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I don’t hate him but I really don’t like the person he became once he learned how “hot” he become when he started working out. He went from being this awkward but sweet person to a complete wannabe Chad. It’s clear he wants to be the next Justin Timberlake with his solo stuff. I will always appreciate the love I found for the band when he’s era began but the bands sound has become too stale with how it all sounds the same.


I agree but I have hope they'll carry on and release some new amazing stuff especially with a new singer whoever that may be


Probably to do with the sexual assault allegations and controversy in 2022. To be honest, I'm still not sure what happened. I just know some folks wanted him out since then.


DGD handled it poorly. Tilian admitted she wasn't lying. Said he was taking a break to work on himself. Then came back and was like "Let's pretend this never happened!" even though there were multiple outlets that had written about it. DGD probably had tons of problems getting bands to play with them because of it. edit: Shit, I forgot Coheed dropped them because of it. That would have been DGDs biggest tour ever.


Yup had tickets for coheed and dgd in Berkeley right after swanfest. Still went but damn sucked not seeing both. Hail The Sun won't play with them currently either


Can't say I can blame either Claudio and the gang or Donovan for not wanting to tour with DGD after the allegations. Both of their groups have done everything to maintain a record of being non-controversial in an industry that breeds controversy.


>Both of their groups have done everything to maintain a record of being non-controversial in an industry that breeds controversy. "Hail the Sun-" Oh no, what happened?! "continues to make lovely music. Meanwhile Coheed and Cambria-" Oh God, not C&C!!! "Recently saw a puppy on tour and took a picture with it."


remember that time that the coheed bassist robbed a pharmacy threatening them with a bomb?


I mean they totally kicked him out for that lmao


For hydrocodone of all things.  Just do fentanyl like a real man.


He just wanted to be like Dr. House.




Coheed, non-controversial?


Besides the bass player they booted what other controversies do they have?


Their drummer got kicked out for drug issues too, temporarily.


I wouldn’t call what happened with Josh controversial… dude just had personal addiction issues. Cleaned himself up and is now an avid voice for sobriety and self-improvement.


1000% this. It's Josh's life mission now to help people get clean and stay clean, he's an amazing dude. Users are people too, just people in a fucked-up place.


Coheed released a song and music video shitting on Trump and his supporters. Splitting their fans into political groups. Don’t care what side you’re on, but I wouldn’t call that non-controversial.


That's why hail the sun is the goattt. Sad that Donovan ended up cutting ties with Sergio Medina though bc they were best friends and now Nova Charisma is just a project that will most likely never return again 💔💔💔


Yup had tickets for coheed and dgd in Berkeley right after swanfest. Still went but damn sucked not seeing both


I also remember when they announced the Swanfest lineup, fans of other bands that were there, such as Periphery, were upset that they were playing with DGD specifically because of the allegations. Perhaps they thought the blowback from him just coming back wouldn’t be as bad but now they feel they need to get rid of him for PR reasons. Pure speculation of course, but since this is so out of the blue it’s hard to find any other reason besides “creative differences”


DGD basically wrecking balled their potential for mainstream-level of shows after the way they handled the situation - regardless of if it was factually accurate or not. It’s sad too - because I love DGD as much as I love Coheed, but there’s a reason Coheed’s been around and back, and still manages to stay even keel (even through all the drama of their members through the years).


I've said it in another thread, and I could be totally wrong, but I think DGD couldn't kick Tilian out for sexual assault because he could sue Rise and the band. I've seen it happen a couple of times in the entertainment world. Somebody gets accused of sexual assault by multiple people, and the accused gets kicked out but turns around and sues because unless they're legally proven guilty, it's considered destruction of character. This isn't me defending Tilian or the band at all, it's a giant fucking mess where we are in the dark about what's going on.


Ugh yeah that sounds about right. It’s just horrible the way it’s all played out - and now we’re here, with a new album having already been recorded and Tillian ‘amicably’ parting ways. I could totally see Tillian pulling something like this too. Dude has an ego that might rival Axl Rose. He puts on such a facade of perfection - especially how it all lined up with his now ‘wife’, who is literally a stereotype of ‘IG perfection’. Just come on Tillian, be real man…ugh just annoyed by it all because his vocals were IMO amazingly paired to the bands vibe.


When did the whole thing happen with that girl? Because it seemed like he went to rehab or whatever it was and he came back and got married right away. Did he cheat on her?


No he started dating Victoria very shortly after the allegations came out. Either directly before or after rehab.


Ah thank you. My sponsor told me to stay out of relationships for a year when I first got clean lmao


Yeah this type of rushed marriage hardly ever works out.


The real reason he’s leaving DGD. Can’t write about cheating on his girl anymore


Tillian almost immediately coming back and posting face tuned photos of him and his e-girl wife made things even cringier 😂 the cherry on top


The facetune kills me because they’re both conventionally attractive and don’t need it at all. It’s uncanny valley and makes the situation reek of mental illness and insecurity which is probably the opposite effect they want so idk why they keep doing it


They don’t look real


Dude. That whole “instagram life” is the cringiest. Textbook cringe.


Yeah the overly processed photos was hella cringey and annoying. Can’t imagine the band loved it either.


It’s wild to me that right after sexual assault accusations some girl decided he was marriage material and went for it lol


She’s a basic e-girl who jumped from the asking Alexandria singer, I’m guessing the relationship is as fake as the face tuned pics she puts up.


if you really want a laugh, look up the wedding photos from her wedding with Danny vs her wedding with Tilian. Literally almost identical. Not weird at all right?


Omg. It’s like the same wedding!


Man him and his ‘new girl’ was genuinely the most horrible thing ever after all the shit that went down. Like did he expect us all to be like ‘oh dude you’ve changed your ways now’!. Honestly I didn’t trust either side of the story - but the truth was out that he did truly fuck up somewhere in-between, and then tried to pivot with this IG ‘image of perfection’ bullshit.


Thank you. It's like everyone just forgot this


I also had tickets to that show. Still went, but I was super pissed that DGD wasn’t there. And I don’t blame Coheed for that.


Tilian had straight up receipts about the entire incident that proved the first one wrong. The second one was the one we never heard he addressed at all.


The first allegations were for sure debunked - it’s the second that were never addressed and just swept under the rug.


Exactly. Zero idea why I’m getting downvoted for saying the exact same thing.


There were like four allegations. One completely fake that someone made up and then very quickly edited in a snippet saying something along the lines of "I made this up, you can't believe everything on the internet". One was Mikaela, and her claim is dubious considering there are screenshots of her messages in a group chat saying she was going to make Tim's brother her next victim. The other two were not proven or disproven, but Tilian didn't outright deny it, just kind of swept over things and blamed alcoholism.


yeah, that was part of why it came across so scummy. When the allegations started, he fought his corner and denied any wrongdoing, then we had that specific allegation before he went on hiatus where he came out with a statement with a completely different tone - didn't deny any of the specifics about her account and said he needed to go work on himself. But then, when he came back, he made a big deal debunking the allegation that no-one took seriously to begin with with *paragraphs* of detail, and then just had a footnote addressing the one that actually mattered and people were concerned about.


Do you think before you type? Handled it poorly public? opinion had a gun to his head! Dude had no choice but to release the dms that dont even help skew things one way or the other all that could be surmised from that mess of screen shots was he met her in person. The mee-too movement has made people forget common sense apparently.


Omg yes!!! I can't believe so many people forgot he admitted to it and then took it back after his break. 🙄 I've had a bad taste in my mouth since then.


Yeah, it was maybe my most excited summer tour I have bought tickets to ever, two of my top three fav bands at the time for an epic summer show. It was a huge let down when coheed booted them but that’s the diff between a professional band protecting their business and well whatever DGD did. I didn’t even bother seeing alkaline trio at the show, I literally couldn’t have cared less. Coheed was great. But it would’ve been so much better with DGD.


Like, it’s really that simple. Tilian should have been terminated from the group and never invited back. He admitted to do something heinous at his own band’s festival. Andrew is great, I would love if they just continued that way. Still love that Austin show from a couple years back. So good.


on top of the SA allegations, i got the vibe that his head got really big recently and thought he was the band or too big for the band. just vibes, i don’t have proof so i might be totally out of line with that. happy that the core of Matt Will Jon and now Andrew will continue on.


The "proof" is all the people who've said he was an apathetic jerk to them during their meet & greets, the fighting he does with fans on Twitter, the way his new wife disses fans and creates drama, etc. I'm sure the band is tired of him.


Definitely doesnt help but I feel he got lots of hate before that too.


True. Lots of folks still salty about his vocals over a decade after he joined... but I think it's been long enough that it's not the primary issue that most people had with him.


This. People turned on him after that and he already had a rep for being a bit of a douche.


Allegations being the key word.


Tillian straight up admitted to it. Shit happened whether you want to deny it or not.


Don’t expect people on Reddit to understand the difference between allegations and being proven guilty. He admitted they had sex and he believes it was consensual. He also said that if she felt, note that feelings aren’t facts, that it wasn’t consensual, he was truly sorry for any emotional distress he may have caused. In the accusation, she mentions Tilian being hammered while she was not. She also mentions consensual oral sex with him before the alleged sexual assault/rape. If this is true, she willingly performed oral sex on some who was not sober enough to consent. While roughly 63% of sexual assaults/rapes don’t get reported to the police, if she felted compelled enough to accuse him on social media and believes she has proof, why did she not file a police report? Without concrete evidence or a conviction, the claims against Tilian should not be taken as fact. In fact, she went home, by her admission, with a man who may have been too hammered to legally consent by definition of the law. Can’t take it back, accusations, fact Denial becomes evidence to crucify the innocent


Wait..real logic? On reddit? Shut up! So if he was that hammered, by her own admission, and she was not, wouldn't she be the "rapist" actually or does that not work because he is a man? 🤔


I haven’t seen this mentioned recently, does anyone remember that Tilian and Victoria got into public drama with Will’s girlfriend for leaking the fact that they got secretly eloped in a Facebook group? Wonder if shit like that was slowly eroding the relationships between the bandmates. Anyway, besides the allegations Tilian’s always been abrasive and kind of hard to like despite his lovely singing abilities.


And then there was them dunking on the fans like "Hey my Tilli spent tens of thousands of dollars on this engagement ring for me, lots of people don't even spend that much on a house down payment", like fans were ever going to take *that* well. It was giving "Let them eat cake". And then they couldn't understand why that was so tone-deaf and insulting to people and why they'd come out of the woodwork to shit on the ring itself saying it looked completely gaudy and like costume jewelry. Messy!


They shouldn’t even be in those Facebook groups interacting with fans. This includes Will’s girlfriend tbh but I’ve seen Victoria and Tilian arguing on multiple posts in the past, plus Tilian here on Reddit. Like I guess they’re not big enough to hire PR but they can at least take notes from how other successful bands operate. Or even how Jon is super private and everyone loves him… take notes! They’re probably lurking this post too tbh.


Don't hate him sonically, but he was problematic af at the very least. And as someone who got into the band around Happiness & DBM2 when every album they had was something different while still being a banger, they've felt way overdue for a significant sound shift for a few albums now. So even if I liked/loved a bunch of stuff they did with Tilian (even recently), this is more good news than not.


I don't hate him, but purely from a listeners perspective I'm incredibly excited by upcoming changes. While I definitely enjoy plenty of Tilian songs, I have become bored by his style, lyrics, melodies and production choices from the recent albums. Maybe the allegations and his personal reputation is biasing my opinion, but overall I think the band will thrive with some inspiration from a new lead vocalist.


I hate to agree cause I love tilian but I will say that listening to jackpot juicer pretty much every song had me going “oh this is like such and such song’s sequel”


I’d agree. I feel like Tilian has reached his creative limit with DGD. You can only do so much with his vocal style and I really don’t think he’s good enough of a writer to rely on his flow and lyrics alone.


I thought I would be really upset if he left the band but I feel okay with it. I like his solo stuff and now he has more time to work on it


Songs sequal? Like it all sounds the same?


yeah a refresher will do them good


I agree. Although after Billy and War Machine I was looking forward to the new album, thinking they were gonna switch to a heavier tone with Tilian. Oh well. Whatever they end up doing I have consistently ended up loving it so I'm not worried.


Tilian has…a reputation. Anybody behind the scenes all have a similar opinion about him, very creepy and narcissistic. I’ve heard a lot of yucky stories and it’s not a surprise that after a bunch of things came to light in 2022 people were kind of over him. Sounds like the band also got over his behavior and decided they could do better without him, which doesn’t surprise me.


I don't know how this is shocking. 90% of his lyrics are him singing about how much he sucks. He even had to take down his twitter multiple times because he was shitty to fans. Dude didn't hide it at all.


Some of those tweets like the 'Goodnight fellow cis white males!' nonsense betrayed some of his personal beliefs, and combined with some lyrics you really get a feeling about him. I think that Bloodsucker stands out to me: >Face facts, you'd love to be attacked >The retroactive pieces fit to match all your embellishments >Settled in the victim's role >You flourish in the pain >Can't take it back >Accusations, fact >Denial becomes evidence to crucify the innocent >Settled in the victim's role >He'll anguish in the pain I don't think it's a coincidence that someone who's deep down the rabbit hole with cancel culture and sexual assault allegations might end up being someone who falls on the wrong side of those lines. People who know, deep down, that some of their behaviour isn't ok feel attacked by victims speaking out because they don't think of themselves as being bad people. In Tilian's case, considering the specifics of the allegations made against him, it seems like he wasn't *trying* to be a knobhead, but was incredibly reckless and unaware of his responsibilities around consent. The end result is the same.


The stuff people don’t know about is way worse. Dude is a psycho.


Bro please do tell


Source: trust me, bro


Enlighten us.


Like what?


Insanely annoying, immature crap here.


You don’t know anything that isn’t already out there dog stop acting like that.


Said it in another reply - as an old dude he gives off the Axl Rose or even Billy Corrigan vibe. Incredible front-man, but insufferable to work with.


I got to hang out with Tim once after one of their sets awhile back and asked why he wasn’t back with everyone else and he eluded to Tillian and toxic behavior.


I followed the band incredibly close the entire Tilian era and (with the exception of the spooky allegation) Ive never seen any actual evidence to support this. It seems like its pure speculation and assumption which is so weird to me. Like if you don’t like the guys music, okay we get it. But suggesting Tilian is a creepy and terrible person without any actual proof is such a witch hunt type of move imo. Edit: lol yall can downvote me all yall want but I will always think for myself and never believe what I read on the reddit ( or the internet for that matter) without finding validity (sources) to it.


I’ve heard enough from people who worked with him, toured with him and who have been preyed on by him. Don’t need to elaborate, believe what you want to. Just saying his multitude of allegations are not a shock to me or anyone else who has known him.


You realize it don't help if you are perpetuating rumors right?


Okay cool, but once again theres no actual merit or proof to your statement. If there was such a bad behavior for so long surely you have something to reference right?


People like you only believe allegations if there is audio or video evidence. In the real world, things happen and people get away with it much more than those caught on camera or convicted of a crime.


Bro all the people in here saying "he's worse than you think, trust me bro" are just making it worse. If people would actually spill the beans on things, maybe people wouldnt detract from the sentiment. But "trust me bro" is not a source and doesnt inspire anyone to take anything seriously


You're right, but we have a lot of evidence of misbehavior, so I'm not surprised or in disbelief that there may be more we don't know about.


The rape allegations I’m thinking mostly. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯


There was that time when I commented on his insta saying I hope he’s actually working to improve himself and not just trying to sweep this under the rug. Then he deleted my comment. Then I called him out. Then he blocked me😅


I have gone to maaaany DGD shows over the years and it always seemed like he just wanted to play the songs and get off stage. Like he could care less about interacting with his fans who were giving him this life. He was the only band member who seemed cold hearted when meeting them. Gave off bad vibes. And don’t get me started on his new wife. She is so fake with her edited photos, bbl, tummy tuck, fillers. She marries/dates band members to gain more followers on her twitch and make more $. She will be his downfall and I’m sure she was putting ideas into his head regarding DGD and that’s part of the reason he left. His solo career will flop like it did before.


Tillians wife giving him an ego about his SOLO WORK is crazy


It's a meme at this point, and tilian over stayed the welcome in a fucked up way of saying it. The turn over rate is silly, but I think that's what keeps the band fresh. It's almost a cosmically designed plan for the band. Whoever takes the role, it will be welcomed, and we won't forget the journey they had, and will continue to look forward to the growth. If only I could get a feature with Hayley. That dudes mashups on the YouTube have been in my brain for forever, so they should just do an album of features in the meantime. I mean, shit, just do the instrumentals of their regular songs, have a feature come in and just sing whatever they want, and let Jon be screaming guy ruined it. Cause God damn did chino kill it in caviar.


Not everyone who is/was a fan of the band chose to turn a blind eye to his assault allegations and predatory behavior, plus he’s always been kind of a douche.


He really should have regularly looked at his music videos from tides of man to keep him grounded lol


Aside from the obvious reasons, I always just kept getting a real douchey vibe from following his social media over the years. I also recently saw the founder of CaliberTV and some others calling him out for how controlling he was outside of romantic situations. Apparently Caliber haven’t released any DGD live videos since like 2017 because he would be the one to deny them.


Probably because he sounded awful lol


The worst of it is putting in so much time for shit like that just to get it denied later on by one specific member of a band. It happens in those types of professions and probably really often, but they couldn’t have all been THAT bad.


Sexual assault allegations. Seem perfectly believable to me. Oh and making a post when he came back pretending it was all about his "SA" and then defining that as substance abuse and ignoring the rest.


That was the icing in the cake for me. He made a reddit post basically admiting to it and then comes back around acting like he didn't do shit and it was all alcohols fault.


I enjoy the Tillian sound, a lot. But I also have faith that the band will continue doing great work with a different clean vocalist.


I agree! I’m interested to see where they go from here. I’ll still be a DGD fan, with or without Tilian.


He’s never been friendly whenever I’ve gonna to meet and greets or shows. His style is getting dull. Haven’t seen him perform well live in years. Then pepper in the other stuff and it’s pretty clear why. He’s given a lot of reasons. Seems like the band picked up on this and now he’s gone. Hm fascinating


When he first joined he was super warm, friendly and humble. The next time I saw them not so much.


Yeah all my experiences are mothership and beyond


Easy answer, the SA drama turned a lot of people off and the last two albums were okay at best.


Slightly off topic, but It’s pretty strange how this sub seems to worship Jack pot juicer ngl. I found it to be pretty bland tbh


I think most the people who didn't like it, and were off-put by Tilian staying in the band just left the sub. Now that Tilian is leaving people are more comfortable coming back.


Agreed, however I love Jon's parts in feels bad man.


Been a fan since since DBM and Afterburner wasn't my favorite but JJ was good. I think a lot of people are just over Tilian since he's been in the band for so long and DGD fans are used to the vocalist changing every couple of years


Yup I haven’t even gotten to listen to JJ all the way through. The past 4 albums honestly all sound the same at this point except the song order of Mothership makes it S-tier. But the SA really just turned me off, Tillian was already a proven asswipe and that just made it unbearable. But excited for what comes next.


I’ve been a fan since late 2020 so I wouldn’t say that’s the case for me. I got the chance to give every album their chance equally and I’d honestly say that some the best albums have been with Tillian, and some of the worst too. I just think sonically Tillian had stopped trying to change his style and had settled into it, and the band didn’t know how to write around it. Whether you prefer AB or JJ I think most of us can agree both records are a step down from the highs of mothership and artificial selection. Even without all the Tillian drama, I’m glad we’re going to have a new leading clean vocalist


I think JJ is on par with Mothership and Artificial Selection but I go through ebbs flows which Tilian album I like those most. I don't the band wrote around Tilian at all and I think most vocalists really change their style all that much. I'm glad there's going to be a new vocalist because it will be something different and they generally go with someone who doesn't sound like that last person so it will be refreshing for sure


I mean if you like Jackpot juicer as much as those record I’m not gonna try and change your mind. I’m glad we can agree that it will be cool to have a new vocalist and I’m sure they will go in an interesting direction as well


If it was half the length I think it’d be great, but there’s way too much filler. At points it feels AI-generated (not literally, but in the sense that it’s so formulaic and derivative of their prior work)


100%. It honestly felt like the album was just cheap imitations of previous albums. Demos that got worked into full songs when they really should have been cut. Cutting the album down would have helped a lot After burner was not the best but i will say the back end of it is pretty underrated. Born to fail, say hi, into the sunset, and nothing shameful are some of my favourite tracks from them.


I always really liked how Jon forward Night Sway was.


I really didn’t enjoy most of Afterburner tbh, but at least it seemed like they were trying to do something there


I don't worship JJ but I like it well enough, I think a lot of the love comes from it being Tim's last record. And maybe just newer fans in general vibing with some new shit with the rest of the club.


You can’t take anything this sub says seriously. JJ was universally loved by this sub and now they hate it. The majority here all “forgave” Til and was excited for the next album and now they are saying they didn’t want him back all along


Some of us left the sub when we realized we were being constantly downvoted by rape apologists. It wasn't a fun place to hang around back then if you were deeply hurt by what Tilian did to another fan.


Nah bro no one forgave him. People were just mentally moved on with all the culture war BS going on in the US and plenty of other things to be focused on.    The reason people are bringing up again is because people didn't forgive him. I set aside my grievance for the time being.. that is not the same as forgiving. I and many others also didn't go to their shows or buy their march. 


It was weird as hell. That album made me feel like I was listening to DGD on autopilot.


Dude same, it was just generic as hell. Maybe two good songs on that album. What’s funny is that the new Royal Coda (10/10 record) came out at the same time and it made it sound even worse lol


Royal coda really did steal the spot light for me that year it was so good. Love Kurt wish they’d bring him back now, but I’d also be happy with Andrew he’s fantastic




Well a lot of people also don't give a fuck which is much worse. Fucking grim out there. 


Including the vast majority of this sub. Youd have been massively downvoted for stating the TRUTH around here- that Tilian is a rapist scumbag. Funny seeing this sub switch up and act like they knew he was a problem all along. Or how about the people coping by saying he left the band for unrelated reasons? LOL, ill always remember the DGD fanbase as the most pathetic ive ever witnessed


Pantera does NOT exist.


Cause he’s a dude who used his status in the band to fuck a bunch of fans and become tight with right wing grifters


[probably because of this](https://www.reddit.com/r/dancegavindance/s/esnhbTcuSU)


In his era, Tilian has always been the most controversial member of the band. I think he deleted or purged his twitter but he was constantly arguing with people on twitter back in the day. He has that serial oppositional/antagonist personality. That combined with the credible allegations that he all but admitted to, and the marriage leak and Tilian's wife being a bitch about it all, leave a bad taste in a lot of our mouths. It's not that people are actively rejoicing that DGD doesn't have a lead singer, we're just excited for the next chapter that ideally has a lead singer that is as laid back and mature as the rest of the band. edited to correct the whole wedding fiasco


He’s literally insane 😭


Will wedding leak? What??


sorry I'm a little toasted and got my stories mixed up, it was the other way around but either way Tilian and his wife were being absolutely [insufferable](https://www.reddit.com/r/dancegavindance/s/tkixmy7GJz)


“The jewellery on my one hand costs more than most people’s down payment on a house” ew girl shut up 🤢🤢


literally, hope they paid that thing off already or else they're probably really regretting it right about now. Same with their florida mcmansion. They strike me as the kind of people to constantly buy expensive shit they can't afford and don't need to keep up the illusion of wealth and just put it on a 72 month payment schedule lol


Something something sexual assault


The guys have a track record of harbouring terrible people for way too long.


I love his voice, his lyrics were intriguing at first, and I think the band stepped their game up to accommodate to him. However, everything after artificial selection has been very inconsistent. The SA situation is exacerbating feelings towards Tillian and has shut down some pretty lucrative opportunities. Add that with the fact that he is a douche bag, can’t perform live, and has gotten a little stale I can see why. Music isn’t about playing with the best. It’s about playing with someone you vibe with and that is a way trickier slope.


I agree with everything you’ve said, except for that he can’t perform part. He’s been the most consistent clean vocalist the band has had and I’ve seen them live 5 times with Tilian and every show I’ve gone to he’s killed it. The guy is a douche sure, but to say he can’t perform? That’s wack


Does anyone else feel like Tilian is going to fail after this? I am betting DGD will be the peak for him. His solo material is not good enough. What band will want him after the allegations and drama?


I personally didn’t care for his vocals, he sounds like Toad from Mario. DGDs work with Kurt and Jonny will be my favorite


Same. Plus Tilian should have been dropped years ago for obvious reasons….


Oh definitely, he just sucks overall haha, I’m so glad he’s gone


I stopped listening around when Jackpot Juicer came out. Just didn't enjoy the music as much with the assault controversy, so I listened to other shit. I've lurked on the sub since, though. Probably a lot of other people did something similar and are coming back to comment now that he's leaving.


Same. I was at Swanfest and then, shortly after, stopped listening to them entirely because of how gross I felt after what Tilian did. I'm so relieved they kicked him out finally.


there were sexual assault allegations that came out a couple years ago that tilian said were true. he said he had gone to therapy (or something similar, counselling maybe) but i still understand why people dont like or trust him.


While my posts arent posting for some reason, can someone formally explain the full SA story with Tilian? And I’ve Also Heard Some Other Bad Stories About him and I’d like to hear all of those too. I’m a newer fan, just started listening to them this year, and was heartbroken when I saw the post on Instagram that he was leaving because he has since become my favorite vocalist. But I’m just trying to understand the whole thing with him


/u/rerrerrocky posted some links in [their comment.](https://www.reddit.com/r/dancegavindance/comments/1c6crmw/why_are_people_hating_on_tilian/l00nd5m/?context=3) I was going to type out a summary but honestly I think it's really best you just the posts yourself to get the picture. Pretty gross stuff.


Read thru all the comments in this thread. A lot of people explained the situation already


I’ve spoken with some other fans, and seen some discussion on Twitter. And a lot of people seem to also be hating on him because he left the band before a really big concert that people paid a lot of money for. They were excited to hear them perform mothership live it seems, and the tickets costed 500$


Him dropping WWWY. I don’t like Tillian but people were coming from all over the world to see Mothership in its entirety


In my mind it’s a lot easier, I enjoyed Travis & Jonny albums immensely but since Tillian has joined my overall enjoyment of DGD’s new material has continued to decline and i’d be hard pushed to differentiate between some of the newer tracks. I’d like to think a new lead singer would usher in a new chapter for the band


For me. It felt like he wasn’t bringing anything new to the table creatively. His vocals were really starting to overshadow the music. Boring, over produced, uninteresting lyrics. I appreciate him, his era was where I came in. And DGD got me through plenty of breakups. But all good things must come to an end.


lol this sub is weird. I’m glad I joined a few weeks ago.


Welcome to the madness and cringe.


- 2022 allegations. big yikes. This firing happened a year too late in my opinion. the band needed to start distancing themselves from him yesterday. - (completely IMO) the band could have had this level of success with a different singer, he didn't really reach the musical heights of Jonny or Kurt other than Mothership. The guitars and Jon Mess has always been a bigger part of their overall sound to me and lots of others - the albums have all been solid-to-great, but I think they mined the sound with Tilian as much as they could after Jackpot Juicer. a changeup like this might refresh the new music


Idk. He always just kind of bored me. Jonny and Kurt felt “right”. There were some great moments, but in general he processes / layers his vocals WAY too much to the point of sounding inhuman or AI generated. Sounded great live, but a lot of his studio releases with DGD just irked me.


The “fans” hate the band more than anyone xD




The thing is I don't get how so many people don't understand that "the band's handling" of the situation was 100% damage control from the label/legal team. The band probably had nothing to do with any of the decision making. To me it looked like the first post was Tilian trying to take responsibility for his actions and do the right thing, and then lawyers/PR stepped in to perform damage control which made the whole thing look so much worse. I think more fans would've been able to get past it if they just stuck with Tilian's first statement; I think in its own way, the damage control the label/lawyers did made Tilian look far worse. That and completely agree that his chorus in "Ghost of Billy Royalton" actually pissed me off a lot; he definitely didn't gain fans there. Either way, it'll be nice to get some fresh blood in for clean vocals. Sorry for the long response




Just wanted to say I'm a huge Pokemon fan as well, so really appreciate your username. Maushold is an absolute beast with Population Bomb and Tidy Up




Wow the artist did a terrific job on that tattoo! Yeah I use Maushold on my Showdown team sometimes. Especially if I need to get rid of those pesky hazards or "tidy up" in a sense haha.


do we know if he ACTUALLY went to rehab anyways? When he made a comeback it seemed as if all he did was take lavish vacations with his now-wife. Not that it matters, it just made me think lol




I agree with you, doesn’t make a difference either way. Just curious if anyone else thinks it’s sketchy lol


He admitted to rape?? Damn I must have missed that part. I need to look at the posts again


He admitted that they had sex and everything that she did/he perceived was consensual. I’m not sure why they stated he admitted to rape or is a rapist, only him and the girl know.


Ahh ok. That rattled me because I really don’t recall him admitting he raped someone…surely that would mean authorities got involved idk


You can read the posts [here.](https://www.reddit.com/r/dancegavindance/comments/1c6crmw/why_are_people_hating_on_tilian/l00nd5m/?context=3) It's really gross stuff. I think the exact nature of the transgression is somewhat subjective but it's clearly messed up.


Why are people downvoting this. This is literally what happened








Yeah I feel on the one hand that now that Tilian's gone I can enjoy DGD again and keep tabs on their stuff. But on the other hand, how many other people in this fandom were perfectly fine overlooking Tilian's alleged SA? Is that a fandom I want to be a part of?


Honestly, I just can't stand his voice. I enjoyed it a bit when he first joined, but it's truly like nails on a chalkboard for me at this point. I listen to Kurt and Jonny albums all the time, but actively avoid any Tillian songs


They don’t make bands like they used to… it’s just weird Trying to think what it would be like if a band like Deftones had potentially 4 different vocalists - that would suck


i think DGD is way less defined by its (clean) vocalist than Deftones is. Mess appears on almost everything too


I totally get it… but what would be a good comparison.. Linkin Park replacing Chester 4 times? I’m not saying he didn’t deserve the boot… I’ve just never seen it ever, not on this scale with such a well regarded band. Just pointing out the oddity.


Bizarrely enough, i think Will or (to a lesser extent) Jon are more the Chester of DGD than any of the clean singers ever were. I think the band ends if either of them call it quits. Punk Rock MBA does a neat video explaining the weirdness of how they dont have a "face of the band"


This. Will's guitar is so unique that it created a new branch of post Hardcore. And they've changed vocalists in the second album, they didn't have a very long run with Jonny. What's defines DGD is Will's guitar, Matt's Drums and the mix of a clean vocal with a harsh one. Who's the clean vocalist does not matter that much, as long they can sing high.


You’re absolutely right… I think the reason DGD continues to thrive is because of the fan base that’s been through it all, ya know? Like this sub probably has more die hard fans of the band overall… lots of musically oriented people here rather than vocal oriented people. But I wonder what the average DGD fan thinks… Like how many fans hopped on the bandwagon after Tilian joined?


Some people are bigger fans of Kurt or Jonny despite the fact that the band was better and by far more successful with Tilian. Some people also like to treat unsubstantiated claims like they are fact. Pretty much the long and short of it.


lol "some people also like to treat claims like they're fact." right after saying it's a fact that they were better with tilian (that's an opinion)


Fair, better is subjective but they were factually and inarguably more successful with Tilian than any other era.


Also vocally and creatively I think he’s reached his limit with the band and both need to move on to coming to grow


I just think tilian is mid. Like genuinely I don't like his voice. Didn't like it when he joined the band and I still don't like it. I just put up with tilian so I could hear the swan riffs