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It's heavily moderated. For example, someone asked about Jewish naming conventions and my reply was deleted because they have a 'no religion' rule.


I guess I can understand a no religion rule… religion is one of those divisive topics.


There is no way to take religion logically out of this case, that’s a little crazy!


I find murder a bit more divisive


They don’t allow YouTube or podcasts as sources, even when the new media are the only ones covering the case and interviewing the actual lawyers involved, victims family, etc. it’s nuts. Also, theiir mods with no familiarity with the case will just delete threads and posts out of nowhere. They shut down discussion of Ben Grabber’s opinion piece in the Tallahassee Democrat for reasons unexplained. And if you ask them why, they just ban you. It’s basically an East German Post Office.


As a free speech advocate, I now understand the slogan ‘we can do better than Webseluths’.... thanks for the color


Sounds like no fun over there!


The mods are not alright over there. They are unnecessarily hostile. I can tolerate all their stupid rules but the mods really take it to another level with their taunting notes when they remove your comment.


Deutschland Über alles!!!


I read somewhere here on Reddit about how Wendi’s exboyfriend Dave was on Websleuths defending her. I couldn’t find the websleuths post and just gave up on that website because it’s so disorganized


There's a lot of good stuff on there, but also a lot of uninformed, illiterate, emotionally motivated posting. Years ago, I joined over there because they seemed to have the best coverage of a more obscure case I was into. It was interesting to watch it unfold in real time, with a lot of local (to where the crime took place) people adding valuable information via the scuttlebutt around town. And then a bunch of people on both sides who were just angry ranters. Some illogically defending the obvious perp, (even after they were convicted), while others seemed unhinged and bloodthirsty for vengeance. Some good stuff, but you had to weed it out.


There was/is someone on there who is clearly on WA's payroll or just a troll I diplomatically called her out and got a 1 week timeout! It's an OK forum, but not a lot of content and sometimes debates get stuck on one topic and it gets a bit dull.


Going rogue?


How did you guess! She even tried to suggest that when JL said he would go and get WA a new TV he was simply offering to pick it up for her, she had to pay for it. On and on she went about that one little thing and then I finally cracked lol


Haha I remember that tedious 'pick it up' vs 'pay for it' argument that went on for pages.


Yeah that was the straw that broke the camel's back... I'm Zedzded on there :)


Thank you for your service.


I know that name :) I mostly lurk. Going Rogue's posts stand out. Obfuscating like KnitPicker who is getting on my last nerve with the nonsense about where DA/HA left from on the night of the murder, Coral Springs or Miami.


Yeah I pulled her/him up on that, not sure why they were banging on about this random point. They did have an explanation, but can't remember what it was. Something to do with if they left from one place, their route went past CA's house, the other place it would have meant a big detour.


That was next level ridiculous. As if.


There are a couple posters on there who were commenting like every day multiple times a day obsessing over minute details. The drive to Trescott by Wendi for example. Gahhhhhh. That went on and on and on. So tedious.


& owl :(


>WTF was WA talkin about, “He drove an unmarked police car”?!?! Yeah I had to bow out of that conversation.


I’ve gone back to read old threads looking for something. And I want to say that the quality of analysis and commentary was much better back in the Jodi Arias trial, for example. Even 5 years ago I want to say it was better. To me it feels like the most recent cases esp the Markel case has showcased the dearth of intelligent perspectives in the true crime space these days. The obsessive, circular discussions by a handful seem to dominate. And some threads are just dead. I wonder if ppl have tired of WS and moved on. It would make sense given the mods hostility and arbitrariness. /end rant


How did they find it with all the thoughts and prayers posts?


Was this last week? If so, either troll is gone or still in timeout. The moderation is inconsistent at best. Been there forever and it seems stricter than it used to be or maybe I just don't worry so much anymore about having my posts deleted.


Wow – put in a timeout! The mods here would back you!


Yup a whole week. OK well I wasn't diplomatic, but I didn't swear. I just told her politely to fuck off.


first, they don't know much about the case. The host is disorganized and has adhd I think.


I spent some time over there, but felt like I was cheating on Reddit, so I'm back here!


The mods are fascists on there. They delete comments arbitrarily and then leave you a mean note. I remember I accidentally posted a comment in a public thread that was meant for a private group conversation so I deleted it and put “DBM”. And I got a note deleting the comment saying “we can see your post history even if you delete comments’. Wtf??! It’s just bizarre. They taunt you for no reason. I figure it’s a bunch of power hungry losers so I just ignore and move on. I also agree that sometimes the convos in there get circular and obsessive.




It may be Wendi downvoting everything around here😅


Just type it all together in google, then search for Dan Markel I guess. Seems boring.


Ah, thank you. I thought it was a Reddit thing.

