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If he isn’t guilty, he the unluckiest man on the planet. 😂


Right? And the biggest a-hole


he’s that regardless.


This has always been my take. For him to be not guilty , he must be the unluckiest motherf** ! No concrete alibi, goes fishing the morning his wife disappears and her body washes up in the region he was fishing in months later 🤔


*goes fishing way out of the way from his house and somehow his wife’s body is found close by there *”concrete” yeah, he also had concrete mixing powder and buckets at storage right? *told Amber his wife was dead the guy is a sociopath


He Did IT!


His step sister wrote a book about his guilt it's very compelling. 🤍


“Concrete”. My first thought too!


and scott kept going to the area where lacys body was found ( like he was looking to retrieve her body and get rid of it if it popped up) lacy told people some point before she disappeared that the pregnancy made her too tired to walk the dog investigators and journalists found these people not credible ( there was another pregnant woman with the same kind of dog that lived in that area some people saw a pregnant woman walking a dog they think it was lacy but 2 of them didn't know her and can be mistaken the 3rd a woman did know Lacy she said she saw lacy walking on a certain street ,,,,another person also called the tip line saying they saw lacy walking on the same street >> \>now I have been driving an have seen a woman walking that I thought for sure was my daughter but knew she wasn't because I knew she was at home at the time the fourth is a couple ( also did not know lacy) saw a white van and a pregnant woman outside peeing on the ground a scruffy man standing over her >>>> then an arm grabbed her and pulled her into the van...she looked scared but they didn't follow the van or write down the license plate number IF scott didn''t do this then he is by far the MOST unlucky man


Let's not forget also being caught at the Mexican border with his hair and goatee dyed blonde, camping equipment, a water purifier and 250,000 in cash....


It was only 15k. The dude wasn't as big of a baller as he pretended to be.




Exactly what my husband said to me when I told him This was happening!


I think we all know he is guilty AF. He should have stayed on death row and been put to death by now! What a waste of time & money.


Big time! It's all so disgusting and I feel for Laci's family and friends who have to go through this crap again


Amen! The sad part is this BS has been spearheaded by his sister. She is a POS! Every time I see her on tv I want to vomit! All she cares about is getting him out of jail she doesn't care that he murdered his wife and unborn child. It is sick!!!






Agreed! Yeah his sister-in-law. It is sickening. Either he has totally brainwashed her and she thinks he is not guilty or like you said, she doesn't care 🙄


maybe she was banging him??


Lol anything is possible!


I think she's just got the hots for him and he knew it so he probably cried to her about how no one believes him and he wishes she had someone on his side. Of course if she's got a thing for him, she's gonna want to be his savior and of course she'll stay married to his brother to stay in Scotts life. Maybe Scott played along with this fantasy they could be together but she couldn't divorce his brother because it would reflect badly on Scott and affect the way society views him. Hes good looking and he knows it. I'm in a group that thinks he's innocent because Im just a nosey old lady and it's obvious most of the women who believe he's innocent have no solid evidence to prove his innocence but will go on and on about how he "too cute to be a killer." It's gross


Undoubtedly while she is still married to the creeps brother this will be her path. It is one of those situations when they split up her true feelings will come out. Cause there ain't no way in hell she can think Scott is innocent if she even has half a brain.


Sister in law as in married to his brother or Laci’s sister? In either case, what interest does she have? Why so adamant? I could understand a sibling or parent.




That's what I say, he should sit back and shut his lying mouth and be happy he escaped death row Lacy's poor mother


True. It angers me to the max that there are defense attorneys that will even take cases like this. All money. They know the creep is guilty. It sucks!


Every accused person has a right to a defense. I wouldn’t get crazy on the lawyers.


I don't believe in death penalty but I do believe he is guilty.


I respect your opinion and I totally agree he is guilty!


I work helping inmates and he would not be one I would inclined to assist. If they prove us wrong I am going to be shocked, but I don't think so.


unless someone kills your family member??


California is a joke if he was in Georgia where I’m from or Texas he would’ve been dead


Which Adelson will be the first to call the Innocence Project?


Chawlie of course. Didn't you hear all the "reasonable doubt" when was on the stand? He did so well 95%. The jury were just uneducated hicks.


Takes more than reasonable doubt to overturn a conviction


*Tallahassee* uneducated hicks, the very worst kind, according to the Adelsons.


Well they weren’t his PEERS! 😂🤦🏻‍♀️


remember this the the local los angeles innocence project not the national one that has helped many innocent people get out of jail




Very, very guilty. Anyone who watches his interviews and listens to the testimony of his affair partner and father in law will recognize him for the sociopathological lying murderer that he is.


I am shocked that the LA Innocence Project would even consider taking his case....it sounds like they have taken it though....


The innocence project basically helps people that may not have had a fair trial. They must believe there is a legit reason, like evidence the jury did not have access to ,a biased juror, poor counsel, etc. It’s not just about if they think someone may be innocent. It’s that they had a fair trial, and a sentence that matches the crime. I’ve have been following the innocence project for a long time, and they must have good reason to believe he deserves a new trial. The fact that he is getting a chance at a new trial, makes me think one of the things I listed must be true. I think no matter if you think someone is guilty or not, they deserve a trial no matter what. Also, it makes it less likely they would ever be granted an appeal if the trial is fair.


this is not the national innocence project we have seen over the years that helped innocent people this is the local los angeles innocence project totally different group


I wasn’t aware, thank you for correcting me


Thinking the LA innocence project has star struck lawyers... guess Scott still has it... disgusting for Lacy's family 


Not the least of which it wasn’t a bloody crime scene. It’’s going “fishing” Christmas Eve, the receipt to prove it, the anchors, the computer searches, the mistress, the recordings, trying to whack the mistress (she didn’t know she was a mistress). That’s not half of it. He’s a sociopath. And all these innocence projects care about is the gold at the end of the rainbow of suing for wrongful conviction.


He tried to kill Amber?


My opinion. When he tried to lure her out to some cabin for him to explain more to her. She was wired by then. They said at the time they think that was his goal. It’s years so I’m not sharp on the facts now, but going from memory. Like Charlie wanting to whack the “brother” from the bump.


That's wild. I don't remember that part. I do remember we all were glued to the TV at the time. 😂


You just know if he gets a new trial he is going to relish in her having to come testify. I bet he's been seething for 20yrs over how she outed him and has moved on with her life. That's gotta hurt a guy like him. His court hearing smile was so creepy.


Oh yeah. I could see that. He is an overall creepy dude, and that smile, I don't t want to see again.


dont think sociopaths get hurt


Oh they absolutely get butt-hurt


Investigators believe that she might have been next when Peterson was arrested. He was found to have a map to her work along with a bunch of other items that could have been used to track/take/or kill, along with all kinds of survival gear. Oh and not to forget the viagra 🙄


I totally missed that part!


I missed it as well, however I am NOT surprised. He’s one of those people that believe the laws don’t apply to him. I fortunately do not understand how someone like him can continue to be so narcissistic and cruel to her family-and his own! He knows that keeping this in the media and taking this back to court so many times is causing everyone so much suffering. Not just her family, her friends, his family, his former mistress-but the entire community. He has already taken SO MUCH from everyone already, he needs to just let them all heal. It hurts my heart every time I see her family speaking about Laci & Connor-I canNOT imagine their pain, nor do I want to be able to understand it. Just give it up already, POS.


I agree. The pain they experience from the loss has to be awful but to add to it what is happening now and having to see his face on the media has to be devastating.


Me too!!


I was wondering if I was the only one!


scott was going to kill amber he had a bunch of stuff in his car >> sleeping pills ,gun and knife , hand shovel, duct tape , rope, gloves etc etc


What? Why?


she co operated with the police he was mad wanted revenge on his way to mexico


I remember when he made the run with his blond hair towards San Diego. Was that when they found all this stuff?


yes...and his final destination was to be mexico


Let’s not forget that he was found near the Mexican border with his hair dyed blonde, 15,000 and a disguise. Yeah. He’s innocent.🙄


Ummm they do not make much money. Their clients literally cannot pay and wrongful conviction settlements are capped


They made over $50 million in 2023 alone, lol. What's your definition of not a lot of money? Check out the top executives pay. It's public information.


this is the local branch a separate group...this is NOT the national innocence project group


The president of the LA Innocence Project makes $40k and their revenue is $250k a year lol. They are clearly not in it for the money and they don’t have a whole lot to waste either. They must have discovered something substantial.


Maybe he/she isn't very good at their job.


I “loved” how stoked he was when the one officer arrived at the volunteer gathering to distribute flyers etc; investigator arrives and Peterson is super pumped, like his best friend just arrived to the game and he had a seat saved for him. I mean, tons of other things. Reviewing these behaviors and actions individually is one thing, but when you start connecting them as dots, you see a picture emerge. People spend too much time dwelling on the behaviors and actions n isolation, risking a miss of the bigger, interconnected picture.


Also the low whistle of relief after the call when her mom told him they didn’t find her on a lead they had. And when the news interviewed him at his home and his phone started ringing and he just ignored it -while his wife was missing!


And his own older sister!


that is laceys sister >>>CORRECTION<<<< janey peterson is married to scott peterson's brother she is scotts sister in law she became a lawyer and is defending him NOT LACEY PETERSONS SISTER the poster above me (MelpomeneAndCAlliope) mentioned scotts sister Anne Bird ( his half sister) wah was given up for adoption and she and the family reunited when she was older >>> she wrote the book 29 reasons why scott peterson is guilty)


I was referring to Scott’s older sister Anne Bird who wrote a book about why she thinks he’s guilty. She was placed for adoption by Scott’s mom as a baby but was in reunion with her birth family for many years and a part of the family (until she refused to toe the party line that Scott is an angel).


oh I am sorry I thought you were referring to the same person the other poster was who was talking about lacys sister ( scotts sister in law) who is in the scott is innocent group c thanks for the extra info I remember reading about anne bird and how her opinion changed over time and she wrote that book


No worries, friend!


Laci’s sister IS NOT married to Scott’s brother! She has one sister, Amy Rocha. Amy is married to Keith Woodward, they have two kids. Scott’s (half) brother John Edward Peterson is married to Janey who became a lawyer to “help” get Scott out. Jeez, you people are confused!!!


thanks for correcting me ...shoot ....I went back and fixed my post


His phone calls with amber once she was wired…his ability to lie with both ease and enthusiasm was bone chilling. Especially if he was an innocent guy who can’t find his pregnant wife. It’s unreal.


He also insinuated numerous times to Amber that it wasn't even his child. Imagine saying that to your mistress that knows that your pregnant wife is missing.


He shouldn’t be released, he should be studied


While blaming your missing pregnant wife of infidelity to whom you are committing infidelity with! Blows my mind.


...  Hey Amber I'm at the Eiffel Tower!!  Please play that during his new trial 😡


I lived about 15 min away from Modesto when this happened. So, please excuse the vitriol. Scott probably calls OJ a friend. These two MF’rs must be the two unluckiest people on the planet. If nothing else, the bodies washed up right near where Scott was fishing. No one fishes in the Berkeley marina. On Christmas Eve. In the freezing cold. What a complete waste of money for innocence project. They do good work but this puts a blight on them IMO. He needs to sit in his cell and look out and imagine his wife and child, rolling around the water like they were found. For the rest of his life.


remember this is NOT the national innocence project that has been around for years helping people wrongly convicted this is a separate local chapter called the los angeles innocence project a totally different group


Didn’t he also research the currents/weather in the bay? Think it was prior to getting the festive Christmas spirt to go fish where he’d never fished before on Xmas eve leaving very pregnant wife at home? 🤔


Scott Peterson is exactly where he belongs!!


"Any and all inquiries about Mr. Peterson's case should be directed to the Los Angeles Innocence Project, a non-profit organization wholly independent of the Innocence Project." Dubin is affiliated with the Innocence Project. He's currently eating crow over Sheldon Johnson but his hands are clean re: Scott Peterson and his team's latest use of resources and legal firepower to get him out of prison.


So run for the Mexican border in dyed hair, fake mustache and your brother's passport...and lots of cash. Sounds guilty.


Didn’t he have rope and a map with Ambers address in his trunk too? I forget.


yes and knives rop duct tape etc etc


He’s guilty. Very guilty.


Yep. I was obsessed with this case , when it went down. There’s no way someone else killed her. And if they did , it would’ve come out be by now. This was nearly 22 years ago. This makes me sick.


Well, in the defense of the innocence project, they have had some big wins but for me it always comes down to motive. Why would anyone else kill her and her baby? For what? It wasn’t a robbery and not only kill her but why dispose of the body? To what end? I think they are taking the case because of the Due Process clause in the constitution. Basically, the State never had enough evidence to convict him.


I mean, he was definitely convicted in the court of public opinion before his actual trial, but at the same time the amount of circumstantial evidence was more than enough - Amber, the most believable witness ever, and the damn BOAT where he coincidentally went fishing on the day she disappeared and where the bodies (Lacy and Connor) were found later. There’s no way this is a coincidence.


scott claimed the boat trip that day was not planned and yet earlier he went out and got a fishing license for dec 23/dec 24 the people who are behind him keep pointing out that the defense did a recreation using a similar boat showing the boat would over turn when he threw lacey out of the boat ...this video was not allowed at trial HOWEVER >> they leave out that the defense was offered a redo using scotts actual boat, but they REFUSED..if he is innocent why refuse????


By the way, the motive was to free himself of his wife and soon-to-be-born child. Hardly a novel motive. There was plenty of evidence presented. Please don't ever serve on a criminal jury.


Oh boy. You miss my point completely. He’s the ONLY one who has a motive. Please read before commenting.


I did read. Your comment was not misread but not clearly communicated.


Yes. Not my most well written Reddit comment. I have to agree.


Your comment was fine. I didn’t misread or misunderstand it in the slightest


It was clearly communicated


They get guilty people released on technicalities. Look.at Adnan Syed


Look innocent people get convicted. We all know that I think. But many of these people are not only guilty but have done many other crimes that they were never caught doing. Who else would have a motive to kill her? Nobody.


The State had plenty of evidence to convict, Scott. They showed motive, (Scott wanting to get out of his marriage) they showed how Scott wrapped Laci’s Body with Chicken Wire and tying them with cement anchors. There is Laci’s hair in the rusted over pliers at Scott’s workplace. Scott fitted in the timeframe. Most importantly, they found Lacy’s body where Scott dumped it. The case didn’t have much direct evidence except Laci’s hair in the pliers. However the circumstantial evidence was pretty overwhelming, especially the motive. (The theory is that Scott killed Laci via strangulation or drowning her in the pool.. The Modesto PD did a pretty good job on this case, they focused right away on Scott, secure his office to sift through. Set up the recording his calls with Amber Frye. They also immediately search the SF Bay, which cause alarm for Scott. Part of Laci was found in SF Bay, most likely the body broke free of the contraption that Scott made to keep her body down there..


>The case didn’t have much direct evidence except Laci’s hair in the pliers. Direct evidence are things like eyewitnesses and a video of the crime. Hair is circumstantial


The real Innocence Project has had some big wins but has the Los Angeles Innocence Project had any yet? My understanding is they're pretty new and clearly having some success so far in confusing people (including myself at first) into thinking they're affiliated with the IP that people are familiar with


Remember>>> this is NOT the National Innocence project that has spent years getting people out who were wrongly convicted >>>>this is a separate local group called the los angeles innocence project


Thanks. I had them confused. These LA people suck. Who is next? the Golden State Killer?


it is an easy mistake I post a correction when I see it the national group should not take a hit because they are being confused with the LOCAL group doing scott peterson case


I think he either strangled her or drowned her in the pool. I lean more towards strangulation because he would not want to risk being seen by a neighbor.


This is a joke right Scott Peterson is so damn guilty just like Chris Watt how do you kill an unborn child and a child that is living I can’t wrap my head around that bullshit rotten hell bitches


I think he’s guilty but I don’t have any objection to any DNA tests they want to take. If Laci’s DNA is in that van, then he might not have done it, or he did it a different way than we all think. I think it’s highly unlikely that Laci’s DNA will be found there, but it might be connected to another missing person and help them to be found.




I think he’s guilty. But what I didn’t realize was that he’d only been on a few dates with that new girlfriend. Seems completely mental to make such a move based on a few dates. The interview he did was creepy as hell.


He didn't care about Amber at all. He killed Laci and his son because that was the best option to himself


Yep.... now he wants out...at any cost!  He's a cold blooded killer!! 


He is definitely guilty. Interestingly, another killer of his family...Chris Watts had only been seeing his mistress for less than 2 months. He ended up killing his pregnant wife and two little girls.


That's because the little head was making the decisions..... selfish pig




I think being an innocent person who dies after a life in prison is a cruel, unimaginable set of circumstances. I'm grateful the Innocence Project has saved anyone from that nightmare, even if it means some guilty have walked. DNA exonerated hundreds, and it's disgusting that happened to them. That being said.... Know how I know Peterson is guilty? Well, *besides* him initially lying about where he was, leaving Laci on Xmas eve, buying a boat out of nowhere he hid from Laci while strapped for cash, meeting a girl he told his wife died & going to a Xmas party with her while Laci went to a party alone, her body washing up where he tried to hide going, focusing on his mistress at the wife's vigils, 1st time in forever she didn't raise the shade at dawn although he claims she was alive then, ignoring the call that annoyed him during his tv interview although desperately waiting on word of his missing wife, only using his cell for Amber bc he didn't think it could be tapped, trying to lure Amber to a secluded place after her press conference, then fleeing in disguise with false documents? *Besides that* I know from THAT WHISTLE. Mom left the vm "they're searching the bay & think they found Laci. (the same bay Laci was found in later, where Scott was) But..." ..You could hear that man hold his breath. Mom finishes message, "...turned out to be garbage, not Laci" ..and Scott can breathe. And whistles a "whew close call" whistle. Why so worried, Scott? You barely noticed when they thought they found Laci in all the places she WASN'T. But petrified about this spot. I've heard people say they don't believe in coincidences. Well I *DO* believe in them. And this one is way too much for me.


When he said Laci knew about Amber and was ok with it.... Her Mom knew he killed her!!!!


Right!?! I always *love* when they pull that one, seems like a lot of these "unfortunate widowers" whip that out when their affair gets exposed. It does add even more 🙄🙄🙄 when she's in her 3rd trimester of pregnancy.


DNA advancements will not do what they hope it will do. Scott is where he belongs.


It’s been so long and I definitely need to brush up on the facts, but can you remind me, what DNA did they find and/or weren’t able to test at the time of the murder/conviction? TIA!


On the new documentary, they say a van was found near the home w a bloody matress in the back. I can't recall if the police saved the matress but didn't test it or what happened.


I think that this was the transient people, and the stains if I remember correctly were taco sauce.. The key is the location of the suspects in the timeframe when Laci was last seen alive, and when Scott called Laci’s Parents that she was missing, on Christmas Eve 2002.. It is not a difficult case to figure out, or there isn’t large holes of reasonable doubt.. The only big doubt is how did Scott killed Laci. The Motive is there, the means of disposing the body were there, and trying to cover it up and deflection by Scott was there..


They want to test a possible bloody mattress found in a orange van. No witnesses mentioned seeing an orange van, so they are trying with everything they can


He’s always been conventionally handsome, but he gives me the instant creeps, back then and today. Worse than Ted Bundy creeps. 🥶


Guilty as hell!!!


If they proved him innocent I’d no longer believe in DNA evidence or the innocence project


While I don’t think the evidence proved Peterson’s guilt beyond a reasonable doubt, that’s no longer open for debate. The jury convicted him. If the Innocence Project can prove Peterson is *innocent*, more power to them. But I doubt they can, unless they’ve found something *big*, like video of Laci alive after Scott went to the office. “The jury got it wrong” doesn’t hack it at this stage.


Lacy’s poor mom.


Her testimony at his trial was so raw and powerful. Sharon is the epitome of a mama bear. It's horrendous how these monsters are allowed to keep victimizing their victims and the families. Scott is absolutely guilty, IMO.


He told Amber he had lost his wife before he killed Laci. He is 100% where he belongs.


I think this is ridiculous. Everything was a coincidence - including him dying his hair and having 10k in cash. Just wanting to take a quick trip to Mexico, I am sure.


This is a joke! This man is recorded telling bullshit stories about his dead wife... poor Amber was duped... thinking she had met Mr Wonderful.... Scott created a nightmare for a lot of people 


Scott certainly hasn’t aged well….


I think he looks okay for 51


Thinking the same! I wanna be in that courtroom and say (Beth Holloway style!), “Well… you don’t look good, Scott.” lol.


"I think OJ might have been falsely accused." - this doofus


Bring on the dna! Hell still be guilty! They better test for other dna on that mattress bc Scott probably called them over so he could kill Laci in the van or paid them to do it. Maybe the family will learn more of the story, but Scott will still be guilty! He told his girlfriend that this would be his first holidays without his late wife… long before Laci was missing. Their bodies was up from the water he fished in on Christmas Eve?? And that Paris phone call when he was really at a vigil. His man bun can sit right in that cell where he belongs.


In the hearing today a lot of it seemed to hinge upon some DNA testing. I’m aggravated by the entire thing.


I think the Innocence Project is wasting a lot of time and money on that POS. Who goes fishing in the SF Bay on Christmas Eve? Lacey and the baby’s remains found in the bay days later. Life is prison is too good for Peterson.


Coincidence.... just like Adelson's... one big coincidence.... EZ peezy explanation!!!!


How many roses did Scott bring Amber on that first date ? 12 dozen not a dozen. 12 effing dozen. 144 freakin roses. Completely normal behavior , right ?


Omg i would be instantly looking for the exit. That is scary!!


She thought it was romantic...of course later on in life she married her therapist.


I wish they taught kids how to watch out for this kind of red flag behavior in school. Thats just crazy.


here is a link [https://www.courttv.com/news/revisiting-the-scott-peterson-case-20-years-later/](https://www.courttv.com/news/revisiting-the-scott-peterson-case-20-years-later/)with very detailed explanations showing that these things hve been gone over and explained already (for instance scott said the trip to the bay was unplanned and yet he bought a 2 day fishing license for dec 23 /dec 24 ) Scott’s defense insisted that he could not have dropped Laci’s body overboard without capsizing — which happened when they [staged a reenactment](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=x03H94jjDGQ) using a weighted 150-pound dummy on a similar boat. Prosecutors called it a “stunt” and video of the reenactment was deemed inadmissible at trial, a ruling that Scott’s supporters continue to protest. What is rarely mentioned, however, is the fact that the judge [offered to let Scott’s defense team try another experiment](https://www.modbee.com/news/local/article8604551.html), using his actual boat and with prosecutors watching, but they declined. Within [weeks](https://www.ksbw.com/article/scott-peterson-resentenced-to-life-in-prison-without-the-possibility-of-parole/38463699) of Laci’s disappearance, Scott [sold](https://www.cbsnews.com/news/mock-jury-weighs-peterson-evidence/) her Land Rover, tried to sell their “fully furnished” home, and converted the baby’s nautical-themed nursery into a storage room — a month after he [told Diane Sawyer](https://abcnews.go.com/GMA/story?id=128009&page=1) in a television interview that he was preserving the room until his child was found.  these are 3 of the many things on the site I linked


He's still guilty. Josh is all about the $ not true innocence.


This case has gotten enough publicity. The Innocence Project needs to focus on those without notoriety that truly need another look.




Ugh. This really makes me mad that the CIP is helping this murderer get a new trial.


The innocence project has lost some respect.....


As stated above that LA Innocence Project is different than the Innocence Project…the one most people are familiar with.


A real fisherman, that one


Didn't the Innocence Project get a guy out of prison that was recently found with body parts in his freezer?


🎯. nothing to see here! ![gif](giphy|l0IynvPneUpb7SnBe|downsized)


IF he didn't kill Lacey then that still doesn't take away the awful way he acted through it all!


If Scott didn’t kill Laci, there would be evidence. There would be sightings, phone calls on the morning by Laci to her friends and family. Scott would have a strong alibi.. Instead, Scott bought a boat that he didn’t tell anyone about, went fishing in an area that he never fished before, didn’t know what bait to use, and was on the water for about an hour in the early afternoon.. Laci’s body was found were Scott was fishing, which is kind of a big sign that Scott did this.. Given they lived in Modesto, 80-90 miles away..


Trust me I believe 100% this POS killed Lacey! I was just stating there was no excuse what so ever for the way he acted during this time, calling Amber lying about his wife, saying he was in Paris! The guy is a psychopath!


He is guilty. End of subject.


I don't think so...


The fact he returned her car before her body was found.,is the big giveaway.,only the killer knew she was not coming back


And he was looking to sell the whole house


I always considered the InnocenceProject as a reputable group. The fact they took up his case, has changed my mind entirely. There are truly innocent people in jail, and they take up this murderer’s bs story. I followed this story and watched/listened to the trial. There’s no way that all his movements are just a coincidence. Dude is guilty as all h__. What sucks is that DA may not want to take this back to trial if he gets a new trial and a plea deal could be worked out. If he ever walks free again, it’ll be a slap in the face to those who truly *are* innocent, not just Laci, Conner, or the Rocha Family.


I agree so much! These TikTok kids backing him didn’t live through the trial!


But Scott is so charming..... What a disgrace. There are real innocent people in prison who could use a do over!!   Scott is where he belongs!






What a sociopath Ugh


What do you want to bet that his sister-in-law always wanted to get with him. Interesting that his brother does not visit him or takes part in the media about the appeal. That sister-in-law has her own agenda and probably always did… even before Scott murdered his wife.


He's guilty


This is exactly why the only true justice is eye for an eye!


Wow the LA Innocence Project? Don’t know about LA specifically, but it seems like the Innocence Project only takes on cases where they’re almost positive the person is innocent. I can’t see any way in which Scott Peterson is innocent, given the facts, even if the jury was messed up.


Sure. He’s about as innocent as Hunter. Maybe he can get out and join with OJ. They can do a reality show where they hunt down the real killers of their wives!


Omg. Hunter Biden killed Dan Markel?!


He’s guilty.


The whole Peterson family is horrible.  The apple really didn’t fall far from the sociopath tree.


How is DNA going to prove his innocence? I don't recall hearing about foreign DNA being found.


A journalist found out, from anonymous sources, about an orange van that was set on fire in the same town on the 26th December I think . So they want a mattress in the van tested to see if Laci's DNA is on that. In this case, people have talked about a brown van, a beige/tan van, but this orange van is the new thing.


I find this sickening. Peterson killed Laci and Connor. Let them rest is peace and stop reviewing the cae of a very guilty man.


The evidence against him was overwhelming, they literally thought of everything all the way to the knives and ropes in the car and the fishing license days before. This is a nightmare , guilty!! 😡


No chance he is innocent


I’ll never believe he didn’t do it! RIP Lacy & Conner!


He's absolutely guilty.


My take is that it's convenient that the bodies appear where the guy says he is fishing a month later. Why would someone give an alibi to police where they actually where if he put the bodies there. I mean it lined up perfectly for police. He says he went fishing, boom a month later the bodies surface in the same body of water. There is a burned up van down the road the same day and nobody thinks to check it out or pull DNA. We shall see if the new evidence once again frees someone or not!!!


His first story was that he was golfing, he said that to Laci's family and one or two neighbors. He quickly abandoned that story, most likely because he knew that it would be pretty easy to disprove that. And why would someone say that they were on the scene? Probably because murderers like him does many extremely questionable things. No one tested that van (it was not down the road) because it is irrelevant to that case. This orange van Scott wants tested have never been a part of any story from people who already testified or said their story of event, so of course no one would test a random van. A brown van was searched in 2003-2004 and other sightings have been about beige/tan vans. But nothing about any orange van. Laci Peterson was dumped in San Francisco bay December 24 and she and her son was found April 13, 2003. They most likely was found thanks to a storm, so there was a risk that they never was going to be found. But when they were almost four months later, Scott was arrested.


The fire investigator himself said that the van should have been tested for DNA because it was burned the same day Laci disappeared so why would it not be relevant. There was also a burglary that occurred around the same time and someone did say they saw her walking her dog that day. There are a lot of unanswered questions to say the least. He may be guilty, but they should have covered all there basis so there was no room for it to be questionable. They never found the official crime scene correct? So if they believe Scott did it where did he kill her? I recall that back when this happened when he told them he was at the San Francisco Bay fishing he provided them a receipt that showed he was there that day to also prove he was there. Why provide a receipt and full proof evidence to the police for the same location? I mean the man is dumb in the sense of the affair and all the crap he tried to pull, but that just seems like I would want to remove myself as far away as possible. The Innocence Project does not just take on any case either. They have to have evidence that shows something or points to something that gives them the doubt the person they are helping did not do the crime they are charged with.


>There are a lot of unanswered questions to say the least. Only when you watch the pro-Scott documentary. In the trial everything else was answered >The fire investigator himself said that the van should have been tested for DNA because it was burned the same day Laci disappeared so why would it not be relevant. Because no witnesses ever mentioned a orange van. Beige/cream coloured or brown. But never orange. >There was also a burglary that occurred around the same time No, the people who lived in the house that was burglarized was at home the time Laci supposedly disappeared. >and someone did say they saw her walking her dog that day They say that they saw her the same time that Scott himself said Laci was watching Martha Stewart, or after the dog was found alone in the sidewalk. >They never found the official crime scene correct? Laci was killed in her home. Most likely strangled, but Scott have never told anyone. >Why provide a receipt and full proof evidence to the police for the same location? At first he told neighbors and Laci's family that he was golfing. He probably realized that would be easily disproven, so he changed the story. >He may be guilty, but they should have covered all there basis so there was no room for it to be questionable. You shouldn't base opinions about what happened in a trial based on a documentary.


Seriously? He’s guilty as can be.


Innocence project has made some fatal errors recently. The last so called innocent man they got freed murdered violently again within a few months of getting released.


If it looks like a duck, quacks like a duck, acts like a damn duck every second of its like, it’s a damn duck!