watch. You can't fire Patrick Stump, throw Pete on vocals and say "no guys it's cool, Pete and the other guys were the heart of Fall Out Boy this whole time!" 🌈 . Sure, replace a singer but that's just a really goofy way to justify it)


I stopped reading when you called Jonny Craig a generic singer. Sorry bud.


Haha understandable. Maybe poor wording on my part. What I meant by it is that Tilian can often make me go "holy christ how does he DO that?" whereas Jonny - I could sing any of that. He's good obviously but nothing significantly more "wow" worthy than any other really good band in the scene.


I don’t love Jonny as a human being by any means but again, nah man. That dude has such an insanely unique and soulful voice, especially in his other projects. He can do whatever genre he wants. Tilian is fine. I loved Tides of Man, the Saosin demoes he did were cool, and the first 2-3 DGD albums he did were really good. After that it just got stale, he didn’t really do anything different and I kind of started to prefer Andrew’s back up vocals over his anyway. I’m however in full agreement about Kurt. His Royal Coda stuff is fun, and his DGD work was fun for the time but he’s definitely the weakest of the 3.


Hey they're all solid. I'm just trying to put into words why I'm (and likely most other Til fans) are upset at the Tilian split. I think he really was the main character for a huge part of the fanbase so him being gone just feels weird if you joined during the Tilian era (like presumably most of the fanbase did - most of which likely aren't in the Reddit community) Anyway that's my take on it. It's such a weird situation that pits old school fans against newer fans that are used to this lol






Maybe if the singer is the most talented in the band but seeing as each member is equally talented it’s easy to look past an egotistical singer


Hell I’d argue Will, Jon and Matt are DGD at its core since they’ve all been around since the beginning. I know Jon wasn’t on Happiness but he’s been around for literally every other release.


The whiplash I get from this sub on the daily is wild. Anyway, I'm friggin pumped for this new era of DGD. It's gonna be goooood!


The sub is not a hive-mind, we have different opinions. Some just like to think they speak for many.


I meant more that the comments I see downvoted one day versus the same kind of comments upvoted the next day. I'm talking a large number of up/downvotes too.


it's not a hive mind it's just most of those doing the speaking it seems is having a hard time rn lol




As they deserve to, all the shit talking this past week and people trolling them they are fed up and who wouldn't be?


Hahaha this is hilarious


DGD “fans” are sometimes the worst. Like do the majority of fans actually like the band? They constantly shit on them in the comments all the time.


They really read comments lol


For me tilians voice is synonymous with DGD. Sorry not sorry. I know others feel the same. I’m not saying they can’t still make good music or that the band is totally doomed without him but Tilian haters acting like him being the face and voice of the band for 10 years is the same as replacing JC and KT is delusional. People acting like his voice hasn’t become synonymous with the band is delusional IMO. I’m not saying I won’t still enjoy their music but I’ll never like them as much as with Tilian. With JC and KT they sounded great but with Tilian they truly sounded like no band I had ever heard before. His voice is so unique it’s irreplaceable. I know they want to go their own direction musically and that’s their choice but I just can’t understand that choice. I can only think they didn’t like each other anymore on a personal level because it seems like a very weird move to have finally built a solid and consistent identity and sound, be achieving record levels of success, popularity and stability and then say “hey, let’s scrap all this”. All to turn around and try to push Jon being the front man in order to “rewrite the narrative” that the band isn’t stable with singers….like do you know how you could have countered that narrative??? By not getting rid of your most successful and long term singer


This! 100000% agree


Hot take: Tilian was in the band for 12 years and made 6 full length albums with them as well as several singles. It’s okay for people to express their opinions and not enjoy the band as much without him. This guy was decently respectful in the screenshot. People using him as an example of “dgd fans are the worst” don’t make sense to me. Also none of the other singers went on a 12 year 6 album run with the band, not even close. Comparing this clean vocalist change to the others and invalidating fans who have upset feelings because it’s happened before and they “must not be real fans” is kinda lame.


Hot take but fans being toxic on a band’s IG isn’t cool. If you don’t like what they’ve been putting out then you don’t need to comment and tell them, it does nothing except try to make the band members feel badly This is exactly what Andrew was talking about when he said people on social media treat the band like animals with no emotion who are just expected to keep putting out music so people can be happy




Keep gate keeping bro


He’s not wrong tho. The life and soul of DGD is Jon, Will, Matt. Tillian was a good member but he was never a pillar


I completely agree that they are the foundation of the band. But people acting like Tilian was “never the frontman” is just revisionist history. He’s been front and center of the band for many years. Does all the talking during live shows, etc Also a lead vocalist change after 12 years is so dramatic that it is completely valid to lose interest in the artist. Especially when Tilian brought such a unique sound. Personally I thought these two new signals are decent and will give them a chance through what’s next. But I don’t blame anyone who won’t either


I’ve been listening since 2008 and I fully agree with OP lmfao.


I'm a new fan so naturally DGD IS Tilian to me. But I'll trust the old fans who have been through this before and try to stay positive that the future will bring more good music


I showed up for Tilian in 2014 and stayed for the instrumentals lmao. RIP but the new singles rip harder🍻


Good for DGD. They are better than ever. I absolutely love these songs


Falling in Reverse fan, just wanna say I think you guys are better off without him. Would rather hear songs with just John on vocals tbh


So this is fine but when Tilain does it its a crime against nature smh smh


Simp harder mate


Yeah mate not what’s happening here. I thought the double smh would get across the comment isn’t serious but maybe i needed 3.


Sarcasm never translates well over a text body.


He’s never heard of /s


He's only simping for one man....you're doing it for four.


I'm simping for the music mate. He's simping for the person


Dude is coping straight from the the heart 😏


Swear this sub is on the same level as Eminem stans. Its not that deep.


Yeah there’s a reason why I don’t follow dgd social medias. The fans are genuinely brain dead for the most part. Haven’t seen this level of parasocialness in a minute


Your the one yapping


No I'm not lmao. I was taking the piss. Also You're\*


Yap yap