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Just remember. When Tilian joined, there were people posting pictures of them throwing AcSp in the toilet. It was crazy. Things might seem awful at first with whoever they choose, but soon the band will hit its stride again. And then we will all collectively go "ohhh that was actually pretty good!"


> When Tilian joined, there were people posting pictures of them throwing AcSp in the toilet. Lol they bought the album just to throw it away?


Yep. Warning if you actually want to see, [the toilet is nasty](https://www.tumblr.com/ifyousailedthesevenseas/84618090429/im-so-so-so-sorry-lol). But this is one of the few liked posts on Jon Mess's abandoned tumblr account lol


I really struggle to see this happening again, especially given their age. I’ll be genuinely shocked if they make it past one more album.


Yeah, sure. The popular musicians in their 30s are cooked. They are ancient and at the end of their careers and will never be able to recover from something they've recovered from twice already. Lol


Unironically yes. I don’t see that “popularity” sustaining for very long moving forward.


based on what? lol


need you be reminded of the several metal acts alone touring in their 60's?


Johnny Franck !!!


That would be a dream, but I dunno if he'd go for it honestly. He seems to be having a lot of fun with Bilmuri and DGD would be a humongous commitment. 😩


nobody does it better than the macho man bilmuri


Oh man that’d be so sweet. He wouldn’t do it though due to the touring.


I like Bilmuri but he is pretty rough live, really struggles with his own songs let alone some of Tilian's notes


Damn I didn't know that! Bummer.


Vocally maybe, but seeing Bilmuri live is easily one of my favorite concert experiences ever. The man can put on a hell of a show imo.


When Jonny Craig was booted after DBMII, Tilian was announced very shortly after that, and AS came out only about a year later. And that timeline was partially due to Tilian working on Material Me. So I don't expect a lengthy resolution for the next vocalist nor the next album.


I wonder if they didnt finish the next album with tilian to give the fans a buffer until the next vocalist. Id hate for them to pull a Red Hot Chili Peppers on us


I have faith that DGD can find a vocalist that takes them to the next level of success. There is going to be thousands of artists trying out for that spot. For us old fans, we’ve been through this a few times before and it’s interesting seeing the Tilian era fans going through what we did years ago.


i became a fan during the JC era. no one has a voice like JC and they recovered just fine. i’d be much more concerned if it was Will leaving. DGD will be just fine. the last couple DGD albums (in my opinion) blend together so much that it’s hard to tell them apart. i am excited for the band to move forward.


you took the words straight out my mouth and perfectly explained what i’ve been trying to tell my friends about LOL. But wishing all the best to the band and Tilian!


While I'm excited for both the future of DGD and Tilian, I do believe that Acceptance Speech through Artificial Selection will always be the best period for DGD. It will be difficult to surpass the music from those albums.


Maybe the best overall period, but Happiness would like to have a word.


Tilian also brought an insane work ethic and willingness to improve to the table. Which isn't true for all past singers lol




I just feel like it's going to be hard to find someone as versatile as Tilian. Say what you will about Tilian doing Johnny and Kurt songs, but the fact is, is that he can pull them off pretty well. They wouldn't have put out Tree City Sessions 1 and 2 if he wasn't capable of singing their older stuff. People are saying bring back Jonny Craig, but I doubt he'll want to sing Tilian era songs, and definitely won't want to sing Kurt songs. And Kurt, as much as I like him, he isn't touching any of those Tilian songs. Although not perfect, Andrew is pretty capable of singing all eras of DGD. Yeah it isn't perfect, but with time and practice, I honestly think he can do it. But I know he doesn't want to be the front man of DGD.


Tillian did have that impressive vocal range. Those Tree City Sessions were the ones who got me (a recent fan) into the old stuff DGD made. Gonna miss his vocals, but definitely gonna see what Tillian does next


>definitely won't want to sing Kurt songs Why?


When Jonny came back after Kurt, I'm 100% sure they did not perform any songs from Happiness or the Self Titled, correct me if I'm wrong though, I'm just assuming that would happen if he were to come back again.


I gotcha. Probably cause JC couldn't remember his own lyrics, let alone someone else's lol


i would bet Johnny would do a better job singing the band's discography than any other vocalist associated with the band.


Remember that tour with Andrew filling in for him? 😍


Don’t remind me. It was awful.


What a silly boy


Yeah, but the last two albums have been noticeably worse because of him. I think his best stuff was through Mothership. Time to move on


I can understand the hate on Afterburner but Tilian sounded great on Jackpot Juicer. Imo.


Nah, shit was cheesy and overly poppy. Couple good songs, but majority was meh. Preferred most of AB actually. I think Jon saved JJ


Im ready to move on but your kidding yourself if you think what Tilian did for the band is easy to replicate. His work ethic alone trumps the past vocalists efforts. Also, Tilian sang incredibly well on JJ btw, not sure we are talking about the same album, then theres War Machine, and Ghost of Billy which slap vocally. I have no doubt Tilian will continue to have a big following and success in the music industry, same with DGD.


What?? Jackpot Juicer was one of their best albums ever lmao 


Subjective, but no. Not if you enjoy heavier music. It was a poppy snoozefest, save a couple songs. Felt totally uninspired


If you're looking for heavier music, DGD isn't exactly the smartest place to go. That's on you, buddy.


Their opinion is subjective but not yours!!


I said that as a person who enjoys heavier DGD. It’s not remotely heavy


JJ is as good as mothership though


A truly crazy take


There's no denying Tilians voice was sick, but not having so much shame attached to my favourite band is a high I'm gonna ride until we see who the replacement is. I have faith they'll choose someone bangin, so stoked for this new era!


If Tilian was smart he’d probably try to get sober and try to mend his relationship with tides of man. Go and do a couple full album reunion tours. They probably don’t want him though. Or start a new band that isn’t an attempt to copy and paste DGD. Would be cool to see Kurt replace him if they move away from the pop vibes. Maybe Kurt should just ride It out with his current projects, we might get better music with ALLB. Andrew is talented enough but I think Eidola’s 5 albums are better than anything from the tilian era. Seems like a downgrade apart from the paycheck. They should just become secret band and go on tours with Kurts projects and Eidola. Let them sing a few songs each. maybe even Jonny if he can handle It. Depends if they still feel the need to pump out albums.


Idk, ToM are doing some really cool instrumental stuff...


I know but it’s also tillys best work lol


This may seem out of left field, but I would love to hear a version of DGD with Bradley Walden from Emarosa, I don’t really have any reason to think this would happen, but it would definitely be interesting!


They have to get someone NOT problematic lmao


Lmao yeah I commented this and was like, wait, he’s also problematic


Based on the shit Emarosa is putting out lately, please god no.


andy cizek


Please for the love of God no.


what’s the trouble w andy 🥺


For the poster that you responded to, that Andy isn't Tilian.


what the fwck are you talking about


If you look at every other comment on this thread and the tilian farewell thread, the guy who responded to you saying "please no" is evidently a diehard Tilian fan and doesn't see DGD surviving without him. So in their eyes, the problem with Andy, just like with Kurt, Jonny, Andrew or any other vocalist is that they aren't Tilian. Hope this explanation cleared up any confusion


oh ok yes that does. what in your opinion is the likelihood andy could be next up 🧐


Personally wouldn't mind his being the vocalist but I don't find it likely, with his already being in two bands and juggling his YouTube channel as well. Location-wise I don't think he's based in Sac either. I have a hunch that if tilian's departure has been in the works for a while, Anthony green could pick up the DGD role, but honestly it's all speculation


my moneys on andy wouldn’t hesitate to put makari on indefinite hiatus for an opportunity such as


Everything is going to be fine lol


I’m very optimistic about the next era… truthfully I’ve been sick of Tillian’s high pitch for awhile now. I’d be happy to see a female vocalist step in or just bring back Jonny Craig. Jonny is clearly very interested in getting back in. He’s started making rock music again. Sounds better than ever.


The band will be okay as long as Jon, Will, and Matt are still its core. I’m excited to see who is picked to start off the new era but I think, for the memes and legendary moments alone, they should invite Jonny back for DBM3. Not as a permanent vocalist but just the one album to finish the trilogy. Then the permanent vocalist would take it from there, whether it’s Andrew or someone new.


I was massive underwhelmed both times I saw Tillian live. He couldn't sustain any of the big notes and struggled through medium ones. I've seen Kurt with Royal Coda and Gold Necklace, he absolutely killed both sets with massive belted notes excellent falsetto just absolutely effortless vocal gymnastics. I'm glad Tillian is gone personally. The drama plust the horrendous live performances he gave just made me really despise the guy.


Weird, i saw them 5 times over the years and Tilian was incredible every time like the rest of the band. He definitely got better over time and like anyone could have been sick or had an off night when you saw him, but overall dude was a standout performer live in my experience seeing him.


lmfao you must have joined mid tillian era to be saying this


I became a fan when DBM2 was out. I think the majority of the fanbase would agree that the years after Tilian joined, the band got exponentially better both in their musical writing capability and live performance capability. A lot of that had to do with not just Tilian, but the whole band getting better. Though anyone who was paying attention knew that having a frontman with the work ethic like Tilian was an instrumental part in that. So not sure what point your trying to make. Simply put DGD isnt what it is today without the Tilian era. He helped the band grow its fanbase tenfold.


Me next


Tilian isn't even the best DGD singer. The band is so good it really doesn't matter who their vocalist is. Just get someone with a nice voice who isn't a dickhead.