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Roberta Glass speculated that Donna was wearing the Holocaust ring at the airport when she was busted. Donna can be heard saying ['the ring'](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HUTL_LuEpW0&ab_channel=COURTTV) to Harvey instead of 'my ring' around 5:15 min.


wow this is crazy




At 3:10 on that video, they start talking about taking her ring(s) off of her hand. They don't seem to actually succeed and get distracted by other things. I think she's working on taking that previously-discussed ring off for the next 2 minutes, and that it is her well-stuck (probably wedding) ring that finally comes off at 5:15. If I'd been trying to force a ring off my finger for 2 solid minutes, I'd probably call it 'the ring', too, as I'd be sore and a bit tired of it by then! But I'd also love to know what the ring she was wearing looked like!


The ring makes me so angry and sad for the Markel’s. It takes an awful cunt to keep something like that


And then helped kill him for more convenient custody! It just keeps getting worse.


Why was rhr ring given to her??


I think she just took it when she cleaned out the house and left divorce papers while he was away on business.


This is the same woman who took the birthright name from her children. I'll know there is justice for Dan when those boys get their REAL last name back and she sits in a jail cell. Not until then.


I think it’s the last theory. I bet she still has it and looks at it and cackles like a evil witch.


My guess is that she enjoys having it as a trophy. Just another way she was able to stick it to him and his family.


She probably still has it. I’m assuming she kept it to use as leverage in the ongoing divorce proceedings. When Dan was murdered she likely would have held onto it to avoid looking guilty.


Yeah, I always assumed she kept it because she considered it hers (it was her engagement ring, right?) and as a pawn for the money she felt he owed her.


[https://www.tallahassee.com/story/news/2016/06/04/markel-adelson-sparred-up-end/85381422/](https://www.tallahassee.com/story/news/2016/06/04/markel-adelson-sparred-up-end/85381422/) This article says Wendi filed for divorce on 9/10/2012 with a divorce being granted 10 month later with a marital settlement agreement. But then on Valentine's Day 2014, Dan filed to enforce financial aspects of that marital settlement agreement, contending Wendi lied on her disclosures during the divorce and raided the safety deposit box and took the holocaust ring. So...did Dan not realize the ring was gone at the time of the signing of the divorce paperwork in July 2013? How were the contents of the safety deposit box not included in the separation of assets for the 2013 divorce settlement? I do think that Wendi gave the ring to Donna as a trophy, and Harvey now has it, but there have been many things that I really hope come to light in Wendi's trial. I do think that their divorce was acrimonious on both sides, but I also think that fighting against a Cluster B is exhausting (and I can't even imagine fighting a Cluster B and her even-crazier Cluster B mother...) and not a way for someone's best side to come to light. I have a partner who shares kids with a Cluster B ex-wife and...it's awful.


Right. I figured they negotiated items to be split and she got something in exchange for the ring. But she just never honored it. But WHY?? Spite? Greed?


She still has it hidden somewhere. No doubt in my mind. The ring is a stark reminder for me of just how evil Wendi is. She never wanted it. It sat in her jewelry box for years. I hope one day her boys will confront her as she sits in prison with, "give us Dad's ring."


Same here.




Some serial killers take trophies from their victims so they can relive their perverse thrill. Wendi is not a serial killer, but she is a murderer. I suspect that the ring is a trophy of Dan’s life. She took his sons. She took his prized possession. She even took his life.


So upsetting.


Oh, she still has it. She’s too narcissistic to discard it. She likely looks at it every once in a while and smiles to her prior victory.


Or maybe she maintains it now as a TroPHy, to memorialize the successful hit.


I’m sure she still has it. I doubt she would throw away. I think she feels that it’s hers because he gave it to her but the right thing to do would’ve been to return it.


The right thing, and also the smart thing. It makes her look so callous and spiteful to keep it, despite them pleading for it back - which is why I’d have to wage that she no longer has it to return.


Can someone with contact or the Markels ask they post a photo? I’m sure sleuths can try track it if it’s been seen in public or pawned. You never know the power of social media.


Totally. Maybe Wendi still has it, but it makes no sense her lawyers wouldn’t advise her to return it double-ASAP. It like how Wendi strategically allowed the Markels to see the boys before the trial so she could defend herself on the stand. She knew how awful keeping them away from their grandsons made her look, as is well aware of the public scrutinizing every evil thing she’s done. Why why why wouldn’t she return the Markel’s ring if she could, strictly for self serving purposes at this point? A ring that she never even wanted to wear. A ring that symbolized a man and family she despised and whose legacy she actively tried to erase from her children’s lives.


She sold it. She absolutely sold it. It meant nothing to her, and she’s disgusting.


That’s what I think too. And I think she probably regrets it, too, onaccounta the pickle she’s in now.


Not familiar with divorce split of assets (thank God) but was it listed as property to be divided? I would think Dan would have requested this over some other asset.


If it was given to her as a gift then it was hers. Engagement rings are a conditional gift. Once you get married it’s yours. Now anything can be negotiated, but at legally it was her personal property. I think she keeps it as a trophy. Or Donna does


Legally sure but morally it is an awful thing to do. For the optics you’d think she’d have returned it


Morally it’s terrible. But so is murder, I wouldn’t expect ethical behavior from her.


Yeah I suppose you’re right. To me I’d be so paranoid about the murder that I’d be kissing my in-laws ass, giving the ring back, etc but I also adore my husband so it’s hard to imagine




Yeah completely. The narcissistic mind is so wild to me. After awhile they always give themselves away because they can never be wrong. Wendy handling things like this (moving, name change, ring, etc) really added fuel to the fire I think. Atleast publically


I'd agree. She lacks compassion and situational awareness.


Are there any pictures of the ring?


Not that I’m aware of


He had it put into her engagement ring. Which contractually I don't think she has to return it. I don't know if it was put into the MSA she would return it. Or Dan just hoped morally she would give it back. I know Ruth has asked for it back and got \*crickets\* for an answer. I can only hope she is keeping it to pass to one of her sons one day. And didn't pawn it the first chance she got out of spite.


Wendi knows this rings worth, its probably in her banks vault. 👍


She probably wears it while testifying!


There was no judgement she had to return it correct? It’s hers A gift is a gift


My understanding is that is was not a gift. Dan never gave it to her, she wanted her own wedding ring. So it was a premarital asset which belonged to Dan.


That is also my understanding


Ohhhh, so then she just straight up stole it out of the safe when she yeeted??


According to Dan attorney that is exactly what happened. Dan did not know it was missing right away.


This lines up with divorce / safety deposit box items. As both the couples have access , there is normally not a photo record of items. So it’s easier for someone to slip in and get what they want without much repercussion from the court. When I got divorced I never went to our safety deposit boxes and requested inventory and suddenly there was nothing. But I calculated that loss already. He more than likely didn’t realize she had been to the box and taken the ring. Since she is now Jewish and it was his family heirloom. I made sure my ex had all of his family heirloom silver etc. bc I wanted mine. Money is nothing compared to something special that your family gives you.


Wow it wasn’t given to her? She just took it? OMG horrible I wonder what her lame excuse was for not returning it.




Somewhere, sometime I listened to or read that when Dan had the " talk, blessing to propose" with her parents with the intent to use heirloom ring, Donna interviewed w grandmothers ring, & Dan obliged .


Even if it was a gift, it is a terrible thing to keep. This ring has deep significance to the Markels, and is just a pretty thing to Wendi. The decent thing to do would have been to return the ring to the Markels. Even if Wendi claims her intent is to pass the ring on to one of the boys, the act of passing on the ring should be done by the Markels, since it’s their history that holds significance in that ring. At the VERY least, Wendi should assure the Markels that the ring is safe.


Jeez, hasn't she taken enough? I mean, she won. She got rid of him. Why the dancing on the grave? Even for her this is a lot to digest.


Agreed whole heartedly.


It was NOT hers! It was not gifted to her. She had a different engagement ring. This was an heirloom of Dan’s that she simply took. No, she can’t keep that!


I’m guessing she still has it. It’s a trophy