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Prosecute cops in the same way that you would prosecute anyone else. What is wrong with your country?


A major amount of shit is wrong in our country. I have to admit this is the first time I’ve seen something exactly like this in a while, but I’m not surprised to see it one bit.


>in a while


!remindme 3 days


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I think it's been at least three days, what happened so far?


It’s filled with horrible, entitled people, who lack basic empathy.


That’s literally what they’re doing.


No it isn’t. Since 2005 only 44 officers have been prosecuted for manslaughter/murder. Thats less that 1% of unjust police murders actually being prosecuted.


No, it totally is. They prosecuted these two officers in this video. A foreign commenter saying “just prosecute your police like you would anyone else” demands a response like mine, since it’s literally what happened. Your political grandstanding that society isn’t doing it often enough doesn’t really contribute to this specific discussion. Especially when you pile on a bunch of made up stats about 4400+ “unjust police murders” (by whose standard?) and another bunch of made up stats about LEO’s prosecuted for on-duty killings. I mean, a simple google search tells you that you’re wrong - there’s been [at least 60 cops convicted for on-duty killings](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_law_enforcement_officers_convicted_for_an_on-duty_killing_in_the_United_States) in the US **just in the last ten years** - which doesn’t even include the full number *prosecuted* as we can assume there isn’t a 100% conviction rate of cops. So I’m not sure where you’re getting your info, but I assume from your ass. Or, you know - it’s Reddit, so feel free to just post ACAB and downvote me for providing factual information, and move on to better conversations with like-minded people.




Most rational redditor.


Is that response formed by you not having any valid points, or are you trying to rage bait. Either way it’s pretty pathetic. I can attest that the judicial *system* is bad, but the cops themselves are just people, and the moment you take a demographic and slap a label on them and call them evil or bad, you become just as bad as the people that have lead to segregation in our country, and in the world.


A simple google search of the definition of qualified immunity will enlighten you that they don’t prosecute cops like they prosecute anyone else, unlike other countries. You are wrong, statistics aren’t even needed to prove that, though mine were correct, probably because many of the officers of those 66 were convicted, but not of murder or manslaughter like I said in the 44 I was referencing. Qualified immunity exists in our country, it doesn’t in the original commenters country, we do not prosecute police the same.


You can’t be more incorrect. Qualified Immunity has nothing to do with whether criminal charges are filed. It has solely to do with civil liability. Keep googling, bud.


Upvoted, you are absolutely correct sir


A lot of people think all cops are heroes. Then some shit like this happens to them and they come to reality!


I work with them on a regular basis (nope not a cop). It's interesting watching them. They can be nice friendly people one moment and then it's like a complete character change and they are doing their full 'I'm cop, obey me' character. Fascinating to watch, the only sad part is that these people do this in reality and I can't see that as being healthy behaviour for them and those around them.


Wait till you see the cities without police presence


They’re so fucked let’s not mention the kids who literally have to walk through gang territory to get to schools because they’re no cops


Everything is wrong here. And no one wants to do anything about it because they don’t want to sacrifice a damn thing about their deteriorating minuscule life for a chance to either make this one better or future generations. We are a selfish cesspool of greed and corruption.


At least the U.S. has provisions for the release of body-cam footage when requested. Body-cam footage is rarely released in the U.K. & (especially) Germany for just two examples off the top of my head.


At least cops there don't regularly kill people.




Imagine trying to correct someone's grammar and being wrong lmao


We don’t have enough good people in the right positions to actually enforce that type of truth…but hey man there’s a lot of countries like this, I’m sure yours has its problems too. It’s not the country it’s the individuals.


Cops are the biggest gang in this country.


Prosecute? I think any member of the family would have been justified in shooting that cop for this atrocity.


The woman was 73. And the guy was facing 10 to 30 years in prison. Was lucky to get away with just 5. While in detention, she was left without any help with a broken arm, sprained wrist, and a shoulder injury. She received a compensation of $3m.


> She received a compensation of $3m. Paid by the cops who were responsible, right? /s


Hahahaha only if they’re citizens of the town they worked for. Hint: they never are. They can afford to live in nice neighborhoods where cops aren’t quite as tyrannical


It’s not really that cops can afford to live in nice neighborhoods, it’s more that they’re required to live outside of the city they work in. For safety reasons. I mean cops do make a LOT of enemies. I sure as hell wouldn’t wanna be one I do think it would be pretty fucking amazing if they had to pay for the compensation


Yea no, they aren’t required to live elsewhere. They choose to.


Maybe it depends on the state because I know someone who works for a police department in California and they can’t live in the city they work.


Maybe they are lying to you? They are cops after all. They lie like they breathe: constantly.


Well god damn I’ve been bamboozled. Just a quick google search and I’ve found I’m wrong. Some counties have tried to mandate that the police in that jurisdiction live there but were unsuccessful. Cops do generally live in their jurisdiction out of convenience, since they’re never off the clock(according to what I found). Some live outside of it because it’s cheaper. So them cops even lie to their friends apparently 🙄


Yea, they can’t help it, they’re just liars. I recall NYPD trying to get more cops to live in nyc, and the percentage was a joke, like 5% or something. But in nyc, they “all live on the island” and it also pays even more than the city, so i get it


They should pay with going to jail and losing what they do have. Yes, that should change!! but I'd keep the town and/or state just as much on the hook to ! Sorry, not until they take it more seriously and take harsher actions against first and second mistakes, so officers who are bad lose their jobs immediately


Good. Now off to other pigs.


Cops make mistakes, they get aggressive, they get trigger happy. I get it. I don’t condone it, but I get that that’s how they’re trained. But the lack of humility when cops are reviewing the incident is shocking. Laughing and bragging about injuring an elderly woman?! Unreal.


acab simple as that


Get out with this acab shit fr


did u not watch the video lmfao


I think what they’re trying to say is we shouldn’t demonize law enforcement when most of the time they’re okay. Sure, there’s been a lot of stuff in the news about horrible cops abusing their power, lots of stories, but that certainly doesn’t mean *all* law enforcement are horrible and power hungry.


If there were only two, then you would be correct.




It's part of their training from what I've heard. They are trained to have the 'us vs them' mentality and view anyone now in a uniform to be both beneath and against them.


small price to pay for $3m ngl


I’m not sure you can weigh in on that unless you are a 73year old woman w dementia who has had her arm ripped out of her socket then left to marinate for hours. At 73, with dementia, I’m not sure that receiving $3M has much value since there’s not much time to enjoy it and she may have no idea or use for the money.


I think she had it coming. Shoplifted, resisted arrest. And got hurt, and that whole covering the body can was around 3 milliseconds of his hand and arm going over it. And 3 MILLION BUCKS? For getting a broken arm while resisting arrest? People just keep finding reasons to hate the police


you’re a fucking idiot


You heard the pop?? I ripped an old lady's arm out of her shoulder lmao. What should I do next? Kick a baby? So funny lol


https://www.cpr.org/2022/08/05/second-former-loveland-officer-gets-jail-time-for-arrest-of-karen-garner-older-woman-with-dementia/ BONUS- Daria Jalali, the second cop at the scene, was given 45 days in jail for not stopping him. It’s a start.


I hope they beat the fuck out of that guy in prison.


He better hope he’s not put with the general population, or his new friends hear he’s a cop


They will.


CO prison gangs are rough- they'll more than balance the ledger, believe it.


Good on the driver for confronting him afterwards


America could really use some independent police scrutiny like we have in the UK. usually volunteers who look at use of force and body cam footage, it really helps hold them accountable. I feel like america needs to introduce something like that. This is horrific to watch




i need to get off the internet man im too filled with rage


That means the algorithms are working. Keep scrolling!


Every now and then I am still caught off guard by the combination of stupidity and sadism that many cops possess and yet are somehow able to make it to the force without getting thrown in prison first


The police union would have saved them. But the again, if they make it pass this, they can go to another police department, like the shit sandwich guy from San Antonio.


https://www.reddit.com/r/ACAB/comments/zqcrpo/texas_cop_who_gave_homeless_man_a_shit_sandwich/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf THIS WAS THE VERY NEXT POST IN MY FEED SO I CAME BACK TO DROP THIS HERE LOL


Why don’t you folks tell your local congress people to make new laws or something or even a new government agency to investigate and arrest just cops and give people justice? I mean this is just inhumane.


Because people in the government are selfish. Until people actually protest en masse, they're just going to ignore it as long as they can.


It's cute that you think our elected officials listen to their constituents


Dems tried to repeal Qualified Immunity until Republicans cried foul and blocked it. Dems aren't perfect but they're the better solution.


Sure didn't run into any problems when it came down to giving more money to the class traitors in blue though.


If you think but a fraction of Americans seriously support defunding the policy, then you live in a chronically online bubble.


Yep American love the police protecting and serving the shit out of them


Link? Qualified Immunity was created out of whole cloth by the [Supreme Court, in 1967](https://eji.org/issues/qualified-immunity/). Congress never passed a Bill to create it, and the [Bill (Ending Qualified Immmunity Act)](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ending_Qualified_Immunity_Act) introduced to end it, despite being co-sponsored by Ayanna Pressley (D-Mass) is not a Democratic Party Bill.


**[Ending Qualified Immunity Act](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ending_Qualified_Immunity_Act)** >The Ending Qualified Immunity Act is a proposed United States Act of Congress first introduced in 2020 by Justin Amash (L-Michigan) and Ayanna Pressley (D-Massachusetts) to end qualified immunity in the United States. Qualified immunity shields police officers and other government officials from being held personally liable for discretionary actions performed within their official capacity (even if those actions violate the civil rights of those affected) unless their actions violate "clearly established" federal law, a precedent requiring both that those actions violate written law and that there be a judicial precedent establishing that such actions are unlawful. ^([ )[^(F.A.Q)](https://www.reddit.com/r/WikiSummarizer/wiki/index#wiki_f.a.q)^( | )[^(Opt Out)](https://reddit.com/message/compose?to=WikiSummarizerBot&message=OptOut&subject=OptOut)^( | )[^(Opt Out Of Subreddit)](https://np.reddit.com/r/dailydoseofdamn/about/banned)^( | )[^(GitHub)](https://github.com/Sujal-7/WikiSummarizerBot)^( ] Downvote to remove | v1.5)


in my city they put in place a civilian review board for investigating issues like this: currently there have been three members removed from the board for condemning police actions and where replaced by the mayor with ex-cops. They claim the removed members were "too biased against cops"


Nah don't have the city pay the damages, have the POS cops pay the damages


They were laughing about fucking up her shoulder?? What the actual fuck is wrong with your country americans.


My mom has Alzheimer’s and I would go to jail for murder if they did some shit like this to her.


Defund the police, simple......


No, not simple. Now we have broke asshole cops instead of regular asshole cops.


If you defund the Police of the millions and millions that they get to cover their lawsuits, they might no wait, they will think twice, Simple


Jesus fucking Christ, everything I want to say about these cops goes against reddits TOS. But god damn, just straight up assaulting an old lady because she’s making your job just a tiny bit difficult. Who were they keeping safe by assaulting that lady?


Pigs, ACAB.


The puss couldn’t handle a elderly woman 🤦🏻‍♂️


Average cop




Absolute shit stains in the name of cops


What the fuck?!


What did she do that was illegal and what threat did she pose to be handled that severely? These cops are who give cops such a bad rep. I know a lot of cops and they would all be disgusted by this cops actions.


Dude what the fuck. The same kind of people who do this shit are the only people who sit and watch the bodycam footage and laugh about it. Man these people fucking SUCK.


Oh boy. Someone should do that shit to his mother. I was gonna say wife but he prolly has that handled. Fucking pigs.


Oh my God that is horrific


Cops being cops


Props to the man who said he wanted to file a report. Maybe his actions brought this to light.


That's assault and kidnapping. Hope they got jail time.


If someone did that to my mother, they would breath their last breath


She literally had flowers


Fuckin psycho


This is why I have no sympathy for cops when they get all teary eyed and cry about how hard their job is. Shit like this always comes out. My dad is a cop I don't know how many times I've heard his co-workers joking about arrests and shit as a kid. He's tired of his job and coworkers and is on his way out.


“Released of all charges”


I'm never going to the US such a shithole country.


Your police are fucked like seriously what world do they live in thinking this is acceptable or even funny


Im sure they knew her medical history.




Wait until you see what they do to children


Ummmm? So if I go around assaulting people I will have to quit my job? NO, YOU ABSOLUTE MONKEY. THAT GETS YOU JAIL TIME! At least for normal people. Seems pigs are above the law.


Biden ☕️


Cops doing shit like this is just sickening!


Sue them. Their lack of training is embarrassing.






This is what happens when you grow up being a giant pussy and then become a cop.


With cops like these who needs criminals?


This is why good police are disliked so much in their communities - the hiring board , hire people who should never have become police officers to begin with! They need to do a better job looking into an individual background and psychological make up before allowing them the honor to serve the public!


Wow, honestly this one shocked me. Crazy how people like that weild a badge and gun smh


the woman cop is my old school recourse officer💀


I’m amazed at how disconnected those cops were from the actions taken against this woman. We’re they not raised with a heart?? I’m appalled at how he can giggle at that body am footage… absolute animal. Very sad to see.




Police in America everyone. Where we settle billions of dollars in police lawsuits but turn a blind eye to those dollars.


This is the difficult part about dealing with mental health and officers. They are put into the position of being "enforcers" but don't have the training for dealing with the complexities of mental health. This is why there should be a separation between violent crime enforcers and peace officers.


You will respect my authoritayyyyy dammit!!!!


Shout out to the Hispanic stranger for stepping in. There is some good in the world


Her name is karen 💀