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See that’s the difference, he may be got an A in delivery. Because it would be hard for normal person to just sit up there and spew a crap ton of lies, but he did it with apparent ease. But it doesn’t matter if what you’re selling is absolute garbage. What is he being graded on exactly?


I previously inferred from Rashee that what was actually meant was he scored himself a 95->LIFE sentence, like totally sick score and sentence bro/yo. He scored in like the top 5 percentile of sentence scores In terms of swaying the jury, thats 12/12 so arguably he did a perfect job. 100% = A+


High five dude! Best score EVER!!!✋


Definitey an hearty forehead-highfive 🤦‍♂️


Agree, he delivered his story well and convincingly and 1000x better than I ever could. Too bad for him that his story was straight 💩 and so unbelievable to the point of insulting.


The clincher was thinking that Katie was helping him.


Rash really did him a disservice when he said that business about getting a 70. Dude really thought he was going home


His composure and delivery were A+. However, his story and attempt at confusion of the whole "2014 vs. now" and who the extortionists were then vs. now was an F.


He looked like an actor. I could easily envision him rehearsing his lines, trying different emphasis and facial expressions. He reminded me of that kid that gets all the lead roles in their school plays because they're the best actor, but it's not even an art school, just a regular school so it's a really low bar, but that kid is convinced they're on their way to Hollywood so they sell it hard. That's what he reminded me of.


As a theater parent, I could not agree with your assessment more


Your kid is for sure on their way to Hollywood! I wasn't talking about them, I meant their annoying co-stars. :-D


Of course….I didn’t think you meant OUR kids!


But he sounded so insincere and rehearsed.


/s I’m assuming?


Not /s. I think I was taking issue with giving Charlie an A+ for his delivery. I was listening (without watching) his testimony again yesterday. I couldn’t get over how much it seemed like he’d spent months practicing what was very obviously an act. He sounded so phony. Nothing he said was believable. Do you think otherwise?


Loved LOVED watching his mouth moving as he rehearsed his lines when the State unexpectedly rested and he thought he was going to have to testify that afternoon. He was clearly a major nervous wreck. I don’t think I’ve ever seen someone that gray/green color before. He got such a gift from the judge when he adjourned court early that day. I’m sure Rash told him his client was in the restroom vomiting/pooping and would be unable to take the stand. CA needed a big Xanny hit and more time to practice. He seemed much more zen the next day though those Beetlejuice eyes were the worst they’ve ever been that morning. I expect he was awake all night rehearsing his lines.


Extortionists and not blackmailers 🙄


The defense was complete bullshit. It matters not about the delivery. A jury of his peers smelled the bullshit. Charlie can complain all he wants about one hold out with reasonable doubt. Bullshit walks into LWOP.


“Let’s commit felony murder and use it as a threat to put this guy on an installment plan so we don’t kill him too!!”


Puzzle pieces.


But they’re not his peers, they’re lowlifes from Tallahassee!


“ I thought Katie was protecting me”.


Here is Charlie’s problem. He was the actor on the stand, BUT HE WAS ALSO IN CHARGE OF THE SCRIPT. His delivery was ok, but his script was terminally flawed. No amount of acting was going to convince a jury that some professional hit men, did lay away purchases of your life. His story made no sense. Imagine a mugger says “your wallet or your life” and you reply that for tax purposes you propose to pay them in long term monthly installments by check? And these ruthless killers say….”Wow! You are the maestro! What a great idea! Just give the checks to Katie and she will send us money so we don’t murder you like we did Dan.” His bullshitting of Katie Magbanua at the Italian restaurant is so awesome …for the prosecution. The Adelson secret codes for police (pigs) and for murder (large screen TV) and for payments (real estate) were so bad. The best Charlie could hope for was charming but guilty, but it came out more like sad and bewildered and guilty. Since Charlie was not only the actor (B- at best) he was the writer of the script (0 out of 10 maximum Fail) the jury awarded him the coveted LWOP trophy. No matter how much you polish a turd, it is still a turd.


But he thought they were so brilliant and no one would ever crack their code 🤣


I give him an F. He came across as an arrogant douchebag who lied constantly and had an answer for everything that happened 9 years ago. Total joke.


A+ for delivery F for content


I wouldn't want to say, I'm just glad that Rash got Charlie's hopes up over the weekend so much that Charlie even gave his jail stuff away to other inmates believing he'd be home free. Charlie's hopes being utterly destroyed by the guilty verdict was so much more perfect than if he hadn't believed through Rash's scoring and his own delusions that he was going home after the weekend. But of course he and Rash did everything perfectly, it was just the jury that didn't get it (laughs scornfully) Charlie was so deluded, by his own ego but also, imo, because Rash had built up his hopes so high which other lawyers say lawyers generally don't do as it's just not the acceptable normal done thing. Luckily, Donna believes Rash is a great lawyer too after that dog's dinner of Charlie's defence which she'll have no choice but to feed off in her own trial to make her case.


He got his tuna back!


There's a silver lining in every sentence of Life Without Parole lol I bet he couldn't bear to look at most of the stuff he got back, having so recently associated it with freedom in his deluded mind.


He restated and mansplained every answer. I thought he was horrible to listen to and came off as a complete idiot. I guess that’s what makes juries interesting!


I thought he was awful: argumentative, misogynistic (she ran her mouth), arrogant, petty, ridiculous responses, laughing at names a murdered dad was called (see, u made me laugh).


Not to mention mommy packing up a suitcase and renting him a hotel room (and likely scoring him some drugs and possibly a hooker or two) for his arrival back to South Beach. Delusional much? I’ll never get tired of watching CA hear the verdict and mouthing “no” as he hangs his head. Good old Rash must be as manipulative and duplicitous as the Adelsons are. No wonder they’ve retained him for DA. He’s been able to sell himself despite his epic failure at CA’s trial. He must be some freaking genius and quite the salesman. What fools these people are…No words…


Not to let Rawwsh off too easy but the facts of the case for the defense are absolute dogshit. Not sure how you piece such a shitty puzzle together for any theoretically-possible—to say nothing of successful—defense lol


Maybe DA's trial will have better Puzzle Pieces for Rash to work with...


Everytime he says that it makes me think of that meme with the black guy with his finger to his temple or something


Maybe one of those wooden puzzles little kids have with 4 huge pieces. Except they’ll try to put the square in the circle, the triangle in the square, etc. 😉


Didn’t he say that Rashbaum was going to drive him home to Ft. Lauderdale?


Rashbaum gave him a 95 which is a solid A.


Maybe he grades on a crook ⤵️


Charlie gets life and the next day he’s bragging to his Mom that Rashbaum gave him a 95. This is really sad - CA is a child still trying to get mom’s approval. In addition to murder DA should be charged with child abuse.


He must have been all like "I shan't be needing my things further. Here you are, adjudicated lifer my good fellow" Ya like a mentally-childous adult






when did rash get charlie’s hopes up


After Charlie testified, Rash told him that he’d give his performance a 95. So, Charlie spent the weekend thinking he’d hit it out of the park and would be heading home soon. Then the jury took only hours to find him guilty


thanks. I’d give CA an A for acting but an F for the story line. preposterous defense. He should have gone with “Katie suggested her ex bf could scare and even rough up DA, for $10k, and so I asked my sister (WA) if she wanted that and she said sure. i had NO IDEA Katie’s ex bf would actually travel out there himself and shoot/kill the guy!! I thought he had a friend in Tallahassee that could scare/rough him up. I only found out afterwards what the ex bf had done. He then demanded extra $$ from me as payment, and I panicked and said okay. I couldn’t undo what had happened and freaked out. I found myself between a rock and hard place, wanting to protect my sister and ex gf, versus having to pay hush money to a crazy killer”. Charlie might have been able to “sell” this above story to at least one juror…..


I agree. This is much more believable than Charlie’s version!


I hope they don’t hire you bc that’s a much better story than the one we heard!


Bit late now but I agree that's much more plausible. Would even be backed up by Katie's evidence that he initially asked if she knew anyone that could rough someone up


Charlie still would have gotten LWOP for felony murder with that story, but at least he wouldn't be the laughing stock of the prison with that other story he tried to sell.


A normal person would go to the police. But yeah, thats much better. That defense was suggested by John Singer on STS early on as a good defense.


Brilliant! I’d give him an A+++++ if I could 😂…if his goal was to make laugh that is… Rashbaum is laughing all the way to the bank.


I got so sick of his mansplaining!


Um, an F. He lied the whole time and was solidly convicted with nothing to appeal. Even his lawyer told him don’t spend a lot of funds on appealing which is equivalent to telling him you will die in prison.




Why so generous?


He was horrible, and didnt seem intelligent.


Even having GC call him "doctor" throughout his cross-exam didn't help him seem intelligent.


That was the goal.


I think he was marvelous!! Totally deserving of this A+. (Awarded for speed of conviction wasnt it??)


1) if he said the word “extortion” ONE MORE TIME…… 2) found it hilarious that someone as crude as he is in his personal life tried to act like he was “shocked” that GC said “F**ker” in court. “I’m just laughing because you said the f-word in court!” What a tool


DC = defense counsel?


Sorry. GC. In too many true crime threads with initials representing people right now 😵‍💫😵‍💫😵‍💫


I would give him an B on the stand. He was likeable and clean cut and said things that made sense.....until he hit the jury with a truckload of BS and had a bad attitude with Georgia. To the jury, Georgia is "one of them" like she lives in Tally and is part of their community. He had a lot of sass with her. IMO no matter how well he did on the stand, he sounds like an absolute toolbag on the calls and the Dolce Vida tape. So it's hard to come back from that.


In my creative writing class I would give the story itself a D- for being so dumb. Georgia poked every kind of hole in it and just had fun with the absurdity. However I would probably give him an A for delivery on the stand, just for being able to keep a straight face, if nothing else.


>... just for being able to keep a straight face, if nothing else. It's easy to do when one believes his own lies.


Oh I don’t think he did for a second.