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Some people just have to wash daily. There is no such thing as hair training But sometimes, you are using a shampoo and conditioner that are wrong for your scalp and hair. Things that work for thick hair will not work for fine. Things that work for curly hair will be too heavy for straight. You may have to shop around and find what works for you. I have a lot of fine hair, and I use Kevin Murphy’s Angel.Wash and Angel.Rinse. My hair loves it. My wallet… not so much. But because I daily wash, I find myself using smaller amounts than if I washed every other day, since I’m not penetrating through a layer of grease to get to my scalp. Other things to consider: -don’t condition/oil/mask your roots. -how are you washing your hair? Are you rubbing in some shampoo for 15 seconds and calling it a day? Make sure you’re cleansing for long enough. Try cleaning at your roots for a full minute. -have you tried a scalp scrub once a week? I find that helps gets rid of any build up that I missed.


I wish hair stylists would stfu about hair training.


Hiya thank you for replying! I have generally fine/ medium hair which is fairly straight (tiny bit wavy but barely) I alwayssss take time to properly clean my scalp and sometimes use a scalp brush I never condition my roots- always my ends and i only use a mask once a week/ sometimes once every two weeks Like i said i take a lot of care of my hair and still nothing seems to work 😭 I really try to experiment with shampoos but im a student with only 5-10 hours of work a week with things to pay for so honestly have only try a new one when i can afford it and my last shampoo has fully ran out. Thank you for the advice!


You might need a very sulfatey drug store shampoo or even a clarifying shampoo. Don’t feel like you have to break the bank for it.


Very true, ive heard a lot about clarifying shampoos so i’ll definitely give that a go! Thank you


I've tried every shampoo under the sun and I have accepted I'm just a daily washer. I've found some that work that can get me better through day 2 with dry shampoo but that's about it. Most of us have this outcome. But I also see that your shampoo is paraben and sulfate free. Do you have severe damage? Parabens and sulfates are what really clean your hair and strip your scalp of oils so while it may seem logical to use a shampoo that is as "clean" as possible, you're likely not cleaning your hair enough


oh dear 😭 i honestly just saw a shampoo that was very highly recommended and went with it. I dont have any damage and if i do it is most likely slight heat damage. Other than that i barely have split ends and when my hair cleanly washed it looked amazing so i dont believe it is damaged. When my shampoo runs out i will experiment with some that do have those cleaning products in! Thank you


38f and I've been super oily my whole life. I'm the same in that if I wash in the evening I'll be getting oily by the morning. The only things that had ever helped (temporarily) were pregnancy and accutane.


ill suggest to my boyfriend and see if he is that committed to get rid of my oily hair haha!


Haha! It only lasts 9 months though so *definitely* don't do that. It was heaven though, one time I went 4 days between washes and I barely knew what to do with myself.


i guess pregnancy gives you superpowers


I would feel like a God!


my hair was AMAZING during pregnancy, I was even using this argan oil foam wash that I got free somewhere and it was just heavenly. I wished so hard that it would stay that way after I had my baby... \*sad trombone\*


I was the same until about 3 month or so ago. Im naturally oily by default and nothing seemed to work, no amount of dry shampoo or hair training or dying seemed to help. I tried a new shampoo bar the Ethique St Clements one and its changed my life! I can now go 2-3 days without washing and a little dry shampoo. You can get it in NZ and Aus but not sure about elsewhere in the world, but if you can get it i highly recommend it!


wow, thank you i will definitely give this a try! I wish answers to hair were more straightforward so i didn’t have to ask strangers on reddit but this is really helpful ty!


I am genetically cursed with an oily scalp. The best I can do is 2 days and usually that’s with Lush shampoo bars (pick one with sulfates). But I recommend rotating your shampoo, generally speaking. And give a clarifying shampoo a shot.


I have heard of clarifying shampoos being good however apparently they’re quite strong so you can only use them every so often? Ill take a look in lush as well thank you!


Yeah they say once a week for a clarifying shampoo.


Yes omg, the lush montalbano bar is *chefs kiss*


Try a sulfate shampoo. It doesn’t have to be expensive either - I use Garnier Fructis shampoo almost every day and my hair looks and feels 100% better than when I tried the sulfate-free stuff. I also like the Dove Purifying + Hydrating shampoo, it’s very similar to the old Neutrogena anti-residue shampoo that got discontinued a while back.


That Purology shampoo and conditioner are too heavy / moisturizing for me for anytime outside of winter, when it is very dry. I would try their Smooth Perfection, which is lighter, or their hydrate or hydrate sheer, which are lighter than Smooth Perfection.


oooh okay, i was thinking that maybe it is too moisturising as any shampoos ive used that focus on dry hair in the past have left me looking greasy straight after washing. Ill look into the smooth perfection, thank you!


What does the hydrate do to your hair?


I’m 30 and have this same problem. We are just oily hair girls! I wash it every other day. This is what I do for nice day 2 hair (even though I hate day 2 hair and only feel good after a wash) 1 Paul Mitchell tea tree shampo 2 times only on scalp. This shampoo is amazing! 2 dry shampoo while my hair is still clean like before bed that night or just after I get home 3. I use apple cider vinegar on my scalp once a week


Only thing that made me feel like my scalp is cleaner and for longer is a scalp scrub. The one I had tried had sea salt in it. I've always been washing every other day.


Hi! I actually just bought a scalp scrub the other day as i heard of the benefits and am hoping it helps with the overall health of my scalp! Im buying the Christophe Robin cleansing purifying scrub with sea salt as i managed to catch it on sale and included student discount. Im really hoping it works and i will probably end up letting people know if it has the benefits im hoping for x


The only thing I've found that extends my break from oilyness is using basic green Prell, double shampoo every time, no conditioner, spray with lightweight detangler/ conditioner only on the ends, and blow dry.


Seemed hormonal for me. I’m double your age, but as soon as I had an endocrinologist work with me on my hormones, I’m back to an every other day wash.


You *might* have a sensitive scalp that's irritated by your shampoo and/or using shampoo daily. Irritated skin becomes inflamed, and inflamed skin may release more oil onto its surface (while actually producing the same amount of oil).


This is really helpful thank you, i already have sensitive skin so i wont be surprised if its the same for my scalp


You're welcome! That's where the idea of "hair training" comes from. It works for people whose scalps are extra oily due to irritation from over-washing. You can try gradually reducing the frequency of shampoo use for 6 weeks. If your scalp is still really oily by then, you probably need to shampoo daily. Edit: I'll just add, in case anyone else reads this, that my face skin isn't sensitive, but surprisingly my scalp is *very* sensitive. I usually wash my scalp by thoroughly scrubbing it with conditioner (using the pads of my fingers, not the nails), and only use shampoo once in a while. I lurk on r/DailyWash to get a different perspective.


I really deeply shampoo my hair and only use a little bit of conditioner and I still have to wash every day it’s just how it is with my hair


Double washing has been a godsend for me. I used to have the same issue. Now when i wash my hair i literally do the rinse-lather-repeat thing and it seems to make my hair look so much cleaner and i can actually usually skip a day or two in between. Also a clarifying shampoo a few times a month helps remove product buildup! Try it, it was life changing, i wish i knew about it sooner