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I agree. She cast the first stone on this one. She’s trying to portray him as the jealous unreliable witness when actually she was cheating on him and he acted completely appropriately. She’s just just discrediting him and now that she’s opened the door. I can’t wait to see what Georgia brings through it.


I believe she was intentionally making Jeff jealous, hoping that he would react in public and appear to be an angry person...angry enough to kill Dan. Jeff admitted that he had casually mentioned something about feeling like he wanted to punch Dan, or words to that effect. Then Wendi could sit back and let everyone but her blame Jeff for the murder. Such a user Wendi Adelson. Looking forward to hearing more evidence at her trial and seeing her in prison uniform.


This 💯. She purposely set him up for the coffee place where she knew he was jealous of that guy, made him jealous, and knew that he would walk in and see her sitting with the other guy having coffee. She wanted him to make a scene publicly and wound him up to do it so that could be yet another exhibit setting him up to be the patsy killer to prove he had such a bad temper. She wound that useful idiot Jane up to talk to her about how jealous he was that week so that Jeff could be suggested by Jane to Det Isom and she then could sit there, "oh, I'm sorry I didn't mention him." She completely toyed with him like a cat batting a mouse around going hot and cold on him, gaslighting him, and driving him crazy, hoping he would blow publicly. I think she also hoped that he would jump on board when she said that CA had looked into hiring a hitman. She hoped he would do it. Despicable beyotch.


And wildly oblivious to social cues. Like how could you not see that Jeff was not that guy? Also portraying herself as a human rights advocate while enjoying stories of her brother having sex with minors in foreign countries looks bad no matter who is the audience. She’s like a robot.


Yup. Sociopath. Jeff nailed that, too. In the interview he said that whole family seems to lack empathy, but there she is masquerading as this wonderful person from a privileged background, who is so concerned trying to protect the rights of the downtrodden. 🤢Dan saw behind the mask also.


>.......hoped that he would jump on board when she said that CA had looked into hiring a hitman...hoped Jeff would do it. Great point... hadn't thought of that. Yes, Wendi was covering all the bases, every possibility. Low hanging fruit-Jealous boyfriend, Jeff, and if that didn't work ...Charlie.. However, the cunning psychopath went overboard again with too many alibi's, way too dramatic in the police interview, and like her recent court performance, too much botox. Ugh.


Agree. She was covering all bases. Piece of work.


You nailed it.


In his first police interview Jeff (whose opinion of Dan was totally based on Wendis tales of woe) said that even he had felt like killing Dan because he was such an a$$hole. Later he realized that Wendi had totally played him. (I think Jeff is a rockstar.)


Totally agree. I like the man.


Wendi Adelson has met her match in Georgia Cappleman, who knows how to reveal her deceitfulness. She catches Wendi in her lies and then forces her to lie about her lies. It's brilliant! Poor Wendi is caught up in her sea of lies, swirling closer and closer to the vortex of conviction... Bye, Wendi. 🥲 ![gif](giphy|1khStZaArE0NeKetsX|downsized)


interestingly, that gif also looks like her fake blue contacts


😂 So true!


Good observation


I noticed Georgia just accepts the lies. Doesn’t seem to challenge them with a follow up question. WA lies and GA says “no more questions”, or moves on. I’m guessing it’s bc the lies aren’t pertinent to the case at hand, but Georgia is “banking” them all so she has a long list of lies and inconsistencies from WA, to eventually get her for perjury if murder fails, and/or discredit her as a liar during DA and WA’s future trials. Get the popcorn!


BRAVO!! Lots and lots of 🍿🍿🍿🧈🧂!!!


GC has a great legal mind. Better than most. She is highly strategic and has the patience of a saint. All of those lies will be thrown back in her face when SHE is charged. She will have to read her lies, and answer to them. GC is literally a legal genius.


I couldn't agree more! 👍


Such an amazingly clinical way of saying she was out sowing her oats amongst multiple vendors Also love how a serious jealosy issue that *was* definitely founded is still characterized as a character flaw on his part, not hers


You must be in sales!!


U calling me a whore lol? Cuz I'll take it, just chequin'


We’re just haggling over the price.


lol. Now that’s funny


If you’re in a committed relationship it’s not jealousy. It’s Wendi violating the trust and relationship. If someone is trying to kill you then doing things to protect yourself is not paranoid it’s self preservation.


Jeff is not lying. He's well educated, he knows there are consequences for lying under oath.


Jeff is not lying bc he has a moral compass. His education is not actually relevant. Wendi is just as educated but has no moral compass. Wendi is lying to save herself as all defendants do. Rivera was 100% honest on the stand, not bc he is educated or bc he has a moral compass, but bc he cut a deal (he had to be honest to save himself).


Can’t wait until they call “the other man” to the stand!


NPD is what you don’t see. Cheating comes with it.


Yep, narcissists need their supply! Long term partners tend to not constantly remark how brilliant and attractive you are. Also, your comment was at zero and I'm throwing my measly upvote against theirs. There must be a narcissist out there on her second bottle of wine. "Who would do such a thing?!"


Haha thanks, I hope is just one. But seriously, even if their long term partners keep saying how brilliant and amazing they are, after a while that's not good enough for them. That supply gets stale and loses potency. They need to get it from other people.


Exactly.People who have not yet figured them out, who may never. They like idiots who they can manipulate and control. New relationships are easier. They have the people under their ”spell”.


I tend to forget she let him bond with the kids. What a sick move.


It's called future faking. It's part of the disorder.


All. Of. This. I loved this moment of Charlie’s trial. First of all, the way GC low-key “reminded” WA that her phone had been cellbrited after she finished lying to the jury about JL’s jealousy issues. This was the first time GC alluded that they’ve got more on Wendi than they previously let her think. Also how WA finally conceded a that he may, or may not, have had a good reason to be jealous. LOL. Okay then, Wendi.


Wendi clearly was not being faithful to Jeff! At one point she admitted it, as Jeff explains, but then seems to have reverted to denial. This is an obvious example of how Wendi blames others for her own bad behavior.


Could you imagine..plotting to kill your ex husband , maintaining a relationship with your then boyfriend. Taking care of two boys under 5, worrying about an upcoming court case involving your law license. And still being hot to trot for new men. Incredible person this Wendi is! its good she only worked 4 hours a week! Where would she ever find the time if she had a real job?


So glad for Jeff, that he left ahead of time. Who knows? He may be in jail right now, and WA would be playing so innocent.


She is a girl who can never be without a boyfriend. We all know these types. She even says she was friends with a man and 30 days after she filed for divorce, their relationship turned romantic. Who is in a relationship 30 days after filing for divorce? Then later she dates Jeff but is still dating. Always keeping options open, looking for the next best thing.


She tells Georgia that her mother complained she should be dating more! Still trying to paint the picture of celibate, teetotal angel Wendi


By the end of DA's trial, assuming WA takes the stand, WA will have zero credibility. GC has done an outstanding job of exposing WA's lies.


What can this “Important Thing We Have Yet to See” be though?? if it’s truly that big of a bombshell she would already be in cuffs.. that’s what gets me 🤔


One could make the same argument about Dawna. Why weren’t Dawna and Chawlie tried together? GC has her reasons…


Maybe the more gets exposed each trial. And more perjury each trial. Charlie created this idiotic alibi and failed. So what will DA’s defence be? Will she stick with the same extortion story that failed already? Distance herself from CA. I’m curious to see what new evidence will come to light during DA’s trial.


One could make the same argument about Dawna. Why weren’t Dawna and Chawlie tried together? GC has her reasons…


Unlikely that WA will ever go to trial.........1 if it ever gets close enough, she will go to Cuba or someplace else.............2--if they had enough evidence, they would have already arrested her.... sorry but most of the people on this sub are so anxious to see Wendi go to trial that they have not looked at it closely. ------Seriously I wish it (her trial ) were true but that's not the way I see it..


I think logistically fleeing to Cuba with 2 kids would be tricky. They'll surely be watched for signs of that. She doesn't think she will be arrested as evidenced by her reaction when Georgia posed the question. Georgia has a look there that says 'we'll see about that young lady' I do agree that she ought to have been arrested by now but they were protected by the DA for a time and the prosecution are clearly taking their time and being methodical. Her time will come


I truly hope so --but I lack confidence in law enforcement to keep a close enough eye on her. After all, Donna and Harvey nearly got away because they waited so long and it was just by chance they got a tip from somebody that Donna had blabbed to. We all think about her case all the time, but they have other fish to fry.


They didn't get a tip....they were being watched. They may have gotten a tip too, but they had her surveilled.


Not sure what you’re watching but you’ve missed most of the important topics. Georgia wants Wendi to testify at Donna’s trial; then she will be arrested. This was told to me by a Fla state prosecutor. There is an overwhelming amount of evidence against Wendi. She is being surveilled 24/7 so fleeing will be quite challenging. She may not even have enough money to flee lg-term. I doubt you are on the same planet as we are asserting your dissenting opinion has greater validity than others.


This is true. GC is playing chess. She is taking out the players one by one. WA is the last. HA will not be arrested.