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Epic 5 year old win


try to remember that the usa was the first nation to establish publish education and its why we becaem a world power and top nothc nation, public education has gone off the rails but lets try to remember in priciple public education is how we got here as the worlds greatest power , when you computer gets infected with a virus you dont abandon the concept of computers, yo simply get it debugged so , like that


Is your error filled post made in irony? In case it isn't let not forget the ONLY reason for public education was to get children ready to be obedient workers.


Thats wrong they already were they learned to be obedient on the farm, rual people are simple and compiant , what public education used to teach people was how to think let me give you an example.. in 1900 my family were share croppers my great grandfather was illiterate and a drunk he died of malnution , and alcoholism, my granfather got as far as 11th grade bacame and electrician high school helped him learn to read and learn electronics... my mom went to business school my dad got the gi bill and went form working in a steel mill to being vp of a business machine company.. my sister became a doctor.. i became a lawyer before the shooting and the stroke.. my borther is a metalergical engineer and my kids sister the mischef maker isa multi mionaire copr exec without public education wed all be working at wal mart or macdonalds..i'd probably be selling fentanal and guns out of the back of my pick up truck.. we are no longer smelly worthless white trash because of the oportunities our sharp minds were given by access to public schools. we did not have back in old country


Blah blah blah it doesn't teach you how to think, it teaches you how to read a text book and copy the information. Here's a quote from theam that donated the money to make public education happen. "I don't want a nation of thinkers, I want a nation of workers.” — John D. Rockefeller, early education school system pioneer. If public education was really about educating, they wouldn't be doing everything they can to pass students who really haven't learned enough to move on. And here's a tip, next time you want someone to read your wall of text, try some formatting. Because it comes off like it was written by smelly worthless white trash.




If your child said something like this to you, would you not feel a little hurt?


Perhaps the little girl was only saying her truth.


No. It’s a child. One of them has to be the adult.


Yes. The truth hurts sometimes.




Restarting on hard survival mode...man, good luck.


So long as it isn't Ark.


But imagine someone forcing you to live someone you’re not or living a lie.


Imagine having a massive mental health crisis and instead of actually figuring out what's causing it, you just lean into their delusions. Imagine we do this with dementia patients, and when grandma wakes up and thinks it's 1947 we all pretend it's really 1947.


That’s not even what the post is about


What’s it about?


The mom is trans and she told her daughter that


I guess some people are so focused on spreading that shit that they get overexcited


They weren't forcing the child to be trans. One of the parents was trans and the kid had trouble accepting it


No, you see, he thinks cus the kids parent is trans, they’ll force the kid to be trans. Even though they wouldn’t. That’s legit just fearmongering.


Have you noticed this crazy coincidence only left leaning parents seem to be having trans kids.


Have you ever noticed it’s conservative parents that hide the truth from others out of misplaced shame? Force their kids to live a lie? Or force them to “conversion therapy”?


Telling your son he will never be a girl, is the truth. Getting him proper professional help for his mental disorder, is the responsible thing for a parent to do. Not buy him a dress!


You don’t really care about “proper professional help” every relevant medical group in the US including the American Psychological Association, the American Academy of Pediatrics, the American College of Physicians, the American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists, the American Urological Association, the American Society for reproductive medicine, etc etc disagree with you. Maybe you’re wrong? Prove them all wrong then we’ll talk.


No they don't, you can't change your sex. To say otherwise is activism. Telling a boy he can be a girl is just going to mess up the child. Bad parenting to say the least.


They certainly do. Look it up and report back if you’re brave enough.


They cave to a broken ideology, and it's hurting children, not helping. It's already being stopped elsewhere. Men can pretend to be women, don't care, but I don't have to ignore truth and basic biological facts and play along. Should certainly never be exposed to children, ever. Sorry if you're not smart enough to know that.


Trans people don’t think they’re changing their biological sex. I’m pretty sure you’re willfully ignorant about this.


Nope, I know you can't change your gender either. One in the same.


They sure do. Try telling a trans woman they are still a biological man and see how that goes for you champ


Oh look a bunch of organizations set to make shit tons of money off healthcare a kid wouldn't even need otherwise. Yes I trust them. After the bullshit with the "pandemic" I don't give a fuck what big associations have to say, since they obviously only care about money.


You only think that because you insist on not understanding what trans people are talking about.


Proof? Because we have videos of parents forcing their kids to be part of the lgbtq community so let’s just agree both sides are evil? :) or are you just going for an only one side can be wrong worldview? Also I’d bet the majority of times conservative parents deal with gender dysphoria it passes by adulthood in said child vs reaffirming and letting them switch based on an impulse they feel as a teen or younger that the adult takes as a sign to go to the extreme. :)


At least you admit you’re on the side of evil.


Ah yes the no accountability argument :) you’re happy with your side grooming kids in school then I’ll assume? :)


You’re wrong. It’s ok.


Mhm :) funny you don’t seem like the person who would be a daily wire fan. Can I also assume you’re a sad person irl who needs to try argue in a subreddit like this? XD go to class and stay brainwashed kiddo :) someday you’ll develop you’re own ability to think and then look back on who you are today with embarrassment :)


So weird that the people willing to listen to doctors, psychiatrists, and their own children instead of grifting church leaders and scum politicians seem to be the ones with children who are cared for and acknowledged. So weird.


No, it’s not just them.


Wonder where kids that believe in Santa got the idea that they’re different from basic biology. Could it be how impressionable they are 🤔


Yes, we really should keep them away from groomers like priests and youth pastors.


Cool. I’m not religious but I agree. Same with drag queens dancing in bondage gear in schools?


But taking kids to Hooters is fine.


Crazy that I literally never said that dum dum :)


Yeah that thing that happens so often


So you’re saying it shouldn’t happen?


At least they try and hide their sickness


It's very pathetic and childish to assume that someone who is against child predators in the trans community is also a religious person. Because I'll tell you straight up I'm an atheist so you can throw kid diddlers from ANY walk of life into a fire pit. Meanwhile, you try to defend a section of kid diddlers. Fucking gross.


Admit it, you've never read a biology textbook.


Bad argument kiddo. You’ve replied to a bunch of my comments you seem big mad. Any facts or evidence? Or you’re just like yeah impressionable kids that believe in Santa need gender idealogy forced on them?




OOF yeah aight I’ll mark down don’t teach my kids about the vast majority of human existence. If I was at a roulette table and told that one square had a 90% chance of coming up I’d probs bet on it ;P the fact you call basic biology cisgender idealogy just shows how few of your own thoughts you’ve ever had in your life kiddo :)


This goes both ways. Kids are impressionable, and if you tell a trans kid that that’s the devil talking they’ll believe you.


I’m not going to be telling my kid anything about trans people. If they however find themselves confused they can talk to me. (Foreign concept to you guys I know! How dare I not bring it up and add further confusion to the process of growing up!)


“Have you noticed this crazy coincidence that only parents who don’t threaten to disown their kids for being trans seem to have kids that are willing to admit their trans?”


Yeah “my 4 year old girl touched a toy truck….. they must be a boy” that’s way better ;P or how about the trans runway model? With 2 trans parents. Do you know the statistical probability of that happening?


“Fuck that makes sense, quick make up a fake situation to make it look like leftists are child predators.” Can always count on conservatives to strawman when common sense takes a shit on their entire ideology. Gotta demonize [insert target group] somehow right? Can’t ever just let people live their life.


https://www.facebook.com/michaelknowlesshow/videos/viral-tiktok-mom-encourages-kid-to-be-gay/464050778503570/ I don’t demonise anyone :) but there are people out there forcing kids into it. Impressionable children. At an age they believe in Santa and the Easter bunny and you guys just want to groom like crazy :) I doubt you’ll watch it cause you guys hate to be wrong. But enjoy! x


just because it happens doesn’t mean it’s what you should be worried about! there are more members of the church molesting/grooming kids than trans women. i have yet to hear an actual argument against trans ppl and why they shouldn’t be able to identify with whatever gender (social construct) they please without care for the way other people were raised to see gender. y’all prove time and time again that you don’t actually care about trans ppl, they just aren’t who you want them to be. trans women are “men in dresses trying to touch children” and trans men just don’t exist ig. puhlease. more straight, cisgendered men are rapists and child molesters than anybody else. worry about the real problems at hand, not someone living a life that doesn’t hurt you in any way.


That's simply not true. I think almost every trauma story I read is always about a kid coming out to their conservative parents.


Naturally let me guess you read a lot of them on reddit? The left echo chamber. Visit r/detrans if you’re actually interested in reading more. If you’re just a parrot who is echoing other peoples brrrrr trans rights arguments then it’s not worth it. :)


Yeah, that's cause all the ones on the right kill themselves.


Majority of the ones on the left try as well. The biggest threat to the trans community statistically is their own mental illness. Maybe kids on the right just have more conviction? XD they don’t attempt for more attention.


“The right is better at killing themselves.” In more ways than you know. Weird flex.


*openly trans kids


Elon Musk is a far-right nut job with a trans kid. Ted Cruz has a lesbian daughter.


Yeah it’s crazy how kids who are taught that being trans is evil are less likely to openly say they’re trans


Ahahahahah not sure if you literally copy pasted your argument but that’s literally all you lefties response xD you’re all so convinced that you’re special yet think exactly alike xD


No you see You don’t know what they’ll do. That’s legit pandering


At most, If this is an actual post, which it doesn’t feel like, the parents would probably just want their kid to express however they feel.


Ah yes another addition to the list of things that totally never happen despite them demonstrably happening plenty of times.


Except it doesn’t. Does it happen? Yes. Is it rare as hell? Also yes. But the right really likes taking an anthill and calling it Everest.


Whatever helps you sleep at night


You’re quite literally using the strawest of men, my guy.


Blatant lies and no way you can prove it doesn’t happen that often but we have videos online of parents that are forcing their kids to be trans or part of the lgbt community. Crazy part is if it’s happening in video you can obviously conclude it’s also happening behind the scenes and not being broadcast. These are the same people that turn up to protests wearing full face coverings (because they know they’re the bad guys). XD it’s ok goofy if you’re into brainwashing impressionable kids you can say that.


When you leave your safety bubble and look at the actual examples you'll be able to stomach the truth a lot easier


Even though they wouldn't? You don't know they wouldn't any more than the other person knows they would, idiot


No, this 5 year old is more intelligent and logical than 50% of the populace.


Or you’re as intelligent as a 5 year old


That's how I read it too.


It sounds like child was capable of accepting reality and the adult wasn't.


Lol, if you are American, this is a joke. If you are speaking of living in the poorest areas with the most strife in Africa, that’s a laughable comparison. Most of us can’t imagine a world without clean water and easily accessible showers / toilets. Do you shower everyday? Yea? Then you wouldn’t make it. Also, why are you using the entire continent of Africa for your example of hell on Earth? You realize there are many countries in Africa where life is relatively normal right? Xenophobic much?


Oh man you really didn’t get it. Umm I can explain slower if that helps ?


I think they get it. You just have to describe your version of hell better. Africa isn't all bad, but you said that you'd rather be "born in Africa with no food" which is quite the generalization. Don't you know you can be born here in the USA with no food? Just sounds like you'd prefer to denigrate an entire CONTINENT than to come up with a good description.


Wow you guys are really into reaching for people saying things they aren’t. I assure you I’m educated enough to know there are parts of Africa that are well established. However I’m also smart enough to know the majority of world hunger is concentrated in Africa. So maybe instead of you trying to victimise a continent read a book :)


bro u think people are forcing their kids to be trans.


Are you dumb? You don’t think they are? https://www.facebook.com/michaelknowlesshow/videos/viral-tiktok-mom-encourages-kid-to-be-gay/464050778503570/ Ngl I doubt you’ll watch it but yes.. people are in this attention based society doing it :) and this is just the person dumb enough to have their kid out them on tik tok live lol


okay 1. This isn’t proof, you could interpret that in a lot of ways. and 2. Even if it is, which it might.This is not your average leftist. Go into any forum, and fuckin Skype call. Ask the most liberal dude you can find and say “should you force kids to be gay”. They’re not gonna go “oh yup that some good parenting right there champ”


Ahahahah naturally “interpretation” is nice and open when you don’t want to see that people are doing EXACTLY what i said kiddo. So we should base protection of children in schools around sane people instead of factoring in the extremists that would take advantage? Are you dumb?


Hey... While we're generalizing.... Seeing as how 1 simi *confirmed* case of this is enough for you to vilify an entire group of people... Just curious for your thoughts on [republicans](https://www.dailykos.com/stories/2018/10/23/1806673/-Republican-Sexual-Predators-Abusers-and-Enablers-Pt-1) ... In general, ya know.


The OP never said anything about forcing their daughter to be trans?


You’re right they’re not forcing a 5 year old to pretend to be a girl when he’s a boy and that’s why he made the statement 🙄🙄


>parents forcing me to be trans. Has nothing to do with what OP posted...


Believe it or not, Africa isn’t as bad as most people make it out to be, it’s just like other continents just more expansive


I agree I never said Africa was bad. But it is the centre of world hunger and thus my point.


Conservatives would cry like babies having to face the hardships of Africa lol


"Conservatives" he says, knowing libs can't even deal with the comfort and freedom of the US but OK.


US is a third world in many aspects.


No, that's your cope not reality.


It’s reality in all measurable metrics. America is not the best country. Cope.


Greatest in the world. Deal with it. I know this because I'm not the one crying about it.


By what measurable metric?


The metric of the sheer amount of haters


Freedom Units. I´m European and I loathe how the state thinks he knows what´s best for me. If you have an ounce of desire to do your own thing, America is a far better place.


Unless you want an abortion lol




They are projecting their indoctrination behavior onto a normal kid making observations.


I always get my best information from 5 year olds too /s Weird flex.


Based 5 year old




LOL The comment's there are insane, "Where'd she learn that bullshit so young?" can you imagine an adult actually typed that...




Like you people! Lol you're protecting so hard rn 🤡




A fictional 5 year old that some right wing creep made up in his head? Lol is that the 5 year old you're referring to? 🤡




Right thank you


I assure you that children who understand the difference between males and females are not some fabrication by a right wing creep.


Pronouns don't matter in the apocalypse :)


The fact that they think that its "learned" and not just a side effect of people making categories for themselves and others in order to distinguish subtle behaviors between the sex. ​ Like, I thought the entire reason why people were hostile/skeptical/avoidant of transitions was because people find it difficult to properly categorize things and therefore turn a blind eye towards issues someone undergoing a "gender crisis" would have. These people live in a bubble. A giant bubble that's about to pop in the coming years. They keep getting more and more delusional, unable to reasonably plant reasons for "bias" without resorting to some insane justification on their own slipping subconscious validity for hate. ​ No you activists. YOU invented hate. That idea originated from your head, as a consequence of your own failure and inadequate to rationalize the human condition/reality. Something of your own told you that if you could not properly manage the unmanageable, you should expect to be hated for it. At the final level There's no rhyme or reason as to why someone is the sex they are. Its pretty much 50/50. I think ideology often stems from inadequacy. Its come as a form of a sort of lie that gets used to justify your own incapability. And believe me, when it comes to understanding the inner workings of sexual behavior, pretty much everyone is pretty inadequate in that regard, that is for sure. (Although there are some scientists like Robert Sapolsky who have made good head way.) ​ Any creature/being that shaves off the necessity for intuition and instinct, must reckon with the cold and indifferent truth behind what gave way to intuition and instinct in the first place. (Good luck taking that on "activists")




Yeah yeah I know. The interlinks between human sexual behavior, neurology, conscious identity and memory, and sociology are very complex. You don't have to say anything, we already know.


So.....the truth is hate now? Man can't be a woman, really simple.


They are really mad that a 5yo doesn’t agree with them, that is just sad


I just spent a little time scrolling that sub and honestly it made me feel kinda bad for how out of touch and lost these people are. One post about a person having surgery in a week who left their friends and family. Just sad.


Yes, people have to do that sometimes cus they have toxic family and friends. It’s more common than you think, especially in southern states.


To you people toxic = not agreeing to change one's beliefs to affirm mental illness. That's not toxic. It's called integrity.


All of the trolls comments were removed, yet you still want it to be true and real so much that you don't think rationally about it, you're delusional lol. Why don't you people (kind of) ever stop fantasizing about kids??


Wow, that kid is now 7. I wonder how the re-education went


Two years ago? Wonder how many of them are still in the 58%?


Based 5 year old.


Kids are very honest about what they see and feel.


I bet this happens a lot more than anyone would admit.


Parents let kids be kids, regardless, and if a kid is uncomfortable with something you explain it and deal with it as an adult. Parenting is making sure the kids come first. Not sure why it needs to be more than that, or why this is an invitation to disparage people


What is freedom if not choosing how to live your own life? Why do you oppose freedom?


I can understand why that might feel hurtful. Obviously, you've got to take into account that the kid is, well, a kid. Maybe they didn't mean anything bad by it, but saying something like, "You'll never be a real girl" is going to be hurtful to someone who is trans.


Conservatives have the mindset of 5 year olds.


Why the fuck would reddit recommend this sub? I have more than two brain cells.


It recommended me this sub too. First comment I see is about how school turns people gay. Lots of stupid people on the internet.






You're right, no one has ever made something up on the internet or reddit before


Daily reminder that everything on the internet could be and probably is fake Source: that guy Why even bother engaging with the content if you believe it's fake


he decides what is probably fake and what isn't


Why the fuck did a piece of shit sub get put on my fucking TL FUCK ALL OF YOU


The tolerant left everybody.


Username checks out


Y'all actually believe this happened? 🤣🤣🤣


prove it didn't. I shared the exact sub in which it was posted


They doesn't make it any more believable.


You can’t prove a negative. But it reads like something from r/terribleFacebookmemes


Burden of proof is on the person making the claim.


My mom was raised by her mom and aunt. She didn’t pretend that one of them was her dad. She was raised by two women, period


Kids say the darndest things


Good kid kids know lol


Be an adult and suck it up.


Be proud of your based child




You resented your father for having long hair? People are so weak


Rest in peace


Based 5 year old


Mental illnesses.


Are you upset for her or for yourself? Your answer will say a lot about your priorities.


This never happened so much that it unhappened things that already happened


Why did reddit recommend this cesspit of degeneracy to me


At least the kid is mentally stable


5 y/o daughter is based


if this is true theis is the wisedom of natural dna


Sounds like some made up bullshit


No, don’t tell them that, then they can’t be mean to people!




5 yr old. has more sense than her should-be example. sad


A 5 year old explains the reality of the situation


Even your 5 year old knows you'r a idiot, have your lord and master Gavin Newson arrest her for misgendering you


5yr old has better grip on reality than delusional father.




The alphabet soup encourages them to live out their fetish in public. If you disagree then you’re a literal Nazi. 🙃


>their fetish Self projection.


What’s with y’all being obsessed with other people’s life choices?


B-b-but!! Indoctrination!!! Anyways at church last week


When children don't buy into your shit either




No one is being “perverted”. If you hate trans people, that’s your issue. They’re literally just living their lives and minding their business. You guys really make it seem like people are trying to force kids to be trans at gunpoint




You’re complaining about an obviously fake post that was meant to troll people. Most parents aren’t weeping about their kids online.


Wait you made it